tools for reduction of mechanical systems ravi balasubramanian, klaus schmidt, and elie shammas...

Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

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Page 1: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

Tools for Reductionof Mechanical Systems

Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas

Carnegie Mellon University

Page 2: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics2

Motivation: Two Mass System

Two masses on the real line:


Set A: Two 2nd order

differential equations

Set B: One 1st order and one 2nd order

differential equations

Equations of Motion:

– Two sets of equations, but same solution.– When can we do such a simplification (reduction)?– What tools to use?

Page 3: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics3


Fiber Bundle– Projection map– Lifted projection map

Decomposition of Velocity Spaces– Vertical and Horizontal Spaces

Principal Connections– Example on

Mechanical Connections– Momentum map– Locked Inertia Tensor– Local Form

Page 4: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics4

Fiber Bundle

A manifold with a base space and a map is a fiber bundle if:

A fiber Y is the pre-image of b under

Property of : for every point b2B 9 U 3 b such that:

is homeomorphic to

Or locally

If locally Y is a group, Q is a principal fiber bundle. If Y is a group everywhere, Q is a trivial principal fiber bundle.


Page 5: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics5

Lifted Bundle Projection Map

Two-mass System– Choose as fiber, as base space.

Page 6: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics6

Velocity Decomposition

Vertical Space

Horizontal Space

Two mass example

Why do velocity decomposition?– Understand how fiber velocities and base space velocities interact.

Page 7: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics7


Fiber Bundle– Projection map– Lifted projection map

Vertical and Horizontal Spaces Principal Connections

– Example on

Mechanical Connections– Momentum map– Locked Inertia Tensor– Local Form

Page 8: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics8

Principal Connections

Definition: A principal connection on the

principal bundle

is a map that is linear on each tangent space such that



Page 9: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics9

Connection Property 1

Page 10: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics10

Connection Property 2

Page 11: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics11

Principal Connection on

Choose as the fiber, as base space.– Projection and Lifted Projection

Page 12: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics12

Left Action on Fiber

Action (Translation)

Trivial to show group properties for .– Thus, the fiber is a group.– Q is a trivial principal fiber bundle.

Page 13: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics13

Group Actions on Q

Group Action of G on Q: Translation along fiber

Lifted Action of G on Q

Page 14: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics14

A connection on

Choose a connection of the form

Need to verify if satisfies the connection properties.

Page 15: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics15

Connection: Property 1

Exponential map on :

Generator on Q

satisfies Property 1.

Page 16: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics16

Connection: Property 2

In , is the Identity map.(1)

LHS(1) = RHS(1) =

In , is the Identity map.– Why? No rotations, and Body velocity = Spatial Velocity.

satisfies Property 2.

Thus, is a connection.

Page 17: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics17

Velocity Decomposition


Definition: Horizontal Space

Thus, and decompose into components.

Vertical and Horizontal Spaces in

Page 18: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics18

Velocity Decomposition: Illustration

Page 19: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics19

For this example, the connection is arbitrary; Mechanical systems use a specific connection.

If , then:

Motion only in base space.

Motion only along fiber.

Motion in base space and

induced motion tangent to fiber.

Motion only along fiber

If , then:

Velocity Decomposition: Interpretation

Page 20: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics20

define connection based on conservation of momentum

Momentum Map

Locked Inertia Tensor

Mechanical Connection

Reconstruction Equation


Mechanical Systems

Connections for mechanical systems:

Page 21: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics21

Momentum Map


with , and

Physical Intuition: is

momentum of the system

representation in spatial coordinates

: natural pairing between covectors and vectors

: for mass matrix and :

Page 22: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics22

Two-mass example

Two masses on the real line:


Mass Matrix:

Generator for Lifted map

Page 23: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics23

Example: momentum map

Note: is indeed the momentum of the system

in spatial coordinates

Page 24: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics24

Body Momentum Map


with , and

Physical Intuition: is

momentum of the system measured in the

instantaneous body frame

representation in body coordinates

Page 25: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics25

Example: body momentum map


Note: is the momentum of the system measured

in the body and represented in body coordinates


Page 26: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics26

Locked Inertia Tensor


with and

Physical Intuition: is

inertia of the locked system

all base variables are fixed

representation in spatial coordinates

Page 27: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics27

Example: locked inertia tensor

Note: is indeed the locked inertia of the system

(for fixed)

Page 28: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics28

Intuition: Mechanical Connection

Compute Lie-Algebra velocity such that the locked system has the momentum


Page 29: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics29

is the map that assigns to each the spatial Lie-Algebra velocity of the locked system such that the momentum in spatial coordinates is conserved:

Mechanical Connection


: locked inertia tensor

, : (Body) Momentum Map

Definition: Body Connection

Page 30: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics30

Example: mechanical connection

We are ready to compute


Page 31: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics31

Example: velocities

Vertical velocities:

Horizontal velocities:

and Recall

Page 32: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics32

Example: velocities

movement along the fiberwithout movement in the base

Movement in the base induces movement along the fiber

Page 33: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics33

Local form of the connection

Proposition: Let be a principal connection on .

Then can be written as


is called the local form of the connection

only depends on and

is the group velocity at the origin


Page 34: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics34

Example: local form

Page 35: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics35



General Case:

Zero Momentum:

Page 36: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics36

Take home message

1) Connection explores system from momentum viewpoint.

2) Decomposition of Velocities using and

- Can compute induced motion in fiber from base


Set B: One 1st order and one 2nd order differential equation

Page 37: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics37


Principal Connections

Mechanical Connections

Reconstruction Equation

- zero-momentum case

Next talk:

- symmetries: reduced lagrangian

- evaluate general reconstruction equation

- introduce constraints (holonomic and nonholonomic)

- define reduced equations of motion

Page 38: Tools for Reduction of Mechanical Systems Ravi Balasubramanian, Klaus Schmidt, and Elie Shammas Carnegie Mellon University

February 2004 Center for the Foundations of Robotics38

Choose someLet

Note thatDefineThus,

In general,

Note that

Thus, Define


Horizontal Space


Definition: Horizontal Space