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Tools & Strategies to Increase Board Trust Scottsdale, Arizona January 10, 2018 Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation 2018 Winter Symposium 1 Tools & Strategies to Increase Board Trust Debbie Rough-Mack How do YOU define Trust? In pairs, discuss behaviors or examples of trust. Some definitions “Assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.” -- Merriam Webster “To believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you, or that something is safe and reliable.” -- Oxford English Dictionary

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Tools & Strategies to Increase Board Trust Scottsdale, ArizonaJanuary 10, 2018

Council on Licensure, Enforcementand Regulation 2018 Winter Symposium 1

Tools & Strategies toIncrease Board Trust

Debbie Rough-Mack

How do YOU define Trust?

In pairs, discuss behaviors

or examples of trust.

Some definitions

“Assured reliance on the character, ability,strength, or truth of someone or something.”

-- Merriam Webster

“To believe that someone is good and honest andwill not harm you, or that somethingis safe and reliable.”

-- Oxford English Dictionary

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Tools & Strategies to Increase Board Trust Scottsdale, ArizonaJanuary 10, 2018

Council on Licensure, Enforcementand Regulation 2018 Winter Symposium 2

Our capacity to trust is not static butdynamic. It expands and contracts as it is

updated by our positive and negativeexperiences.

Source: Reina & Reina (2006)

Three Types of Trust

1. Contractual – trust of character

2. Communication – trust of disclosure

3. Competence - trust of capability

-- Dennis & Michelle Reina, 2008, Trust and Betrayal in the Workplace

1. Contractual Trust“trust of character”

It means you will dowhat you said youwould do. There isa shared understandingof common goals anda clear, mutualexpectation of fulfillingroles and responsibilities.

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Tools & Strategies to Increase Board Trust Scottsdale, ArizonaJanuary 10, 2018

Council on Licensure, Enforcementand Regulation 2018 Winter Symposium 3

Behaviors that foster Contractual Trust:“trust of character”

Manage expectations

Establish boundaries, define roles

Delegate appropriately

Help & support each other’s goals

Honor agreements

Be consistent

2. Communication Trust“trust of disclosure”

It means frequent and

honest communicationwith good purpose.Generally, if you’re

not sure whether

you should or should not

communicate, you should.

Behaviors that foster Communication Trust:“trust of disclosure”

Share information

Tell the truth

Admit mistakes

Give and receive constructive feedback

Maintain confidentiality

Speak with good purpose

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Tools & Strategies to Increase Board Trust Scottsdale, ArizonaJanuary 10, 2018

Council on Licensure, Enforcementand Regulation 2018 Winter Symposium 4

3. Competence Trust“trust of capability”

It means being ableto rely on someoneto complete a specifictask properly.

It involvesrespecting peoples’knowledge, skills& abilities to do a job well.

Behaviors that foster Competence Trust:“trust of capability”

Respect people’s knowledge, skills andabilities (give people latitude to do theirjob)

Respect people’s judgment

Involve others and seek their input

Help team members learn skills

What are some strategies andtools that can cultivate TRUST?

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Tools & Strategies to Increase Board Trust Scottsdale, ArizonaJanuary 10, 2018

Council on Licensure, Enforcementand Regulation 2018 Winter Symposium 5

Strategy: Establish clear protocolsfor team interaction

Helpful Tools:

• Charters

• Job descriptions

• 6 Ps

• Decision-making model(s)

SIX P’s for Work Teams(Adapted from Gottsendeiner, Ellen, You Know When It’s No There: How Trust Enables and Enhances Collaboration, Cutter Journal, 2007.)

Focus Question Define Publicly

PURPOSE Why do we exist? • Mission• Goals

PARTICIPANTS Who is involved? • Roles• Stakeholders• Experts

PRINCIPLES How should we functionas a group?

• Guidelines for participation• Group norms• Decision-making process• Communication agreements

PRODUCTS What should weproduce?

• Work products• Resources• Dependencies

PLACE Where and how will wegather and work?

• Location• Calendar

PROCESS When should thingshappen and in whatorder?

• Activities• Order of Steps• Concurrencies

Let’s try this tool:

Decision-Making Worksheet

• See Decision-Making Worksheet forevaluating options

• Review CSD example

• Let’s try a portion of this tool: Whatcriteria should we use for making thisdecision?

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Tools & Strategies to Increase Board Trust Scottsdale, ArizonaJanuary 10, 2018

Council on Licensure, Enforcementand Regulation 2018 Winter Symposium 6

CSD Decision CriteriaCriteria Option A Option B Option C

1. Does it advance the business goals of thedepartment and the agency?

2. Will it improve services to externalcustomers (perception)?

3. Will it improve services to internalcustomers (perception)?

4. Is it in the best interest of the citizens ofthe state?

5. Does it solve more problems than itcreates?

6. Is it practical and realistic?

7. Is it consistent with our organizationalvalues?

8. Does it include an implementation plan andfollow-up strategy?

Let’s try this tool:

Decision-Making Worksheet - criteria forevaluating options

In your table groups:

You are members of a Board who will becreating a policy, including possible sanctions,for professionals and their use of social media.What criteria should be considered in makingthis decision? Try to form your criteria asquestions.

Come up with at least five.

How does agreeing on decisioncriteria develop TRUST?

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Tools & Strategies to Increase Board Trust Scottsdale, ArizonaJanuary 10, 2018

Council on Licensure, Enforcementand Regulation 2018 Winter Symposium 7


Johari Window

Joseph Luft & Harrington Ingham (1955)

Strategy: Create opportunities toopen your Johari window

Helpful Tools:

• MBTI, Strengths Finder or other styleassessments that value differences

• Values exercises

• Personal history stories

• Self-assessments/Group assessments

Let’s try this tool:

Values WorksheetIndividually, take a few minutes to review thelist of values and definitions and circle thosewhich resonate with you. Narrow your list toyour top three.

How do you know these are your top values?How have they shown up in your life and work?Have a conversation with others at your table.

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Tools & Strategies to Increase Board Trust Scottsdale, ArizonaJanuary 10, 2018

Council on Licensure, Enforcementand Regulation 2018 Winter Symposium 8

How does talking about personalvalues develop TRUST?

Strategy: Use transparency tools toshow differences & invite discussion

Helpful Tools:

• Stand for visual impact or continuum

• Dot vote

• Thumb vote

• Individual or group self-score of talents

• Prioritizations, rankings

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Tools & Strategies to Increase Board Trust Scottsdale, ArizonaJanuary 10, 2018

Council on Licensure, Enforcementand Regulation 2018 Winter Symposium 9

Reviewing and Prioritizing Topic Areas – May 11, 2009Participants were asked to prioritize topics. Each was given 1 red dot (most passionate about);and 2 green dots (still important!). Here is how the group prioritized topics:

LicensingDefinitionsWho needs to be licensed? ApplicationInitial License

ProgramActivity ProgramMaterialsStaff InteractionsBehavior ManagementEvening CareField TripsVehicleParent Communication

StaffingStaff QualificationsRatios/ SupervisionStaff Development

Health and NutritionHealth Care Plan /policiesInfectious DiseaseMedication ManagementNutritionFood ServiceDrinking & Eating Equipment

Safety and Environment

How does transparency helpdevelop TRUST?

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Tools & Strategies to Increase Board Trust Scottsdale, ArizonaJanuary 10, 2018

Council on Licensure, Enforcementand Regulation 2018 Winter Symposium 10

Strategy: Use tools to invite“safe,” productive disagreement

Helpful Tools:

• Talking stick

• Thumb vote

• Six hats

Source: Peter Block, The Empowered Manager

Get your most important stakeholders on the side oftrust

Healthy to have a mix of:

oAllies who fuel our vision, andoOpponents who bring out the best in us.

Disagreement is actually an accelerator, providedthat it happens in a relationship of trust. Nevermistake a lack of agreement with a lack of trust!


A little disagreement is a good thing…

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Tools & Strategies to Increase Board Trust Scottsdale, ArizonaJanuary 10, 2018

Council on Licensure, Enforcementand Regulation 2018 Winter Symposium 11

Six Hats Discussion(Adapted from the work of Edward de Bono)

Let’s try this tool:• What information do we have here?• What information is missing?• What information would we like? How can we get it?

• What are your gut feelings about this?• What do you fear, like, dislike about this?

• What would this cost?• Could we regulations this?• Is this practical? What about maintenance?• What are the risks?

• What are the benefits of each option?• Why is this proposal preferable?• What are the positive outcomes of this?• How can we make this work?

• Are there any other ideas or alternatives here?• Could we do this in a different way?• What are some creative possibilities?• What might we try?

• What is our focus here?• What is our big picture goal?• What process would we need to consider?

Let’s try this tool:

Six Hats Discussion in table groups

You are members of a Board who will be consideringlicensing issues for professionals who are known to haveused, or do use cannabis.

1. Each person at your table will wear a different “hat”during your brief table discussion.

2. Read the handout, and jot down some thoughts in theworksheet section that corresponds to your hat.

3. The blue hat will facilitate the discussion. All hatwearers should have the chance to give input.

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Tools & Strategies to Increase Board Trust Scottsdale, ArizonaJanuary 10, 2018

Council on Licensure, Enforcementand Regulation 2018 Winter Symposium 12

How does having a Six Hatsdiscussion develop TRUST?

• Establish clear protocols for team interaction

• Create opportunities to open your Johariwindow

• Use transparency tools to show differences &invite discussion

• Use tools to invite “safe”, productivedisagreement

In Summary:

Strategies to increase Board trust

BibliographyThe following resources helped shape this presentation:

• Campbell, Mary, “Making Decisions that Solve Problems and Move GroupsForward.”

• DeBono, Edward, Six Thinking Hats: An Essential Approach to BusinessManagement, 1999.

• Fraser, Dr. Wendy, research and presentations on trust and trust repair.

• Gottsendeiner, Ellen, “You Know When It’s Not There: How Trust Enables andEnhances Collaboration”, Cutter Journal, 2007.

• Hock, Dee, Birth of the Chaordic Age, 1999.

• Kouzes, James and Posner, Barry, The Leadership Challenge, 5th Edition, 2012.

• MindTools,

• Reina, Dennis S. and Reina, Michelle L., Trust & Betrayal in the Workplace:Building Effective Relationships in Your Organization, 2008.

• Seeds for Change,

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Tools & Strategies to Increase Board Trust Scottsdale, ArizonaJanuary 10, 2018

Council on Licensure, Enforcementand Regulation 2018 Winter Symposium 13

Strategies & Toolsfor developing