top 10 apologetics books -


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Reasonable Theology’s ten most recommended Apologetics books include titles from Ravi Zacharias, Lee Strobel, Greg Koukl, Norman Geisler and other Christian apologists.


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The Handbook of Christian Apologetics

This comprehensive guidebook provides answer to many common questions regarding the Christian faith. This book does a great job of identifying and summarizing objections while offering answers in an approachable and succinct manner.

Topics covered include God’s nature, miracles, the problem of evil, objective truth, and many more. The Handbook of Christian Apologetics is recommended to those seeking answers as well as those looking to better equip themselves to give them.

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Jesus Among Other GodsRavis Zacharias is perhaps the best known Christian apologist of our day, and many are familiar with RZIM, his apologetics ministry. This text describes the author’s journey to becoming a Christian, defends the truth of the Christian message, and dismantles the postmodern idea that all religions are equally true.

In each chapter Zacharias clearly presents a claim made by Jesus Christ as recorded in Scripture and compares that to the claims made by other world religions, particularly Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.

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The Big Book of Christian ApologeticsA well known proponent of

Christian apologetics, Geisler has assembled an extensive and comprehensive guide that covers practically every important area of defending the faith. This encyclopedia of apologetics clearly details various philosophies, answers objections, and explores many Bible difficulties.

The author’s 50 years of experience teaching apologetics and the benefit of his many other written works are compiled into this nearly 700 page volume. This reference book should be in the library of every Christian interested in apologetics.

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The 10 Most Common Objections

To ChristianityWhile believers receive a wide range of questions from both seekers and skeptics, McFarland has concentrated on ten of the most objections to the Christian faith. Each chapter covers a different objection and give a clear and detailed response to each.

Topics covered by The 10 Most Common Objections to Christianity include the reality of God, creation, the authenticity of the Bible, the deity of Jesus, salvation, alleged Christians hypocrisy, and suffering. The topics covered in the book succinctly address many of the common challenges Christian face. The book also includes a 12-week study guide for small groups.

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The Apologetics Study BibleThis Holman Christian Standard study Bible includes helpful commentary throughout the Old and New Testaments, highlighting both Scriptural answers to commonly asked questions as well as detailing how false religions twist particular passages to fit their teachings.

This study Bible features over 100 articles and boasts contributions from apologists such as Chuck Colson, Norm Geisler, Hank Hanegraaff, Josh McDowell, Albert Mohler, Ravi Zacharias, J. P. Moreland, and Phil Johnson. Additional resources include profiles of historic apologists, detailed charts, maps, and comparative breakdowns of other religions.

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The Apologetics Study BibleThis short classic has been updated for a new generation of seekers and provides clear evidence for why Christians believe Jesus to be the Son of God. With over 10 million copies in print worldwide, this book is especially valuable in introducing non- or new-believers to the claims of Christianity.

More Than a Carpenter not only lays out a convincing argument for the Christian claim that Jesus is Lord, it also clearly presents why and how this truth should affect the life of the reader. Possessing a rare combination of intellectual defense and evangelical witness, More Than a Carpenter is an invaluable resource for introducing others to Jesus.

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Mere ChristianityOriginally given as a series of radio broadcasts in England during WW2, C.S. Lewis’ classic book beautifully explains and defends the beliefs of Christianity. The short text lays out the reasonableness of the Christian worldview and theology, and has proven to be an eye-opening journey for countless readers.

While many of the other books on this list give detailed analyses of objections and evidences for the claims of the Bible, Mere Christianity focuses on the rational basis for coming to faith in Christ. This is a must-have for those looking for clear answers to deep questions.

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The Case For Christ

Those who have an interest in apologetics have very likely read one or more of Lee Strobel’s works. This skeptic-turned-believer examines the historicity of Jesus as an investigative journalist, and interviews a dozen authoritative believers from a variety of disciplines.

This easy to read paperback provides a valuable introduction to the reliability of the Bible and the historical evidence for the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. There is a reason that you will rarely encounter a recommended apologetics reading list that does not include this or another work from Lee Strobel.

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The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict

This 760 page book provides an extensive defense of the faith and provides readers with a ready defense across a broad range of topics. Though many will find this selection most useful as a reference rather than reading it cover to cover, it is among the most complete resources for those interested in studying, teaching, and defending the reasons for their faith in Christ.

The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict is broken up into four sections and covers the reliability and historicity of the Bible, the case for belief in Christ, the case for Christianity, and an examination of competing worldviews and religions.

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TacticsWhile the other books in this list assist greatly with what to discuss with others, Tactics focuses on how to defend your Christian convictions to others with confidence. Koukl gives several ‘tactics’ to assist believers in sharing the truth and reliability of the Gospel and the Christian worldview.

These methods allow you to keep the conversation going, avoid hostility, and deftly point out flaws in a person’s thinking with grace and compassion. Greg Koukl’s Tactics serves to equip new believers, longtime Christians, and budding apologists with the tools they need to defend and promote the Christian faith.

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10. The Handbook of Christian Apologetics9. Jesus Among Other Gods8. The Big Book of Christian Apologetics7. The 10 Most Common Objections to Christianity6. HSCB Apologetics Study Bible5. More Than a Carpenter4. Mere Christianity3. The Case for Christ2. The New Evidence That Demands a Verdict1. Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions