top 10 tips for marketing your book


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Post on 10-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Top 10 tips for marketing your book
Page 2: Top 10 tips for marketing your book

Identify your target audience.

Once you understand what age group and demographics will be reading your book, you can use marketing techniques to target your audience.

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A well designed website is an essentialtool for advertising your book and your image as an author. The website should be using

responsive web design to make it easily navigable from mobile devices.

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Social media sites are effective ways to spread the word about your book. They

are useful tools for mentioning upcoming media coverage and promotions. Read more here about social media author promotion.

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Blogs are an effective and easy way to reach readers and buildup your fan base. Avoid posts solely on your book’s plot line.

Instead, incorporate posts about your book’s theme or setting. Make your posts informative and fun.

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Guest blog posts are a great way to get exposure. Write a guest blog post for a popular

blogger that relates to your genre. This will increase your visibility because the blogger will already have a wide fan base that will see your post.

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Many top selling self-published or indie authors are discovered through book competitions. Winning a book contest can generate

significant publicity. It’s a great way to get your name out there and make viable connections.

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Media can be the best tool for your bookmarketing. Establish relationships with local media

outlets, like your local radio station, newspaper and television station.Learn about our past media placements for book publicity.

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Connect with your readers by building an e-mail list. Make it easy to sign up for a newsletter from your website and blog. Use your newsletter list to inform readers about your next public appearance, a new blog post, recent media coverage, or book promotions. Services like iContact, MailChimp and Benchmark Email are easy to use and track your mailing list’s performance.

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Conferences and trade shows are the perfect places for establishing connections. You can connect with publishers,

distributors, book reviewers, booksellers, and readers.

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Book review sites, like Amazon, are effective tools for marketing your book. Reviewers, book

buyers, and readers all reference Amazon for book reviews. Enhance your standings on Amazon by asking 20 of your friends to write honest reviews.

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Smith Publicity Inc. is a book marketing services organization. Founded in 1997, the company has helped leverage the visibility of

thousands of books and authors across various genres. The company is a leader in the book marketing industry, helping books achieve high statuses such as being mentioned among the best sellers list on The New York Times, securing widespread media coverage with radio, newspaper, magazines, and reviews.
