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Top 5 Photographs Photograph 2

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Post on 03-Jul-2015




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Top 5 PhotographsPhotograph 2

Page 2: Top 5 photographs new

This photograph is focused on the model and

her outfit/make-up. I’ve decided to choose this

photograph because I like the over all content of

the photo there's not too much going on in this

photograph, the camera is mainly focused on the

model which is the key concentration point of the

photograph. The colours are bright and

everything is standing out in some way, her eye

make up is done using brown eye shadow to

make her blue eyes stand out more. You can

easily notice a lot of movement in this photo for

example the fact that her hair are blown away by

the wind. The lightning is a middle key lightning.

The lightning used is not an artificial lightning it

is a natural lightning. The background is blurry

because the camera settings were set to make

one thing stand out the most which is the model

everything else is blurry which adds up depth of

field to the photograph. This effect makes the

photo rather interesting and makes one thing

stand out to set the viewers eye on one thing.

Page 3: Top 5 photographs new

The reason why I’ve decided to choose this

photograph is because I like the fact that she looks

so mysterious she’s standing with her hands in the

pockets looking in the other direction as if she’s

waiting for something to happen. I think that when

a photograph looks mysterious it creates an

interesting story behind it. The lightning in this

photograph is a middle key lightning. The outfit is

quite casual but it matches the theme (parka coat)

the scarf is just an extra addition to brighten the

mood and make the photograph a bit more

colourful and interesting. The camera settings are

set on auto-focus so that it’s easier to capture the

photograph in the right way (camera focused on

the model) background is blurry which creates a

depth of field. The theme chosen was Freedom

and Strength, how does this photograph matches

the theme? First of all the picture was taken in in

the park, the place which is surrounded by trees

etc. nature is one of the characteristics of freedom

and strength in my personal opinion. Second of all

the mise en scene relates to the theme for

example the parka coat or even the way her hair

are styled, they’re not styled using some

complicated techniques or difficult hair styles no,

they’re just simply pinned to the side and I’ve let

them do whatever they feel like doing, if they are

blown away by the wind, that’s fine because nature

(wind) is one the characteristics of freedom and

strength, the photo looks more interesting, and

spontaneous, nothing has been over done.

Page 4: Top 5 photographs new

The reason for choosing this photograph as

one the top 5 photographs which from later I’m

going to make the final decision, and choose

one and final photograph for the fashion

spread, is the fact that this photograph seems

to be an appropriate and one of the most

interesting and successful photographs I’ve

taken. The mise en scene in this particular

picture mostly concentrates on the scarf which

she’s wearing, whilst one of the connotations of

the theme is the parka coat the scarf

completely changes the appearance, it still

matches the theme. However the bright pink

scarf brightens the mood up and makes the

photograph rather interesting. I wanted my

model to look interesting I wanted something in

the photograph that would catch the audiences

attention and the pink scarf is doing it’s job

right. The lightning in this photograph is the

middle key lightning. Once again this

photograph has been taken in the park which

matches the theme. The camera is mainly

focused on the model and makes her really

stand out, the background is blurry which

creates a depth of field also the camera is

zoomed in, so that we can’t see her legs just

mainly concentrate on her face, the emotions

on models face are really important when

annotating the photograph, in this case she

looks calm, she’s staring into space as if

looking out for something. However she does

look calm.

Page 5: Top 5 photographs new

I’ve decided to choose this photograph as one of

my main 5 photograph, because I believe that this

photograph could be possibly my final photograph.

Why do I think this? First of all lets look at the over

all structure of the photograph. The lightning is a

middle key lighting, it’s still pretty dull but that can

be easily changed using Photoshop . The facial

expression is as I would call it, what you would

usually see in a fashion spread or on a magazine

cover. Facial expressions convey the emotional

state of someone, so by saying that this is what

you would usually see in a fashion magazine or a

fashion spread, I’m saying that this particular facial

emotion is what you would usually see on a

models face while she’s modelling. Why? Because

she doesn't look upset but also she doesn’t look

happy, this facial expression can fit in with

whatever theme someone chooses, this facial

emotions conveys with all the other emotions you

can’t really tell from her face right now weather

she’s upset or not, it’s just a facial emotion you

would usually see on a model’s face. Another thing

to discuss about how it fits in with the theme? The

theme Freedom and strength fits in with the

background (park) and yet another thing that fits in

with the theme in this photograph is mise en

scene: The coat the model is wearing is a bit of a

military clothing. Military clothing itself conveys the

theme of strength and freedom. The camera

focuses on the model, even though the

background is blurry which creates the depth of

field, we can still see that the background slightly

changes, you can see something I’s call a path

which can take you somewhere, I believe that this

creates a story which clearly makes the

photograph a lot more interesting.

Page 6: Top 5 photographs new

I’ve decided to choose this photograph as one of

my main 5 photograph, What I like about this

photograph is definitely the depth of field, which

has created in the background. The photograph is

directly focused at model, she is the main focus in

the camera. I really like the way she’s looking at

the camera, her facial expressions. I think that,

might be the reason to choose this photograph as

one of my 5 photographs to choose from. The

lightning in the photograph is middle key lightning

it’s not the light, so I’ll definitely would have to use

Photoshop to change this. However in my option

the over all intentions of capturing the theme in the

photograph have succeeded, therefore I’m very

happy with this picture.