topic 3 thermal energy and heat

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  • 7/29/2019 Topic 3 Thermal Energy and Heat


    . 1

    Temperature: measures the thermal energy of an object.

    Heat: flow of thermal energy between objects with different


    Types of Heat Transfer

    conduction, convection, radiation

    R-values for home insulation

    Temperature and Phase ChangesHeating water and hurricane example

    Thermal Efficiency of Heat Engine

    Why thermal energy is "low-quality" energy!

    Topic 3: Thermal Energy and Heat
  • 7/29/2019 Topic 3 Thermal Energy and Heat


    . 2

    Motivation: Coal-fired Power Plant

    Order the types of energy that occur in a coal-fired power plant from

    start-to-finish. (4-digit answer)

    (a) electrical (b) chemical (c) thermal (d) mechanicalWhat approximate percentage of the original energy in the coal is

    "lost to heat" in a typical power plant?

    (a) 25% (b) 60% (c) 95%

  • 7/29/2019 Topic 3 Thermal Energy and Heat


    . 3

    What is Temperature?


    The molecules in hot air move than in cold air.

    (a) slower (b) faster

  • 7/29/2019 Topic 3 Thermal Energy and Heat


    . 4

    Celsius Scale

    40 C = 104 F

    35 C = 95 F30 C = 86 F

    25 C = 77 F

    20 C = 68 F

    15 C = 59 F

    10 C = 50 F

    5 C = 41 F

    0 C = 32 F

    REALLY hot dayH2O Boils

    100 C


    Freezes0 C 32 F

    212 F

    Room Temp.

    Water Freezes

    Which temperature scale is more sensitive?

    (a) Fahrenheit (b) Celsius

  • 7/29/2019 Topic 3 Thermal Energy and Heat


    . 5

    Types of Heat Transfer

    Conduction: Vibrations of atoms/molecules transfer heat.

    (Atoms/molecules do NOT move from one region to another).

    Convection: Air molecules move from hotter to colder regions.

    Radiation: Objects radiate infrared electromagnetic waves, where hotter

    objects radiate more energy.




  • 7/29/2019 Topic 3 Thermal Energy and Heat


    . 6

    Types of Heat Transfer

    Choose the type of heat transfer for each of the following examples:

    When the sun shines through windows into a room and the room

    temperature rises.

    When hot air rises to higher altitudes.

    When the Earth's atmosphere is warmed by the sun's rays.

    (1) conduction (2) convection (3) radiation (3-digit answer)

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    . 7

    Heat Transfer and R-values

    The R-value of a material is calculated from how it transfers heat.

    R-values depend on the type and thickness of material.If the thickness doubles, then the R-value doubles.

    R-values of wall components are added together.

    To make a better insulated wall, you should build it with material that

    has a ________ R-value.

    (a) higher (b) lower

  • 7/29/2019 Topic 3 Thermal Energy and Heat


    . 8

    Total R-value of a Wall

    What is the total R-value for this wall? (2-digit answer)


    R = 0.5

    Plywood +

    ShinglesR = 1.5


    R = 20

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    Temperature Changes for Water

    Specific heat (heat capacity) measures how much heat energy is required

    to increase the temperature of 1 kg of a substance by 1 C (or 1 K).

    It takes 1 kcal to heat 1 kg ofliquid water by 1 C.

    It takes about 0.5 kcal to heat 1 kg of solid ice or gas vapor by 1 C.

    Which water phase has a higher heat capacity?

    (a) liquid (b) gas vapor

    Which water phase will have a smaller temperature increase if you add

    10 kcal of heat?

    (a) liquid (b) gas vapor
  • 7/29/2019 Topic 3 Thermal Energy and Heat

    10/31. 10

    Temperature Changes for Water

    If you heated 0.3 kg of water (volume of a soda can) from 20 C to

    100 C, then what is the heat added in kcal (same as food calories)?

    Remember that it takes 1 kcal to heat 1 kg of liquid water by 1 C.

    If you heated 4 kg of water (~1 gallon) using 160 kcal of heat energy,

    then what would be the temperature increase of the water (C)?

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    Phase Changes

    Watch this animation to review states of matter of water and

    the energy changes associated with changing state.

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    Phase Changes for Water

    ICE: Molecules vibrate in a crystal structure.

    Liquid: Molecules move but are still attracted toeach other.

    Gas/Vapor: Molecules move fast and are far apart.

    Which phase is less dense? (a) Ice (b) Liquid Attraction due to

    charged atoms.

    H+ H+


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    Phase Changes for Water

    What happens when ice cubes at 0 C are heated to 105 C?

    Select the steps in the order that they occur. (4-digit answer)

    (a) Ice at 0 C melts.

    (b) Water vapor heats up from 100 to 105 C.

    (c) Liquid water heats up from 0 C to 100 C.

    (d) Liquid water at 100 C evaporates and becomes a gas (vapor).

    Do you think each step above requires the same quantity of heat?

    (a) yes (b) no

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    Phase Changes for Water

    During phase changes, the temperature remains constant until enough

    energy has been added to complete a phase transition.

    Which phase change requires more energy?

    (a) ice-to-liquid (b) liquid-to-vapor

    Temperature vs. Heat Added for 1 kg H2O

    Liquid to Vapor



    0 C

    100 C


    Heat Added0 80 kcal 180 kcal 720 kcal

    Ice toLiquid

    change = 540 kcal

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    Phase & Temperature Changes for Water

    Rank the energy changes for these steps from highest to lowest, i.e.,

    the first choice will have the highest energy change. (3-digit answer)

    (a) Step 1: Ice at 0 C melts to become liquid at 0 C.

    (b) Step 2: Liquid water heats up from 0 C to 100 C.

    (c) Step 3: Liquid water at 100 C evaporates to vapor at 100 C.

    Liquid to VaporLiquid


    0 C

    100 C



    Heat Added0 80 kcal 180 kcal 720 kcal

    Ice toLiquid

    change = 540 kcal

    Step 1Step 2

    Step 3

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    Phase & Temperature Changes for Water

    It takes 1 kcal to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water by 1 C, but only

    0.5 kcal to raise the temperature of 1 kg of ice or water vapor by 1 C.

    Also, it takes 80 kcal to melt 1 kg of ice sitting at 0 C,

    and 540 kcal to evaporate 1 kg of liquid water sitting at 100 C.

    How many kcal are required to evaporate 2 kg of liquid water at 100 C

    How many kcal are required to raise the temp. of2 kg ice by 20 C?

  • 7/29/2019 Topic 3 Thermal Energy and Heat

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    Water Evaporation and Condensation

    The energy required to evaporate 1 kg of water is _______ the

    energy released when 1 kg of vapor condenses into liquid.Assume that the water is at the same initial and final temperatures.

    (a) less than (b) equal to (c) greater than

    Condensation =

    Liquid droplets

    Evaporation =

    Humid Air

    & C f C

  • 7/29/2019 Topic 3 Thermal Energy and Heat

    18/31. 18

    Phase & Temperature Changes for Cooling Water

    A sample of water vapor at 110 C is cooled to 90 C.

    The overall process is: (a) endothermic (b) exothermic

    In what ORDER do the steps occur for this process? (3-digit answer)(a) cooling of liquid water

    (b) cooling of water vapor

    (c) condensation of water vapor to liquid water

    Rank the ENERGY changes for these steps from highest to lowest.(3-digit answer)

    (a) cooling of liquid water by 10 C

    (b) cooling of water vapor by 10 C(c) condensation of water vapor to liquid water

    H i W E i d C d i

  • 7/29/2019 Topic 3 Thermal Energy and Heat

    19/31. 19

    Hurricanes: Water Evaporation and Condensation

    What features of the hurricane did you see?

    Hurricane Wilma movie (2005)

    H i N C diti
  • 7/29/2019 Topic 3 Thermal Energy and Heat

    20/31. 20

    Hurricanes: Necessary Conditions

    WARM ocean water temperatures (> 80 F)! (stores ENERGY!!)

    LOW PRESSURE core (creates circulation of moist air).

    Hurricane Katrina (2005)

    red = 85 to 95 F

    H i Ai M t

  • 7/29/2019 Topic 3 Thermal Energy and Heat

    21/31. 21

    Hurricanes: Air Movement

    Hurricane Animation

    of Air Movement

    Why does a hurricane have a spiral or rotating shape?

    (a) Coriolis force (due to Earth's rotation) (b) Meniscus force

    H i POWER!
  • 7/29/2019 Topic 3 Thermal Energy and Heat

    22/31. 22

    Hurricanes = POWER!

    Energy released via RAIN (condensation)

    In one day, assume about rain falls over a

    400-mile radius (~20 trillion kg H2O).

    Multiply by the heat released during

    condensation (600 kcal/kg or 2500 kJ/kg)

    Equals power of about 600 TW !!!

    How many times greater is this hurricane

    power than worldwide power consumption?

    (a) 2x (b) 10x (c) 40x

    Grey (1981) via Chris Landsea (NOAA) - PBS NOVAscienceNOW site

    600 TW !!!

    Th d i

  • 7/29/2019 Topic 3 Thermal Energy and Heat

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    Laws of Thermodynamics

    1. Energy is conserved.

    Energy can change forms, but is neithercreated nor destroyed.

    2. Disorder (or entropy) increases for a

    spontaneous process.

    Which is higher quality energy?

    (a) electrical (b) thermal

    Can 100 kJ of thermal energy be

    converted into 100 kJ of electricity using

    a "heat engine"?

    (a) yes (b) no

    High QualityEnergyLow Entropy

    Low QualityEnergyHigh Entropy

    H t E i d M i Effi i

  • 7/29/2019 Topic 3 Thermal Energy and Heat

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    Heat Engine and Maximum Efficiency

    A heat engine extracts mechanical or

    electrical energy when material flows

    between hot and cold reservoirs.

    Maximum efficiency e of heat engine:

    Temp. in Kelvin (add 273 to temp. in C)




    T1e LESS than 1(or 100%)

    To increase the efficiency of a heat engine, the temperature difference

    between the hot and cold reservoirs should be: (a) smaller (b) larger

    C l l ti f M i Effi i

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    Calculation of Maximum Efficiency

    Calculate the maximum efficiency of an engine operating between

    27 C and 227 C. (Format = 0.XX )

    T in Kelvin (add 273 to C)

    If this engine extracted a total energy of 200 MJ from fuel, then how

    many MJ of energy could be used as mechanical energy?





    H t E i i C

  • 7/29/2019 Topic 3 Thermal Energy and Heat

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    Heat Engine in a Car

    Order the types of energy in a car engine from start-to-finish.

    (a) thermal (b) chemical (c) mechanical (3-digit answer)

    Only 15% of gas energy isused to move the car!

    Tire Losses = 5%



    Air Resistance


    Friction = 3%






    Engine Friction = 18%

    ThermodynamicLosses = 62%

    Energ "Losses" for Car

  • 7/29/2019 Topic 3 Thermal Energy and Heat

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    Energy "Losses" for Car

    Rank from highest to lowest the following energy losses for an

    automobile: (3-digit answer)

    (a) Thermodynamic losses of a heat engine(b) Air resistance OR braking OR tire resistance (all about equal)

    (c) Engine friction

    Tire losses5%



    Air Resistance5%






    Engine Friction18%

    Thermo Losses = 62%

    Car Energy Efficiency and Safety

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    Car Energy Efficiency and Safety

    Fuel efficiency usually requires lighter, less powerful cars.

    "Weight may be desirable in a steam roller, but nowhere else!" - H. FordBUT, what about safety?

    What is more important to your safety in a car crash?

    (a) weight of car (b) size of car

    Car Safety

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    . 29

    Car Safety

    Nationwide crash data confirm that SIZE confers SAFETY !

    Therefore, we need moderately sized cars that are also lighter!

    What is size related to that is important in a crash?(a) stopping distance (b) braking efficiency (c) crumple zone


    Same SizeReduceWEIGHT

    Reduce SIZESame


    350 more fatalities

    600 fewer fatalities

    Weight Reduction of Cars

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    . 30

    Weight Reduction of Cars

    Lightweight carbon-composite crush structures can absorb 6 to 12 times

    as much energy per kg as steel!

    Have you ever been involved in a car accident that resulted in some

    body damage to the car? (a) yes (b) no

    Damaged Golf


    Eco Driving to Save Energy!

  • 7/29/2019 Topic 3 Thermal Energy and Heat


    Eco-Driving to Save Energy!

    To increase gas mileage, drivers are starting to practice eco-driving.

    Boost your gas mileage 20 to 40% by utilizing these techniques:

    Moderately accelerate from a stop.

    Try to avoid braking by coasting to traffic lights.

    Drive about 60 mph on the highway. (lower air resistance!)

    Do you minimize braking by anticipating traffic stops and lifting up

    on the accelerator? (a) yes (b) no

    Do you have other ideas about how to improve gas mileage?

    Be a "feather foot" driver!!