topic 4: waves reagan ib physics - · ib test review – topic 4: waves reagan...

IB Test Review Topic 4: Waves Reagan IB Physics 1/28 1. The graph below shows the variation with time t of the displacement x of a particle undergoing simple harmonic motion. Which graph correctly shows the variation with time t of the acceleration a of the particle? (1) 2. On which one of the following graphs is the wavelength λ and the amplitude a of a wave correctly represented? (1) Displacement Displacement Displacement Displacement 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a a a O O O O Distance along wave Distance along wave Distance along wave Distance along wave A. B. C. D.

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IB Test Review – Topic 4: Waves Reagan IB Physics


1. The graph below shows the variation with time t of the displacement x of a particle undergoing simple harmonic motion.

Which graph correctly shows the variation with time t of the acceleration a of the particle?


2. On which one of the following graphs is the wavelength λ and the amplitude a of a wave correctly represented?






















Distance alongwave

Distance alongwave

Distance alongwave

Distance alongwave





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IB Test Review – Topic 4: Waves Reagan IB Physics


3. A wave is travelling through a medium. The diagram shows the variation with time t of the displacement d of a particle of the medium from t = 0 to t = 25 ms.

Which of the following correctly gives the frequency and the amplitude of the wave?

frequency / Hz amplitude / cm A. 2.0 u 10–2 2.0

B. 2.0 u 10–2 1.0

C. 50 2.0

D. 50 1.0 (1)

4. Which graph correctly shows how the acceleration, a of a particle undergoing SHM varies with its displacement, x from its equilibrium position?












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IB Test Review – Topic 4: Waves Reagan IB Physics


5. For a system executing simple harmonic motion, the restoring force acting on the system is proportional to the

A. displacement of the system from equilibrium. C. elastic potential energy.

B. amplitude of oscillation. D. frequency of oscillation. (1)

6. A cart, connected to two identical springs, is oscillating with simple harmonic motion between two points X and Y that are equidistant from point O.

The cart is in equilibrium at

A. all points between X and Y. C. points X and Y only.

B. point O only. D. points O, X and Y only. (1)

7. The graph below shows how the displacement x of a particle undergoing simple harmonic

motion varies with time t. The motion is undamped.

Which of the following graphs correctly shows how the velocity v of the particle varies with t?


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IB Test Review – Topic 4: Waves Reagan IB Physics


8. The graph shows measurements of the height h of sea level at different times t in the Bay of Fundy.

Which of the following gives the approximate amplitude and period of the tides?


9. Which of the following graphs shows the variation with displacement x of the speed v of a

particle performing simple harmonic motion.


10. A particle oscillates with simple harmonic motion with period T.

At time t = 0, the particle has its maximum displacement. Which graph shows the variation with time t of the kinetic energy Ek of the particle?


Amplitude Period A. 6.5 m 6 hours B. 13 m 12 hours C. 6.5 m 12 hours D. 13 m 6 hours

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IB Test Review – Topic 4: Waves Reagan IB Physics


11. The graph on the right shows how the velocity v of an object undergoing simple harmonic motion varies with time t for one complete period of oscillation.

Which of the following sketch graphs best shows how the total energy E of the object varies with t?


12. The shock absorbers of a car, in good working condition, ensure that the vertical oscillations of the car are

A. undamped. C. moderately damped.

B. lightly damped. D. critically damped. (1)

13. A mass on the end of a horizontal spring is displaced from its equilibrium position by a distance A and released. Its subsequent oscillations have total energy E and time period T.

An identical mass is attached to an identical spring. The maximum displacement is 2A.

Assuming this spring obeys Hooke’s law, which of the following gives the correct time period and total energy?

New time period New energy

A. T 4E B. T 2E C. 4E D. 2E



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IB Test Review – Topic 4: Waves Reagan IB Physics






















Distance alongwave

Distance alongwave

Distance alongwave

Distance alongwave

























Distance alongwave

Distance alongwave

Distance alongwave

Distance alongwave





14. On which one of the following graphs is the wavelength λ and the amplitude a of a wave correctly represented?


15. A transverse travelling wave has amplitude A0 and wavelength λ.

The distance between a crest and its neighbouring trough, measured in the direction of energy transfer of the wave is equal to

A. A0. C. .

B. 2A0. D. λ. (1)

16. One end of a long string is vibrated at a constant frequency f. A travelling wave of wavelength O and speed v is set up on the string.

The frequency of vibration is doubled but the tension in the string is unchanged. Which of the following shows the wavelength and speed of the new travelling wave?

Wavelength Speed

A. v

B. 2v

C. 2O v

D. 2O 2v



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IB Test Review – Topic 4: Waves Reagan IB Physics


17. Which of the following best describes the wave speed of a progressive wave travelling through a medium?

A. The maximum speed of the vibrating particles of the medium

B. The average speed of the vibrating particles of the medium

C. The speed of the medium through which the wave travels

D. The speed of transfer of energy through the medium (1)

18. The diagram below shows a transverse wave on a string. The wave is moving from right to left.

In the position shown, point X has zero displacement and point Y is at a position of maximum displacement. Which one of the following gives the subsequent direction of motion of point X and of point Y?

Point X Point Y A. left left

B. upwards upwards

C. downwards left

D. downwards upwards


19. A water surface wave (ripple) is travelling to the right on the surface of a lake. The wave has period T. The diagram below shows the surface of the lake at a particular instant of time. A piece of cork is floating in the water in the position shown.

Which is the correct position of the cork a time later?




direction of wave


left right




A. B.

C. D.

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IB Test Review – Topic 4: Waves Reagan IB Physics


20. A source produces water waves of frequency 10 Hz. The graph shows the variation with horizontal position of the vertical displacement of the surface of water at one instant in time.

The speed of the water waves is

A. 0.20 cm s−1. C. 10 cm s−1.

B. 4.0 cm s−1. D. 20 cm s−1. (1)

21. Diagram 1 represents equally spaced beads on a spring. The beads are 1 cm apart.

Diagram 1

A longitudinal wave propagates along the spring. Diagram 2 shows the position of the beads at a

particular instant.

Diagram 2

Which of the following is the best estimate of the wavelength?

A. 2 cm C. 8 cm

B. 4 cm D. 16 cm (Total 1 mark)

22. A wave pulse is travelling to the right along a string.

Which of the following best represents the direction of the velocity of the point P?

A. ↑ C. →

B. ↓ D. ← (Total 1 mark)

vertical displacement / cm0.4



0 1.0 horizontal position / cm

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IB Test Review – Topic 4: Waves Reagan IB Physics


23. The diagram on the right is a snapshot of wave fronts of circular waves emitted by a point source S at the surface of water. The source vibrates at a frequency f = 10.0 Hz.

The speed of the wave front is

A. 0.15 cm s–1. C. 15 cm s–1.

B. 1.5 cm s–1. D. 30 cm s–1. (Total 1 mark)

24. A transverse wave travels from left to right. The diagram below shows how, at a particular instant of time, the displacement of particles in the medium varies with position. Which arrow represents the direction of the velocity of the particle marked P?

(Total 1 mark)

25. Plane-polarized light is incident normally on a polarizer which is able to rotate in the plane perpendicular to the light as shown below.

In diagram 1, the intensity of the incident light is 8 W m–2 and the transmitted intensity of light is 2 W m–2. Diagram 2 shows the polarizer rotated 90° from the orientation in diagram 1. What is the new transmitted intensity? A. 0 W m–2 B. 2 W m–2 C. 4 W m–3 D. 6 W m–2


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IB Test Review – Topic 4: Waves Reagan IB Physics


26. Two polarizing sheets have planes of polarization that are initially parallel.

The incoming light on sheet 1 is unpolarized. The intensity of the light transmitted is I. To reduce the intensity to

, which sheet must be rotated and

through what angle?

Sheet to be rotated Rotation angle

A. 1 or 2 θ = cos–1

B. 2 only θ = cos–1

C. 1 only θ = cos–1

D. 1 or 2 θ = cos–1


27. Unpolarized light is shone through two identical polarizers whose axes are parallel.

The ratio is

A. 0 %. B. 25 %. C. 50 %. D. 100 %. (1)

28. The diagram shows sunlight reflected from a lake surface. The reflected sunlight is plane-polarized.

The plane of polarization of the reflected sunlight is

A. perpendicular to the lake surface.

B. parallel to the lake surface.

C. parallel to the direction of the reflected sunlight.

D. in the plane of the diagram. (1)

















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IB Test Review – Topic 4: Waves Reagan IB Physics


29. Unpolarized light of intensity I0 is incident on a polarizer. The transmitted light is then incident on a second polarizer. The axis of the second polarizer makes an angle of 60q to the axis of the first polarizer.

The cosine of 60q is The intensity of the light

transmitted through the second polarizer is

A. C.

B. D. I0.


30. A person is walking along one side of a building and a car is driving along another side of the building.

The person can hear the car approach but cannot see it. This is explained by the fact that sound

waves A. travel more slowly than light waves. B. are diffracted more at the corner of the building than light waves. C. are refracted more at the corner of the building than light waves. D. are longitudinal waves.

(1) 31. The phenomenon of diffraction is associated with

A. sound waves only. B. light waves only. C. water waves only. D. all waves.


32. Which of the following correctly describes the change, if any, in the speed, wavelength and frequency of a light wave as it passes from air into glass?

Speed Wavelength Frequency A. decreases decreases unchanged

B. decreases unchanged decreases

C. unchanged increases decreases

D. increases increases unchanged (1)


.80I .



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IB Test Review – Topic 4: Waves Reagan IB Physics



33. Plane wavefronts are incident on a barrier as shown on the right.

Which of the following best shows the shape of the wavefronts on the other side of the barrier?


34. Which one of the following correctly describes the change, if any, in the speed, wavelength and frequency of a light wave as it passes from glass into air?

Speed Wavelength Frequency

A. decreases decreases unchanged

B. decreases unchanged decreases

C. unchanged increases decreases

D. increases increases unchanged


35. Waves of frequency f travel with speed c in air and enter a medium M of refractive index 1.5. Which of the following correctly gives the frequency and speed of the waves in the medium M?

frequency speed

A. f

B. f 1.5c

C. 1.5f c

D. c


A. B.

C. D.



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PQ air

R glassS

36. An orchestra playing on boat X can be heard by tourists on boat Y, which is situated out of sight of boat X around a headland.

The sound from X can be heard on Y due to

A. refraction. C. diffraction.

B. reflection. D. transmission. (1)

37. Light travelling from water to air is incident on a boundary.

Which of the following is a correct statement of Snell’s law for this situation?

A. sin Z = constant × sin Y C. sin X = constant × sin Z

B. sin W = constant × sin Z D. sin W = constant × sin Y (1)

38. Light is incident on an air-glass boundary as shown on the right.

Which one of the following is a correct statement of Snell’s law?

A. sin P = constant u sin R

B. sin P = constant u sin S

C. sin Q = constant u sin R

D. sin Q = constant u sin S (1)

YZ air

X water


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IB Test Review – Topic 4: Waves Reagan IB Physics


39. Monochromatic light crosses the boundary between two media. Which of the following quantities is always the same for the light in both media?

A. Amplitude C. Speed

B. Frequency D. Wavelength (1)

40. The diagram below shows plane wavefronts of a wave that is approaching the boundary between two media, X and Y. The speed of the wave is greater in medium X than in medium Y. The wave crosses the boundary.

Which of the following diagrams is correct?


41. The fundamental (first harmonic) frequency for a particular organ pipe is 330 Hz. The pipe is closed at one end but open at the other. What is the frequency of its second harmonic?

A. 110 Hz B. 165 Hz C. 660 Hz D. 990 Hz (Total 1 mark)

42. The fundamental (first harmonic) frequency of the note emitted by an organ pipe closed at one end is f. What is the fundamental frequency of the note emitted by an organ pipe of the same length that is open at both ends?

A. B. C. 2f D. 4f

(Total 1 mark)

medium X


medium Y

medium X medium Y medium X medium Y

medium X medium Y medium X medium Y

A. B.

C. D.



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IB Test Review – Topic 4: Waves Reagan IB Physics


43. An organ pipe of length L is open at one end and closed at the other. Which of the following gives the wavelength of the second harmonic standing wave in the pipe?

A. B. L C. 4L D.

(Total 1 mark) 44. A standing wave is established in air in a pipe with one closed and one open end.

The air molecules near X are

A. always at the centre of a compression. B. always at the centre of a rarefaction. C. sometimes at the centre of a compression and sometimes at the centre of a rarefaction. D. never at the centre of a compression or a rarefaction.

(Total 1 mark) 45. The wavelength of a standing (stationary) wave is equal to

A. the distance between adjacent nodes. B. twice the distance between adjacent nodes. C. half the distance between adjacent nodes. D. the distance between a node and an adjacent antinode.

(Total 1 mark) 46. Which of the following statements is true for a standing wave on a string?

A. No energy is transferred along the string. B. The maximum kinetic energy of each segment of the string is proportional to the

amplitude of the segment. C. Each segment of the string oscillates with different phase and frequency. D. The amplitude along the string varies with time.

(Total 1 mark) 47. A tube is filled with water and a vibrating tuning fork is held above its open end.

The tap at the base of the tube is opened. As the water runs out, the sound is loudest when the water level is a distance x below the top of the tube. A second loud sound is heard when the water level is a distance y below the top. Which of the following is a correct expression for the wavelength O of the sound produced by the tuning fork?

A. O = y

B. O = 2x

C. O = y − x

D. O = 2(y − x) (Total 1 mark)

