tornado readiness at all souls...2014/06/05  · tornado readiness at all souls in case of a...

FLAME 4501 Walnut St. KC, MO 64111 816-531-2131 June 2014 Sunday Services/Forums 2 Minister’s Message 3 Religious Education 4 Summer Camp 5 Social Responsibility 6 Fellowship 7 Table of Contents For complete calendar: calendar/php Adult Education 8 Emergency Preparedness 8 Financials/Attendance 9 Caring Connections 10 Committee on Ministry 10 Concert 10 Art Gallery/Coffee House 11 Tornado Readiness at All Souls In case of a tornado, there are signs to direct you to the safest spot. Able-bodied go to the lower level by way of the closest stairs. Security Team and staff will assist those less mobile to Conover. Parents with children in the nursery need to take them to the designated restrooms. Listen for the air horn and/or the person at the podium. Those are your signals in the case of a tornado warning (sited tornado in the area). Proceed swiftly but safely. For more information: consult the brochures posted around the building. Soiree with Anthony & Friends Sunday, June 8, 3-5 pm, Bragg $25 advance tickets $30 at the door, children free Includes Appetizers, Wine, Drinks and Dessert Fundraiser for All Souls

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Page 1: Tornado Readiness at All Souls...2014/06/05  · Tornado Readiness at All Souls In case of a tornado, there are signs to direct you to the safest spot. Able-bodied go to the lower

FLAME 4501 Walnut St. KC, MO 64111

816-531-2131 June 2014

Sunday Services/Forums 2 Minister’s Message 3 Religious Education 4 Summer Camp 5 Social Responsibility 6 Fellowship 7

Table of Contents

For complete calendar:

Adult Education 8 Emergency Preparedness 8 Financials/Attendance 9 Caring Connections 10 Committee on Ministry 10 Concert 10 Art Gallery/Coffee House 11

Tornado Readiness at All Souls In case of a tornado, there are signs to direct you to the safest spot. Able-bodied go to the lower level by way of the closest stairs. Security Team and staff will assist those less mobile to Conover. Parents with children in the nursery need to take them to the designated restrooms. Listen for the air horn and/or the person at the podium. Those are your signals in the case of a tornado warning (sited tornado in the area). Proceed swiftly but safely. For more information: consult the brochures posted around the building.

Soiree with Anthony & Friends

Sunday, June 8, 3-5 pm, Bragg

$25 advance tickets

$30 at the door, children free

Includes Appetizers, Wine, Drinks and Dessert Fundraiser for All Souls

Page 2: Tornado Readiness at All Souls...2014/06/05  · Tornado Readiness at All Souls In case of a tornado, there are signs to direct you to the safest spot. Able-bodied go to the lower


June 1


Sunday Services


10:00 Forum: “A acks on Social Security”           Max Skidmore, David Kingsley, and James Webb For three‐quarters of a century, Social Security has provided financial security for millions of U.S.                ci zens.  Our speakers have advocated for Social Security and Medicare for decades. They will open with summarizing comments on the a acks against the programs and discuss misrepresenta ons.  An                    impressively wide range of research experience will be brought to ques ons. 

11:15 Service: “Inquiring Minds” Rev. Kendyl Gibbons The tradi on of a Ques on Box Sunday appears to be unique to Unitarian Universalism, but it goes back a long way in our tradi on.  This is your chance to ask something that you have always wished to hear about from the pulpit; 3 x 5 cards are available in the Communica ons Center, and you can leave your ques on in Kendyl’s mailbox, or you can tweet your ques on to @AllSoulsKC.   Kendyl says, “It really is a be er experience if I have a chance to put the ques ons in some sensible order, and think about them for a li le while, but I will answer as many as I can in the  me available.” 

June 22

June 15

11:15 Service: "Tolerance, Diversity and other All Souls Myths" Rev. Kendyl Gibbons We take pride in being an open and creedless ins tu on.  Can it be, however, that we have a hidden and unwri en dogma that is narrow, exclusive, and in mida ng?  This auc on sermon explores how All Souls might become a more tolerant and diverse church that can be er serve current and future members. 

11:15 Service: “Gradua on and Bridging Ceremony” Rev. Kendyl Gibbons As we send our graduates out into the world of their futures, we also welcome the young people who enter the community of their high school years.  Celebrate with us the turning of the wheel of  me, and the rainbow bridge into maturity, power, and adventure.  A Special Offering in support of the work of Carver Elementary School will be received. 

11:15 Service: “Are We Post‐Racial Yet?” Racial Jus ce Commi ee As Barak Obama’s presidency begins its last quarter, what has been achieved for the black community in America?  What remains to be overcome?  Musical and spoken word ar sts will help us consider what freedom means for our celebra on of Juneteenth today. 

Religious Odysseys, 10 am, June 8 - Aug 31 As the Forum season draws to a close June 1, our summer Religious Odyssey Program begins in Simpson House. Each week provides a different All Souler an opportunity to share the personal journey that led to All Souls. Each story is different and highlights our rich theological diversity. If you haven’t yet presented your Odyssey, please sign up for a spot on this summer’s schedule. Volunteers also are needed to help run this popular program. Contact Carolyn MacDonald.

June 29 11:15 Service: “Science and Spirit” Keely Schneider We kick off our season of summer services with a considera on of how the methods and the discoveries of science can inform our spiritual lives.  The meaning we make for living is always shaped by our            understanding of what and how the world is, and the stories we tell about what we know for sure.  How can science and spirit be partners, rather than contestants for our loyalty? 

Children’s Choir, Mother’s Day, 2014

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The Minister’s Report at the May 18, 2014 Annual Mee ng:

Good a ernoon.  I am excited to be present for this important event in our                  congrega onal life – for the first  me, since I was forced to miss the annual mee ng last year.  Let me begin by adding my personal thanks to all those who have worked to make this process happen; board members, volunteer organizers, staff, and all of you who have made an effort to be here.  Like any form of democracy, congrega onal         polity, the independence of the local congrega on, only works when people care enough to par cipate.  I would also like to say a deep thank you to all the board mem‐bers and commi ee chairs who are ending their tenure this year.  Your steadfast lead‐ership has been enormously helpful as I have learned my way around this ins tu on over the past two years.  I hope that your service has been rewarding, and that you have felt our collec ve apprecia on.

I want to say a word about three ma ers that are before us today; the future facili es reports, the budget, and the general impact of change; in a way, they are all connected.

I am very grateful to the members of the board, and to all those who responded to the board’s request to serve on the exploratory task forces, for your openness to exploring a new possibility.  I personally remain intrigued and excited about the possibili es of the Meyer and Rockhill loca on, as well as daunted by the challenges it presents.  The more we learn, the more intelligent ques ons arise.  I expect to learn more from the reports        today, but probably not everything we s ll need to know.  I have appreciated the methodical work of both the Vision and the Feasibility task forces, as well as the pa ent curiosity of many others.  Our conversa ons have surfaced many issues to be addressed, no ma er whether we choose a new site, or ul mately decide to stay at this loca on.  Any choice we make for the future will entail sacrificed possibili es, the need for significant             investment, and change.   If the comfort of current members ever becomes the most important value, any church, including this one, will die.  In order to have a future, we must build the future, and the ques on we have to answer is, where can the founda on of that future best be laid?  I believe that the ideas and                         interac ons s mulated by engaging with this par cular possibility, regardless of whether we decide it is the right choice in the long run, will serve to move us forward into building our future together.

That future, if it is to outlast the lives of those who conceived and built this church home, must address the           profound changes in technology and communica on pa erns that have characterized the past twenty years.  I myself am not at ease with all these new possibili es, but I know enough to know that the fundamentalists are once again winning the contest of ins tu onal competence, because they are willing to invest in both material equipment and staffing to take advantage of them.  I have learned that a web site, no ma er how well done, is not a permanent or sta c asset; it is more like an adver sing campaign, that must be constantly refreshed.  I know enough to know that my nieces and nephews and anyone of their genera on do not take seriously any enterprise that does not communicate with them through tex ng, Twi er, and Facebook.  Last year, I did some one‐to‐one off line fundraising in order to support adding staff who could help us with computer and video technology in worship, and with social media outreach.  I remain very grateful to those of you who responded so generously to that appeal.   It was my hope that we would be able to fold this expense into the opera ng budget this year, and I con nue to believe that this is an investment that will pay dividends in the long run, but it hasn’t happened yet.  That is why the proposed budget for next year includes a request for support from the endowment to help us con nue developing these essen al competencies.  If you are over fi y, like me, you probably don’t see a great deal of personal benefit from these addi ons, but I ask you to believe that they ma er to our future, and to people who are not here yet.   There is no reason for our theology to cede future                        (Con nued on next page) 

From the Minister Rev. Dr. Kendyl Gibbons

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Minister’s Article (Cont’d), Religious Education

Children & Youth Sunday Morning Schedule 10:00—12:15 Nursery service is provided for babies and toddlers. 10:00—11:00 A time of creativity, conversation, and community for all ages. 10:00—10:30 Children’s Choir, downstairs chapel 11:15—12:15 Sunday School classes for all ages to explore our Unitarian Universalist faith and principles through storytelling, discussion, creative experiences, and service projects.

Exploring our Values All Souls Summer Camp: July 7—11, 2014

Join the Professors and the students of the Academy of the Sacred Flame for our All Souls annual summer camp! We will explore the values of truth, bravery, wisdom, kindness and selflessness. Open to grades kindergarten through high school Monday: 5:30-8:30 (dinner included) Tues-Thurs: 6:00-8:30 (optional dinner at 5:30) Friday: 6:00-9:30 (optional dinner at 5:30) Registration Deadline: June 30—Form on next page To volunteer as a camp Professor or helper, contact: Rev. Judith Cady, 816-531-2131, [email protected]

Rev. Judith Cady

Con nued from page 3: genera ons to the influence of reac onary thinking, unless we are too set in our ways to invest in communica ng with younger people on their own terms.  And those of you who are part of the     digital genera on, or who have figured it out – for pete’s sake, help us out here!  Tweet about your                              experiences at church, if you like the sermon, or something cool happens in your child’s RE class.  Like us on Facebook, and talk about us on your page.  Go to Yelp and do a review; there’s a sec on for churches.  Send your commi ee members text messages to remind them of your mee ng – that’s my next goal for learning this stuff.  The staffing can only accomplish so much; the rest will happen among our members as we use the resources and follow the examples that we observe.

The conven onal wisdom about established churches these days is that they say they want to change; they think they want to change, in order to survive and grow; they bring in “experts” to help them change; and then they do everything they can to stay exactly the way they already are.  As a result, they become inflexible clubs of exis ng members, aging and dying together in unchallenged comfort.  Indeed, the iner a of the human           condi on is such that the only force that can prevent that kind of ossifica on is a commitment to the mission and the message of a larger movement that is strong enough to propel people beyond their comfort zone.  It is my belief that this congrega on has the will to live its mission and spread its message, even when that calls for investment in the future and abiding the anxie es of change.  I don’t have a precise recipe for success – no one does – but the recipe for failure is well known:  add nothing; s r nothing; apply no heat; and behold, nothing will change.  If we are serious about building the connec ons of genuine community, inspiring substan ve growth in ourselves and each other, and crea ng greater jus ce and compassion in the world, there is much that will be required of us; none of these things happens without a en on and effort.  As we begin to dig into the meaningful ques ons about what we are to do next, I pray you – you, not some divine puppet master, but you, who must ul mately make and enact these choices – I pray you, have a care not only for the exquisite past, but even more for the uncertain, messy, and demanding future.  That is the only direc on in which life can be found.                                                          —Rev. Kendyl Gibbons, [email protected] Kendyl’s sermons in lobby pamphlet rack and online:

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“Exploring Values”


July 7- July 11, 2014

$30 for 1st Child—$60 for 2 or More in One Family

Scholarships are available for All Souls Children

Registrations due by June 30

Quantity Total Preregister:

Camp—One (1) Child…………$30 ______ ______ Rev. Judith Cady

Camp—2 or more Children..$60 ______ ______ 816-531-3231

Tuesday Dinner ……………….…$3 ______ ______ [email protected]

Wednesday Dinner …………...$3 ______ ______

Thursday Dinner ………………. $3 ______ ______ Mail checks: no cash

Friday Dinner …………….……...$3 ______ ______ Rev. Judith Cady, All Souls

Additional donations welcome _______ 4501 Walnut St., KC, MO 64111

Total enclosed …………………. _______

Monday 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm (dinner included) Tuesday—Thursday 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm (optional dinner at 5:30 pm) Friday 6:00 pm to 9:30 pm (optional dinner at 5:30 pm)

Student Name Grade Tee Shirt Size


Parent or Guardian: Phone: Email:

Emergency Contact: Phone:

Please attach details of any allergies or other special information.

I give my permission for my child(ren) to attend “Exploring Values” Summer Camp July 7-11, 2014

Signed: Print Name:

Relationship: Date:

I give permission for my child/children’s photographs to be used for The Flame and the All Souls bulletin board. My child will be identified by first name only in any photographs.

Yes_____ No_____ Signed: _________________________________

Summer Camp

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Social Responsibility Board

All Souls-Carver Partnership

All Souls Amigos have had an exciting and rewarding year at Carver Dual Language Elementary School! Seventeen Amigos provided the public face of our partnership by supporting individual students or teachers/classrooms, including new volunteers Rev. Kendyl Gibbons and Gordon Leak. Many other All Souls members donated clothing for the emergency closet and items for the boutique managed by Linda Parkinson. A student sent a thank-you letter to us, noting specifically that “Ms. Linda’s friends make us cookies.”

Volunteer services to Carver comprised more than 600 hours of tutoring and other direct interactions with students and teachers such as gardening and field trips. Happy Fridays in the boutique honored birthdays and good behavior, and students designated by their teachers received 450 books, bookmarks, and small treats. A September 2013 Sunday + Lunch generated $309.95 for Carver.

A leadership transition is underway. Roma Lee Taunton has coordinated the Carver partnership for 5 years and is transferring that responsibility to Peg and John Maher (pictured here). Roma Lee appreciates the great support from the congregation, the personal commitment of all amigos--past and present--who have made our relationships with students and staff successful, and the recognition she has received. She will continue as an Amigo.

John says, “The opportunity to develop relationships with kids and teachers and to lend support to a very worthy endeavor was part of what attracted us to All Souls when we became new members in 2012.” The Mahers have found that the needs in Carver Elementary are many; the faculty, staff and kids are wonderful, and the rewards of partnership are very satisfying.

John invites all of you who have an hour a week or even an hour a month to contact him, [email protected] or Peg, [email protected], to become a part of the Carver Amigos and enrich your own lives in the process. — Submitted by Roma Lee Taunton

Jill Stein to speak at All Souls UU Church: Thursday, June 12, 7:00 pm Co-sponsored by the All Souls Social Responsibility Board, KC Green Forum and others Theme: Global Climate Convergence, which opens a weekend gathering of Green activists from across the Midwest with events and speakers at several locations. Information about the Prairie States Green Conference, contact: [email protected]


BANQUET: June 12, Marriott Muehlebach Hotel

Keynote speaker: Reverend Dr. William Barber,

President of North Carolina NAACP and Pastor of Greenleaf Christian Church in Goldsboro. Dr.

Barber is one of the most sought after faith-centered civil rights speakers of our time. The annual

Imagine Banquet is your opportunity to support and celebrate the collective work toward a more

equitable Kansas City region.

Contact: Angela Allard, [email protected]

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Potluck &



June 16

6:00 pm

All Souls Men’s Group Thursday, June 12, Conover

Hors D’oeuvres: 5:30 pm Dinner 6:00, Discussion 7 - 8:30

$7 donation for dinner Vegetarian available on request

Reservations strongly recommended. Don Dickey,

[email protected]

Sister Pat Turns 90! Birthday Brunch, Sun, June 15, 9-10:30 am, Conover

Chefs: Cassity Sisters and friends Donations welcome for Sister Pat's charity of choice

Reception, June 15, 3:00 pm, Our Lady of Sorrows RSVP for the afternoon event as soon as possible: Linda McNicholas, [email protected], 816-333-9191. She can also use your help with finger foods.

For more information, contact Lee Ann Bergin, [email protected]

Bridge, Friday, June 13, 7 pm, Hosts: Rae Ann Nixon & Sherry Anspach

Bring Snacks to Share

Sunday Plus Lunches, 12:15 pm $7 per person/$20 family

June 8: Hosts and Benefits Coming of Age Menu: Baked Potato Bar with over 20 toppings— Russet and Sweet Potatoes, salad, desserts (gluten free available), iced tea and fresh squeezed lemonade or limeade.

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Adult Education, Emergency Preparedness

Adult Educa on Classes: If you would like to be notified of class cancellations or changes, you can register with the class contact person or simply sign up for the email list at a class session.

Adult Sunday School: Sundays, 10-11 am, Text: What Matters Most: Living a More Considered Life, by James Hollis. No need to read the book before attending. Facilitator: Diane Salucci.

Gnawing for Knowledge: Wednesdays, noon: video and discussion of the series “Great Ideas of Philosophy” from Great Courses.

HUUmanist Book Club: Monday, June 9, 7 pm. Viewing of “Cinema Paradiso.”

Talk about Movies: Wed. June 4, 7 pm

The Wi$dom Path: Wed, June 25, 6-7:30 pm. An intentional and faithful conversation about your relationship with money, Contact: Jane Wilson, [email protected]

Church chat, June 1, 12:15, Bragg

Topic: Disaster Readiness

If the unthinkable (explosion, fire, flood, tornado) were to happen in the Southmoreland area, what would be our response? How would we serve our community? What resources are available among our congregants? How would we reach out to church members in diverse areas of the metro if a crisis involved the larger city? Before the Emergency Preparedness Team creates strategies to help, we need to know your interest and ability to participate.

All Souls Welcomes Bike for Peace, from Norway  Thanks to All Souls, three Bike for Peace members from Norway had a delightful reception April 30, the kickoff of the U.S. part of their world tour. The group, seeking a nuclear weapon-free world by 2020, is using a van and tandem bike to reach New York before returning to Norway May 17. The 6 pm supper in Conover was delicious, with veggie dishes from many All Soulers and 20 pounds of BBQ chicken from Bill Raney. The high-energy bicyclists gave talks and then chatted with 45 people at the supper. The All Souls SRB cosponsored the evening with PeaceWorks. Special thanks to hosts Corva and Everett Murphy, as well as to Angela Allard, Caron and Walt Wells, and Pete Allard--he biked from Rocheport to Columbia, Mo., with Bike for Peace.

Love, Henry & Jane Stoever of PeaceWorks-KC

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Financials, Attendance

April 2014 Pledged Income is $21,675‐ $3,657 under budget. Total Dona on Income is $24,285‐  $3,817 under budget. Total Income is $34,450 ‐ $4,980 under budget. Total Expenses are $38,320 ‐ $1,328 under budget. Total Expenses exceed Total Income by $3,870 ‐ $3,659 over budget. Year to Date: Pledged Income is $248,226 ‐ $5,108 under budget. Total Income is $388,468 ‐ $7,161 over budget. Total Expenses are $405,024 ‐ $1,544 under budget. Total Expenses exceed Total Income by $16,566 ‐  $8,705 under budget. 

A full report is posted in the Communica ons Center

Attendance Figures for April 2014:

Apr. 6 Apr. 13 Apr. 20 Apr.27

Service 112 128 132 96

Forum 180 41 41 57

Sunday School* 51 47 81 48

*(includes teachers)

Next Board Meeting: Wed, June 18, 6:45 pm, Meeting Rm.

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How does AmazonSmile work? When you first visit AmazonSmile, you will be prompted to select All Souls Kansas City from almost one million eligible organizations. For eligible purchases at AmazonSmile, the AmazonSmile Foundation will quarterly donate 0.5% of the purchase price to All Souls.

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In Concert: Danny Cox & Rosy’s Bar & Grill Saturday, June 14, 7:30 pm, Bragg

$12 in advance $15 at the door

Available at

Benefits: Institute for Research & Education on Human Rights

IREHR researches, exposes and organizes against racism, anti-Semitism, anti-LGBT bigotry and anti-Immigrant sentiments.

Caring Connections, Committee on Ministry, Concert

The Coolest Thing Flowers are such a beautiful part of life. Expressing our joy for flowers on Mother's day was a wonderful way to celebrate. You can't get much cooler than honoring Moms with flowers.

From your Committee on Ministry: Carolyn Connor, Matthew Westra, Lee Ann Bergin, Nelson Maurice, and Jean Patterson

Caring Connections Charles Barsotti, former member of All Souls, is now in hospice care at home. His wife, Rae, and family appreciate our thoughts and blessings for the family. Cards can be sent to their home (address is on the Caring Connections bulletin board and through the office).

Helen Marie Harmon passed away May 9 and a memorial visitation was held on May 18 at Chapel Hill-Butler Funeral Home. In years past, Helen and her husband, Julius, were a vital part of this church; they are remembered fondly.

Page 11: Tornado Readiness at All Souls...2014/06/05  · Tornado Readiness at All Souls In case of a tornado, there are signs to direct you to the safest spot. Able-bodied go to the lower

Art Gallery, Coffeehouse

All Souls Gallery Presents: June 22—July 17

“Photography of Robert Gaines” Meet & Greet the Artist: Friday, June 27, 7 pm

Artist’s Statement: “Photographic forager and storyteller, armed with a camera, serendipity and intuition, I search for visual stories in the world around us. I tell the stories I capture with colors, shapes, tones and textures rather than with words and phrases. Some images are presented with scientific precision while others are distilled into decontextualized abstractions - more paintings than traditional photographs. Ultimately, my goal is to share images that tell a story or elicit an emotion that resonates with the viewer.” Please visit <> to see more.

*Note: Jon Schroeder’s art is on display in the gallery through June 19.

All Souls Coffeehouse, Friday, June 27, 7:30 pm, Bragg

No cover charge Donations accepted for snacks

Donations to Harvester’s Barrel Welcome

Call for Artists: All Souls Gallery

Exhibits are limited to two-dimensional works. Prospective exhibitors are encouraged to visit the gallery to see the lighting, measure the display space and determine how their work might fit.

Deadline: June 30

Send to Visual Arts Committee at All Souls: Your contact information, brief biography (training & exhibit history), 10 images (prints or CD/DVD) of your 2D work, preferred month(s) to exhibit and/or month(s) you could not show & SASE for return of materials and results of submission.

Church information available:

Page 12: Tornado Readiness at All Souls...2014/06/05  · Tornado Readiness at All Souls In case of a tornado, there are signs to direct you to the safest spot. Able-bodied go to the lower


CONTACTS Phone 816-531-2131

Fax 816-756-5651


Minister: Rev. Dr. Kendyl Gibbons, [email protected] 816-531-2131, x 101

Board President: Lamar Hicks,

[email protected]

Children’s Religious Development Rev. Judith Cady, Minister

[email protected]

Sharon Cassity, Assistant [email protected]

Administrator: Rev. Diana Hughes: [email protected]

Finance Administrator: Jenny Bonawitz: [email protected]

Office Associate: Sherry Anspach: [email protected]

Scheduling: Sue Trowbridge [email protected], 816-518-0925 (cell)

Music Director: Anthony Edwards [email protected]

Custodians: Elsafi Ahmed, Miho Komatsu

Flame submissions deadline:

9am June 10

Sunday Morning bulletins & Friday e-mail deadline: 9 a.m. Wednesdays

Send all submissions to Diana Hughes: [email protected]