torpedoes. - university of hawaiʻi...ilk--1 v' " vol. in. yd- mil--l"r. l. & aliule washington, vt...

ilk- - ' 1 V' " vol. in. Yd - Mil- - l"r. l. & Aliule Washington, Vt Blood Poisoning 13 Running Soros Cavo Way to Hood's Sarsaparllla. "C. t. HooilSCo., Lowell, Masi.i Clcntlcinfn-'Thlrtee- n ysars sjo I was la Cnur l)e Alcne, now callod Kort Sherman, Idaho. Wiillo tliera I went In snlmmlng one day and raugbt cold, chilling tho bone In my leg, causing n tvcr sore on my limb. The sore continued nuout thrco months, continually rotting mjr leg until It pot m to nj knen. when I had the limb iniir,utild. Mr log was so rotten that niter the limb wns amputated the foot dropped off. l'rom this state 1 got Mood poisoning and had Thirteen Running Sores 07 my body. These sores eontlnned from thrco to four years, my blood being In a terrible condition. Alter this I commenced taking lino i' Mrnirarilla. 1 used three bottles and (ouiid It did ine good, so 1 kept on until I had used ten bottles or more. My blood was com- - E .3 P'uures Idctcly cleansed. The sores stopped running and ha 0 not troubled me any how for six years. My apiwtlto and digestion are good and 1 am Rifee'ly well, lone my euro to Hood's Sana. inrllla." 1'. 8. Ki.vzik, Washington, Vt Hood's P1II9 are purely vegetable and per- fectly harmless. Sold by all druggists. 25c Iloliron )rug Company Wholesale Acems. BISHOP & CO., Established In 1858. BANKERS. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. DRAW EXCHANGE ON THE Bffi OF CALlFQRStA, SAK FRANCISCO AND THEIR AQENT8 IN Mew York, Chicago, Boston, Paris, mm, ii eoTUD&w, london FRANKFOUT-ON-THE-MAI- The Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney, Tho liank of New Zealand. Auckland, and itfi branches in Christcmirch, Dunedin and Wellington. The Buik of British Columbia. Victoria, and its branchus, Vancourer, Nanalmo; west minister, 15. C, and Portland, Oregon, The Azores and Madeira Inlands, Tho Chiirtcred Bank of India, Australia and China, , The Hongkong and Shanghai, China; and YCKouama, uiogo ana nagasaiti, Japan. And transact a General Banking Business. H B4EWER & CO,, LTD . 'ieeii St., HonolnlQ, H..I.,.- - .OItNTS FOR Uow,ttlant,-ioultur- al Co., Onom'ea Sunr Co., ilunomu sugar to.f wai liiku Snirur Co.. Wfiihee Sucar Co.. huirar Co., Ilalcakala Itucch Co., lvnp.tpala Ranc, , PI niters' Line San Vr .nclsco Packets. CliHS. Drewer & Co.'n Lino of Boston PilOkL'tF. Atrpntt Itoston Board of Underwriters- AcuiitB Philadelphia Board of Under, writers. List op Officers : ' V. C oONI:h rresidi (vo. II. KOBEIITHON Mana, K. If. Bishop Tree and Be. Cot. W. V. Allen Audit U. M. Cooke . H. Watiruoosk.. Dlrectc.-- s t A. W. Cabth.... ) , WILLIAMS' ART GALLERY, . itaving resumed business nuvuntnuu or tne tmBt tw runovute our stuuio juiied than ever of nni'Ient Hawaii and tftTte Wfp'f! we are bettt t to fill orders for 4 und, of the ( f innilB of t'nu late troubles. P of tlm IwidiiiL' characters a specialty to pre- - ews ing ults Our tmrtrait department is open for engagements, and our work, as in the imtt win lie. up to all 01 tlu- - jjodern aa vaiii'ements in our line, TOO 3IUC1I DKUK LOAD. I'.itmii ok Tin: dhaptiku h wiiixk ii' rut: cm. IMA, Only 111 Mitnl Out or Son M10 Kind nml h Holler I'xpli'itfil. Cup . San Francisco, June l. The Colima rolled over anil as slie cap- sized one of lier boilers exploded. The accident was caused oy having too great a deck load and practically nothing in the hold. The storm encountered was one of the severest ever knonu on the Southern codst, where the sea is usually calm every day in the year. The Colima was lost in 18 dcg. 5? mill, north lattitttdc, 104 deg. 14 mill, west longitude during a heavy storm beginning in the southwest and dritinir the vcs.'cl shoreward. Captain J. I?. Tavlor proved a brave man, and did everything to save the vessel which man could do, but during the height of the storm he was killed by a falling spar. Chief Officer D. K. Griffith and Chief Kueineer John P. Iipsen met death in the same wav. There was on board 20-?- Of these only 34 were saved from open boats. Iti Cuba. Havana, June 1, During the past fortnight there have been several sharp engagements between Spanish troops and rebels. In every instance the insurgents have been worsted. The prospects are that the revolution will in a month be a thing of the past Stnle Secretary, Washington, May 31 It is known positively that President Cleveland personally desires to pro-m'o- Mr. Carlisle to the state port folio. The party leaders urge Bayard and Whitney, but both are shy, the former preferring to re main 111 and Mr. Whitney having his weather eye on the 'qb nomination. Don M. Dickenson i? scarcely mentioned and Assistant Secretary Uhl is not regarded as a possibility. Matter of Money. London, May 3. An inter national dispute over the Chinese war loan is in prospect. I'Vance, England, Germany and Russia all wish to manage the great trans action. There' is no likelihood of serious collision in the matter, PLANTERS' SPECIAL! A Good Fertilizer, To Suit the' Times At ittO per ton of 2000 llw, Anal zed .is followu : 10 iter cent. PlHHiihoric Aciil. 3 soiuuiu hiiu avHuanie. 0 per cent. I o ash (actual.) 3 per cent. Ammonia. 10 per cent. Lime (Carbonate). ALSO FLORIDA PllOSrjlATE, HONE MEAL, SULPHATE AND MURIATE OF VOTASU, NITRATE OF SODA and SULPHATE OF AMMONIA, Double Super Phosphate, 40 J er cent, to 15 jier cent, ttoluble in water, in quunutlea to aim. Any .Special Formula Made to Order A. F. COOKE, HAWAIIAN FERTILIZINO CO. Xottl liuuuri Lowell, Wash., Jan. i, 1895. Wklls, Richardson & Co., Gditlemtn: My little girl has always been deli- cate. When she was a year old she had spas'ms caused by indigestion. The measles were coming out 011 her at the same time, and since then bvkky J.1TTI.H THING WOULD THROW IIKR INTO SPASMS Oil TH)t SYMPTOMS Ol' TIlltM. If she took the slighet cold she would wake up nt night in a flighty condition, and we would have to give her medicine and work with her a long time to keep her from having a spasm. She would te lite iluU cvtr) four or six months, and we had a doctor bcvcral times. This fall she took cold while out playing and woke in the night, flighty as usual. This turned to rheumatism in her hand, leg, and foot. The INDIGESTION And Liver Complaint CUKCD DV USINU Ayef s Sarsaparilla Mr. T.J. CLONE, nf Wnlkrrt lllr, H. Australia, w tltm I tt t,ruwrt;!lW the 'ell shouldor caused by col- - hr.i Mn.'i'.'Vl0! 'ATZlfS?. "f lision telephone post. Other- - auflered mucli liculaclip. PDl! nrvprat roinpflffs iiiysKinwas and cimniltcd without (ntaininir aitr n hii fliiAiiv. t lie an I a my ructomer lerommendoil Asvt'n hnrnapa It liplned inn Hip lrst,4-l- n f,irt, taking nx bottles I Man completely curetl. nnl coultl eat anj thing and i liko & chll J.M Ayer's Sarsaparilla Has cured others, will you. b j Ir. .1.0. Ai M A t'o., Mi.,U.8.A HOLLISTER BRDG CO., WHOLKSALK AOENTri. For Rent. The premises on J mid Street, beyond Ltllha, lately occupied by Joaquin Miller, Houo nf four It and Kit chen; Stable and 1 acres of land more or less. For Sale. One. All I!rnsa Double Acting Force Pump, 3 inch auction ami discharge with 2o0 feet 2j inch Hose. At a bargain one English do cart Imported. One revolving baker's oven. Apply to J. EMMKLUTII, tf Vn (I Nmmnii trin't ATLAS ASSURANCE COMPANY, Capital, - - $6,000,000 Assets, - - $9,000,000 Having apoltitcwl agents tit the aborv Company we art) now ready to ellect lasar-nce- a nt the lowest rales ot premium. It. V. SCHSUDT A snM3. Castle k Cooke, Ltd LIFE AND FIRE Insurance Agents. AGK.NT8 roll .YE II' tlXalMND MUTUAL Life Insurance Co OP BOSTON. TNA FIRE INSURANCE CO. . OF IlAUTKOltn, vm For Kino Printing Try tho Star CI....I. UI..I.I MIRACULOUS ! After Doctors Failed, PA INK'S CELERY COMPOUND Saved This Beautiful Child. wise rlilrtj cure HER PARENTS' GREAT JOY. Nervous Disease That' Can Re- sist the Curative Power of the Medicine That Makes People Well. doctors gave her some medicine and bathed the parts in of pepperment, which helped her for the time being, but rheumatism came back as as she wtnt out. I conluded to try I'AINii's CKLHRV Comi'Ound for her, and continued bathing as be- fore. commenced to improve right away, and 1 had lven Iipi but llltlo over half a bottle when slio wns Ktrong nml well and able to go to school again. She has been doing finely ever since, and is HiiALTiiiUK than'.K uiU'oki! and always hungry. . We cannot say too much in praise of Painb's Cklery. Compound, ' Very truly yours, MRS. A. HAGER For Sale by tho HOLLISTER DRUG COMPANY, WUoiiaALE AGENTS FOR TUE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. M' Til Wt. UNO KU'KH. Knli'nkii lty I'niiml lilltiy nml Miinnet afe. The racer Kahu'ai Hoy' was found yesterday evening in the Lemon stables near the Wa klki bridnc. Thi animal had a "i mi with a (mm norsc was rint. tue trlpd from after Made wins been No oil the soon So She cut I animal wilh the broken leg was to have been shot, but on request of I John Thompson the mare was given 't him. It is a valtnble animal ami Dr. Ro.vat belives he can save it for Mt. Thompo;i. Jim Crow, the Jockey, sustained several bruises on his face by col- lision with n telephone post on the Kaliauiki road. The racers Magnet and Trilby, the property of Mr. Halstcad were taen down in advance and arrived I at Waialua safely. lllerli, Record. Lou'sviu.r., May 31. Dirnber-- , ger captured another world's record today, the s of a mile, fl.'itig start, paced. He clipped two full seconds from John S. Joun- - s 111s record ol 1:11 4-- niatle nt Walthain 011 September 21, 1804, doing the distance in 1 109 4-- lie was paced by a quad. Ill tlm Orient London, May 31. Japan has started in to subdue the Chinese in I'onnosa who prefer a republic to vassalage. Japan will easily es- tablish her supremacy without tb aid or interference of other nations. Itimslit nml Ciirptt. BKRUN, June I. A current rumor is that, Corea lias made a sscret appeal to Russia for pro tection from Japan. Russia is in clined to assist, but fears the inter- position of Great Britain. THE EAGLE HOUSE, Xiiiliuiii Atomic, UIlUMMdXD iS: JOIIKsON', l'Hoi'nlEToRS. First-Cla- ss Family Hotel. KOOMS KS SL'ITR IK M1NULK. Detnclieil Coltaccs rmmtded with the House Oitr Table is mipptied K'.tlt the butt the vmrket ujfoith Hatch .'.ooini il: IJ(ilix'r ccli; t"i:t juir muiim. M. II. DUUMMOND. L. M. JOUNbO.4. SAILORS' HOME RESTAURANT A Coot, Seat and Clean Place With the Very Beat Fare, At the Sailors Home. Metila will be eerved aa follows: Breakfast - from 5 to 10 o'clock. Lunch - - from 11:90 to 2 o'clock. H upper - - from 5 to 7:S0 o'clock. POPULAR PItICI. CHANG CHEONG & CO. King St. Restaurant! Corner King nnd Ala kea streets willRivi; you tho best meal for" 25 cents in the city. We are now In our new rooms, everything si ean. 25c frc-.l- i Ittmemlier the Place, evnter King anil Alakca ttrvett. 808 lino BEST IN HONOLULU I Mi Chock's Restaurant Cor. Hotel and Union Sts. Meals 25 Cents Arrangements enn herpW made for serving iiiuuis u raouiiwi living wiimu rtaxonublr dlntaiut). CKOCK LOOK, MUHoIIANT No. 48 Niiii.inii Kino Olothe. Perfect Fit. Styleo up to Date. Prices will batiaty you. Give-ru- a trial I strive to please. tttncht of Twat, Pbtyutkilrt, Flannels t DueMnf No. IS NUUAXU P. O. llnx lil. tailoh Avcnuo. AVE. v. iund, o lll.'jcl.n l!eilretl. dun mid lk Hmltli. Jio. 13 lil.TlIr.Ij HTHKI.T, NfXl lo L'aulo & t'i"le. XI 1 13. anil j. rr. SEATTLE SOAP COMPANY Heir tn inform the public of Honolulu unil the oilier Islands that a complete line of their famous mvl de- servedly iwji'jlar LAUXDHYAND TOILET SOAVS, WASlllXa COMWUXDS, AXIAIAL SOAPS, KTL' have, been introduced Into this nmrlcet Ami ate now to bt, found on sale at the ttrooery store of II. E. McIntvuk Cko., O. Hustack and IIemiv Davis & Co., where their elegant display cabinets can te seen. The Valuo niten for uriees c'larjted has never been etiualed iu this mnruei ity ai.y omer haati uoin))uiiy. j Try the "Star" Electric Works for Fin Printing. KRAJEWSKI CANE CRUSHER Wc lire to draw lliv nbittcrdattcntiuti to thfa maclilne tor vhlcli ue clulrn tlm following ndtnntni;; TI1K (JiUfUIKU will cnt tho cano lct'n ilcmonftrnlfd hi nnctiml prncilcu. runsvcioh In l ierp- nUuit !i IiicIilh loUrf and extract nlnjut IV per cent, of i ne j moo nnuicincr ih crueiuM cHin'in ti uniform hnir to tlie .1 roller mill. thereby caiHing a n ttvet fetnl nud In- creased cxtr.-ic1lo- of juice. UUil'HUHlIKIC lenvo thy "flk n" on tl.o cane, thereby KivinK u a Itvtter chance to bo txpvlled thou If the cane vh llppoil ovnn mliin.tin,' tlm pulp to tho hard packing on the rcturni r bar of the 0 roller null. Till; rKUSHK U w 1 Favo ahor n handling of tho enne, Hi an lr result: r distribution of c.vie on tho wutici will not mat riull v ttfect the regular and even feed to the II roller mill. Till-- ; C IUS will reotdre ditlonal steam or boiler power, aa it has TlSwTLMO.VIAHl !iaeto(rlit)tticrmher tht-r- w.uonly 1'eneck.eohuearC'o. n, theunderno ,sttntn bvtterextractlon hi will Kit not ad. licit tl) hicrrusMl pxtrnclloti of juice Ii:h lntprocl tho tnli as fuel an as fully utako up lor tin nUdilloiml UMof ftlfiim It. UlUStlKU In t.trMn;Iy built, tl.o roller made (tf ttnlnl Rice rins tlio Bhnfts. Tlie ilt)fnii nil of Btnlhiid the (tpiirwlu't-- i tit Kinont rim. a f(Hel is aUjut tlic tin? mill rolU-rK- . thereby nml in running. It cntiittructt-tl- . thatthoulil Iron pirtB.Vncli holts, coupling links and pins, c:iru 1iniv'i'-1cU,- throiuh, w ill Injure of tlin parts. fho follow in x tcitimonlnls from tilantntloim the fther present Is at work: I'prrrKFo Mrch 28, amount nf ttmlu nrht Olnit lo Mfliiini Hnrtnllilii U'nrL fWllrili llm Hmlliul nnr tuilllnir l.r.noti um 8mw: Upia, use.t Cnishcr slow, liut If or the jea.Miii nti'l I.avp )tal no Nir mulil do H t ai work trouble or hlicH wbatLtr with It or tlm vi libit. entrine. ihur SavtnQ. We "titp three ineu at the I lie Urusher h txtrv-fin.r'4- towi mills, er cunt, nl thejuk-- lesido ctitllntt tho num lltf friWi U trty tlru and ean nlnj b mi'ltl)' n Dletes lolx iliclu'i lotii and a lift uitli blent v ol tiin without lltu ilui tit Hrf?(t, evtn hihI itcrt'l)- - t tho tin en vHInu or cifil. Kl h'uilv )oiri, roller mill. We tUmix "Ji l per (cnt. J. W, COI.VILLK, ManaKer. more iwr tlnv and muld iln mora If our I'olllnit houiy nnuliljtrniil, Wo. " nrnmivinK ine iftuoroi nix men mo cane ciirrir-reer- tiny, Klkiha Pistatiov, Mnrcli 22, ihi. Kerihit(f nlKitit tin CVupher norks, MeotrH. Iron Works Ikah smooth ami enii, and tho amount of Pteum Sow i liave Ih? n workln ttm KrHjnnkl eo.itunt?l is trltintf, you ma JiiUo,fur Or shrr Mfn tlnnlmr ot Octotx r 19I, nre ruimlnat two engine for tlip thrt'ft in II In without del.iv nml with mns wil fHCtory nnd haesrftim to spHro for ttin II itllntr Moiiho renutti from the rtnrt. dally work hni from o Gx:i fNt tvi.ller. Of louife w ith thN ncri-ae- fromniclnrincr tuW lnrlHfni ( eeli fwtl of rrushed cann from he crunhfr u iltonsl with thi iniintwr laborer nn hc cniitien to rio-- e uown our m tu we twit Mnceweare intuitf the i runiicr morn t ot tufort. und fiotn oiiMirimi ntw of drying the trah, l"Jto vtr (Itir rnti nf orltuHni' nnHnnnlv t t mm ft1 iKcoy, Manager Honolulu WorksfJo. (Iknti.kmkm Krtjenkl antngcoui OHiuhiffH THE lire orovldwl u'lvliij; comfort Mifety car an1 cru Iwui the jtr mor flt orli cnimclt) Honolulu tho the our mm vxtrartlon inerpnneil comtilernbiy forinprtv pxccilent itddlnu thnl'rimlier MenircliPtniil IdWLEt. to V'2 hluliitht. T f larlfU'1'n In init It v (it lonMlrltol. hut MP tliul fourteen liotirH. CruUer ami tlie 1 remain, joura II. I'f.A nt March lflV Iron We flmt til- - Crusher nd In et Items: ami trtn Jted uf the three mill, thu on the mill and nt the same tlitK us from ft to ti iertent. uf Juice. 57o 3 to to drt I on nrc N m It fo as it i.ot anv where at ttj otne ar 1" un name of nre tlte lias and the Ifsves the roller mill d ter than And fuel. Jlr thut our elfin (I imltnii mtuif iiilir lm Unit the three roller milt to- - tTIONi mlkr lireat dnl train irlvin Htino nrrm-.- tnurh linnpi trah make nether coiiniime lenn i)wr than did tho it roll er mill U'fnre atone. The extraction of the ('runner ainouiits to .Hl r cent, of thujuhe and tho S roller mill iccpIvc a and regular fefd. thereby dccroanlinr the risk of roller shafts. We catt recommend the KreJewoM Cann Cniwher a a rtlunblu addition ton mill which will pay loyueir Inn short time. We remio, your truly. r or Keknha Sugar Co , F. W. GLVDK, Veareat present maklnir a Cmslier In our Miom nnd shall I nleatHed to nhow and explain Us construction to any party luteiestcd. HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO., Sole Agent.? for Hawaiian Islands. THE I JLJ.' Has Imported a Large ami Well Selected Slock of New Designs in o And. Torpedoes. American mi Hawaiian Bnniins, TLAGS, ALL S1ZKS. AMERICAN & HAWAIIAN SHIELDS. Stars and Stripes, and Red, White and Blue Bunting. FIREWORK BALLOONS, Horse Head Plumes, Tissue Wreaths, Moss Paper Festoonings in Red, White and Blue, Etc., Etc. ISLAND ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO These Goods arc NEW and FRESH, o( tiic Best Quality and will be sold at the Lowest Cash Prices. Tlie I. X:- - 31., Corner Ntiuami and King Streets, S. W. LEDERER. H. E. RflcJNTYRE BRO., IMPOKTKKS AND OKAUiKS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed. East Lokner Fout and King Streets. Ner(iooiUrMviia ly every Packet from the EasUru ptatM and Europe Fresh California Trwlm-- i by etcry All ordera foithtulli atlei.ded t and goods delivered to any jurt of t'ie city fret of charKe Island enlem lolldtcL Gulisfw lion guaranteed. TeleohoneNo Foit Oak tioj. sia Iti " .-. Ml. i C. SUIttlAKN. V.l lir.UCT.VNIA ST.. 0iKilte Cintral Union Cliurcli. OniCK IIOl'IIX lo 11 .ln.,J In (p.m., to ti 11, m. N. It Tiii'Ml )s antl Krliliya from 10 9 p. pi. Hie tlritmint lor I'tinll IT.tM'I.K Is fren xrel.l for tl.o ftlnllrine. J. M. MONSAEEAT. ATTOHNEY AT LAW AND NOTAIlV PUBLIC Cartwrt(cht Block, Merchant IHt.. Honolulu G. & SM1T1LIKS, Accoiinlant. Collector and Copyist Olllco uith C. I). Ch.w, Bitfo 1)oih)hU UuildiitiC. Telephone 184. The colleitlon of flo eminent bills unetdiOy & 31. iXAICUJNA, Commissioner of Private Ways ami Water Rights. N'otriry ltttjllo Aent to (Imnt Urri.iKe Licenwes. MutnAl Tvlfplinne 2S. WILLIAM WAG KM I co.viiiACioit .N nutMinn, Seconil Flmir llnnntiilii I'lanlng Mill, hott.-- t. Klmls Promptly It' n'A"; ""H1 l"nVM Ultw Kroun.l, lUn to. it and OHAS. SEYDONE SCENi: AND UltNAMKNTAI. PA1NTEH, SldN WIllTKlt PA PER and DECORATOR, No. 15 IlETiiKt, St. C. J. WHITNEY, Teacher of Elocution aijd Dra matic Art, Ahmnoton Hotel. I. o. lioi an. T :o. LEWIS & CO. IMl'OHTEnS. Nnval Supplies. AVhoIesale nnd IlftUiU Ueaiera in rrovintons, etc. Ill H. I. M. PHILLIPS & CO. Wholesale Imtortcn) anl Jobljer ot nMERICAH & EUROPEAN DRY GQQQS. Corner Fort and QuMn Hta., Honolulu. 7tf II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS ISII'OUTEItH AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Fort Street, Honolulu. M. S. GRINBAUM & CO. , Uinltrd. HONOLULU II. I Commission Merchants and Importern of (Jen era! JlercJiandlse. San Franclwco Office, JI5 Front Pt. K. VAN 1)00 UN & CO., No. 20S FORT Kspi.axadk, 8top on your wity to tho wharf nnJ liuy 5ci)nriirci an las! colililrink. American Livery ui BcarfliDg status ami ItUtiitrtl Gurlagt'H, Burroys and at ul) liourit: JAMKS CAItTV, Proprietor. Tni.miONK o. AW, CONHOMDiTEl) SODA WATEU WOUKS rOMPASY, LTD. Gklilsnaile. come- - Allen anil For struts. HOLLISTER it. CO.. AKonts PACIFIC TUADINO CO., TO "ITOHAN." IMl'OKTKKS niJAI.HRS In Jaimncfcu rroisioiiR nl Dry (IikhIs, etc., .... SOI nml 200 Fout hT., HosoLt'LU, II. I. HOHOLULUJRON WORKS, Btkau Ekoixks, Buuau Mills, L.OOLKK4, IllO.V, lltlASS AND LlAD (Ti8Tl.V03. Machinery of tloa Made Onler. attention rmlJ to Hhl, UUclw.lUhllu. Job wnrk ftiH-ul- l nt Short L. AHLO, Dry Goois, Groceries, Hardware, mill Klioiw, VM Uetu-ru- l It Atcuiit. No. 4G8 Nuuanu 3t Cor. Chaplain S. r. o. liux 111. YEK AN, No. SOlun.iaOO NUUANU STItECT' Ner Kin Slrti-t- . Clothlne., Cauiplior Valix-f- , Hats ami (lects Kurnisliing Jill (lltOCEUII-S- . CIIONG, DiwKt In AND .: I'ltOVISlONS, IWk, ltliv. Bran ami (leueral Jterrhandiw. Cor, IIuU'l Nuuuim Sts. Honolulu, II, I. CHINESE IMIOVISIOA STOKE Ilrlek .... Cor. Hotel and Bmitb 8t, Kl CHONC, Proprietor. Rice, Tea and General Merchandise, QUOE SAM REE & CO., Importers and liealern In General Merchandise. Wholesale Wine and Spirit Merchants Cor. kixu and MalVakli Hibhis, lioi' jam & cojipanv, CHUNQ MINC, Manager. V'holeMlle III LltiuomanU MhiiIIh Cixars, out Auierlcun Urocerlea. V ""Ul Btnvt Tl.i.lioiw UJ, 1 MERCHANT TAILOR, 333Huunnu3t. Tolcphono 0CP. Fise sBitinas, Scotch and American 6BodsT CI.OTIII'.x Ii AND ll IMHIKI). o k: i m, 111 Nl't'ANL' Ntbfkt. Importer lend Occlor In nryxoods and Fancy Ccods. jMoreliiint Tailorings I IT ut'AltANTKKl). I'MICKK MDIIKIIATi: Ttl.l miosis 512 : - OOO ICITkl. avijnt; tai lung. IN Z$2Ji1!?lx NT., Iji. ei'i."". Our Planing rifiii, ' ' n' On nllimnl . in.uaoi Jnlihini? At- - COA'TA' UWAAl fwnwrly HANGER urocerios, BVeClCSSOKS lIoitjM, I'lrtimtur Timil.ii, HuildinK Kngluli tutf nf s.11 kinds mailt, nin nluiltitl. . . '. O. Hot 1W. for. KIN'lludllKTIIfcltSu. SING WO k CO.. FANCY DRV GOODS, OikmIs. Chllie.e lk. Mattlnir. Cnmi,lior Triinkii. No. NTt'ANU STIIKIX I', o. Yee On Co., acd HaDDfaclnrtne IniorU'rn of Watchcti and Clocltfi, aiTUUANC STItKLT. l O. Ilox 143 WIKG KOW CHAH, Iniportorfl nnd CommUdlun .McrchAtitn. Clihinand Jainu Thk, Manila Clears Silk. Mnttlni U rot vriwi ion l'rovlsittjw. .... Ot KlnKtroL't. Telephone 7M. COM M I ON '.ItCll A NTS, WLVC WO TAI tv COMPANY. -'- ."1 Nt'LAMl bT. GCHEHAL MERCHANDISE, KIn Manila Clsmn. t'rin'leiyare. Mailing, lh4 Miles C!i1ium nml Jaiwueutt Ttiis. - - . . . Teliiihone 266 TAI WO WING KEIi CO. I)fAlin In LADIES' AND CENTS SHOCS. Jtwts rtmi isirvjf Mtutc to V. O. Uux :o;.' , . Ve Uw tlm Ihist Matt-rfn- l M'nrrant It Ut ear WVIL BOO YINC LURIC, Iiiijwrtt-- of 8itk Gtt, Fine Tant Manila Cijart MattiujtXut ami General .Merchandixe, 'u Mauinlei btmt. Itonululit. II. I. X'. O, lix 1C YKX KKK CO., 'I' 1 , M 1 l 11 t4, ami lttlfii in CKOCKEUY. (ilaSWAIti;, Kto. W'hUt Vlot h'nl iinl JU'txtlm), iit plumt.iiit; neatly fxit-uln- t . . No. 4i NfL'AXL" bTltFCT IB. RUBBER T Molary Public. r.irtlcular attentlnn anil Kilinfucllon Kiiirunteeil, to nil lio ill fire Arcotiuta Ailjiisti'il 'ollci'U'il SEAliCHEI) -- Ily an jiersou. umcK with The Hawaiian Investment Co., REAL ESTATE A.t iOAXS, 13 ami'iioMt srai. EXHIBITION AT MASONIC TEMPLE French Fancy Goods, Gloves, Lacos, Silk Waists. Ladles' Fine French Linen, Underwear, etc. Sold at very I.ow Prices. 01HKCTI.Y nv tSr M POULAIN. (lotoa wiirriiiiii',1 um tu lirt'iik i riii k .. , Any Kind of Underwear Made io Order. Tri.iriioxi: 47S. THIS PAPER Wa?- .- A'tSi'; Franc Wu, , 4ir RATIONAL CAE Ai(m(f. ii ler thi tatt of tilt Ha- waiian lirpuUie, " I One ol Shredders lias recently been installed at the mill of the Pn.-iha- Plantation Hamakua, Hawaii, and Mr Andrew Moore, the manage!, writes loncerning it I'AAtim- - li.Aj(iAriojr Co., IUmakca, Jan. Ii, IS M. tl. IHIVI.XA. J.TU, llo.MU.ULCt Ux.TLsiix!(-Tl- ie null hoi l.n mnnlnir tlur-in- tbei .wmJu, mltli tlM ,fiikmi ! frlUr ltr ia.tiiltej,18ltni''b. nat Milhfai l..ry naulti. iMU, Dur mill entiiu r Itrna of two J '" ,he liri!WT illww IW111! 5 ft. 7 In t... .ti' vrifinu it m. eyujitit-- Hie ltHttjOil c).fi lIrif tnlltl a hur.l Croctcry, Hardware, Cigars, ic. tttt .131 Nil AM' ,liuulilhlrile & li w no iu nureiM-r- , tmrtfeulnrly lin nl.iM.iuli?. iin.Tn it t.1 l.i lml inllN rnuiml, th Mimdlnl cum Miir Orient "'"'x Tin mill Is now lo oii rni a. v. in. ok I.irnior that Hie All of ,,rkt tellilinl .11.1 iLe i,,,!,.!, this i.lthit W7 ki.iione FortHt., Kotiutalu ST., Cur. t Hiickn AX1) Every Porll lew CI OihuIs and Peitlera CI.FVS' a o Hi:I.FBS In. AND 43 llm III. WalctiMers bS Ml Onler, ami Oil 110 K i Rln-n- , or UECOUDS experieiiceil 15 KAAIIUMAXU ST. 01' r cI hn rmrriicU tr Company, ti wt iua. ju.t lir tkvoM tiim.l irriiBiiiii,;, . hoklng, nml uraln- - . v, iiat;uii.erj ' IMilml th. Hrst iu.1 mi 1 mills . apjilr uot nt, the r)iuiniit . for the it li tlay., .nl errtntiiwit alia. h.l. ha orcraenl Si .r cent, on ths total jui,t from tin cane. I TIw tnuh Inun tho Ox mill Is cut up mufh lllwr tlian Ivfar It. Hlinildor a. appllnl. ,niichof lfr.g.. 'mg Miri!ut, It contain. ot it cutvriiii .i iT(vnt. or uiokture and mniK.wiiii.'. iwjuioofr In tlie tnta) j i lffoiv. now i nr. frtint hKnirtiijf, ton ltm whwh Kianiiai ' iiropnt. utcar ke tvUttni much nuirr tban to tun rokfi tbcm r ("cfcre treat (run KolnK ay lue int t i w JOtlM'--t UitllM' n ti dlttnltute tho tit..-..-- i:iill. nn,I tLrnw i . The M i, joo, ai.J ft,. tb last mill ix., ro that the moUturw tolutlon. Im wteivcu care thoktMtiii Mirwlier iu on. mldcr wo hare 1U-- tticrlx tiwwmary to mrrit-r- , feit the Hi mg pieces ry u a irood ul- - A cautto Uttle ur no tniuble.u It iu!.j1h.i u ,ut light strains. .v ..11. muni Uy a pljlmr (n HSnnl-d-- our work In lU luw Imhi jery mntri,viir iniiruBd-ollnl- n(r at U'tler eitraituii at ! rXwluothan former- ly. Tlia liuiniTi.inent In our sUnuir, Slejfni U'Uii tbos engaged lu A. MOUItll. I'lans. specifications and prices ol these Slircdders may be had on application to f. G. IRWIN S Go. Ltd, Sole Airrnts for tho llnuailan Il,lllIIc. iilii Bazaar .VKWSDKAIiKH, IIO0KSE1.LKK. STATI0NEM. ..(AVIrA1W ,rom '0 up. VIOLINS, MANDOLINS. CIKIONBlU, HAN-JOS- ? ' Musk'.il liilruuieiit Supnlirg, Mii-i- o or.leiiii hy Kwry Kieumrr. raml-iuiiii- 50o to .JKW. FLUTES uml I'lCCOLOS- - nml Sicctacles Carefully fated to all eights and frames com- fortably adjusted .... Domestic 3 fJSewing Machines. i ... ,7ui, uc neivniB Jlnclilfim. Tills muc liine ut.xn nil olhem In rx. llelico of HiiLlmiiJ durability; ,, itv, ni;.k Wl htiu.1.. Such. Kmliroidor. Hem. Tu?L Ifiillti.. 11, nl in.!.. 1, 1.:. .iiiiiiii tioicH,, utMINGTON TYPEWRITERc una lgpevrrUer Supi-lie- , H tlm Australia artheK a Urge and Spoi-tin- g Goods. jr rOOlIIALI-S- . TL'VMIU ll I I I a ll.l', n.'.AVK1:1M. HAKE MlTl'b and IIX)VKS. . . . . Fociet Knivss ad R:rs. Mi & Bjtcbsr Bjiois from 50c up. Indoor Games. INDUS CltlH. AUTIIOIWuud oiiur tiinl (lames. Hand Sewing Machines $830 and Sln .Machine NVHIes for nil kimUitif machine. NOVELS, XOV13LS, NOVELS Hy fcvery Slenmcr. IIA1U IlltUslIIX SUA INU imUSMIS OMUS. Etc . uiiiw. l AlIII I'ASLS. AND HOOKS. . '. . ClULDIttS's 1'ICTCIIE IIOOKN. DOLIJ, ami soys 01 all iltwripliMoa. thtr lutntueMg U n.i.;.?...r .... n C'aili Unit aliiolutei, tuittequentlu IIV AIU.lir.IKjl.. II ... I . ..... ..VU(.,IW M lu ,(w nit ft. W. F. REYNOLDS, Prop. Where did you get that suit ? Why, at JOHNSTON & STOREY'S, 413 FOUT ST., There you jet the latest New York fashions iu Clothing and Gent's Remember JOHNSTON & 'STOREY, 413 Kokt Strbkt, 1IONOI.VI.O, f in J v. j ... . . ....... jd3nm i.l

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  • ilk- -


    1 V'

    " vol. in.

    Yd -

    Mil- -

    l"r. l. & AliuleWashington, Vt

    Blood Poisoning13 Running Soros Cavo Way to

    Hood's Sarsaparllla."C. t. HooilSCo., Lowell, Masi.i

    Clcntlcinfn-'Thlrtee- n ysars sjo I was laCnur l)e Alcne, now callod Kort Sherman, Idaho.Wiillo tliera I went In snlmmlng one day andraugbt cold, chilling tho bone In my leg, causingn tvcr sore on my limb. The sore continuednuout thrco months, continually rotting mjr leguntil It pot m to nj knen. when I had the limbiniir,utild. Mr log was so rotten that niter thelimb wns amputated the foot dropped off.l'rom this state 1 got Mood poisoning and had

    Thirteen Running Sores07 my body. These sores eontlnned fromthrco to four years, my blood being In a terriblecondition. Alter this I commenced takinglino i' Mrnirarilla. 1 used three bottles and(ouiid It did ine good, so 1 kept on until I hadused ten bottles or more. My blood was com- -

    E .3 P'uuresIdctcly cleansed. The sores stopped runningand ha 0 not troubled me any how for six years.My apiwtlto and digestion are good and 1 amRifee'ly well, lone my euro to Hood's Sana.inrllla." 1'. 8. Ki.vzik, Washington, Vt

    Hood's P1II9 are purely vegetable and per-fectly harmless. Sold by all druggists. 25c

    Iloliron )rug Company

    Wholesale Acems.

    BISHOP & CO.,Established In 1858.

    BANKERS.Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.



    Mew York, Chicago, Boston, Paris,mm, ii eoTUD&w, london


    The Commercial Banking Co. of Sydney,

    Tho liank of New Zealand. Auckland, anditfi branches in Christcmirch, Dunedinand Wellington.

    The Buik of British Columbia. Victoria, andits branchus, Vancourer, Nanalmo; westminister, 15. C, and Portland, Oregon,

    The Azores and Madeira Inlands,

    Tho Chiirtcred Bank of India, Australia andChina, ,

    The Hongkong and Shanghai, China; andYCKouama, uiogo ana nagasaiti, Japan.And transact a General Banking Business.

    H B4EWER & CO,, LTD. 'ieeii St., HonolnlQ, H..I.,.- -


    Uow,ttlant,-ioultur- al Co., Onom'eaSunr Co., ilunomu sugar to.f wailiiku Snirur Co.. Wfiihee Sucar huirar Co., Ilalcakala ItucchCo., lvnp.tpala Ranc, ,

    PI niters' Line San Vr .nclsco Packets.CliHS. Drewer & Co.'n Lino of Boston

    PilOkL'tF.Atrpntt Itoston Board of Underwriters-AcuiitB Philadelphia Board of Under,

    writers.List op Officers :

    ' V. C oONI:h rresidi(vo. II. KOBEIITHON Mana,K. If. Bishop Tree and Be.Cot. W. V. Allen AuditU. M. Cooke .H. Watiruoosk.. Dlrectc.-- s tA. W. Cabth.... ) ,

    WILLIAMS' ART GALLERY, .itaving resumed business

    nuvuntnuu or tne tmBt twrunovute our stuuiojuiied than everof nni'Ient Hawaii

    and tftTteWfp'f!

    we are bettt tto fill orders for 4

    und, of the ( finnilB of t'nu late troubles. Pof tlm IwidiiiL' characters a specialty

    topre- -ewsingults

    Our tmrtrait department is open forengagements, and our work, as in theimtt win lie. up to all 01 tlu-- jjodern aavaiii'ements in our line,


    I'.itmii ok Tin: dhaptiku h wiiixkii' rut: cm. IMA,

    Only 111 Mitnl Out or Son M10Kind nml h Holler



    . San Francisco, June l. TheColima rolled over anil as slie cap-sized one of lier boilers exploded.The accident was caused oy havingtoo great a deck load and practicallynothing in the hold. The stormencountered was one of the severestever knonu on the Southern codst,where the sea is usually calm everyday in the year.

    The Colima was lost in 18 dcg.5? mill, north lattitttdc, 104 deg.14 mill, west longitude during aheavy storm beginning in thesouthwest and dritinir the vcs.'clshoreward.

    Captain J. I?. Tavlor proved abrave man, and did everything tosave the vessel which man coulddo, but during the height of thestorm he was killed by a fallingspar.

    Chief Officer D. K. Griffith andChief Kueineer John P. Iipsen metdeath in the same wav.

    There was on board 20-?- Ofthese only 34 were saved from openboats.

    Iti Cuba.

    Havana, June 1, During thepast fortnight there have beenseveral sharp engagements betweenSpanish troops and rebels. Inevery instance the insurgents havebeen worsted. The prospects arethat the revolution will in a monthbe a thing of the past

    Stnle Secretary,Washington, May 31 It is

    known positively that PresidentCleveland personally desires to pro-m'o-

    Mr. Carlisle to the state portfolio. The party leaders urgeBayard and Whitney, but both areshy, the former preferring to remain 111 and Mr. Whitneyhaving his weather eye on the 'qbnomination. Don M. Dickensoni? scarcely mentioned and AssistantSecretary Uhl is not regarded as apossibility.

    Matter of Money.London, May 3. An inter

    national dispute over the Chinesewar loan is in prospect. I'Vance,England, Germany and Russia allwish to manage the great transaction. There' is no likelihood ofserious collision in the matter,


    A Good Fertilizer,

    To Suit the' TimesAt ittO per ton of 2000 llw,Anal zed .is followu :

    10 iter cent. PlHHiihoric Aciil. 3soiuuiu hiiu avHuanie.

    0 per cent. I o ash (actual.)3 per cent. Ammonia.10 per cent. Lime (Carbonate).




    NITRATE OF SODA andSULPHATE OF AMMONIA,Double Super Phosphate,

    40 J er cent, to 15 jier cent, ttolublein water, in quunutlea to aim.

    Any .Special Formula Made to Order


    Xottl liuuuriLowell, Wash., Jan. i, 1895.

    Wklls, Richardson & Co.,Gditlemtn: My little girl has always been deli-

    cate. When she was a year old she had spas'mscaused by indigestion. The measles were comingout 011 her at the same time, and since then bvkkyJ.1TTI.H THING WOULD THROW IIKR INTO SPASMS

    Oil TH)t SYMPTOMS Ol' TIlltM.If she took the slighet cold she would wake up

    nt night in a flighty condition, and we would haveto give her medicine and work with her a long timeto keep her from having a spasm. She would te liteiluU cvtr) four or six months, and we had a doctorbcvcral times.

    This fall she took cold while out playing and

    woke in the night, flighty as usual. This turned

    to rheumatism in her hand, leg, and foot. The

    INDIGESTIONAnd Liver Complaint


    Ayefs SarsaparillaMr. T.J. CLONE,

    nf Wnlkrrt lllr, H. Australia, w tltm Itt t,ruwrt;!lW the 'ell shouldor caused by col- -hr.i Mn.'i'.'Vl0! 'ATZlfS?. "f lision telephone post. Other- -auflered mucli liculaclip.

    PDl!nrvprat roinpflffs


    and cimniltcdwithout (ntaininir aitr n hii fliiAiiv.

    t lie an


    my ructomer lerommendoil Asvt'n hnrnapaIt liplned inn Hip lrst,4-l- n f,irt,taking nx bottles I Man completely

    curetl. nnl coultl eat anj thing and i liko& chll J.M

    Ayer's SarsaparillaHas cured others, will you.

    bj Ir. .1.0. Ai M A t'o., Mi.,U.8.A



    For Rent.The premises on J mid Street, beyond

    Ltllha, lately occupied by JoaquinMiller, Houo nf four It and Kitchen; Stable and 1 acres of land moreor less.

    For Sale.One. All I!rnsa Double Acting Force

    Pump, 3 inch auction ami dischargewith 2o0 feet 2j inch Hose.

    At a bargain one English do cartImported.

    One revolving baker's oven.Apply to

    J. EMMKLUTII,tf Vn (I Nmmnii trin't


    Capital, - - $6,000,000Assets, - - $9,000,000

    Having apoltitcwl agents tit the aborvCompany we art) now ready to ellect lasar-nce- a

    nt the lowest rales ot premium.

    It. V. SCHSUDT A snM3.

    Castle k Cooke, LtdLIFE AND FIRE

    Insurance Agents.

    AGK.NT8 roll


    Life Insurance CoOP BOSTON.





    Kino Printing

    Try tho Star

    CI....I. UI..I.I


    After Doctors Failed,PA INK'S CELERYCOMPOUND SavedThis Beautiful Child.





    Nervous Disease That' Can Re-sist the Curative Power of theMedicine That Makes PeopleWell.

    doctors gave her some medicine and bathed theparts in of pepperment, which helped her for thetime being, but rheumatism came back as asshe wtnt out. I conluded to try I'AINii's CKLHRVComi'Ound for her, and continued bathing as be-fore. commenced to improve right away, and1 had lven Iipi but llltlo over half a bottlewhen slio wns Ktrong nml well and able to go toschool again. She has been doing finely ever since,and is HiiALTiiiUK than'.K uiU'oki! andalways hungry. .

    We cannot say too much in praise of Painb'sCklery. Compound, '

    Very truly yours,


    For Sale by tho



    Til Wt. UNO KU'KH.

    Knli'nkii lty I'niiml lilltiy nml Miinnetafe.

    The racer Kahu'ai Hoy' wasfound yesterday evening in theLemon stables near the Wa klkibridnc. Thi animal had a "i

    mi with a(mm norsc was rint. tue







    oilthe soon




    I animal wilh the broken leg was tohave been shot, but on request of

    I John Thompson the mare was given't him. It is a valtnble animal

    ami Dr. Ro.vat belives he can saveit for Mt. Thompo;i.

    Jim Crow, the Jockey, sustainedseveral bruises on his face by col-lision with n telephone post on theKaliauiki road.

    The racers Magnet and Trilby,the property of Mr. Halstcad weretaen down in advance and arrived

    I at Waialua safely.

    lllerli, Record.Lou'sviu.r., May 31. Dirnber-- ,

    ger captured another world's recordtoday, the s of a mile,fl.'itig start, paced. He clippedtwo full seconds from John S. Joun- -s 111s record ol 1:11 4-- niatle ntWalthain 011 September 21, 1804,doing the distance in 1 109 4-- liewas paced by a quad.

    Ill tlm OrientLondon, May 31. Japan has

    started in to subdue the Chinese inI'onnosa who prefer a republic tovassalage. Japan will easily es-tablish her supremacy without tbaid or interference of other nations.

    Itimslit nml Ciirptt.

    BKRUN, June I. A currentrumor is that, Corea lias made asscret appeal to Russia for protection from Japan. Russia is inclined to assist, but fears the inter-position of Great Britain.

    THE EAGLE HOUSE,Xiiiliuiii Atomic,

    UIlUMMdXD iS: JOIIKsON', l'Hoi'nlEToRS.

    First-Cla- ss Family Hotel.KOOMS KS SL'ITR IK M1NULK.

    Detnclieil Coltaccs rmmtded with the HouseOitr Table is mipptied K'.tlt thebutt the vmrket ujfoith

    Hatch .'.ooini il: IJ(ilix'r ccli; t"i:tjuir muiim.M. II. DUUMMOND.L. M. JOUNbO.4.


    A Coot, Seat and Clean Place With theVery Beat Fare,

    At the Sailors Home.Metila will be eerved aa follows:

    Breakfast - from 5 to 10 o'clock.Lunch - - from 11:90 to 2 o'clock.H upper - - from 5 to 7:S0 o'clock.


    King St. Restaurant!

    Corner King nnd Alakea streets willRivi;you tho best meal for"25 cents in the city.We are now In ournew rooms, everythingsi ean.

    25cfrc-.l- i

    Ittmemlier the Place, evnter King anilAlakca ttrvett. 808 lino


    Mi Chock's Restaurant

    Cor. Hotel and Union Sts.

    Meals 25 CentsArrangements enn herpW made for serving

    iiiuuis u raouiiwi living wiimurtaxonublr dlntaiut).


    No. 48 Niiii.inii

    Kino Olothe. Perfect Fit. Styleo upto Date. Prices will batiaty

    you. Give-ru- a trial Istrive to please.

    tttncht of Twat, Pbtyutkilrt, Flannels t DueMnf


    P. O. llnx lil.



    v.iund, o

    lll.'jcl.n l!eilretl. dun mid lk Hmltli.Jio. 13 lil.TlIr.Ij HTHKI.T,

    NfXl lo L'aulo & t'i"le.

    XI 1 13.


    j. rr.


    Heir tn inform the public ofHonolulu unil the oilier Islands that acomplete line of their famous mvl de-servedly iwji'jlar


    have, been introduced Into this nmrlcetAmi ate now to bt, found on sale at thettrooery store of II. E. McIntvuk Cko.,O. Hustack and IIemiv Davis & Co.,where their elegant display cabinets cante seen. The Valuo niten for urieesc'larjted has never been etiualed iu thismnruei ity ai.y omer haati uoin))uiiy.


    Try the

    "Star" Electric Works


    Fin Printing.


    Wc lire to draw lliv nbittcrdattcntiuti to thfa maclilne tor vhlcli ue clulrntlm following ndtnntni;;

    TI1K (JiUfUIKU will cnt tho cano lct'n ilcmonftrnlfd hi nnctiml prncilcu.runsvcioh In l ierp- nUuit !i IiicIilh

    loUrf and extract nlnjut IV per cent, ofi ne j moo nnuicincr ih crueiuM cHin'inti uniform hnir to tlie .1 roller mill.thereby caiHing a n ttvet fetnl nud In-creased cxtr.-ic1lo- of juice.

    UUil'HUHlIKIC lenvo thy "flk n"on tl.o cane, thereby KivinK u aItvtter chance to bo txpvlled thou If thecane vh llppoil ovnn mliin.tin,' tlmpulp to tho hard packing on the rcturni rbar of the 0 roller null.

    Till; rKUSHK U w 1 Favo ahor nhandling of tho enne, Hi an lr result: rdistribution of c.vie on tho wutici willnot mat riull v ttfect the regular andeven feed to the II roller mill.

    Till-- ; C IUS will reotdreditlonal steam or boiler power, aa it has



    tht-r- w.uonly







    Kit not ad.

    licit tl) hicrrusMl pxtrnclloti of juiceIi:h lntprocl tho tnli as fuel an asfully utako up lor tin nUdilloiml UMofftlfiim It.

    UlUStlKU In t.trMn;Iy built,tl.o roller made (tf ttnlnl Rice rins

    tlio Bhnfts. Tlie ilt)fnii nil ofBtnlhiid the (tpiirwlu't-- i titKinont rim. a f(Hel is aUjut tlic

    tin? mill rolU-rK- . therebynml in running. It

    cntiittructt-tl- . thatthoulil Iron pirtB.Vncliholts, coupling links and pins,

    c:iru 1iniv'i'-1cU,- throiuh, w illInjure of tlin parts.

    fho follow in x tcitimonlnls fromtilantntloim the fther presentIs at work:

    I'prrrKFo Mrch 28, amount nf ttmlu nrht Olnit loMfliiini Hnrtnllilii U'nrL fWllrili llm Hmlliul nnr tuilllnir l.r.noti um8mw: Upia, use.t Cnishcr slow, liut If

    or the jea.Miii nti'l I.avp )tal no Nir mulil do H t ai worktrouble or hlicH wbatLtr with It or tlm vi libit.entrine. ihur SavtnQ. We "titp three ineu at the

    I lie Urusher h txtrv-fin.r'4- towi mills,er cunt, nl thejuk-- lesido ctitllntt tho num lltf friWi U trty tlru and ean nlnj b mi'ltl)'n Dletes lolx iliclu'i lotii and a lift uitli blent v ol tiin without lltu ilui titHrf?(t, evtn hihI itcrt'l)- - t tho tin en vHInu or cifil. Kl h'uilv )oiri,

    roller mill. We tUmix "Ji l per (cnt. J. W, COI.VILLK, ManaKer.more iwr tlnv and muld iln mora Ifour I'olllnit houiy nnuliljtrniil, Wo. "nrnmivinK ine iftuoroi nix men mo caneciirrir-reer- tiny, Klkiha Pistatiov, Mnrcli 22, ihi.

    Kerihit(f nlKitit tin CVupher norks, MeotrH. Iron Works Ikahsmooth ami enii, and tho amount of Pteum Sow i liave Ih? n workln ttm KrHjnnkleo.itunt?l is trltintf, you ma JiiUo,fur Or shrr Mfn tlnnlmr ot Octotx r 19I,nre ruimlnat two engine for tlip thrt'ft in II In without del.iv nml with mns wil fHCtorynnd haesrftim to spHro for ttin II itllntr Moiiho renutti from the rtnrt. dally work hnifrom o Gx:i fNt tvi.ller. Of louife w ith thN ncri-ae- fromniclnrincr tuW lnrlHfni (eeli fwtl of rrushed cann from he crunhfr u iltonsl with thi iniintwr laborer nnhc cniitien to rio-- e uown our m tu we twit Mnceweare intuitf the i runiicrmorn t ot tufort. und fiotn oiiMirimi ntwof drying the trah, l"Jto vtr

    (Itir rnti nf orltuHni' nnHnnnlv t t mm ft1


    Honolulu WorksfJo. (Iknti.kmkmKrtjenkl antngcoui




    u'lvliij;comfort Mifety




    jtr mor





    mmvxtrartlon inerpnneil comtilernbiy

    forinprtv pxccilent itddlnuthnl'rimlier MenircliPtniilIdWLEt. to V'2 hluliitht. T f larlfU'1'n In init It v (it lonMlrltol. hut MP tliul

    fourteen liotirH. CruUer ami tlie1 remain, joura


    I'f.A nt March lflVIron We

    flmt til- - Crusher nd Inet Items:

    ami trtn Jted uf the three mill,thu on themill and nt the same tlitK us from ft toti iertent. uf Juice.




    to drt


    on nrcN m



    asit i.ot


    where at

    ttj otne

    ar 1"


    name ofnre

    tlte lias andthe Ifsves the roller mill d ter than

    And fuel. Jlrthut our elfin

    (I imltnii mtuif iiilir lmUnit the three roller milt to- -


    mlkrlireat dnl train







    nether coiiniime lenn i)wr than did tho it roller mill U'fnre atone. The extraction of the('runner ainouiits to .Hl r cent, of thujuheand tho S roller mill iccpIvc a andregular fefd. thereby dccroanlinr the risk of

    roller shafts.We catt recommend the KreJewoM Cann

    Cniwher a a rtlunblu addition ton mill whichwill pay loyueir Inn short time. We remio,your truly.

    r or Keknha Sugar Co ,F. W. GLVDK,

    Veareat present maklnir a Cm slier In our Miom nnd shall I nleatHed to nhowand explain Us construction to any party luteiestcd.

    HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO.,Sole Agent.? for Hawaiian Islands.


    JLJ.'Has Imported a Large ami Well Selected Slockof New Designs in


    And. Torpedoes.American mi Hawaiian Bnniins,



    Stars and Stripes, and Red,White and Blue Bunting.

    FIREWORK BALLOONS,Horse Head Plumes,

    Tissue Wreaths,Moss Paper Festoonings in Red,


    These Goods arc NEW and FRESH, o( tiic BestQuality and will be sold at the Lowest Cash Prices.

    Tlie I. X:- - 31.,Corner Ntiuami and King Streets,

    S. W. LEDERER.


    Groceries, Provisions and Feed.

    East Lokner Fout and King Streets.

    Ner(iooiUrMviia ly every Packet from the EasUru ptatM and EuropeFresh California Trwlm-- i by etcry All ordera foithtulli atlei.ded tand goods delivered to any jurt of t'ie city fret of charKe

    Island enlem lolldtcL Gulisfw lion guaranteed. TeleohoneNoFoit Oak tioj. sia Iti "


    Ml. i C. SUIttlAKN.V.l lir.UCT.VNIA ST..

    0iKilte Cintral Union Cliurcli.OniCK IIOl'IIX lo 11 .ln.,J In (p.m.,

    to ti 11, m.N. It Tiii'Ml )s antl Krliliya from 10 9

    p. pi. Hie tlritmint lor I'tinll IT.tM'I.K Isfren xrel.l for tl.o ftlnllrine.



    Cartwrt(cht Block, Merchant IHt.. Honolulu

    G. & SM1T1LIKS,Accoiinlant. Collector and Copyist

    Olllco uith C. I). Ch.w,Bitfo 1)oih)hU UuildiitiC.

    Telephone 184.The colleitlon of flo eminent bills unetdiOy

    & 31. iXAICUJNA,Commissioner of Private Ways ami

    Water Rights.

    N'otriry ltttjlloAent to (Imnt Urri.iKe Licenwes.

    MutnAl Tvlfplinne 2S.


    co.viiiACioit .N nutMinn,Seconil Flmir llnnntiiliiI'lanlng Mill, hott.-- t.

    Klmls Promptly It' n'A"; ""H1 l"nVM Ultw Kroun.l, lUnto. it and


    PA PER and DECORATOR,No. 15 IlETiiKt, St.

    C. J. WHITNEY,Teacher of Elocution aijd Dra

    matic Art,

    Ahmnoton Hotel.

    I. o. lioi an. T :o.LEWIS & CO.


    Nnval Supplies. AVhoIesale nnd IlftUiUUeaiera in rrovintons, etc.

    Ill H. I.

    M. PHILLIPS & CO.Wholesale Imtortcn) anl Jobljer ot


    Corner Fort and QuMn Hta., Honolulu.7tf




    Fort Street, Honolulu.

    M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., Uinltrd.


    Commission Merchants and Importernof (Jen era! JlercJiandlse.

    San Franclwco Office, JI5 Front Pt.

    K. VAN 1)00 UN & CO.,No. 20S FORT Kspi.axadk,

    8top on your wity to tho wharf nnJliuy 5ci)nriirci an las! colililrink.

    American Livery ui BcarfliDg statusami ItUtiitrtl

    Gurlagt'H, Burroys and at ul)liourit:

    JAMKS CAItTV, Proprietor.Tni.miONK o. AW,



    Gklilsnaile. come- - Allen anil For struts.HOLLISTER it. CO.. AKonts


    IMl'OKTKKS niJAI.HRSIn Jaimncfcu rroisioiiR nlDry (IikhIs, etc., ....

    SOI nml 200 Fout hT., HosoLt'LU, II. I.


    Btkau Ekoixks, Buuau Mills,L.OOLKK4, IllO.V, lltlASS AND LlAD


    Machinery of tloa MadeOnler. attention rmlJ to Hhl,UUclw.lUhllu. Job wnrk ftiH-ul- l nt Short

    L. AHLO,Dry Goois, Groceries, Hardware,

    mill Klioiw, VMUetu-ru- l It Atcuiit.

    No. 4G8 Nuuanu 3t Cor. Chaplain S.r. o. liux 111.


    Ner Kin Slrti-t-.Clothlne., Cauiplior

    Valix-f- , Hats ami (lectsKurnisliing

    Jill(lltOCEUII-S- .


    IWk, ltliv. Bran ami(leueral Jterrhandiw.

    Cor, IIuU'l Nuuuim Sts. Honolulu, II, I.

    CHINESE IMIOVISIOA STOKEIlrlek ....Cor. Hotel and Bmitb 8t,

    Kl CHONC, Proprietor.Rice, Tea and General Merchandise,

    QUOE SAM REE & CO.,Importers and liealern In General


    Wholesale Wine and Spirit MerchantsCor. kixu and MalVakli Hibhis,

    lioi' jam & cojipanv,CHUNQ MINC, Manager.

    V'holeMlle III

    LltiuomanU MhiiIIh Cixars, outAuierlcun Urocerlea.

    V ""Ul Btnvt Tl.i.lioiw UJ,



    333Huunnu3t. Tolcphono 0CP.

    Fise sBitinas, Scotch and

    American 6BodsT

    CI.OTIII'.x Ii AND ll IMHIKI).

    o k: i m,111 Nl't'ANL' Ntbfkt.

    Importer lend Occlor In nryxoodsand Fancy Ccods.

    jMoreliiint TailoringsI IT ut'AltANTKKl).I'MICKK MDIIKIIATi:

    Ttl.l miosis 512 : -

    OOO ICITkl.

    avijnt; tai lung.IN

    Z$2Ji1!?lxNT., Iji. ei'i."". Our

    Planing rifiii, ' ' n'On

    Jnlihini? At- - COA'TA' UWAAl fwnwrly









    tutf nf s.11 kindsmailt, nin nluiltitl. . .

    '. O. Hot 1W. for. KIN'lludllKTIIfcltSu.


    OikmIs.Chllie.e lk. Mattlnir.

    Cnmi,lior Triinkii.No. NTt'ANU STIIKIX

    I', o.

    Yee On Co.,acd HaDDfaclnrtne

    IniorU'rn of Watchcti and Clocltfi,aiTUUANC STItKLT. l O. Ilox 143

    WIKG KOW CHAH,Iniportorfl nnd CommUdlun .McrchAtitn.

    Clihinand Jainu Thk,Manila Clears Silk.Mnttlni U rotvriwi ionl'rovlsittjw. ....

    Ot KlnKtroL't. Telephone 7M.

    COM M I ON '.ItCll A NTS,



    KIn Manila Clsmn. t'rin'leiyare.Mailing, lh4 Miles C!i1ium nmlJaiwueutt Ttiis. - -. . . Teliiihone 266



    Jtwts rtmi isirvjf Mtutc toV. O. Uux :o;.' , .

    Ve Uw tlm Ihist Matt-rfn- l M'nrrant It Utear WVIL

    BOO YINC LURIC,Iiiijwrtt-- of

    8itk Gtt, Fine Tant Manila CijartMattiujtXut ami General


    'u Mauinlei btmt. Itonululit. II. I.X'. O, lix 1C

    YKX KKK CO.,'I' 1 , M 1 l 1 1 t4,

    ami lttlfii inCKOCKEUY. (ilaSWAIti;, Kto.

    W'hUt Vlot h'nl iinl JU'txtlm),iit plumt.iiit; neatly fxit-uln- t . .

    No. 4i NfL'AXL" bTltFCT


    Molary Public.r.irtlcular attentlnn anilKilinfucllon Kiiirunteeil, to nil

    lio ill fireArcotiuta Ailjiisti'il 'ollci'U'il

    SEAliCHEI) - -Ily an jiersou.

    umcK with

    The Hawaiian Investment Co.,

    REAL ESTATE A.t iOAXS,13 ami'iioMt srai.



    French Fancy Goods,Gloves, Lacos,Silk Waists.Ladles' Fine French Linen,Underwear, etc.Sold at very I.ow Prices.

    01HKCTI.Y nv

    tSr M POULAIN.(lotoa wiirriiiiii',1 umtu lirt'iik i riii k . . ,

    Any Kind of UnderwearMade io Order.

    Tri.iriioxi: 47S.

    THIS PAPER Wa?-.- A'tSi';Franc Wu, , 4ir


    Ai(m(f. ii ler thi tatt of tilt Ha-

    waiian lirpuUie,

    "IOne ol Shredders lias

    recently been installed at themill of the Pn.-iha- Plantation

    Hamakua, Hawaii,and Mr Andrew Moore, themanage!, writes loncerning it

    I'AAtim- - li.Aj(iAriojr Co.,IUmakca, Jan. Ii, IS

    M. tl. IHIVI.XA. J.TU, llo.MU.ULCtUx.TLsiix!(-Tl- ie null hoi l.n mnnlnir tlur-in-tbei .wmJu, mltli tlM ,fiikmi

    ! frlUr ltr ia.tiiltej,18ltni''b.nat Milhfai l..ry naulti. iMU,Dur mill entiiu r Itrna of twoJ '" ,he liri!WT

    illww IW111! 5 ft. 7 In t...' vrifinu it m. eyujitit--

    Hie ltHttjOil c).fi lIrif tnlltl a hur.lCroctcry, Hardware, Cigars, ic. tttt

    .131 Nil AM' ,liuulilhlrile


    li w no iu nureiM-r- , tmrtfeulnrly linnl.iM.iuli?. iin.Tn it t.1 l.i lmlinllN rnuiml, th Mimdlnl cum Miir

    Orient "'"'xTin mill Is now lo oiirni a. v. in. ok I.irnior that HieAll of ,,rkttellilinl .11.1 iLe i,,,!,.!, this i.lthit



    FortHt., Kotiutalu


    Cur. t



    Every Porll







    a o




    43llm III.


    bS Ml







    Rln-n- ,







    cI hn rmrriicU tr




    ju.t lir

    tkvoM tiim.l irriiBiiiii,;, . hoklng, nml uraln- -. v, iiat;uii.erj' IMilml th. Hrst iu.1 mi 1 mills . apjilruot nt, the r)iuiniit . for the it li tlay.,.nl errtntiiwit alia. h.l. ha orcraenl Si.r cent, on ths total jui,t from tin cane.I TIw tnuh Inun tho Ox mill Is cut up mufhlllwr tlian Ivfar It. Hlinildor a. appllnl.,niichof lfr.g.. 'mg Miri!ut, It contain.ot it cutvriiii .i iT(vnt. or uiokture andmniK.wiiii.'. iwjuioofrIn tlie tnta) j i

    lffoiv. now i nr.frtint hKnirtiijf,

    ton ltm whwh


    ' iiropnt. utcarke tvUttni much nuirr tban

    to tun rokfi tbcmr ("cfcre treat(run KolnK

    ay lue int t i wJOtlM'--t UitllM' n tidlttnltute tho tit..-..--

    i:iill. nn,I tLrnw i .The M i,

    joo, ai.J ft,.

    tb last millix., ro that the moUturw


    wteivcu carethoktMtiii


    iu on.mldcr wo hare 1U--

    tticrlx tiwwmary tomrrit-r- , feit the

    Hi mg piecesry u a irood ul- -

    A cautto Uttle ur notniuble.u It iu!.j1h.i u ,ut light strains..v ..11. muni Uy a pljlmr (n HSnnl-d--our work In lU luw Imhijery mntri,viir iniiruBd-ollnl- n(r atU'tler eitraituii at ! rXwluothan former-ly. Tlia liuiniTi.inent In our sUnuir,Slejfni U'Uii tbos engaged lu

    A. MOUItll.

    I'lans. specifications and pricesol these Slircdders may be hadon application to

    f. G. IRWIN S Go. Ltd,Sole Airrnts for tho

    llnuailan Il,lllIIc.

    iilii Bazaar.VKWSDKAIiKH,




    Musk'.il liilruuieiit Supnlirg,Mii-i- o or.leiiii hy Kwry Kieumrr.raml-iuiiii- 50o to .JKW.

    FLUTES uml I'lCCOLOS- -

    nml SicctaclesCarefully fated to alleights and frames com-fortably adjusted ....

    Domestic3 fJSewing Machines.i ...,7ui, uc neivniB Jlnclilfim. Tillsmuc liine ut.xn nil olhem In rx.llelico of HiiLlmiiJ durability; ,,itv, ni;.k Wl htiu.1..Such. Kmliroidor. Hem. Tu?LIfiillti.. 11, nl in.!.. 1, 1.:..iiiiiiii tioicH,,utMINGTON TYPEWRITERc

    una lgpevrrUer Supi-lie- ,

    H tlm Australia artheK a Urge and


    Goods. jrrOOlIIALI-S- . TL'VMIU ll I I I all.l', n.'.AVK1:1M. HAKEMlTl'b and IIX)VKS. . . . .

    Fociet Knivss ad R:rs.Mi & Bjtcbsr Bjiois from 50c up.

    Indoor Games.INDUS CltlH. AUTIIOIWuud

    oiiur tiinl (lames.Hand Sewing Machines $830 and

    Sln .Machine NVHIesfor nil kimUitif machine.

    NOVELS, XOV13LS, NOVELSHy fcvery Slenmcr.


    uiiiw. l AlIII I'ASLS. ANDHOOKS. . '. .

    ClULDIttS's 1'ICTCIIE IIOOKN. DOLIJ,ami soys 01 all iltwripliMoa.

    thtr lutntueMg U n.i.;.?...r .... nC'aili Unit aliiolutei, tuittequentluIIV AIU.lir.IKjl.. II ... I ...... ..VU(.,IW M lu ,(w nit ft.W. F. REYNOLDS, Prop.

    Where did you get that suit ?Why, at


    STOREY'S,413 FOUT ST.,

    There you jet the latestNew York fashions iuClothing and Gent's


    JOHNSTON & 'STOREY,413 Kokt Strbkt,


    f in J

    v. j ... . . ....... jd3nm


  • nr

    rLIIKIt K.ttwVMtCKI'T nN



    Kv, vr la Advanw. -



    niiif new



    iUimePy Joraic.

    These prophets are chief-- .Rimonlly of kindergarten class.

    uciNKvg MANAnKtil'i'lio man of destiny has temptedany number of times, but he

    sMcnm""1 AT.w.oo



    ,n 1 wlVi inwrtloo nil

    JUM1 ls93'

    1Ir nine uioutta of 1894..... on tliU islanil 3,- -




    more of taxes than for the

    full of i9.V



    law cstaMUlun

    ancnt ami strong ar aBuu..residence as wen

    mythical improve'""'13- -

    Tm,. ew land act U aKo in some..r.,liitiitinn law. No

    degree i"""i.i.w of land is allowed to have.! or opium on his place as

    limn did not say "closetunion" in his message,

    v.itlipr did he refer those whe

    hear and read to the constitutionoi

    .1.. He said "anuexaLUC 1' "tion."


    . . .





    "P.fsa made of paper" is ther mi in a class

    n,-- r. After a few years when tin

    Christian nations get civilized, gum

    made of wood will an pur




    It would be a timely device totin. nuiet" and conduct

    ,.rv earnestly with a few housemembers as pupils a class to teacL

    impressively that time is a commo.

    ditv of considerable value and tha

    the Legislative hall is not openec

    for talking purposes,

    The ereat international disputein the Hast seems likely to degen-

    erate into a question of mortgage.

    The money's the thing after all.

    The facility with which arguments

    and wars based on high and loft' claims are changed to bickering on

    dollars and cents is a great tributt-

    to the dollar of our daddies.

    The wreck of the Colima is an-

    other of those frightful catastro-phie-

    that are invited by confidence

    born of long toleration of careless-

    ness. Nothing could be morecertain

    than that a storm would destroy a

    vessel loaded as was the Colima.

    Yet her owners and officers nonch

    alantly took the chance that there' would be no storm.

    Tt,- - icnatr-hp- s sav that in amonth Cuba's revolution will be

    thing of the past. This particular

    .uprising may have been put down

    by that time. But until tne yok:of Spain is cast aside the Cubanwill plot against it and fight against

    it and battle and starve and die for

    release from a master who is a ty-


    There are several ties that bindthe Ameiican and Hawaiian

    Fourth of July anniversaries. Theoccasions are inseparable and atthe same lime there must be some

    distinction. No difficulty is apprehended in reaching an under

    stands at the meeting called uyMinister Willis. Still as suggested

    bv several citizens, somewhat of a

    puzzle presents itself for solution.

    The Amateur Athelic Club,which entertains at the track inKapiolani Park tomorrow afternoondeserves liberal patronage. In the

    ranks of the organization are the

    best young men of the city. They

    are devoted to the manly sportS( out

    of pure love of them. Por nearlytwo years the club has been main-tained and never yet has it solicited

    i subscriptions.

    Somr pretty good advertisingwas given to Island sceneryby the Multnomah Athletic Clubin presenting its burlesque. TheHawaiian King Pro Tem at theMarquatn Grand in Portland. Theback-grouu- d for the first act was aDiamond Head curtail thirty-eigh- tfeet long, with a moonlight effect

    The program of the evening had

    'covers in imitation of cocoanutshell.

    During the year 1894 theseislands imported from the Pacificand Atlantic ports of the UnitedStates goods of the amount of $4, There came from GreatBritain $465, 000 of merchandise,Germany, $140,000, China $230,- -vr Teimiii irRq nrm Antrnlin nnit,J 'New Zealand, Canada$118,000. We find that for 1894,the exports to the United

    '.States reached $8,900,000,$7,000, Japan $3000,tralia and New ZealandCanada $109,000, Gieat

    tiann ;,ei


    Bbf 'Aide with the United States wasM 13,000,000 or 88.36 per cent. TheV - ...1.1. - .'next percentage is wim uicm

    Britain China is 1.60 andX Japan 1.2s. Prom these figures it

    i- - -- : .. ,t,.t cnKcnua raMirliicirmaIS Illrtiu liiaw ' "have been jumped at by some ofour economists. There is uothingvery greatly out of proportion in

    this data

    .; ;

    !vftv" Tin Star" for Fin Job Printing'

    llllt' III, lifyj.

    Some ol tliu politicians in llicUnited States insist that Mr.Cleveland is- playing for a third

    (atewould scarcely css'.iy such amarked violation of precedenttradition and one iniirht almostsay principal. lie is tinqucstionably the greatest Democratsince the day ol Jeflerson and inspite of the violent criticism

    urlcd at his devoted head has aollowing that few leaderslave ever been able to commandIt is barely possible, in theiin.izinir uncertainty of Amcrican politics that he might forfmnth time be the standaulbearer ol his party and its allies,

    depends on the course olevents over there in the next lewmonths. Factories arc resumingafter months of suspension,




    wages are being raised and goodtimes arc coming on every- -


    whete. General Grant's thirdterm aspirations were defeatedby a small combination ratherthan by public sentiment. JohnL. Routt of Colorado was one olthe famous 306 who stood outfor the silent soldier. Routt hasgraven the memory ol themighty struggle by adopting"306" as his cattle brandand the figures appear onthousands of the denizens ofthe western ranges. Thefacility with which the publicmind shifts is well exemplifiedin the spectacle ol John MThurston in the United StatesSenate for Nebraska. Mr.Thurston has for years been theleading counsel for the Union1'acilic Railway, for yearsthere has been open warlare be-tween that corporation and thestate of Nebraska. Yet thepeople, who are fickle as the clemerits, love Thurston as muchas their Senator as they hatedhim as the field marshal of theirnatural enemy. His colleagueis Allen, the Populist, also alawyer, but a man ol superiorability. Hoth ol them landedin Omaha without a penny when

    that present metropolis ivasflag station, brancis h.. Warrenand D. Clark, the. new Senatorsfrom the new state ot Wyomingarc both young men who cameWest twcniy-nv- c years agu wuudetermination as their onlycapital. "Ed" Walcott, thebrilliant Colorado Senator isanother hustler. lie used tofollow the milium camps withall his belongings packed onburro and the most prominentarticle of the cargo was a sign"E. O. Walcott. Attorney, atLaw."

    In climates like this one olthe "reatest inconveniencescookinir over a hot stove. Main-people who do what is calledllglit House Keeping nave Kiien- -ens that are small anu 11 meyuse a coal or wood stove, nomatter if it is our celebratedPansy range, the room soon resembles an oven, if a jrood dinner is "beinir buildcd. 1 hereare other kinds of stoves madthat more or less decrease tliheat and do the cooking as wellor worse.

    Gasoline stoves and coal 01stoves are ot this class. Onethe ercatcst inconveniences olusinrr oil or srasonnc is insmell that accompany themThis is caused sometimes bycarelessness, but more often byimperfect combustion.

    Onr warm weather stovecalled the "Dictz" Tublar Stoveand is built for burning oilL'as. As we have no gas hereoil must be used. All the partsare so correctly adjusted as toproduce the most penect combustion. The results are pure

    flume, intense heat, without smoke or odor. It can beused to do all kinds ol cooking

    boilinir. bakinir, frying, roasting and excels in broiling,renuircs no more care thancommon house lamp, and can beused anywhere. A tree circui;tinn ot air will not makesmoke. Although the heat fromthe (lames uass directly in annrnnncl the food, the combutirtn is so ncrlect that not thleast odor or taste ol Kerosenerm be detected in any article- -food prepared with the "UictzTnhlar Oil Stove.

    Our Patent Non-bliriki-tanks for windmills will not leaor dry out. I he patent is a very

    idea and always keep thestaves tieht. This tank is madewith a eltcp groove ai me 1011 01the staves. 1 his groove is tilledwith water by pump eliscliargwhich bv absorption, passes mtthe pores ol the staves keepingthn whole tank moist. Yoti cansec that it there is enough windin a week to jerk the pump onceor twice a oay, uiuuuu uuitml nn nr so. the tank lias swarmvptl enomrh water through thgroove to keep it from leaking,even if it appears dry inside.The tank is made of best qualityseasoned clear redwood lumber,and is the most servicable lorhot, dry climate.

    wc are airenib iui uu m,,, . , f ..grease canea me munusiuAx e Urease, wnicn grease wnot irum.drv out or become rancid. and stands the severesttests, is not affected by changeol temperature, its melting pointis so hich that it is not affectedby the hottest-climate- . From itssteady ana increasing saie wcknow it must be good and canrecommend it as being a verysuperior article.


    307 Fort street



    All ln'inoiii lining chillis n forni.iiitn, on llio oiliim ili'jHwIti'il w itli Hit'Mnrslml. iirevlmu to Jnminry t.tli A.I1). lK'.M, nro licreliy nutlfiVd that 011 Juno10th., 13th. nml 13tli between the hours

    f one. nml lit u o clock p. III. etiileiiee!will ho lltti'iivtl to In proof ot suchclaims.

    1:. n. liiTcncooK, of the lti pulillc of llawitll.

    Honolulu, June 0, IMC).8 Iw


    One of tlie CilMr of tlm 11 left lUjifctft- -tilllty orilint Ili'ftUiimnt.

    An uniU'Vltitimr rule of IMmoiiIcn'n restaurant n tint tin refri'hiiirnt will 1efilr- -tiMml in a private room ton man ntitlwo- -man, lut nuitttr wlio thvy are. In t lie e

    of tbe late Charles Dolmonlcn Augustllt'ltiiont nntl his wife went tueie to (line.

    "Can wt) have a private ronmf nakedMr. Ik'lrnonU

    "Will there Ik? any others?" Inquired Mr.DelmonUu.

    MXo," wild Mr. Jlelmont."Then you cannot have tlie private

    room,' was the reply.. Mr. Delrnonlco had known Mr. rieltnontH years, nml Mrs. Ili'linont was equallywell known to htm. Hut tin re was therule. He would break it for no one,

    Anot her I lelmonfen rule f urlilds loud talking or profanity not only in the diningroom, but nnywlnre. No matter how noiy

    ttpy u man le, ho tlnre make no noie Inlnionico it is very feldom tlint a row

    occurs, and when it does it Is "squelched"quickly ami speedily luat no nnnoyuncocaused.Hut to New Yorkers there is one terror

    above nil others which Mr. Delrnonlco holdsover the men nlxait town. It is his blacklist the list of men who, liavimr violatedsome of the rules, are In utter darkness sofnr na tills place is concerned. 1 he result isthat, though the place may be full of New

    ork s noNIent youths, they uon t do anyllliiLt there. Ihe reason is this, to he on

    black llt means, to the heavy nwell,that lie cannot meet his friends tin re or nsened, no matter who gives the ordirs.

    This is ery easily done. At scry New oiker cetta bu;lt sujt you tj..

    Shouldoneoftbise make Mil which alter e

    time he would not pay mind the!ords used were "would not ho put

    black list. This tneaus absolute ostracism from the one place every New Yorkswell and about every KentUman visitor

    ants enter nhnot every evening.heu Fnd May, who went once fiuht

    uel with James (Jordon llennttt, receivednotice that he was the Delrnonico blacklist fur greatmirror, he tlrst laughed

    ben experienced eiiects, talkedlargely about light. Yet hU nume

    ntd unions mote snut out ninemonths and he was not agalu admittedamong the elite until hu sifter c.une homefrom huropeand tntercedt his behalf.

    The methods the Mack list are cruellymph1, but mighty eflicttve. TheolTt-nde-

    receives polite note rum Mr. Dtlmonico,leDernllyln hisowu handwriting, inform

    ing him that thenceforth the services theDelrnonlco establishment nro notdisposal, liut public botiset and any

    ell iH'haved person has right enter.Sooue might think. Suppose, jou tryust see how the black list scheme works.uvitu man thus tabooed into

    Ico'rt. lie has received his notice, but joucourse cannot know it, for not

    dug man proud of. you two seatyouraelvesatii table. waiter comes for

    aru, and sou order, say, two glassessherry-

    he man returns with the gin ami oneportion of the topaz html lluid, which he

    liiforevou. but none lor the otheiman. Ask him What means, ile, withseeming innweuce, will reply thatthouuht othair gentleman did notdrink." Just look at) our companion. Illsface perfectly hue ith shame andcer. lie bass rinitkly: "Yes, dear boy,don't drink now, jou know. Swoie ofTlately, you know." lie dare not say heblacklist

    But thtre nro other phus open himyou may think, liue, but manubout town be unable invitonualntauce from another city, fur instance.

    Delmonico's uuans dow ufall, and hesociety man the result very serious

    matter. New York Letter Uhhingtonlost.

    An Ultimatum.What the late Professor Jowett of Oxford

    was least tolerant of was pretentiousnessand shallow conceit. The reputation i'orextreme IttitudinariauUm that the faun,his early trial for heresy bad attachedhis name feomet lines made looiiaii youtiumen seek curry favor vlth him bytravagant protestation! AKUOstlcini,One ttuderraduate, who had

    thin binatteilnti all the heathenand fancied, like many his ace,

    that had mane me original discoverythat all the world's dolls were full sawdust, met the master the "Quad" oneday, and having entered into conversationwith Mm continued topaco up anu uownbv ile.

    "Master," he said after pause, "1 havesearched everywhere all iihllosonhieR.ancient and modern, nml nowherethe evidence of Gul."

    Mr. replied the afterishorter pause than usual, "it you don iidu

    Uod by o'clock thlsafternoon, joumustleave this colleKe."

    Dr. Jewett had really believed thiyoun man proressiona philosophicdoubt" being anything hut puppyismbrag, he would have vpent hours valu-able time In kindly and reasonable talkwith him. rvejv York Irluune.

    Waterproof Cot toil Cloth.The processes commonly resorted for

    Imparting waterproof quality cottoncloth have proved only measurably success-ful, besides btiug somewhat complicatedand troublesome, um latest anu mostfective method, rtccntly described,claimed be free from the objections heretofore encountered and consists mainlyfirst drying the fabric thoroughly dryheat and then spreading lightly oversmooth surface. With brush this painted over with thin coat boiled oilwhich, after having lieeome perfectly dry,treated second coat, and hird neeesoary, plenty time beinu allowedtween each for the effect the operation

    the fabric become perfect. After tbilast coat has been noplii d, the surfacemains sticky, mixture pound

    shellac pint of water gmtly heateduntil near the boiling point, adding thli

    small quantity liquid ammonia,minted over thu surface. Tor vellow

    terproof yellow ochre mployed, and foiblack lampblack found serviceable.

    The coloring mattt said, can le usedmixture with the shellac, New York

    Tin ile SlrrUIlrldr.Wedding presents are becoming more and

    more tax and are jookio uponfin de shcle daj Jm--t many commercial assets by bride and bridegroom nltkwho are not much In love but that ti.tcan reckon up the probable cut of each giftpretty accurately.

    "I want something pretty, but not toocostly, wedding gift," Paid wellknown woman of society one of the headmen

    "Is for Miss n.. may askr" said thijeweler, "for In that case think can suityou exnctly." And he produced list written at length and In the bride's own fairwriting with even thing she wantedway of silver distinctly described, from thesoup tureen saHsiKions. left herfriends wide manrln of choice frommost expensive pusent simple token

    remem France,Would you like the presents al-

    ready selected?" continued the shopman,and leading way into the adjoinlniapartment ho pointed to several shelvescompletely covered wuu tne gutteringray. hose are all .Miss li.'a presents,"explained. "She seems rjulte satisfied withthem far and comes every few dajBlook them over what added.'New York Tribune,

    Staich L'neiny tho ArtUtlcAn artUt in New York city Inveighs blt

    terlr against starch one the curses pfthis nineteenth century. vot only doesmake our clothes unpleasant wear, but

    makes them hiihous look at," Uriug- -Ing out copy of Tauagra figurine, hecontinued: "Now, look the beauty andsimple dignity that toga and contrastwith the dress of tho modem man. Thatwas soft and yielding; the modern shirt.collar, cutis, huts, shtHs, corsets, even thewomen gowns, are i.aid and unbending.Thoelfectof antique dress was grace:elTect of our ess that of stillness anddiscomfort. Isracie thau effect

    fact. Nobody (oiild be easy loothoroughly well In our clotht We want

    organize reform movement againststarch'



    if" ." f: ' "TOP - "J .rMWiPiitTill! HAWAIIAN .'11 AH. MlMA. JUNli t4 ig95

    BI ?-?IT-I: Everybody





    Benson, Siitli & Co.AGKNTS.


    REMTWhen you can apply

    the rent money to pur-

    chase houseWe will sell you house to be

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    ly installments

    Call and examine our plan andsatisfy yourself that our proposition is one which will be fully sat-isfactory to you.


    408 Fout Street, Honolulu.

    WeMakeAll Kindsof Silverware.

    Do you wearone of our

    Wai Em- -blems ?

    acobson & Pfeiffer.Tori Street Jewellers,

    Kpar corner Klo.

    Here's an Idea!A cliance to get a

    Pair of Shoes. . l'OK . .

    Tan Mimilne' Wnrlr !

    The question among the businessmen of Honolulu is . . .


    To solve the problem as well asto ascertain whether advertisementsattract the attention of newspaperreaders, we offer a pair of our bestfs.oo shoes ($6. 50 anywhere else)to the person who sends us, underthe head of "Wanted," the cleverestadvertisement of our shoes.

    It must be original, concise, andto the point. It must not be Ionger than any ordinary want ad,found in the daily papers.

    Advertisement to be written onone side of white paper and signedby the competitor's full name andaddress. State the name of thepaper in which you saw this notice and enclose your effort 111 anenvelope marked ....

    Mllntrny's Shoe Store,


    The attention of out of town sutscribers is particularly called to thiscompetition We waut your ad.

    Honolulu competitors may droptheir envelopes 111 the box just 111side the store door.

    CompelllliiM :ioe at XoonJuno 1.1, 105.

    Competent judges will decidewho is entitled to the prize.


    . . .Shoe StoreHONOLULU.






    is prepared to do all kinds of

    artlatlo Ilook, Job and Newt-pape- r

    prlntlna st fair prices.






    Hi lint Hhtt 1.hU lltno That Cnintrrl'.trr Orsppled M lib a Msndlf Tor thl'rrnlitpnt'i Nuttif-Cnl- 1K Honors Thatr.titsllf-- Ilbllcnlf.Vot Innri lnro ngetitlemnn who meant to

    W jh'IHp, and wlmidTect KmtlMi spelling,I'hlriMil n letter to me a follow, "ThelI'iiionrabledenrgoTicknor Curti, II.I).,ttf etc., etc" I never held any publioeHl.-- or polt on which, by a cufttnm thatwruld 1jtnnn lumr.hil In the breach thanth- rbMTs,nc i mppmeil to put tho pre-fix of Imnornbli' n a mnn name, nor did1 vrr nreivn f vm tnrown HnrraM or anyother liixlituiio'n.f teaming the degrceofId. I f nny ot lit r honorary degree. Thefont'tn"Mtif imr pioplc for titles and theread hit with which thev are bestowed aroremurkai i,

    Wh .. n tin oil gt nt Harvard, morethan " r ngu, them dwelt nt Camhrld t'i .Mr. Th tm Dowse, who car-ried .rcsiecl b' occupation of leatherdretr, Helng a prosperous man and abachelor, he accumulated a good property.He built a handsome home on the mainstreet lu which he had an apartment onthe nccond floor where he lived. It was cus-tomary In those days for tradespeople toput In front of their bhops some imayewhich typified their business.

    Mr. Dowse hud a figure of a sheep In fullfleece, erected on a high column In front ofhis building. His manufacture of leather,chlelly".heepsklu,wascarrletl on in the rearof his premises. He had a fondness fornc- -cumulating books lu fine binding, mostlyEnglish classics. At the time of which Ispeak he had quite a large library, and thecorporation and overseers of Harvard uni-versity, thinking that they could Inducehim to bequeath his library to tho college,made 1dm an LU D. I fancy that theworthy man did not know much about theInside of hisltookvior dol remeniberwhatdWpordtlon he ultlniatc-l- made of them.One of tho college wags dubbed him "Lit-erary leather Drester."

    About the same time there was a dean ofthe theological faculty In Harvard who, betides being a man of small stature, wasalso very unimputnr. Ho was made nD. D. at llrt and ofu rward nu I A,. I). Thewiine facetious undergraduate translatedhis degree, to mean, "D d Dirty LittleDean."

    When General Jackson was president.iirlntz his first term of office, he visited

    llotton, attended commencement at liarvanl and received tho degrceof LL. I).

    his was very much ridiculed at the timeby some of the Whigs, who said that Gen-eral Jackson was an Illiterate man, andthat hu could not write an English sentencecorrectly. This was not true. Ihavoseenautograph letters ot ueneral Jackson writ-ten as well in point of style, spelling andpunctuation as nuy of the public men ofthat time were accustomed to write. Inthese letters there were very few erasures.I do not suppose that as president he wrotehis messages and other state papers. Hisfamous proclamation against the uulllflers

    as written by lulward liv ingston, Lisstate. The president, however,

    al w ays corrected suth papers carefully withhis own hand.

    On oneoccaslon the public printer broughthim n pioot ot ouu ot his tnesHaucslnwmcuthe proofreader had changed certalu ex-pressions which quite altered the meaning.

    o. oy tuu internal, uiu Hickory exclaimed, "print it as I wrote it, or I willturn you out of ollice."

    i'assinic now from small tilings toerenterthings, the proceedings which took placeIn the First congress relative to tho titleproper to be given to the president of theUnited states atlord a curious Illustrationof thu tendencies of some public tuen atthat period.

    ua mo ixid 01 April, Hsu, tliu senate instructed u committee of three of its members toconsidtrand report "what stylo ortitle It will bo proper to annex to the officesof president and vice president of theUnited States, if any other thau those givenIn the constitution." Ibis leu to a conference on the subject wit h a committee of thehouse of representatives, and the result

    as a disagreement.I no president had in the meantime been

    Inaugurated viz, on the 20th of April andIn the address in answer to his Inauguralspeech, presented to uim by the house onthe 5th of Jlay. lie had been addressed siniply as "George WashluKton, president ofthe United States." On the 6th ot May thesenate appointed n new committee of Itsown body to consider and report underwhat title it would be proper lor tho senateto address the president. This committeeou the 14th proposed as a title, "111 hlh-uess the president of the United htates andirotectoror their liberties." nut without

    proceeding to the adoption of a title thatwas certain to bo rejected by the house,and that would have led to a difference Inthe practice of the j.wo bodies, the senateproposed tne louow log lesomtioni

    "troma decent respect lor the opinionami practice of civilized nations, whetherunder monarchical or republican lormsotgovernment, wlioe custom It Is to annextitles of respectability to the office of theirchief magistrate, and that, on intercoursewith foreign nations, a due respect for themajesty of the people of the United Statesmay not be hazarded by'an appearance ofsingularity, the senate have been inducedto be of opinion that it would las proper toanuexa respectable title to the oiucopresident of the United States, but thu benate. desirous of preserving harmouy withthe house of representatives, where thepractice lately observed In presenting anaddress to tno president was wuuoul tneaddition of titles, think It proper, for thepresent, to act in conformity w ith the practice ol that house, ihereiore, lesoived,that the present address be 'To the I'resident of the United States without addition of title."

    This method of receding from the position that had been taken by the senateWas resorted to lu consequence of a debatewhich took place in the house on the 11thox May upon a proposition made by the senate lor a further coniereuce in regard to thefuture mode or addressing me prewiuent,As the house- had already determined thatit would not be proper to annex any otherstyle or title to any of the offices than thatgiven In the constitution, and had, In ad-- !dressing the president, acted in pursuanceof this decision, opposition was manifestedto further consideration of the subject.

    Hut after an earnest discussion, whichexhibited no difference of opinion on thequestion of additional titles, the house con-sented to the appointment of a new committee oi coniereuce, and iir. .Mauison wasplaced at tho head of It. the conferencebetween the two committees was held, buton the Uth the senate waa Informed thatthe disagreement remained. The senatethen adopted the resolution which Is abovequoted, and from that time the matter oftitles was allowed to sleep. George Ticknor Curtis in New York Sun.

    lUtl 1 ruvel In Japan.Tho railioada in Japan arts partly owned

    by tho government md partly by privatestockholders, but the ratt-- and rules foitho govern mtnt roadd govern tho othtrialso. At all tho stations are overheadbridges, nud crobslntf the truck ut grade liprohibited a4 lu England, The btatlouv arcroomy and neat, tho platforms ample, andat both enda ot the platform the uauia olthu fetation 1 conspicuously posted. Thepassenger shows his ticket on going throughthe gate to hla train and surrenders It atthe gate on leaving. No conductor tntern the cars. We also mis tho familialvUitsof the enterprising joungmanwhcsells nenfrpnuers and popular books, andv ho loads our seats at koine 1th lozeuges.pbotosruph albums, comic perlouicals. veetablu ivory, match ts, chewing gum antother merchandise. What a pleasure itull betofcee him again I now tie will r

    mind us that o have at Lut gotHerald.

    lie Had bLroof Teetb.They were talking about strong men, and

    some one told a story about a man who wotvery powerful lu his jaws. It washlshablt,the narrator said, to pull agaiutt a team olhordes with his teetb.

    "I'shawl" wild tbe dentist who was thithird meioUr of the part. "I had an experience once that discounts that. Outday u short, stocky man with a very thickneck came into my office and said be badthe toothache and wunted the tooth pulledout. I got him In the chair and found thatthe aching tooth was a big molar, I gotmy forceps out and begun work. I couldn'tdo a thlug w ith him though."

    "Why not?" asked the man who told thefirst story.

    "ilecause Just as soon as I'd put ft pair olforceps Into his mouth, he'd blto them latwo. After he had chewed up six pairslet it out as u bad job." liutlalo Express.

    One Way to 0t There."0!i, Mr. do Cromol I had such a

    timo flwllb? your painting ut the exhi-bition today. It wus hung away up innil obscure corner. '

    "Yes. 1 am dlsappolutwL I shallquit art and start a laundry."

    'Mr. do Cromol""Yes. Then my work will always bo

    hung on the lino," B., K. & Ca'iMonthly.

    Getting If Through the Head

    The nliove fo rattier a forcible way of Attaining a ileslreil result. We ilon'twant to ri'nort to tliia method, but wo want to "get through jour heau" that wearo headquarters fur

    PdlKlllld IlfltMA fri'sh, new line, with "Puggarees" of all colors.

    I.I11011 Diistors--Of good quality, something that won't let tho dust seep throughliko a nlere.

    I'OI'OII 113 1 1'tMWilli collars nnd cuffs attachi-d- , and necktto to match thrownIn. These shirts can't bo beat for lit, quality nnd cheapness m price, every one u ucrny winner.

    Plnnncl SultM- -Hoth rancy and White. Just the thing fof hot weather.TIP

    l'rofewor Leonard, In an Interview a few days before ho left, told us thaino "sport" nod expect to "win a sack" on tho 11th, unless crowned with al'anama Hat and 1'uggaree. "Sports' pleaso take notice.


    Ladies' Outing Suits,All ready made In Duck and Flannel, Light nnd Dark Colors,at Very Low 1'rlces .

    Ladies' New Equestrian Hats,









    A Full Assortment of Sizes.

    Don't Fail to Try Our

    25c. BLACK STOCKING,They Beat Everything Record.

    N. SACHS,

    Styles of FurnitureAre Constantly Ghanging.

    As wc have only a New Stock- wc have all NewStyles. We arc very fortunate in having such largeShow Windows, enabling is to display completeSets, but all our Goods are not in the windowsas you will find out if you come inside


    Undoi'talcers ruicl. 1 C 11 1 f 1 1 " x l m .




    The "Helen Ilrcwcr" broughtus a Largo Shipment of Goods, amongwhich will be found a General andComplete Line of



    implements and Tools,

    Miscellaneous Hardware,Including


    ST.ONES,VICES,ROI'E, (Manila and Sisal)







    Etc., Etc.

    NOTICE. PEARL OH. delivered'to any part of the City at $2; 10

    per Caae, C. O. D

    Castle & Cooke, Ltd.

    IMPORTERS,Hardware and General Merchandise.

    .Weekly Stab, 1.00 per year,




    We ought not to say anythingabout our new goods just yetas we have received bo manythe past SO days that we navenot had time or room to stowthem. However, we have hadanother story added to our Kingstreet warehouse, added largtlyto our back yard warehouse,and rented a new one on theEsplanade, and granted a littletime we will have everythingput away in shape, and be readyto sell you a great many thingsin our different lines, arid all atvei y close figures.

    Our MANILA HOPE fromNew Bedford Is un article wowere glad to get, as we had runshort, and still the demand keptup. Woodbury Duck goes oftenwith rope and by the "HelenBrewer" we received every sizefrom No. 0 to No. 10. Nails allgoing up, "all previous flotat-ions withdrawn" is the latestword we have from the UnitedStates. We had a good lot per"Brewer" and wish we had hadmore. Plenty 30 in. and 33 In.

    . IiEVOI.VlNO ItOAD SCItAP-EI- WIn stock again. Our HAND

    SEWIKO MACHINE have al)come, though not to stay, asthey begun to move ell as soonas a case was unpacked, andand each one that goes out sellsa few more, such n stockof WOOD SCREWS, CAR.WAGE BOLTS, MACHINEBOLTS, ni'E and PIPE FIT-TINGS, we never had beforeand we have had to build newracks all through for these arti-cles. The place ,to get first classHARDWARE at low prices,Is at

    E. 0. HALL & SONS,Cor, loin and King Stueets.

    JUST RECEIVEDI'cr S. S. Amtralia,A New Line of

    Furniture Coverings,With Gimps and Cords to Match.



    PLAIN COTTON CREPES,Evening Shades,


    WHITE COTTON GOODS,Hcduced from 2,1c. to ISc a yard.

    B. F. EHLERS & CO.,


    HOTTo Advertise

    Anything but SODA.

    We know its juet about aa hot upIn the valleys, where pineapples andstrawberries grow, because thosefrom whom we get these deliciousfruits tell us so.

    You can't get a fresh crushedStrawberry or Pineapple Ice CreamSoda In the valleys either.

    When you want a glass of Soda,made exactly ri(,'ht, with lots ofsnap and vim in it, you don't go tothe valleys to get it.

    You know some firms lay unduestress on their antiquity. Thisbrings some trade, perhaps, andagain, may affright'the wary cus-tomer, especially so in regard toBoJa.

    We would rather have the reputa-tion of being established yetterday,among our soda patrons. This factwould insure freshness, at least.

    Whjn soda is made right, flavoredwith fruit juices, there's lots ofpleasure and good health In it. Weuse frebh crushed fruits when inseason, nnd when the fresh fruitcannot be procured, fruit juices.

    Nor harm in any amount of' oursoda.


    Or in. orThe of in our stocis All and in thi

    and atand in theof the and We






    counted perhaps just countedexact number pairs

    31,201. grades sizeslatest styles close figures. Biggest

    handsomest store, right heartcity, footgear galore.

    guarantee please.


    As a. Tonic and a



    Strength Builder,the most eminent Physicians recommend apreparation of

    Beef, Iron andWe are now furnishing our patrons withan ideal preparation of Beef, Iron andWine. Strengthening-- , Stimula-ting, Palatable. Just the thing . forthe hot months now at hand.





  • i


    4 .".,

    TV -



    fl Fort Street, near King Street.

    Aoro Proporty.

    n "l ACHES IN KOOI.AU (FKE HIMU X l,l nmr tlia liest lanuina- on Wind'ward Oahu, planted to tire and leased tortwitonsioie pnrues ni mo raw vi who uuu-w-

    Dollars per year. This pays 8 ier cent.Interest on the Investment.

    I ACHES FINE (1A1111EN LAND JOIN-- tlnu tlio Fertlllilng Works at Kallhl.

    l'rlce. 2.'a7 ACHES AT OTJNAHOU, NEAHI Clam Spiucltels' reldenra, suitable.for house lots, now plamcl to rice.rl AND A HALF ACHES AT KAL1III

    nice, level land all In cultivation.l'rice, rem. .



    CofTeo Plantation, 200 acre, l'unaDistrict, Hawaii. SI miles from Illto on newOorerninent road, 80 acres cleared ready forplanting. This Is offered at a very reasonable, price.

    VK HAVE HEVKHAI, FINE COFFEE" properties In North Kona, SouthKnna. Vnna anil other ilMrlcta on Hawaii.

    Houso Lot.ON HOTEL HTItEET, HU1TAHLKLOT for Stores. Till Is ono of the bent

    locations on Hotel streetFINE H&miENCE ON THE jTOR

    tlon of Thurston Avenue, Oreen andNew streets. House very larjse and

    containing all the latest sanitaryimprovement. Fine verandu, rnlm avenue,beautifully Uid out ground, etc. ill beBold for less thanJts actual value.p.iy X.M FEET ON QUEEN STREET

    opposite Judiciary llulldlng, rentfor f ju. rnce, ,.sju.


    near the nlwvo, two collages,

    LOT ON NUUANU STHEET,SMALL llerctanla, suitable for stores,good cottage In rm JWceJf300;iroUSE LOTS AT KAL1H1 FRONTING11 on Kamehaineha IV Roail and King

    Street 'JO0jnnd fronting on accommodation

    HOU8E'lOTS AT WAIKIKI, ON CARthe John Ena road for

    t;jf)0.Terms on the above Lots one third cash,

    balance on tlmei 5 per cent, discount forcash.

    LOT ON FORT STREET WITHLAHQEhouso and other buildings. I'rlco

    MIRE Ol'FEROELT PREMISES ONJ-- Tauoa Street, containing about 1 acreof finely laid out grounds, houses, cottages,pams, etc rnreiI ACRE WITH NEW COTTAGE AND1 other buildings In KalihL Price,(3000.

    i Oft X 1CB FEET ON ASYLUM ROAD,lOU now beautiful modern 9 roomhouse and nicely laid out grounds. Price,

    50 :


    X ICO FEET WITH NEW COTTAGEon 1 oung Bireec, near Awiumuiiu

    Street, Wcely Improved lot Fruit trees, etc.Price, r.yiOO. ."

    No charge for making Deeds, Mortgages,eta, in tramfering property.

    .V. II. Properties placed In our hands forsale will receive special attention.


    T AM PREPARED TO MAKE AB-J- -streets of Title in a most thorough and

    complete mannor, on short notice, and accu-at- ein every detail JIAKINNEY,

    318 Fort Street.W. 0. Smith's office.

    TO LET.

    LEG ANT HOUSF.. CONTAINING17 eight rooms; has all modern conve-niencesservants' quarters, store room, largeyard, etc House Is on King street, betweenH. Parker's and O. Beckley's. Possessiongiven August lit. 1'lirHASEi

    Safe. Deposit jluliding, 40u'Fort St.

    1'KltSONA- I-

    Gatuii.Av'ilder and wife havereturned to theit. Hilo home.

    V. Robertson a'nold time jockeyreturned to Maui by the Kinau.

    Mrs. 11. Cartwriglit and twochildren have gone oiva visit toMadam Pele. '

    C. L. Wight, of the Wildor'sSteamship Co., is on another tourof inspection.

    Mrs. J. II. Thompson thKinau on a visit to Hamakua,Hawaii. She will be the guest ofMrs. W. H. Rickard.

    Abuie.ui u1.

    Baldwin hotel narrowly escapes1ctnirririn hv flames vesterdftvafternoon. The north-eas- t toverwas totally burned. (

    Full or Fraud.Chicago, June 1. Scores of the

    starters in the great DecorationDay road race are accused of fail-ing to 'r the course) Of thefirst one hundred to. finish oversixty are under suspicion. Noawards are made yet.




    The report of Curtis J.Lyons on May rainfall is out today.Following are ol the figuresof inches of precipitation:

    Hawaii Waiakea 8.63, Pepee- -

    keo. 8.18. Honorau 8.2s and 10.26,Hakalau 6.80, Laupahoehoe, 6.87

    8.67. Olaa 14.06.Maui 3.24. Haua

    and 6.6s.

    lUlnfaU Various


    Oahu Kewalo 1.20, Park, 42,Makiki 2.27 Manoa t.39, Luakaha9.37, Waimaualo 4.27, Ahtiimanus.21 Ewa olanfation r.66.

    Kauai Lihue 2.26 andHauainaulu 2.62. Kileaua,Hanalei 8.71.

    Tired, Weak, Nervous,Means Impure and overwork or too

    much strain on and body. The onlywar to cure is to feed the nerves on pureblood Thousands of people certify that thebeet blood purifier, the Lest nerve tonic andbtrength builder U, Hood's Barsaparilla.What It has done for others it will also dofor you Cures.

    llooil'a I'lllti cure- oonstipation by restoring peristaltic action of alimentarycanal. 3


    TaL.NL P. O.BOX.0L

    II II Willi

    Local news on page I.

    Minister Wiiiu" Fourth of Julycall Is puldlshed this evening.

    There will be no League baseball game to morrrow aftcrnooi.

    Highest cash price paid for Hawaiian stamps. V. Sturdbvant

    The Monarch bicycle has arrivedat the Hawaiian Hardware ujs.

    Mr. W. I.atiz is authorized tosign "per procuration" for the firmof Schaefer & Co.

    l'or fine white goods or novelties,in .wash materials go to N. S.Sachs, 520 lfort street.

    A Mongolian was given onemonth on the reef today by JudgePerry for stealing u quilt valued at


    The roof of the KawalahaoChurch has been completed andcarpenters are at work on the in-side.

    At noon tomorrow J. I. Leveywill sell at auction the entire DailyBulletin plant, by order of

    Al, Plilfllintm to tt,c,l,,rr nttt


    the the


    kept and shea



    a and passenger,this




    some elegant aud1 . i,i .i,nn Mart about with appalling vio- -and I'"1 were muck

    'mamud. One killed.Mrs. Bella Silva, a sixteen-yea- r their passengers

    Portuguese, was committed to few notes theirasylum on Wednesday surroundings. The survivors say

    afternoon. steamer wereTTi brave andNolle ol sa iloon J ,Jirst,)ri(, , 0QCt

    presents a handsome mersc haum , fi h , ,to the winner bicycle M m QrAer Gtimu aftrace tomorrow to a lifeboat.

    Ifvou tobuy. sell or Langhornc was at and filledchange stamps, to JolmT.Brown. " w'tli passengers and launcliidlt.

    a. Aianea 'street. Box 441.

    The Louis College and beenStreet nines play nextj went downbaseball Junior series .with ship, sticking

    morning. post. As the ship. downward he three blasts on

    between men teams , his whistle, presumably good-by- eSharpshooters and B and as he a spar struck

    is scheduled to begin atalternoon at Makiki butts.

    A meeting the local AmericanSons Revolution is to be heldnext pass on societyconstitution and

    The winning crew HealauiBoat club in the late race isanxiously wating for that challengefrom the Myrtle Boat

    The Young Hawaiians Instituteat its special meeting yesterdayevening adopted constitution andbylaws and ordered them printed.

    Fine pleasure boats for ladiesand gentlemen at the Hawa-iian Boat foot Richardstreet. Moonlight boating parties,etc.

    Call at the Masonic Temple andinspect Brown & Klibey's newstock clocks, watches and

    Prices tnarvelously

    The athletic events at KapiolaniPark at 2:30o'clockafternoon. The were on

    track yesterday evening forfinal trials.

    W. pemandes was committed byPerry yesterday on the

    charge perjury. A. G. M. Rob-ertson appealed to SupremeCourt on law.

    Several water color paintingsin the Blue mountains.

    South Wales, byare on exhibition the PacificHardware Co.'s windows.

    States Minister WillisI paid an official to the U. S.gunboat Bennington mis noon, asalute of thirteen guns was accord-ed Minister on returning.

    When you want fine watch re- -iiaidnin pairing done or jewelry go to

    San Francisco. June TUe 11. ron aircei .








    Mr. Biart s long experience is aguarantee good workmanship.

    NoTrci! All persons caution-ed not to pay any due theHawaiian Star toHerzog, has not been in ouremploy since May 1.

    Bus. Mgr.

    Telephone 245 will secure youprompt attention. Furniture mov-ed, baggage or freight hauled toand from Trunks orpackages sent to Larsen'sfrom other islands will be delivered.

    Attorney-Gener- Smith,Senators and representatives paid avisit to the yacht Dundee, the pride

    the white-winge- d fleet thisforenoon to ascertain the extenther damace. The mainsail isripped.

    Captain, Mahany the shipHelen Hrewer into thepoli:e at 8 this morn-ln- c

    aud reported three deserterscludine the third mate, from hisship. He a $30for man.

    G. H. Trusehler did not leaveby the bark Alden Besse yesterday

    the Coast, as expected. iruschler will have to leave before the18th or he will be brought beforethe District Magistrate for usingthreatening language;

    TO Cl.rlA.Vti: 8VSTKM

    Effectually yet gently, when costive orbillons, or when the blood U Impute oreluggirb, to iiermaimntly cure linhltualconstipation, to uwuken theand liver to a lienlthy activity, withoutirritating or we.tklng them, tu dispelheadacheB, colds or fevers, use Byrup ufngs.


    Married?If ao not fail to Bee

    of labor aaving stoves. Theyare to buy, last longerand are to use thanwood, coal or coal oil.

    Thev Save One-hal- f

    the kitchen work and makeno tool, no smoke, aud

    are guaranteed safer than anyother etove made because there

    no sparks or and 710losihUity of an .explosion.

    Now Stoic. Sold oil the Installment IMiin.

    V. at'TUROISViWN'X'. WAR1NQ BLOCK Bole Agent



    fOor fort and Berttasi BuO


    STIlUlltll.HS OK TIUMI: Til mm.rnoM Tin: comma.

    A (Iran!.) Description -- On IleumKiitU The Terrible


    San r.xamlner.

    As waves rose and stormincreased management of the vesselbecame impossible. At last,noon, her head could no longer

    broached to.Once the trough of the seamighty wave struck her shewas thrown ou her beam ends.

    This wave struck, with suchforce that she trembled as if run up-on reef most thethought the cause theshock.

    Wh because ol the heavydeckload lumber, the shifting ol

    coal and cargo or the forcethe storm, the steadier would notright herself. The passengers werepretty badlv stunned by beingpitched about, but 'rushed on deckin

    Here they met anotherdanger. The gale partol t ho deck Ioju trnm

    sets' of whirled the heavyr.. enmer lilnnks

    King. .h.uwas

    In terror theold made mental ofthe insane

    the officers theactive. TavlorII. J. Beaver ,h

    pipe of the rushc(1launch Second Officer

    anotherwant ex- -go

    No. Masonic Temple. ""'"Langhorn's capsizedsupposed to have

    drowned.will the Captain Taylor

    game in the the totomorrow pitched

    blewA match

    the finished3:30 this

    Monnay to

    of the


    House, of

    of platedgoods. arecheap.

    begin tomorrowathletes

    the the


    thepoints of


    C. F. Jewettin







    C. L. DODGU,




    station o'clockin- -

    offered reward of


    do oneour



    are cinders,







    ofthe of





    boat was Allin the boat are

    St. Fort


    tenfrom Co






    him down. Fugineers aud firemenwent down at their posts. Freightclerk Berry was in his room at thetime of the final plunge.

    Third Offiicer O. Hansen wassaved. As the steamer sank hecut some of helashings of the decklumber. Then he jumped or wasihrown overboard on the weatherside of the vessel and reached thetop of the deckhouse. This hadbeen torn o(T and washed away bythe great wave which threw theCol i 111 a on her beam. There Han-sen clung twenty-fou- r hours. Hesaw men and women sink abouthim and was powerless to aid. Hesaw naked aud mangled bodiesfloating by and the horror of itmade him sick. -

    Hansen says that as the steamerfoundered her boiler burst. Thedeck collapsed under his feet as heleft the ship. Ten other men werethrown into the sea with him. Hesaw two life rafts, one with threemen, another with six.

    You cun put up the most delicatefruits, uncooked, by using Antirernien-tine- ,

    ami in blx months they will be asnuturnl in appearance and tusto as whenfirst picked.


    Cotittneiiieiiieiit llxerclses tins Iteml.itri;e Attendance.

    The Board of Education willhold a meeting either tomorrow orMonday to decide on dates for thecoming public examinations of thedifferent schools. It is understoodthat the examinations will beearlier this year than usual, and insome cases two schools will havetheir closing exercises on the sameday.

    1 he public schools have had verylarge attendances this year and atpresent all are full.

    the Kawaianao scuool onlypened recently has an attendance

    of ninety-tw- o scholars. Miss Greeneand Mrs. H. Guun are the


    IN CIltCl'IT COL'ltT.

    a Itearil Claim NewAttornryr.

    In the assumpsit suit in theCircuit Court of Pablo Autoinc vs.the Hawaiian Government for $500reward promise by the governmentfor information leading to the conviction ol the murderer of a China-man found in the bay, the Attorney-Gener-

    today filed an objection tothe jurisdiction of the Court, ou theground that the Court here has noauthority to hear and determine thesaid cause. The defendant asksthat the complaint be dismissed.

    C. ISosse, anmistrator ol tlieestate of D. H. Hahinu, one of thedefendants in the ejectment suit ofKaihkea, et al, vs. romaikalani, etal, made answer yesterday denyingall allegations in plaintiff's complaint.

    Uaunel Keona Keawenairu anaRobert Waialeale were admitted tothe bar to practice in the lowercourts today by Chief Justice Judd.

    F. A. Schaefer, administrator otthe estate of C. P. Von Mengersenfiled his accounts before JudgeWhiting which were approved.The administrator waived coin- -missions.

    Jutt Ha Clad.O heart ot mine, we shouldn't

    Worry twlWhat we've talked of calm we couldn't

    Have ?ou know.What we'vo met of ttorui)' !a!n.And of aorruw'e drh log rain, ,We can better meet aualn

    II It Uow.

    We hare erred in that dark hourWe hareknown,

    When the tears fell with the showerAll alone

    Were not shine and shower blentAs theitraclous Master meant!Let us temiier our content

    With his own.

    For, wa know, not ev er y morrowCan be sad;

    60, foreettliiic &1I the sorrowW e hav e had.

    Let lis fuld aw uy our fearsAnd put by our foolish tears.And through all the coming )ears

    Justbeflad.James Whltcomb ill!.

    TbeJ'oet and Ills Lady."What shall 1 do for my love?

    Crown her with flowers?Float like a lephyr above

    And around her for hours!

    "What shall I da for my dear?Shall 1 be mute!

    Or tune to her delicate earThe strings of my lute?

    "What shall I do for my queen!Set sail to my bark?

    Bear her away f roni the si enO'er the billows so dark?

    "What shall 1 do for my sweetIn armor yclad ,

    Lay down my life at her feet.And, dying, be glad?"

    tier lover sang thusly; but sheInterrupted his dreams

    And whispered, "Just purchase formabom choooiaU areama." UJy Slocar.

    Highest o(all in Leavening Tower. Latest U.S. Gov't Report



    SAIl.OHS Tlllll i; .U'l'ILItl'lllATi: tiii:v.u;iir,

    llpnertpfl i'rom (he MitrMick hih! U'rrrIn I IIS t 'rt Oit ,;rntmil itinl

    nr CHpturi'it,

    Three sailors from the Americanship Tillic K. Starbuck made an,attempt to run away with Presi-dent Dole's yacht Bonnie Dundeeearly this morning. But fur1 an ac-cident unfortunate for the wouldbe travelers the Bonnie Dundeewould have been by this time outof sight and lost to her owners.The navigator mistook the twoboilers on the reef on the Uwa sideof the lighthouse for the buoys inthe passage aud while steering theyacht went 011 the reef and wasstuck. A native boatboy whohappened to sec the yacht withsails set and aground reported toCurtain Scott of the nolice denart- -ment. The captain a boat aud street, at

    out. He found three Pearl City audsailors in cabin enjoying them-selves. They were wet to theneck, having got out of yachtafter she went on the reef and madean attempt, to shove her off, whichof course proved unsuccessful. TheThe men were brought to policestation at 5 o'clock this morningwhere they gave their names asJohn Sullivan, John Montgomeryand Paul Bollel. They were heldfor investigation.

    In an interview this morning oneof the men stated that it was theirintention to make for Mexi-can coast, expecting to fall in withshipping on the way and securingstores and provisions. Should they

    short of provisions they were tostop at Hilo and secure eatables.The trio left the Tillie K. Starbuckat 10 o'clock last night resolved tosecure a yacht and say farewell totheir ship. They went uptown andpurchased eight loaves of bread andtwo bottles of gin. Thev had packed up their luggage and brought itashore with them. They filled twocasks with water and went down tol Laws,the wharf near the old customhouse where they expected to pickout one of the yachts tied up there.They decided on taking the llonnieDundee and all three boarded her.John Sullivan who happened to bethe only navigator 111 the crowdwas appointed skipper, and theother two made the sails ready.This was at one o'clock this morn-ing. The mainsail was put up andSkipper Sullivan advised his crewto steer between the two buoys,mistaking the two boilers on thereef for them.

    There was a good breeze blow-ing at the time and the Scotchyacht sailed out merrily. Thecap-tai- u

    went below leaving his crewon deck. The night was dark.The sailors had no idea that theywere going overland but were soonawakened to the fact by the shockwhen the Dundee's keelgrounded. Cf.ptain Sullivan cameon deck and was told that the yachtwas on the reef. The men soundedand found that the water wouldreach about their armpits. Theygot out and tried to shove her off,but found it was a useless task.After repeated efforts they returnedon board and went to sleep, andwere awakened, as they say, by acop shaking them by the shoulders.The men are in a jovial mood andspeak of the affair lightly.

    The liounie Dundee remained onthe reef until daylight when shewas pulled off and towed to theibot of Nuuanu street.

    John Sullivau says he was ashipmate of Col. McLean's on theJamestown.

    Captain Curtis reported that themen stole provisions from the galley,clothing from the men and othertrinkets before leaving the ship.

    Woman's Excluingp. Ill KingotrrelHome mane cooking. Dowers una fan yariicifH un 11H1111 Hiiu lurniMitii 10 oruer,1'oi u specialty. Hawaiian curios.

    Lord hholto married.San Jose, Cal., May 30. Lord

    Sholto Douglas, youngest son ofthe Marquis of Qucensberry and,oretta Addis, a dance hall wait

    ress, were married here today.


    Andrew Welch llrllvors New lllryrlesHere.

    Hawaiian bark AndrewWelch made the trip from SanI'rancisco in twelve days, very goodtime. The reason given for theremarkably good time made is on

    of the bark having the firstconsignment of the speedy Monarchbicycles on board. 1 lie vesselbrought twelve wheels for the Hawaiian Hardware Company, lheywere lauded this morning aud havebeen the attraction at the Company's store all dav. A. Rulofsonwho came down with the wheels.brought his own Monarch.

    HarrisIll and Morton.

    Nitw Yokk, June i, GeneralHarrison's declination to visit Governor Morton is taken as havinggreat political significance, Theywill lock horns in the Republicanconvention.

    McKinley was received verycoolly in the Kast, Harrison gettingall thc honors.

    Public Auction,I am Instiucted by the Mortgagee to

    sell at 1'ubllo Auction,

    On Saturday June 15th,"At 12 o'clock, noon,

    On llie Premises on Merchant Street, allthe iStock, Fixtures, Presses, etc., of the

    DAILY BULLETIN PLANT,cnniDrlsing in liart a fellows: 1 No,ft Cottrell Printing Fre, 1 llreuiuerPower Press, t Card Cutting Machine,Pulleys, Shafts. Itelts, Machinery, Type,Ink. Faiwr. Tools and Implements.Tables, Chairs, Desks, Lamps, etc, etc.



    sjomr I'llliiftl- -

    C.NTUV 1.1s r 1 (lit TIIK II. A.A, ('. IIA.Mi: IIAV.

    e I'.ti-iit- (Ireenliorii VI In.11 He ItuiiiiliiitllHMllrnii

    11,1. Ii.

    The II. A. A. Club's field meet-ing is set for tomorrow, the racesto begin at 2 30 o'clock sharp. Aneffort is being made to have theGovernment baud in attendanceaud if the Club succeeds, the meet-ing will be made more lively. Oneoi the chief events of the day, andone in which there is considerable"spec" will be the oiie-tnil- c green-horn bicycle race. The entries areDavid Crozler, the n train-er. Fred Walker, James Spencer,W. Schmidt, John Wright andWilliam Nott. Crozler andWalker are scratch men, Nott gets60 yards and Wright mid SpencerI25,yards. Crozler is the favorite.Wright has been training on Nun- -

    took aml Spencerwent the Nott,at









    Kakaako,alker has

    been wearing down his tires onKing street. Schmidt trains ouPunchbowl. All are In trim and agood race will be witnessed, al-though it is a greenhorn contest.

    B F. Beardmore, C. F. Murray,C. Rice, Chamberlain and T.White are entered for the one-mil- eaud half mile events. Beardmore isthe favorite for the mile, withChamberlain and Murray well shed




    miitcis The ou

    three wharl whereseven

    car(,Q firc.iuiraie. wood. After discharging

    week willRich-- 1 to have hull, is

    foul, aboutards and at home wek IeavcMrs. Dole oe

    mansion withcarj;o

    patronesses Phosphate Co.Cool.

    in. nullum, 1'iuui, iiuj't'ci, juues,McCaudless,

    Mott-Smit- and I'rof.

    Ill and fourth.There Is confirmation of

    that Julymatch and

    a side is It is aA match Lord BrockSeuatorStanford been arranged.The Club will hang pur-ses other races.



    On Saturday, 112 o'clock noon,

    On nromtbt'8. Kinir " Auction

    Wooden BuildingsAt

    Micp.are Corru

    gatedtn bo remote. within 10

    dayti of

    James F. Morgan.OSI.St



    On Saturday, 22d,12 o'clock,

    At at I'uhliciiremi-e- rt immediately in

    front ofi,ouis-cou,L:i- :,

    at present A.

    faces on Nuuiinuextends to ttreet.

    Houo I'nrlnr.3 Dining Koom.

    further Apply to

    James Morgan.OSO-l- AUCTIONEEH.


    Residence Wilder Avenue,

    order of PrOTBNHAUF.KAssignee of Ftate of (leorge

    Esq., at Public

    On Saturday, 22nd,13 o'clock

    at Salesroom, Street,

    Tie Residence Avenue,lately br

    House in in good,Ijirsro Parlor, 3 Iledroonin,

    uning .loom, KMciien, 1'antrv.There are 8tables

    nru nicelyfurther apply to




    On Saturday, June 22nd,12 o'clock noon.

    At Salesroom, Queen Street,at Public order of S. M.

    Ekq.,under uf P. Dillon,

    atP. Dalton, anof

    at same.time

    25 Shares of Tramway Stoct

    Jnnies E. MorganAUCTIONEEIt.


    iiiiun Tin:intnw vw.i.cii.

    Iransll Nrullj I.....I..1 U1, (l lit I amilitir's of

    lite Trout.

    The Luka will leavethis evening Kaholalele.

    The schooner will leaveSan Francisco morn- -

    The An Hou sailed yester-day with Hon. G. as apassenger.

    The steamer Kinau tijok fifteenpassenger