torrance herald · opments with reference tagrant ing of the permit by the fttdera' government...

THE FIRST TORRANCE CITY ROIRD OF FIM« \TIOX OK. HOWARD A. WOOD 1398 Vot**, High Candidate MBS. EVELYN CARR 987 Votes, Second High MRS. GRACE WRIGHT 961 Votes, Short Term GEORGE P. THATCIIKR 791 Votes, Short Term CARL, D. STEELE 790 Votes, Short Term TORRANCE HERALD School Board Members Thank Voters, Herald Successful candidates for the Torrance City Board of Education expressed their ap- preciation for the confidence ESTABLISHED 1914 THREE SECTIONS 22 PAGES 33rd YEAR No TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA, THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 1IH7 PER'COPY 5c TORRANCE SCHOOLS WIN FIRST STEP IN LAWSUIT TO SAVE LOCAL PROPERTY Superior Judge Frank G. Swain yesterday overruled the demurrer of the Loft Angeles City School district In the petition of John A. Shldler, city judge of Torrance In his capacity an a taxpayer, to restrain the Los Angeles schools from Belling and removing real estate or building* belonging to the schools ot Torrance. ' In overruling the Los Ange- les demurrer, Judge Swain granted Los Angeles 10 days to answer the complaint of Judge Shldler and granted a prelim- inary Injunction to prevent the Kale of real property and re- moval of buildings. No bond was required. According to Attorney S. V. O. Pritchard, who filed the action on behalf of Shidler and a Tor- rance citizens committee, the ac- tion of the court yesterday has the effect of protecting the in- terests of the taxpayers of Tor- rance until various legal aspects of the case are decided in th highest courts. Judge Swain ruled, In effect, that when the City of Torrance adopted a' City Charter on Aug. 30, 1946, a new school district was formed and the old district became the trustee of 111 prop- erty in the new district to be held and preserved until the now district's Board of Educa- tion ran' take over on the ef- fective date. In the case of Torrance this is on the first Monday of July. He said that the Los Angeles district, a tuialee for Tortamce, owes the utmost good faith to the people of the new district, and cannot do anything to the disadvantage of the new district. The case was inspired by thi removal of two bungalows from Tofvancc elementary school grcfunds several weeks ago, and by the threats of Los Angeles to "strip" or move out other buildings and sell property In- cluding the valuable 15 acre Gar- dcna I'igh school farm which is located in Tonance. In overruling the Los Ange- les demurrer, Judge Swain has opened the way for trial of all Isfcues in the case, and if ncces- .iaiy the newly elected Tbrrariee City Board of Education will be joined as a party plaintiff at lnt»r time. While the actual restraining order Involves only the build ings and real estate, the com plaint brought fixtures and hinds of the student bodies and gifts to the schools Into the ease for disposition of the court The lawsuit was based on the language of the Education Code which states that a new distHct Is entitled to all real estate, buildings and fixtures located in the district, formed as a part or a whole of another existing district. Airport Permit Delayed For Day Dy Inventory Torrance City Council last night accepted the resignation of Grover C. Whyte, publisher of the Torrance Herald, from ' th Torrance Aviation Commissioi with regrets. Whyte, In his letter to the City Cquncll, declared that he felt it necessary to resign "due to the increasing pressure of both my own business and that of other organizations with which I am connected, coupled with the advice of my physician to 'slow down,' I find It necessary i tender my resignation." The Council, after accepting the resignation of Whyte, an nounced that it would meet again tonight to consldct devel opments with reference tAgrant ing of the permit by the Fttdera' government to the City of ranee for control and opoj of the Army developed "C flight strip. Mayor J. Hugh Shcrfey de- clared that the handing over of ] land for this purpose, tile airport had been delayed ~ from yesterday until today due Revised Count Shows 13,160 Residents Here A revised count of' the spe- cial census taken recently In Torrance shows an official population of 13,160 In com- parison to 9,950 on April 1, 1940, an Increase of ,31 per- cent. A break-down of the figures show a total male population of 6,748 to 6,412 females. Of these there are tabulated 12,- 807 white and SSS non-white persons, Of the non - white there are 194 males and 1.19 females. Officials here estimate an approximate $6,000 a year In- crease In gasoline funds due to the rise. Official certification of the population has been made by the director of Bureau of Cen- sus, Washington, D. C. ' 'Salute To Industry' Dinner Monday To See 400 Gathered In Auditorium Toirance Chamber of Com-^ets will be available until Mon- Site Offered For Pueblo Playground It was announced to the City Council last night that the Amer lean Rock Wool Corp. has made a strip of land available for use for softball by the Puqblo are* children. Rev. Cyril Wood, pastor of St. Joseph's church, reported that the Pacific Electric Com- pany also has offered a piece of merce will present an Interest- illed program depicting Indus- :ry in Torrance dinner, "Salute in the annual Industry," Monday evening in the Civic ditorium. Thirty-eight tables have been sold and limited individual tick- Noonan Elected President Of Merchants Group Noonan, manager Penney. Co. store vas elected presl- to an inventory of buildings and facilities at the airport which id not been completed in time action last night. While the City of Torranoe al- idy has a perpetual permit rcupancy and operation of the inding strip proper, having ded- ited the strip as "Zamperlni field" some months ago, the per- il for the balance of the 480- :re port was to have been re- lived yesterday. The delay was to the inventory problems, le mayor said. SUNRISE SERVICES AT METHODIST CHURCH The Methodist Youth Group 111 sponsor an Easter sunrise ervloe to be held at 6 a.m. at Methodist Church on Sunday, April 8. Jean Daniels has been named as leader of the services. Everyone Is welcome. Torrance Woman Gets Sentence In LB. Court Mrs. May (Ma) Ramsey was sentenced Saturday to serve from two to five yenrs In the wo- men's prison at Tchachepl by Superior Judge Leslie E. StUI after being convicted for pei forming an Illegal operatloi upon a 22-year-old woman. Mrs. Ramsey was represented by Attorney Morris Lavine, whj served notice that he would al peal the conviction after Judfi Still overruled his motion for new trial. Officers testified that wh< arrested In her Torrance horn Mrs. Ramsey had enough medl cal supplies and Instruments stock a small hospital. It was requested of the Coun- II that a release from responsi- bility be granted the companies so that the land may be used for a softball diamond, as a pgal transfer of land would In- volve much time and expense through the plants' main offices in the east. TWO MEN FINED FOR DRUNKEN PRIVING HERE Two Torrance men pleaded ' guilty to charges of drunk drl' I ing during the past week I City Court. Raymond A. Brooks, 20210 S. Western ave., arrested March 12, w,as fined $200 by Judge John A. Shldlcr Friday. Harold R. Murray of the Mui ray Hotel was arrested Satur day and fined $150 peared in court. Yhen he ap GEORGE R. NOONAN Merchants' President dent of the Retail Merchants Division of the Torrance Cham her of Commerce Tuesday. Vice president 1s Irving Wei der and treaseurer Is Mrs. Char les N. Dodd. Directors are President Noonar Bob Haggard, Charles N. Dodd Bernard Lee, Ed Schwartz, den Smith and Vice Prcsiden Welder. The following committee chaii men were named: Membership Paul Diamond; finance, Hag g«rd; publicity, Edwin .B. Bro plans and promotion, O. D. Fuller, and labor relations, Sam Levy. , President Noonan announced that the committee chairmen will select their own assistants, and that the evening meeting of the membership committee will be held on April 1. Charter Committee Group Endorsed As First Board Of Education in Torrance ele shown at Tues- In statements e Torrance He- day noon, Blaine Walker, secre- tary, said. Reed'H. Parkin, president of the Torrance Chamber of Com- merce, said the following will be at the speakers' table: C. S. Beesemyer, president Los Ange- les Chamber of Commerce and vice presidertt, General Petro- leum Corp.; D. S. Faulkner, vice president the National Supply Co.; Carl Wirsching, city man- ager, Long Beach; J. Hugh Sher- fey Jr., mayor of Torrance; Henry Creeger, manager Tor- rance plant, American Radiator ,nd Standard Sanitary Corp.; Mward Christiansen, president, "ates Expanded Steel !orp.; W. T. Tillotson, Arneri in Rock Wool Corp.; E. R. 'oak, president Doak Aircrafr^ o.; L. A. Harvey, Harvey Ma- line Co.; Gilbert Woodill, An- lerson- Carlson Co.; H e c t o i Haight, RFC and Ed Duke, sales .nager American Radiator and standard Sanitary Corp. The list 6f those who have reserved tables indicates that ore than 400 will be in attend- ance at the big dinner which will feature a program of en- .ertainment and tribute to the icw Industries of Torrance. The list follows: Torrance Water Department, torrance Klwanis club, Torrance City Council, Ton-ance Herald, "'orrance Lions club, American Rock Wool Corp. Torrance Board of Education, Bob Haggard, J. C. Penney Co., Bank of America, W. H. Tolson, Walter G. Linen - Dodge and Plymouth, Redondo Beach. El Prado Furniture Co., Waale- Camplan & Smith, Inc., contrac- tors. Alien Jewelers, Doak Air- craft Corp. Torrance National Bank, Na- tional Supply Co., Columbia Steel Co., The Gay Shop, Stand ard of California, Intel-national Derrick & Equipment Co., Bate; of th day's vot handed t< raid. Dr. Howard A. Wood, high mail on the ballot by several hundred votes, said: "I wish to express my sin- cere thanks and deep appre- ciation to the voters of Tor- ranee for the confidence they have shown In me by electing me to the first Board of Edu- cation of this city. "I pledge that I will apply myself faithfully and to the utmost of my ability to the task before us that the trust of the people may not hav* been misplaced. "I am gratified with the membership of the Board as elected and I know they will work with diligence and in harmony In an effort to give Torrance the excellent school system that It has so long de- served and has every right to expect. "There are many knotty problems to be worked out before we can approximate our goal, but we can confi- dently expect valuable guid- ance and assistance from the Los Angeles County Superin- tendent of Schools office which hits been very generous «ith In a sweeping endorsement of their emleavuf to establish an independent school system in Torranre, members of the Charter Committee, with but one exception, were elected a* the first Torrance illy Board of ftducntlon Tuesday. The five citizens chosen to run the new Tcirrance school *system for the first term are: Dr. Howard A. Wood, 1,8»8 )tes, for the long term. Mrs. Evelyn Can', 987 vote:., ir the long term. Mrs. Grace W. Wright, ».,. rips, short term. Carl D. Stcele, 790, short terln. George P. Thatcher, 791, «lWrt :erm. Jamos L. Lynch was deni°a place on the first Board of Education as a result of wig'e- ELECTION BULLETIN - Torrance City Council taut night canvassed the ballot* «f the Board of Education elec- tion of Tuesday with the re- sult that the official vote fin- the various candidates HtandaV Dr. Howard A. Wood 14J1 Evelyn L. Carr .................. BR Grace W. Wright .............. »¥> George W. Thatcher .......... IN Carl D. Steele 70 lames L. Lynch <W Albert Isen ................. . JTJp«- Mary .1. Mlllard MO Margaret O'Toole . W Cecil W. Smith .......... - 'ifl Bernard Lee ................. ... . 4«6 Howard P Raymond .... .--3St Ila Mae Ambach ................-« » Kenneth Height .....:..,', ftp The corrected vote oir^jfe fire department bonds, V-jft^- position No. I, Is 915 *y«P and 7«4 "no." On the police department bonds, No. 2, 874 "yes" and 784 "no." ROTARV PRESIDENT . . . James L. Lynch, local hotel owner, is the Torrancc Rotary club president for the year starling July I, 1947. He will succeed Robert T. McCallum , id will be installed at the an- nual "demotion party" of Ro- tary durirrg the month of June. lor Hew Year (Conti, Pago 4-A) Miss Torrance Of 1947 Drive !s Undertaken The Torrance Junior Woman's club is starting the annual con- test for a "Miss Torrance of 1947." This contest is conducted to raise money for a Torrance Y. W.C.A. building fund. Receipts of this contest from year to year will, in time, create a fund that ill give Tonancc and neaiby communities facilities for car ying on much needed worU among young women. Civic minded merchants agair have pledged support by back- ng the contest for "Miss Tor- rance of 1947" with generous gifts for the contestants. Tin following stores have pledged RESULT OF VOTE TUESDAY BY PRECINCTS - and for'rr L. Lynch, local hotel any ye rker in Toi vill head lance Rotary club during th year starting July 1, 1947, i ns announced yesterday. Lynch was elected by the new iard of directors chos eck. - i Vice president for the year is A. L. Jackson, mcr.iber Li the City Council. Georg Johnson will continue as se?re ta-y. William A. Zoeller is th' new treasurer. Directors in addition to th officers are W A. Fulker, Georg r;. Noonan and Robet T. McCb lilin, retiring president. The officers will be installed u t the annual Rotary club "de motion party" to to July 1, it held announc spread endorsement of Thatcher ivho was an aggressive worker n the campaign to withdraw { Torrance schools from Los An- I geles nember of the spon- prizes so far: Mode D'Day, Ben ion's, Penney's, Newberry's, I Prado Furniture, Charlston' Expanded Steel Corp., Pacific Electric Railway, Dixie Lee Stu- dio & Camera Shop, General Pe- troleum Corp., Joshua Hendy Iron Works Torrance Lumber Company, Plastlk Company of America, Ben Haggott, Lomlta News, Harvey Machine Co. Torrance Fire Equipment Still 'Out In The Gold9 The bond Issue propositions for a new fire and police sta- tion, which were defeated In Tuesday's election, gained In affirmative votes over the last Aug. 20 election. In the August vote, the fire station proposition received MB "yea" votes to 1,148 "no's" a* compared to 911 "yes" and 782 "no" votes Tuesday. The police station vote last year wu 698 "yes" and 1,280 "no" to 874 "yes" and 787 "no" bal lota this year. Figured on' a percentage ba- sis, the favorable vote for the fire station at this week's elec- tion was 54 percent of the vote cast, compared to only 48 percent favorable vote last August On the police station, the favorable vo(e Increased from 35 percent but August to 53 percent at Tuesday's election. Up until late luNt night the City Council had not decided any course of action to Iw taken concerning the fire de- partment equipment which Is without quartern due to ttie condemnation of the fire de- partment building by city In- spector* under the State build- Ul( code. Gary's Jew tional Homo Applian ance Hardwan Girls eligible ?lry, Alien Jewelry, Jewelry, Bernard The Gay Shop, Na- contest must be entiy in this single and be Mil der Victim Funeral Held Here Saturday Funeral services for Jack Clil ford Floyd, 30, 1221 El Prado, were conducted Saturday mom ing in the chape.l of Stone and Mycis mortuary. The remains were sent to Center Point, Iowa, the place of his birth, for in- terment Tuesday. Floyd's death, as a result of last v. e e k' s stabbing here, between the ages of 16 and 25 If under 18, the entrant must have a parents' written consent She must not be a member o the Torrance Junior Woman's club. he queen contest committo includes the following: Mmes Rut'us Sandstrom, Call Forkum, j company, i C. Moshos, G. T. Dorouin, extensive Van Barnard, Frank Farrell, H. th L. Wagner, John H-. Rltchie, Chas. H. Hutcheison ' and the ... m.. _. _ Misses Louise Robins and Joan nm"d voted the rr. Banks. ' (Cpntinu.d soring committee of the recently adopted City Charter. Fire and police department bonds failed to get the neces sury two-thirds majority at the polls, although each issue was favored by the majority. , On the $125,000 fire depart- ,-4-ment Nfine, the vote wa» 911 yes and 762 no. On the police department Issue, 874 yes and 787 no. Other candidates for the Board of Education fared as follows: James L. Lynch, 666. Albert Isen, 576. Mary J. Millard, 540 : * Mai garct O'Toole, 483. « > ^ Cecil W. Smith, 410. ' Bernard Lee, 404. . ] Howard P. Raymond, 384. . Ila M. Ambach, 239. ^J"! Kenneth Beight, 2!W. _ 1 Members of me new Board of Education agreed to meet Im- mediately and decide updn" (Jrt ganizatlon, although they cuuSi*; officially take office until next | Tuesday. they prepared to Immediately with Dr. C. C. lingham, county superintendent of schools, and Dr. C. C. C*«*u penter, assistant superintendent, 3 elative to the appointment'-***? the first Superintendent ,at tl Schools of Torrance. -u Candidates for the office hsve- been In the process of betaf 4 screened preparatory to submit- to the Board of Education*; marked the end of a. promising career. He had been employed for the past yeai by the Los Angles Chemical Company an entomologist. Mr. Elmer vis, department head of aid Floyd was doing search in insecticides list of six qualified administrator* from which to pick the superior*, tendent. The county superinMwf dent's office was requested screen the candidates for perintendency and business man- ager by members of the Charter Committee It that there was understood more than 50 there and had a brilliant future i ,, cants f tn M, , Graduating from the Faribault superintendent. high school In Fanbault. Mmn., | Wnilp tne schoo , s cannpt . ^ CHAMPION KNUCKLERS . . . Pictured above are the champions of the Torunce Herald Marble Tournament with their prizes donated by their sponsors and the Herald. In the front row, left to right, are Frank S. Selover, managing editor of the Herald, also representing the Lions Club; Charley Camou and Raul Chavez, contestants sponsored by thr Rotary Club; Brownlow Parmlev and Grind Champion Mikel Bolls, 20-30 Club; Jimmy Murphy and Jack Boal, Lions Club, and Dele Rilcy of the Torrance recreation department. In the back row are James L. Lynch, Rotary Club, and How- ard Foster and Joe Ustldincjer of the 20-30 Club. (Story on Sporti page. Torranct Htrald photo.)'

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Page 1: Torrance Herald · opments with reference tAgrant ing of the permit by the Fttdera' government to the City of ranee for control and opoj of the Army developed "C flight strip. Mayor


OK. HOWARD A. WOOD 1398 Vot**, High Candidate

MBS. EVELYN CARR987 Votes, Second High

MRS. GRACE WRIGHT961 Votes, Short Term

GEORGE P. THATCIIKR791 Votes, Short Term

CARL, D. STEELE 790 Votes, Short Term


School Board Members Thank Voters, Herald

Successful candidates for the Torrance City Board of Education expressed their ap­ preciation for the confidence




Superior Judge Frank G. Swain yesterday overruled the demurrer of the Loft Angeles City School district In the petition of John A. Shldler, city judge of Torrance In his capacity an a taxpayer, to restrain the Los Angeles schools from Belling and removing real estate or building* belonging to the schools ot

Torrance. ' In overruling the Los Ange­

les demurrer, Judge Swain granted Los Angeles 10 days to answer the complaint of Judge Shldler and granted a prelim­ inary Injunction to prevent the Kale of real property and re­ moval of buildings. No bond was required.

According to Attorney S. V. O. Pritchard, who filed the actionon behalf of Shidler and a Tor­ rance citizens committee, the ac­ tion of the court yesterday has the effect of protecting the in­ terests of the taxpayers of Tor­ rance until various legal aspects of the case are decided in th highest courts.

Judge Swain ruled, In effect, that when the City of Torrance adopted a' City Charter on Aug. 30, 1946, a new school district

was formed and the old district became the trustee of 111 prop­ erty in the new district to be held and preserved until the now district's Board of Educa­ tion ran' take over on the ef­ fective date. In the case of Torrance this is on the first Monday of July. He said that the Los Angeles district, a tuialee for Tortamce, owes the utmost good faith to the people of the new district, and cannot do anything to the disadvantage of the new district.

The case was inspired by thi removal of two bungalows from Tofvancc elementary school grcfunds several weeks ago, and by the threats of Los Angeles to "strip" or move out other buildings and sell property In­ cluding the valuable 15 acre Gar- dcna I'igh school farm which is located in Tonance.

In overruling the Los Ange­ les demurrer, Judge Swain has opened the way for trial of all Isfcues in the case, and if ncces- .iaiy the newly elected Tbrrariee City Board of Education will be joined as a party plaintiff at lnt»r time.

While the actual restraining order Involves only the build ings and real estate, the com plaint brought fixtures and hinds of the student bodies and gifts to the schools Into the ease for disposition of the court

The lawsuit was based on the language of the Education Code which states that a new distHct Is entitled to all real estate, buildings and fixtures located in the district, formed as a part or a whole of another existing district.

Airport Permit Delayed For Day Dy Inventory

Torrance City Council last night accepted the resignation of Grover C. Whyte, publisher of the Torrance Herald, from ' th Torrance Aviation Commissioi with regrets.

Whyte, In his letter to the City Cquncll, declared that he felt it necessary to resign "due to the increasing pressure of both my own business and that of other organizations with which I am connected, coupled with the

advice of my physician to 'slow down,' I find It necessary

i tender my resignation."The Council, after accepting

the resignation of Whyte, an nounced that it would meet again tonight to consldct devel opments with reference tAgrant ing of the permit by the Fttdera' government to the City of ranee for control and opoj of the Army developed "C flight strip.

Mayor J. Hugh Shcrfey de­ clared that the handing over of ] land for this purpose, tile airport had been delayed ~ from yesterday until today due

Revised Count Shows 13,160 Residents Here

A revised count of' the spe­ cial census taken recently In Torrance shows an official population of 13,160 In com­ parison to 9,950 on April 1, 1940, an Increase of ,31 per­ cent.

A break-down of the figures show a total male population of 6,748 to 6,412 females. Of these there are tabulated 12,- 807 white and SSS non-white persons, Of the non - white there are 194 males and 1.19 females.

Officials here estimate an approximate $6,000 a year In­ crease In gasoline funds due to the rise.

Official certification of the population has been made by the director of Bureau of Cen­ sus, Washington, D. C. '

'Salute To Industry' Dinner Monday To See 400 Gathered In Auditorium

Toirance Chamber of Com-^ets will be available until Mon-

Site Offered For Pueblo Playground

It was announced to the City Council last night that the Amer lean Rock Wool Corp. has made a strip of land available for use for softball by the Puqblo are* children. Rev. Cyril Wood, pastor of St. Joseph's church, reported that the Pacific Electric Com­ pany also has offered a piece of

merce will present an Interest- illed program depicting Indus-

:ry in Torrance dinner, "Salute

in the annualIndustry,"

Monday evening in the Civic ditorium.

Thirty-eight tables have been sold and limited individual tick-

Noonan Elected President Of Merchants Group

Noonan, manager Penney. Co. store vas elected presl-

to an inventory of buildings and facilities at the airport which

id not been completed in timeaction last night.

While the City of Torranoe al- idy has a perpetual permit

rcupancy and operation of the inding strip proper, having ded- ited the strip as "Zamperlni

field" some months ago, the per­ il for the balance of the 480- :re port was to have been re- lived yesterday. The delay was

to the inventory problems, le mayor said.


The Methodist Youth Group111 sponsor an Easter sunriseervloe to be held at 6 a.m. at

Methodist Church on Sunday,April 8. Jean Daniels has beennamed as leader of the services.Everyone Is welcome.

Torrance Woman Gets Sentence In LB. Court

Mrs. May (Ma) Ramsey was sentenced Saturday to serve from two to five yenrs In the wo­ men's prison at Tchachepl by Superior Judge Leslie E. StUI after being convicted for pei forming an Illegal operatloi upon a 22-year-old woman.

Mrs. Ramsey was represented by Attorney Morris Lavine, whj served notice that he would al peal the conviction after Judfi Still overruled his motion for new trial.

Officers testified that wh< arrested In her Torrance horn Mrs. Ramsey had enough medl cal supplies and Instruments stock a small hospital.

It was requested of the Coun- II that a release from responsi­ bility be granted the companies so that the land may be used for a softball diamond, as a pgal transfer of land would In­

volve much time and expense through the plants' main offices in the east.


Two Torrance men pleaded ' guilty to charges of drunk drl' I ing during the past week I City Court.

Raymond A. Brooks, 20210 S. Western ave., arrested March 12, w,as fined $200 by Judge John A. Shldlcr Friday.

Harold R. Murray of the Mui ray Hotel was arrested Saturday and fined $150 peared in court.

Yhen he ap

GEORGE R. NOONAN Merchants' President

dent of the Retail Merchants Division of the Torrance Cham her of Commerce Tuesday.

Vice president 1s Irving Wei der and treaseurer Is Mrs. Charles N. Dodd.

Directors are President Noonar Bob Haggard, Charles N. Dodd Bernard Lee, Ed Schwartz, den Smith and Vice Prcsiden Welder.

The following committee chaii men were named: Membership Paul Diamond; finance, Hag g«rd; publicity, Edwin .B. Bro plans and promotion, O. D. Fuller, and labor relations, Sam Levy. ,

President Noonan announced that the committee chairmen will select their own assistants, and that the evening meeting of the membership committee will be held on April 1.

Charter Committee Group Endorsed As First Board Of Education in Torrance

ele shown at Tues-In statements

e Torrance He-

day noon, Blaine Walker, secre­ tary, said.

Reed'H. Parkin, president of the Torrance Chamber of Com­ merce, said the following will be at the speakers' table: C. S. Beesemyer, president Los Ange­ les Chamber of Commerce and vice presidertt, General Petro­ leum Corp.; D. S. Faulkner, vice president the National Supply Co.; Carl Wirsching, city man­ ager, Long Beach; J. Hugh Sher- fey Jr., mayor of Torrance; Henry Creeger, manager Tor­ rance plant, American Radiator ,nd Standard Sanitary Corp.; Mward Christiansen, president, "ates Expanded Steel !orp.; W. T. Tillotson, Arneri in Rock Wool Corp.; E. R. 'oak, president Doak Aircrafr^ o.; L. A. Harvey, Harvey Ma- line Co.; Gilbert Woodill, An- lerson- Carlson Co.; H e c t o i

Haight, RFC and Ed Duke, sales .nager American Radiator and

standard Sanitary Corp.The list 6f those who have

reserved tables indicates that ore than 400 will be in attend­

ance at the big dinner which will feature a program of en- .ertainment and tribute to the icw Industries of Torrance.

The list follows: Torrance Water Department,

torrance Klwanis club, Torrance City Council, Ton-ance Herald, "'orrance Lions club, American Rock Wool Corp.

Torrance Board of Education, Bob Haggard, J. C. Penney Co., Bank of America, W. H. Tolson, Walter G. Linen - Dodge and Plymouth, Redondo Beach.

El Prado Furniture Co., Waale- Camplan & Smith, Inc., contrac­ tors. Alien Jewelers, Doak Air­ craft Corp.

Torrance National Bank, Na­ tional Supply Co., Columbia Steel Co., The Gay Shop, Stand ard of California, Intel-national Derrick & Equipment Co., Bate;

of thday's vot handed t< raid.

Dr. Howard A. Wood, high mail on the ballot by several hundred votes, said:

"I wish to express my sin­ cere thanks and deep appre­ ciation to the voters of Tor- ranee for the confidence they have shown In me by electing me to the first Board of Edu­ cation of this city.

"I pledge that I will apply myself faithfully and to the utmost of my ability to the task before us that the trust of the people may not hav* been misplaced.

"I am gratified with the membership of the Board as elected and I know they will work with diligence and in harmony In an effort to give Torrance the excellent school system that It has so long de­ served and has every right to expect.

"There are many knotty problems to be worked out

before we can approximate our goal, but we can confi­ dently expect valuable guid­ ance and assistance from the Los Angeles County Superin­ tendent of Schools office which hits been very generous «ith

In a sweeping endorsement of their emleavuf to establish an independent school system in Torranre, members of the Charter Committee, with but one exception, were elected a* the first Torrance illy Board of ftducntlon Tuesday.

The five citizens chosen to run the new Tcirrance school *system for the first term are:

Dr. Howard A. Wood, 1,8»8 )tes, for the long term. Mrs. Evelyn Can', 987 vote:., ir the long term. Mrs. Grace W. Wright, ».,. rips, short term. Carl D. Stcele, 790, short terln. George P. Thatcher, 791, «lWrt

:erm.Jamos L. Lynch was deni°a place on the first Board of

Education as a result of wig'e-

ELECTION BULLETIN - Torrance City Council taut

night canvassed the ballot* «f the Board of Education elec­ tion of Tuesday with the re­ sult that the official vote fin- the various candidates HtandaV Dr. Howard A. Wood 14J1 Evelyn L. Carr .................. BRGrace W. Wright .............. »¥>George W. Thatcher .......... INCarl D. Steele 70 lames L. Lynch <W Albert Isen ................. . JTJp«-Mary .1. Mlllard MO Margaret O'Toole . W Cecil W. Smith .......... - 'iflBernard Lee ................. ... . 4«6Howard P Raymond .... .--3StIla Mae Ambach ................-« »Kenneth Height .....:..,', ftp

The corrected vote oir^jfe fire department bonds, V-jft^- position No. I, Is 915 *y«P and 7«4 "no." On the police department bonds, No. 2, 874 "yes" and 784 "no."

ROTARV PRESIDENT . . . James L. Lynch, local hotel owner, is the Torrancc Rotary club president for the year starling July I, 1947. He will succeed Robert T. McCallum , id will be installed at the an­ nual "demotion party" of Ro­ tary durirrg the month of June.

lor Hew Year(Conti, Pago 4-A)

Miss Torrance Of 1947 Drive !s Undertaken

The Torrance Junior Woman's club is starting the annual con­ test for a "Miss Torrance of 1947."

This contest is conducted to raise money for a Torrance Y. W.C.A. building fund. Receipts of this contest from year to year will, in time, create a fund that

ill give Tonancc and neaiby communities facilities for car ying on much needed worU among young women.

Civic minded merchants agair have pledged support by back- ng the contest for "Miss Tor­ rance of 1947" with generous gifts for the contestants. Tin following stores have pledged


- and for'rr

L. Lynch, local hotel

any yerker in Toi

vill headlance Rotary club during th

year starting July 1, 1947, ins announced yesterday.Lynch was elected by the newiard of directors choseck. - iVice president for the

year is A. L. Jackson, mcr.iber Li the City Council. Georg Johnson will continue as se?re ta-y. William A. Zoeller is th' new treasurer.

Directors in addition to th officers are W A. Fulker, Georg r;. Noonan and Robet T. McCb lilin, retiring president.

The officers will be installed ut the annual Rotary club "demotion party" to to July 1, it

held announc

spread endorsement of Thatcher ivho was an aggressive worker n the campaign to withdraw {

Torrance schools from Los An- Igeles nember of the spon-

prizes so far: Mode D'Day, Ben ion's, Penney's, Newberry's, I Prado Furniture, Charlston'

Expanded Steel Corp., Pacific Electric Railway, Dixie Lee Stu­ dio & Camera Shop, General Pe­ troleum Corp., Joshua Hendy Iron Works

Torrance Lumber Company, Plastlk Company of America, Ben Haggott, Lomlta News, Harvey Machine Co.

Torrance Fire Equipment Still 'Out In The Gold9

The bond Issue propositions for a new fire and police sta­ tion, which were defeated In Tuesday's election, gained In affirmative votes over the last Aug. 20 election.

In the August vote, the fire station proposition received MB "yea" votes to 1,148 "no's" a* compared to 911 "yes" and 782 "no" votes Tuesday. The police station vote last year wu 698 "yes" and 1,280 "no" to 874 "yes" and 787 "no" bal lota this year.

Figured on' a percentage ba­ sis, the favorable vote for the fire station at this week's elec­ tion was 54 percent of the vote cast, compared to only 48 percent favorable vote last August On the police station, the favorable vo(e Increased from 35 percent but August to 53 percent at Tuesday's election.

Up until late luNt night the City Council had not decided any course of action to Iw taken concerning the fire de­ partment equipment which Is without quartern due to ttie condemnation of the fire de­ partment building by city In­ spector* under the State build- Ul( code.

Gary's Jew

tional Homo Applian ance Hardwan

Girls eligible

?lry, Alien Jewelry,Jewelry, Bernard

The Gay Shop, Na-

contest must beentiy in this

single and be

Mil der Victim Funeral Held Here Saturday

Funeral services for Jack Clil ford Floyd, 30, 1221 El Prado, were conducted Saturday mom ing in the chape.l of Stone and Mycis mortuary. The remains were sent to Center Point, Iowa, the place of his birth, for in­ terment Tuesday.

Floyd's death, as a result of last v. e e k' s stabbing here,

between the ages of 16 and 25If under 18, the entrant must

have a parents' written consent She must not be a member o the Torrance Junior Woman's club.

he queen contest committo includes the following: Mmes Rut'us Sandstrom, Call Forkum, j company,

i C. Moshos, G. T. Dorouin, extensive Van Barnard, Frank Farrell, H. th L. Wagner, John H-. Rltchie, Chas. H. Hutcheison ' and the ... m .. _. _ Misses Louise Robins and Joan nm"d voted the rr. Banks. ' (Cpntinu.d

soring committee of the recently adopted City Charter.

Fire and police department bonds failed to get the neces sury two-thirds majority at the polls, although each issue was favored by the majority. , On the $125,000 fire depart-

,-4-ment Nfine, the vote wa» 911 yes and 762 no. On the police department Issue, 874 yes and 787 no.Other candidates for the

Board of Education fared as follows:

James L. Lynch, 666.Albert Isen, 576.Mary J. Millard, 540 : *Mai garct O'Toole, 483. « > ^Cecil W. Smith, 410.

' Bernard Lee, 404. . ]Howard P. Raymond, 384. .Ila M. Ambach, 239. ^J"!Kenneth Beight, 2!W. _ 1Members of me new Board of

Education agreed to meet Im­ mediately and decide updn" (Jrt ganizatlon, although they cuuSi*; officially take office until next | Tuesday.

they prepared to Immediately with Dr. C. C. lingham, county superintendent of schools, and Dr. C. C. C*«*u penter, assistant superintendent, 3 elative to the appointment'-***?

the first Superintendent ,at tl Schools of Torrance. -u

Candidates for the office hsve- been In the process of betaf 4 screened preparatory to submit-

to the Board of Education*;

marked the end of a. promising career. He had been employed for the past yeai by the Los Angles Chemical Company an entomologist. Mr. Elmer vis, department head of

aid Floyd was doing search in insecticides

list of six qualified administrator* from which to pick the superior*, tendent. The county superinMwf dent's office was requested screen the candidates for perintendency and business man­ ager by members of the CharterCommittee It that there

was understood more than 50

there and had a brilliant future i ,,cants f tn M , ,Graduating from the Faribault superintendent.

high school In Fanbault. Mmn., | Wnilp tne schoo,s cannpt . ^

CHAMPION KNUCKLERS . . . Pictured above are the champions of the Torunce Herald Marble

Tournament with their prizes donated by their sponsors and the Herald. In the front row, left to

right, are Frank S. Selover, managing editor of the Herald, also representing the Lions Club; Charley

Camou and Raul Chavez, contestants sponsored by thr Rotary Club; Brownlow Parmlev and Grind

Champion Mikel Bolls, 20-30 Club; Jimmy Murphy and Jack Boal, Lions Club, and Dele Rilcy of

the Torrance recreation department. In the back row are James L. Lynch, Rotary Club, and How­

ard Foster and Joe Ustldincjer of the 20-30 Club. (Story on Sporti page. Torranct Htrald photo.)'