torrent's guide to online dating

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Torrent's complete guide to online dating.


Torrents Guide to Online DatingTorrent Seduction[Insert book cover here]

6 Steps to Escalate to SexCopyright 2015 - Torrent SeductionAll Rights Reserved


My name is Torrent. Im the author of this book and the founder of Ive been writing about the subjects of meeting, attracting and seducing women for a long time now. Im an expert in all aspects of game and offer my knowledge for free on my web site.

Internet dating is VERY popular these days.

Youve seen all the commercials and advertisements for dating web sites promising to help you Find your soulmate.

A lot of people believe this and sign up to make their own profiles on these popular sites. Women included.

We can use Internet Game as a tool for meeting women and setting up dates.

Internet game is very different from gaming women in real life, yet somewhat similar to text game.

Women already know a lot about you before talking to you by looking at your profile, and they have a huge pool of men to choose from.

Its no substitute for the skills and experiences you need to gain from picking up women in person, but simply another option to land you dates.

Our goals should be to meet women online, talk to them, get their phone number, run text and phone game and eventually set up a date.

Online gaming is very complex and quite confusing at times.

I wrote this book to help you every step of the way and make the process go by much more smoothly.

Table of Contents

Choosing the Right Dating Site.......................................................................................................5

Constructing an Attractive Online Profile...............................................................................................................................................7

Your Pictures........................................................................................................................8Your Biography....................................................................................................................9Exaggerating Yourself........................................................................................................11


The Opener.....................................................................................................................................13

Be Unique..........................................................................................................................14Be Personal........................................................................................................................15List of Openers...................................................................................................................15The Numbers Game...........................................................................................................16

Creating Good Conversation..........................................................................................................17

Build Quick Rapport from the Start...................................................................................17Fun Conversational Techniques.........................................................................................18When the Conversation Stalls Out.....................................................................................18Screen Her..........................................................................................................................19

Taking the Interaction Off-Line.....................................................................................................19

Get her Phone Number.......................................................................................................20How to Ask her for her Number........................................................................................21Getting a Date....................................................................................................................22

Choosing the Right Dating Site

Today there are many dating sites out there. With such a large selection, how do you know which one to use?

Many of these sites are filled with fake female profiles, interfaces that are not user-friendly, and shady ways of trying to take your money.

Luckily for you, I have tried out many of these websites and learned which ones are legitimate and good to use.

Here are some of my favorite dating web sites to use.

Adult Friend Finder

Adult Friend Finder is my favorite and most highly recommended website to use.

It is the most popular adult dating website on the internet today, and for a good reason.

AFF is filled with millions of real men and women looking from everything to flings, casual dating and long-term relationships, and its easy to find people in your area.

Its very user-friendly, easy to use, free to sign up and easy to find dates.

Ive personally had the most success on this website out of any other. Simply follow this book and start chatting up women and youll be able to line up dates in no time.

This website is hands down the fastest way to get laid or find a girlfriend.

Click the link below, sign up for free and check it out for yourself!

Ashley Madison

Youve probably seen advertisements for Ashley Madison on various web sites and even on television.

This web site is very well known and used by millions of real women.

This particular web site is for married people looking for discreet, sexual encounters.

Sounds crazy, right?

Thats what I first thought when I first signed up. But trust me, youll be surprised how many sexy women are on here looking for flings.

You probably wont find a girlfriend on this site, but you will find women looking for no-strings-attached casual fun if you play your cards right.

Ive found that this is one of the easiest dating sites to get laid on, and I highly recommend checking it out. Click the link below.

Other Recommended Dating Sites

Plenty of Fish - Not as popular as it used to be, this site is completely free and if you look around youll definitely find a couple dates and even get

OkCupid - Another free site similar to Plenty of Fish. Pretty easy to find people in your local area on this site and find - You can sign up for free on this site but youll have to pay to really interact with people. This is a popular dating site and is filled with real people. Youll have better luck finding relationships on this site than casual flings. - Good web site if youre looking for a girlfriend. This site will match you up with people of similar interests and allow you to interact. Youll definitely find somebody youre compatible with on this site.

Tinder - Not really a dating site, more of an app. Great for meeting local girls and meeting up fast. Your bio on this app is not very important. Most people just look at your pictures and decide if they want to match with you or not. You can only talk to people on this app if you both match with each other. Great app if you have attractive pictures.

Constructing an Attractive Online Profile

Everybody who makes an account on an online dating site is forced to make a profile for themselves.

This profile will include information about you such as your age, race, body type, pictures, profession and interests as well as a short biography about yourself.

Your profile will tell the women on the site all about you and they will decide whether they want to get to know you or not.

Its very important to have an attractive profile that will invite them into your world and get them hooked.

I will tell you exactly how to do that.

Your Pictures

The pictures you choose to include of yourself on your profile are the most important part of the profile.

One of the main deciding factor for both sexes when it comes to choosing online dating profiles is the attractiveness of the other person in their pictures.

While its true that personality is important to a woman, its hard to convey that right away on a dating profile.

At first, the only thing they can be sure of is your looks.

So first off, use good photos of you on your profile. These photos will be the main deciding factor for whether the woman wants to pursue an interaction with you or not.

Use the photos that capture your good side and leave out the bad.

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

You dont want that one bad photo of you to be the reason she doesnt respond to your message.

Make sure you are the center of attention in your photos.

Women want to see the man theyre currently reading about, not his friends. Dont post pictures of you posing with your bros. Especially if its possible the woman could find one of them more attractive than you.

Pictures with others may demonstrate that youre social, but the spotlight should be on you.

The only exception to the above rule is posting a picture of you posing with two or more attractive girls.

A picture with a couple girls will display the traits of pre-selection and social intelligence.

Two qualities that the other women find biologically attractive in you. Just try not to post a picture with only one other girl, then they may assume its a current or ex-girlfriend. You shouldnt have a picture of your ex on a dating site.

Try to add a picture that shows youre adventurous or demonstrates a hobby. Like a picture of you getting ready to bungee jump off a bridge or a picture of you whitewater rafting.

You want to show that you live a fun life that a woman would love to be a part of.

This also shows that youre adventurous. Women naturally love adventurous men.

Avoid mirror selfies! These are pictures of you standing in front of the mirror, smiling like a dork or trying to look like a tough guy with your phone in your hand. Lame.

You should avoid all selfies in general.

Dont look so lonely that you dont have any friends to take pictures of you.

And never, EVER post a shirt-less mirror selfie. This looks way too try-hard.

If you want to show off your body, do it in a more natural way, like having a friend take a picture of you shirt-less at the beach.

Limit the number of pictures you have on your profile. You dont want to overwhelm the girls of the site with a huge gallery of pictures.

Plus the more pictures you have, the more likely youll have a weak link in the chain.

Choose a small handful of your best pictures to display. 4-7 is a good number. Dont go overboard.

Make sure the photos accurately look like you. Dont use a picture from 2 years ago when you were in better shape.

Nobody likes to be misled. If you show up to the date looking a lot less attractive than your photos, youll lose some respect immediately.

Lastly, try to include a picture than can potentially be a conversation starter.

For example, a picture of you standing in front of a group of people in a nice suit giving a speech, or one of you with the Eiffel Tower in the back ground.

Unlike in real life, girls sometimes initiate the conversation on dating sites. You can make it easy for them by giving them something to ask you about.

Your Biography

All dating sites give you an area to write a little description about yourself. This is known as your biography or bio.

Women will read this and use it to get an idea of your personality.

Having an attractive bio will help a lot with making girls more interested in you. Read on the learn how to make a rock solid bio.

The first line of your bio should be something catchy, witty and/or funny. Something that will grab her attention and entice them into reading on.

For example, When I was little, girls hated when I pulled their hair. Funny how things change. This line is obviously a joke and it will get them laughing, interested and willing to read more of the bio.

Think of a funny opening line that is personal to you and use it to capture their attention.

Your bio should be long enough to give them an idea about you, but dont go overboard on the writing. Nobody wants to read a long essay on a dating site while clicking through the hundreds of other profiles theyll look at that day.

Your bio should only be designed to get her a little idea of what you have to offer her instead of dropping your life story up front and hoping shell accept it.

If your bio is a little bit lengthy, break it into small, choppy paragraphs.

Dont keep it all as one big block of text. Big blocks of texts are overwhelming and encourage people to keep on scrolling.

Its been proven that the attention span of the average internet user is 6 seconds.

If your bio is broken up into small sections, the reader can read a section in under 6 sections, be intrigued then jump to the next section.

Small groups of words are pleasant to the eye and much more inviting to read.

Avoid using the stereotypical, overused descriptions of yourself like laid-back, cool, funny, nice, etc. These words are used on damn near every profile and most women are tired of seeing them.

Guys use these words because they think its what women want to see. Its not. Use creative, more personal adjectives to describe yourself and youll seem more genuine to her.

In your bio, try to give off the vibe that youre generally a happy person and content with life.

Dont ever mention something that brings up negative emotions.

For example, dont mention that you havent found the right girl, dont mention a recent breakup, dont mention losing your job, basically leave your personal problems at home.

Talk about the positives in your life. Make yourself seem like a self-amused, worthy man on his path and purpose in life.

Dont try to seem like someone youre not. Ive been down that road.

Ive made profiles for myself seeming like a super cocky alpha male that I thought would be attractive to a womens biological drives, and Ive made profiles making myself seem like the successful, funny and nice Mr. Right.

Now I did get dates this way, especially as the Mr. Right, but it just didnt seem genuine in person.

These dates rarely led to a one-night stand and the girls I met had different expectations.

They can tell when your online profile is not congruent with your actual personality.

Make your profile congruent to your actual personality so you dont have to deal with the problems mentioned above.

I eventually changed my dating profiles to one that matched my personality.

The result was less women willing to meet up for a date, but the ones who did meet up were genuinely interested in me.

My personality came off as completely congruent and she got exactly what she was expecting.

I got laid much more on these genuine dates because the girls liked me for me and I could relax a lot more than when I was trying to be somebody I wasnt.

Exaggerating Yourself

Exaggeration is a common practice on the online dating community.

Most dating sites make you list your height, age, body type and income.

Naturally, people will exaggerate these numbers a bit to make them appear more attractive.

If a woman has an average body, she will put slim or athletic on her profile.

If shes a little fat, shell most definitely put average. If shes particularly large, shell put A few extra pounds.

If she puts BBW, run for the hills.

If shes 33 years old, she may put 29.

Women will exaggerate their height too.

Keep this in mind while youre surfing for tang on the net.

Men absolutely exaggerate as well, usually putting athletic, as their body type and adding a few inches to their heights as well as a few numbers to their income.

Should you exaggerate?

Well, if youre content with the way you are and youre afraid shell notice your exaggeration when you meet up and call you out on it, then no.

But since everybody lies online, you may want to do it to keep up with the competition.

As long as you dont overdo it to the point where its blatantly obvious to her when you meet up that you lied, you can get away with a little exaggeration here and there.

Perhaps add a couple inches to your height.

Youre 510? On your profile say youre 6 feet tall.

If youre 57, say youre 510.

Put athletic as your body type, even if its not. Unless youre morbidly obese, then that would just be silly.

If youre self-conscious about your age, perhaps knock off a few years on your profile.

Just keep in mind that if you and her start a relationship, the truth will come out one day. And youll look and feel pretty lame when she finds out that you lied.

LogisticsThe logistics are very important when it comes to meeting women online.

Logistics refers to the variables that make it possible to get her on a date with you and eventually home with you.

The main one you should be worried about is location. How far away does she live?

Most dating web sites will tell you this, but you may want to ask her again just to be safe. A simple, What city do you live in? will suffice.

There are other variables that may make it difficult to get her:

Does she live alone?Does she have transportation?Do her work hours conflict with yours?Is she only in town for a short period of time?Does she frequently travel for work?Is she married? (youd be surprised!)

You want to make sure the logistics are right for a meet up to occur before spending a lot of time gaming a specific woman.

Dont waste your time on something that can never be.

The Opener

Once your profile is all set up and youve already begun browsing through profiles, you need to start a conversation with these profiles to find potential leads.

Leads are the receptive women youre conversing with that you can turn into future dates.

Most women wont message you first, so its up to you to get the conversation started by sending an initial message, or an opener.

Now, women are generally more bold online than in person, so some WILL send you an opener now and then, especially if you have a solid profile with attractive pictures. But dont count on it.

If this happens, awesome! Youre now past the opener and can move on to building conversation.

If not, keep reading to find out how to successfully open her.

Be Unique

When you find a profile you like, the first message you send should be something funny or witty.

Dont just say something boring like, Hey or, Hi, you looked cute and I wanted to talk to you you.

This kind of opener may work in person, but not online.

You have to remember that her inbox is getting filled with dozens of messages from desperate guys every day.

You have to stand out with your opener.

You want to say something that she hasnt seen a million times from all these other guys, something that will make her respond.

Your goal with the opener is getting her to respond. Once she gets past that step, she has complied to you a little bit and the compliance momentum can start building from here.

Shes much more likely to respond to your future messages once shes responded to your opener.

Your opener should be short, light and playful. Something that will make her smile.

Consider ending your opener with a question to make it easier for her to respond back.

Try to refer to something in her profile to show you actually looked.

Read her bio and look through her pictures and see if you can construct an opener out of that information.

Is that picture you at a costume party? Or do you always dress up like a viking warrior woman? If so, I have a perfect horned viking helmet to wear during our pillaging ;).

Maybe you can find something to tease her about and open her like that.

Why do you wear your bangs so low in every picture? Is it because you have a big forehead? Dont worry, I wont judge, I actually find big heads kind of sexy

Be personal

You dont want to give off the impression that youre sending the same cookie cutter opener to every girl on the site.

Make your openers personal to that specific girl.

The two opener examples I gave above are great examples for getting personal. Use her name in your message. Or make up a nickname based on her bio.

If she said shes originally from California and she likes to wind surf. You can start your message with, Greetings, my wind surfing Cali queen

Adding something personal to your openers will increase the response rate of your messages.

Even if you are copy and pasting the same opener to every girl, you can still personalize it a little bit by adding her name to the top of the message.

For your convenience, I added a small list of openers you can use below.

List of Openers

I just want to cover you in green paint and spank you like a bad avocado.

Please take down all your photos, youre making me look bad by comparison Well except for the last one, that one can stay.

You seem like an interesting woman but I should let you know Im not looking for anything serious. Just someone to watch Hannah Montana reruns with.

My roommate came in while I was looking at your profile and told me that if I didnt message you, she would. Thats probably an empty threat, but she does have an eye for beauty, so Im totally going to trust my moms judgment on this one. I just thought I would send you a message to let you know. ;)

Well I thought about it for a seconddo I want to be Mr. Funny Haha and try to make you laugh right off the bat. Nah. That would be silly. Do I want to be Mr. Casanova and try to woo you to death? Nah. That would make me seem way too serious Since this whole online thing is decided within the first 4 lines of the convo, Ill just go the traditional way and say hi :)

These are just examples, if you would like a longer list of openers to use, I have compiled a list for your convenience on my website. Just follow the link below. Numbers Game

A lot of girls wont respond to your openers.

In fact, most of them wont.

Its not you or the opener, its the fact that she gets so many messages from so many guys that its hard to keep up with it all.

If she takes a 2 day break and comes back to find 100 messages, chances are shes not going to scroll through and find yours.

On average, about 32% of the first messages sent ever receive responses. So if you send 10 openers out, you may get 3 back.

The formula is the more messages you send, the more leads youll get. You have to play the numbers game.

Now just because were playing the numbers game doesnt mean we need to rack up a million leads.

Its hard to keep up with 20 difference conversations at once, you wont be able to give as much attention to each girl and have a lower success rate in each one.

You should pick a handful of good leads that you feel confident about and focus your attention on those ones.

Once you get so many good leads its quality over quantity.

Youll definitely get more dates out of online gaming when you give enough personal attention to your small number of leads to escalate the interactions.

Having the focus and the time to construct your responses is your main advantage you have with online game.

Creating Good Conversation

When you have a lead and she responded to your opener, its now up to you to create a good, stimulating conversation with her.

This isnt just any conversation, its conversation between two single adults trying to screen each other as a potential partner.

That doesnt mean that the conversation has to be personal from the very beginning, but it will get personal pretty fast.

Build Quick Rapport from the Start

We will be able to build some quick rapport from the start by matching her writing style and keep her laughing.

Building rapport is building an emotional connection between us where can understand each other easily and communicate well.

As humans, we tend to like people who are like us, so we will start to match her typing style.

If she types with correct grammar and punctuation, you need to type like that too.

If she uses abbreviations, use the same ones that she uses.

Dont use smileys if she doesnt. However, if she does use a lot of smileys, go crazy with them. :)

We will also build rapport by keeping the interaction playful which I outline below.

Your opener was funny and got the conversation off to a good start. Now you want to continue the conversation and keep it fun and playful.

Try to keep her laughing. If you can exhibit a sense of humor at the start like this then that will come off as very attractive to her.

This is key because the boring, interview style questions will start coming out real quick.

As she is sizing you up as a potential partner, she will ask you these interview style questions such as, What do you do? What are your plans for the future? Do you have a house? Where do you live?

The fun and playful vibe may begin to fade when these boring questions come out so its important that you established your funny personality at the beginning.

Try to get the boring life details out of the way so you can have some entertaining conversation and begin to build an emotional connection with her.

There are a few techniques I use to keep the conversation entertaining regardless of the topic, listed below.

Fun Conversational Techniques

Teasing Tease her playfully on something she said. This adds comedic value to the conversation and shell love it. Oh god you do crossfit? I dont think your active lifestyle will coincide well with mine. Ill have to invite you to one of my couch potato field days to rehabilitate your mind!

Role Playing Picture the two of you doing something together and tell her about the crazy scenario. Itl reinforce the thought of you two together. If the doorman wont let us in, Ill hold him back and you tickle him into submission. Its gotta work!

Future Projections Future Projections are hypothetical plans the two of you will make for the future. Youve never been to Asia? Okay, for your next birthday were both taking a flight to Bangladesh to backpack our way around Asia with nothing but a compass and a journal!

When the Conversation Stalls Out

So the conversation has been going well, youre getting to know each other and youve been making her laugh.

What do you do when you run out of things to say?

Luckily, this shouldnt be a big issue while doing online game as you have time to craft your response before you send it to her.

Look at her last couple messages, pick out a topic of something she brought up and question her about it.

So if she mentioned 3 messages ago that she went to a Japanese restaurant the night before, you can ask her, Why do you like Japanese food so much? Olive Garden isnt good enough anymore!?

If you want a list of routines you can use for when the conversation stalls out, click here.

Screen Her

Online dating is all about finding someone youre compatible with.

From the very beginning she has been screening you, or asking you questions and learning more about you to determine whether or not youre good enough for her.

You need to screen her right back.

Ask her questions that you would ask a potential girlfriend.

If youre not screening her, shell think you dont care about her personality and youre just trying to get laid.

You should have standards and stick to them.

Make a list of qualities you look for in a woman and qualities you wont accept.

When she feels like shes being properly screened, shell feel much more comfortable meeting up with you knowing shes won you over.

And when you find a woman that youve properly screened and she has the criteria youre looking for, you know you found a keeper.

After all, isnt that the whole point of online dating?

Taking the Interaction Off-Line

You dont want to spend too much time talking to her online.

Keep in mind that while shes talking to you, shes also talking to countless other men.

Most of these conversations she has dont lead to anything. Either she decides she doesnt like them, they stop responding to her, or they message each other so much with no hint of actually meeting up that it causes her to get bored and lose interest.

Women are on these sites to meet men, not just talk to them.

Your goal, if you ever want to get laid, is to take this interaction off-line and eventually meet up with her for a date.

Youre first step in this process is to get her phone number and continue the conversation from there.

Get her Phone Number

You want to get her phone number once youve built enough rapport with her and feel like she trusts you more.

Most women wont give their number to just any guy they meet online.

Getting her to give you her phone number is a compliance test.

If she gives in, shes attracted, and now youre building compliance momentum with her that will eventually lead her to give in to you in other ways.

Try to get the number early on in the interaction once youve made a good impression.

If you dont move the interaction to the phone, then shell just see you as an online pen-pal.

When you ask her for her number, it shows that you have the ability to escalate and it shows that youre serious about making something happen out of this.

Another good reason I like to go for the number early is to screen for the time wasters.

Interested girls who know what they want will give you their number.

Attention seekers and time wasters wont give it to you.

If she has no good reason not to give it up but still doesnt, then shes wasting your time and you need to move on.

At least you found out early rather than waste more time with her only to find out that nothing is going to come from this.

How to Ask her for her Number

Youve been talking for a little bit and now you feel its a good time to go for the number.

First, mention that you dont like talking through the dating sites messaging system, then give her a good reason as to why you should exchange numbers.

Then ask for the number or give her yours. Thats it, simple as 1, 2, 3.

Example Talking on this site is kinda inconvenient for me, I much prefer texting, what do you say we continue this on the phone? Heres my number 012-345-6789. Send me a text so I know its you.

Example Sorry for the late responses, Im pretty busy sometimes and cant always get to the computer right away. We should text instead, whats your number?

If shes into you, you should now have her phone number and begin gaming her through text and phone game.

You should call her sometime soon so she can put a voice to your face and youll seem more human in her eyes.

Text her as well so the conversations can get more personal.

Ask her to send you a picture so you know shes real.

Ive written a very detailed guide on text game that you should use to build attraction with her through texting. Click the link below.

Ive also written a detailed guide on phone game for when its time to call her and set up a date. Click the link below.

Getting a Date

Now that youve got her number, game her accordingly using my text and phone game articles I linked to above.

Eventually you want to build enough comfort to get her to agree to meet you in person.

Your first meeting should be a low-pressure event somewhere public, like a coffee shop or a bar.

People are very weary about meeting other people from the internet. You should be too, there are definitely some weirdos out there.

In my Text Game and Phone Game guides, I tell you exactly how to get her to agree to a date through the phone, so theres no need to get too in-depth about that here.

Once you set up the date, read my guide on dates to make sure it goes perfectly. Click the link below to read about the dates.

Do everything right and youll be getting girls from the internet to the bedroom in no time.

This is the age of technology, use it to your advantage!

Youll be surprised how easy it is to get dates with the women you meet online.

Just dont get too addicted to it. ;)

Final Words

I hope all of the effort I put in to learning this system from scratch and writing this book will help you be more successful with the women you want! I put in the work so you dont have to. And it doesnt cost you a cent! Just be sure to send me an email with any comments or questions you have if you enjoyed reading.

[email protected]

Now sign up to a dating website of your choice and put these methods to test! Let me know how it goes!

Once again, Ill add the links to my two favorite dating sites below.

For more great content and future e-books for free, visit my web site regularly and pay attention to my e-mails. I keep all of my followers up to date with the latest information in seduction!