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j AggieTownSquare AggieTownSquare .com Utah S tatesman The Advertising Information 2009-10

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Rate Card for USU


The Utah


Advertising Information2009-10

Like salmon swimming upstream or geese flying south for the winter, as sure as leaves will turn to hues of red and gold, students will be coming to USU this fall in record num-bers. Some will be new, some will be old hands on campus, some will be from Utah, others from far-flung locations around the globe. Some will have a major and an eye on a springtime graduation ceremony, others will be just beginning their academic careers. And there are a few “career students,” it seems. But regardless of their status, each and every one of them will have two things in common. Each will read the campus paper three times a week. And each will have — no, make that can have a major impact on your busi-ness. Lucky for you, we know these students. You know your business, the ins and outs, what works and what doesn’t. Well, we know the student market. We know the personal-ity, quirks and preferences of campus. We know the Utah State University student body, more than 16,000 strong, is a group of aspiring young profes-sionals that means more than $27 million to Cache Valley each year. We understand their influence: a group with nearly $400 a month of discretionary income, a group that nationally had a retail sales impact of more than $44 billion last year. Billion ... with a “b.” The USU student body is a market you need on your side when the game is on the line — and isn’t the game always on the line? Here is a market that studies have shown is eight times more likely to buy a bicycle or motorcyle than the average consumer; the highest category for car parts and accessories, eating out, jeans and sweaters, contact lenses, back-packing equipment, electron-ics, computers and related ware ... and the list goes on and on. This is the one market segment you need to have as part of your marketing mix if you want to increase your sales, increase your current position. But, you know that. You know what a difference students mean to your business.You know what a difference no stu-dents means to your business, too. We can help.

823,925 Students!

92% Read The Utah Statesman three times

each week.

*All statistics reflect Fall Semester 2008

So, how many heads are there at USU?Includes Extension, Regional Campus, Evening and Continu-ing Education Students

815,099 at Logan Campus

8But the number that means the most to you:

(Logan Campus)

‹Local Open Rate .... $5.75 col. inch Quantity Discounts (local customers only!) 150-250 col. inches/mo.......$5.50 col in 250-300 col. inches/mo.......$5.20 col in More than 300 inches.........$4.90, maybe lower!Quantitycontractsavailabletolocalcustomersonly–ask your sales rep for informationonlong-termandspecialcontracts!‹Quick-Pay Discount ... 10%!Anydisplayadpaidforattimeofinsertioniseligiblefora10%pre-paydisount.Orifyoupre-fer,whenwebillyou,youpayoffourinvoicebythe10thofthemonthandtake 10% right off the top of your bill.We’llevenfigureitforyou.Quick-PayDiscountsapplytoquantitydiscounts,too.Theyapplytoanyspecialsupplementsorotherpromotions,aswell!YouPayQuick,YouSaveBig!‹Special Back Burner Rate...$325TheBackBurneristhebackcoverof The Statesman,thefirstpagemanystudentssee,apagetheyallturnto,apopularcomicsandcalendarpage.Schedulewithyoursalesrepearlytogetthisprimespot.WethrowinFREE COLORwiththisgreatrate!TheygoFAST!‹Super Strip ... $125Agreatspotforyourbestad—Page2,thefirstadinthenewspaper,aspotwherereadersgetusedtofindingtheBestDealinthePapereachday!Specialcolorframe,specialpricing....aneye-catchingstripacrossthebottomofthepage.They’llgofast,sobook‘emearly.Alsoavailableforsectionopeners.Limit2perweekperclientonpg.2.‹Full Page Rate......$500.Aspecialdiscountedrate(19%!)ifyouplaceafullpagead.‹Half Page Rate......$300.Ditto,aratewellbelowtheregularcolumninchrate.‹Front Page Ads......PutyourmessageontheFRONTPAGEwithPost-It-typestickienotes!‹Here’s Your Best Rate: RunyouradforthreeconsecutiveissuesandgetourDirt Cheap Rate(100%,75%,50%)onthetwosubsequentads.Itdoesn’tgetanybetterthanthis!Notrunninginarow,butwantadiscount?Eachrepeatedadinamonth’stimeiseligiblefora10%discount!DoesnotapplytoBackBurnerorSuperStripads.Pre-paydiscountSTILLAPPLIES!‹Special Color Opportunities: FULLCOLOR(orspotcolor)foronly$75surchargeontheadcost!Yes,asmuchcolorasyouwant!Unbelievable.Imaginehowgoodyouradwilllookinfullprocesscolor!‹Pre-printed inserts....$55perthousand(quantitydiscountsavailableforlocalcustomersonlybasedonfrequency--checkwithyourrep).Nocatalogs.PleasebeawarethatmostUSUstudentswillneverseemassdirectmailingandthefree“shopper”methodsofdistributinginserts.Thisisthebest waytoreachstudentsbothonandoffcampusifyouprefertouseinserts.Planaheadforbestresults.All inserts must be seen and approved in advance.Talktoyourrepaboutdetails.‹Web site advertising...Monthlyratesrangingfrom$50to$125dependingonvariables.WecanputyourbuttonsandbannersonourWebsite.StatesmanOnlineisUSU’sfavoritejumpingoffpointtosurftheWeb,completewithcontests,videos,polls,comicsandarchivesofpastissues.Morethan50,000pageimpressionseachmonth.Talktoyourrepaboutdetails.Here’showyoucanhitUSU’soff-campusstudents,alumniandfriendsoftheuniversity,too!Webadvertisingmakesagreat1-2punchtoreinforceyouradvertisingmessage.

The Official 1-Page Rate Card:

797-1741 l 797-1760Area Code (435)

Voice - Advertising Office FAX - Advertising Office

797-NEWSMain Office Telephone Tree

Here’s how easy it is to reach more than 15,000 anxious customers!

89 Out of 10 USU Students Read The Utah Statesman Three Times Each Week!

We’ll Walk You Through It, Step by Step



Begin with our Local Open Rate for Display Advertising:

$5.75 / col. inch.

Not Acquainted with “column inches?” Ask your rep or phone. Each Statesman column is just under 2 inches wide....1.75” to be exact.

Quick-Pay Discount ... 10% Off!Anydisplayadpaidforat time of insertioniseligiblefora10%pre-paydisount.Orifyouprefer,whenwebillyou,youpayoffourinvoicebythe10thofthemonthandtake 10% right off the top of your bill.

AskyourrepaboutourSUPER STRIP,whichguaranteesPage2placement...ourSUPER COLOR OPPORTUNITIES,whichgivesyouamuchbiggerbangfornominalcost....orTheBACK BURNER,whichgivesyoulotsofcolorandabackcoverad,surroundedbygreatnewsandcomics.

Runyouradforthreeconsecu-tiveissuesandgetourDirt Cheap Rate(100%,75%,50%)onthetwosubsequentads.Itdoesn’tgetanybetterthanthis!

WehavespecialdiscountsforHalf-Page Ads (12% discount)Only $300Full-Page Ads (17% discount)Only $500.Maketheleapandgetrewarded!

But We Want to Give You a Better Deal:

And Yet It DOES Gets Better!

And We Have Tricks Up Our Sleeve

Bigger Discounts for Bigger Ads.





4th ad FREE ... if you have online presence, too!







For Monday Publication — Friday, 10 a.m.Wednesday Publication — Monday, 11 a.m.Friday Publication — Wednesday, 11 a.m.

Please help us out by meeting these deadlines. Many ads placed on deadline may not have the

opportunity to be proofed ... so please PLAN AHEAD!

Aug. 24 - SPECIAL Welcome Back Issue!Students love their first issue! FIRST DAY of CLASS!


Taggart Center 105, Utah State University • Logan UT 84322-0165

•Phone (435)797-1775FAX: (435) 797-1760 • email:

[email protected]






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Aug. 24 - SPECIAL Welcome Back Issue!Students love their first issue! FIRST DAY of CLASS!



They’re Back and Ready to Buy!

Reach the THOUSANDS of new and returning USU students by advertising in The Statesman’s

Welcome Back Issue! InjustafewshortweekstheUtahStateUniversitycommunitywillbebustlingwithmorethan16,000newandreturningstudents,readytostartanewschoolyear.Nowisthetimetograbtheiratten-tion,beforeclassesbeginfulltiltandwhilestudentsarelookingtofurnishtheirapartmentsordorms,dosomeshopping,orjustsearchforfoodandnecessitiesoflife!TheStatesman’sWelcomeBackIssue—ourbiggestissueoftheyear—istheperfectwaytoreachthesestudents,aswellasthereturningfacultyandstaff.Thisissuecontainsinformationfromeachdepartmentoncampustoassiststudents,sothisisareal“saveallyear”kindofissue. Morethanone-quarterofUSU’sstudentsarenewtothisarea,sotheWelcomeBackIssueisyourfirstchancetocapturetheattentionofthesenewarrivals,aswellasallthereturningstudents.Collegestu-dentsquicklyestablishbuyinghabitsandfavoritehangoutsthatcanlasttheirentirecollegecareer.TheWelcomeBackIssueisyourfirstopportunitytoreachthesenewandfuturecustomers. Callouradvertisingofficetodayat797-1775or797-NEWStoplaceyourad,getmoreinformation,ortoscheduleanappointmentwithoneofouradvertisingrepresentatives.

Special Advertising Supplement or Insert to The Statesman

Issue Date:Monday, August 23

Ad Deadline:Wednesday, August 18

4 p.m.Ask about our MAILED ORIENTATION ISSUE, too -- going to the homes of all new students!!

Dining Guide: Sept. 16Aggie Basketball Preview: Oct. 19Fall/Winter Car Care: Oct. 21

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Aug. 24 - SPECIAL Welcome Back Issue!Students love their first issue! FIRST DAY of CLASS!



8with SPONSORSHIPS!Get Lots of Eyeballs on your Ad ...

Your AdMessageHERE!

Students LOVE our Funny Page, with comics, puzzles and special continuing features!We have the wildly popular Sukoku puzzle, traditional crosswords, Top Ten Lists and our own Gag Me comic caption contest. You can get eyes on your message and keep them there with Sponsorships. Special rates for sponsoring a feature all semester. 4-week minimum. Rate varies by feature. Ask your advertising rep for details.Crossword Puzzler • MCT

It’s No PUZZLE where to find the BEST PIZZA IN TOWN!

Mama Mia’sPIZZA

Free Delivery700-XXXX

Top Place for Game-Nite

Food in Logan:

Such and SuchAddress.

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Special Advertising Supplement or Insert to The Statesman Stress Breaker - Finals Special

Dec. 4, 7th

2010 Publication ScheduleEvery Monday, Wedneseday, Friday

of the Academic School Year.No publication on state & school holidays

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Watch for our Bridal Guide in January! It’s a keeper!


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Don’t forget Spring Break for some student specials — travel, clothing,

sports.Graduation needs: Restaurant

reservations, hotels, moving vans, and that first home!


Some of the Special Supplements We Have Planned for ’09-’10:

Special inserts are unique ways for your business to build traffic .Rates are often lower, too! Book early!

Published Sept. 16 Deadline Sept. 11

Fall DINING OUT IssueThis popular supplement highlights all the great places to eat in the Logan area, some with restaurant history, lots of coupons and specials, lots of menus displayed. Very popular with students. TABLOID format.

Fall CAR CARE IssueComes out just as the first snow flies and everyone starts thinking about snow tires and antifreeze and getting a new car .... and all that comes with four wheels. USU students love their cars and they love reading this issue. TABLOID format.

Published Oct.21Deadline Oct. 16

Published Oct. 19Deadline Oct. 15AGGIE BASKETBALL

PREVIEWA preseason look at the upcoming season, complete with rosters, biographies, schedules and other great info. A look back at last year, too. Comes out during first week of NCAA-sanctioned practice, just when everyone starts thinking about Aggieround ball. TABLOID format.

Published Dec. 4 & 7Deadline Dec. 1

STRESS BREAKER Published during FINALS WEEK (and distributed twice, for maximum impact),full of cartoons and puzzles and funnies and stuff to relieve the late-night anxiety of studying. Also full of coupons and fun things to do from local businesses, as well as Holiday gift ideas before student leave for break. A popular supplement with students. TABLOID format.

Add to these our Homeoming Special (Sept. 25) and Welcome

Back Issue (Aug. 23). In the Spring, watch for our Bride’s Guide,

Housing Guide and Career Special. When students pull it out and save

it, you need to be there!

8Highlights of a recent nat’l study:Researching inside the heads of students

Population Continues to Skew Female

College Enrollment by Gender (millions) • Trend of female enrollment continues to outpace male enrollment

• 58% of today’s college students are female

$201 $209



2002 2003 2005 2006 2007

Student Spending Tracks Market Growth

All College Students Spending ProjectionsAll spending in billions

Spending a Projected $263 Billion A Year31% Increase Since 2002

8Number of college students continues to rise

8Number of female students increases

8Student spending accounts for Billions; students have morediscretionary spending than ever, and use it!

For more information

Students Will Block Out Certain Ads

Ads that are Most Avoided

Pop-Up Ads:81%

Banner Ads:63%

Text Message Ads:63%

Ads Stating Social Partnership: 9%


Word of Mouth: 2%

Ads that are Least Avoided

Posters / Billboards on Campus School Newspaper Ads:13% (tied)

Direct Mail: 44%

For more information

Connect with Them Throughout Their Day

Students will pay attention to ads that catch their eye.

What Are Students Asking Friends About?

When interested in buying a new product or service, in which categories do you look to your friends for advice or recommendations?

8What advertising do students ignore?

8Students like some ads more than others

8Word of mouth still very important

National Studies have some surprises and confirm some things we could have guessed.Cell phones and laptops are primary tools for the college-aged American, male and female. While they are annoyed by online pop-up ads, nearly 90% find ads on campus and in their student paper important. They even know what makes an ad stand out to them. Nationally, McDonalds and Coke are number 1, but Dr. Pepper and Taco Bell are close behind. And, yes, they are “green” con-scious as well as brand loyal.The Statesman keeps its finger on the pulse of the college market. Period.

Just a few things to show what students are thinking.

*From the Nat’l Center on Education Studies and Alloy Marketing

Readership going down? Community papers: Yes. College Papers? No. “...students consider reading the student newspaper part of the college experience ...”

We do Research, too! Here’s part of what we found inside their heads....

8The Statesman is a USU student’s main source for news. Only about 20% see another newspaper.

Do you regularly read another newspaper besides The Statesman?

8The majority of USU students listen to less than an hour of radio per day.

8Statesman readers love to eat out.

How long do you listen to the radio each day?

How often do you eat out?

8USU students are more likely to shop in Logan ... more than 90% have their own car ... they like using credit cards ... they consider themselves smart consumers ... and they like to keep informed... most read both print & Internet news sources.

Survey results from Discovery Reseach,


Utah State University is a land-grant institution, a public-supported, residential, research university found-ed under the the Lund Act in 1888. USU is overseen by the Utah State Board of Regents and a local Board of Trustees. Utah State University is located 90 miles north of Salt Lake City in the city of Logan, the county seat of Cache County. Logan is the religious, educational, commmercial and leisure center of a tri-state area of Northern Utah, Southern Idaho and Western Wyoming. USU consists of eight academic colleges and a School of Graduate Studies. Many USU departments are nationally prominent, including the Space Dynamics Laboratory which has had more student experiments put aboard the NASA Space Shuttle than any other university-spon-sored program. Utah State University employs 2,950 full-time employees and 288 part-time employees (con-tract employees, not students ... an additional 5,000-plus students work part-time on campus), making it Cache County’s largest employer. The cumulative effect of USU’s purchases, payroll and employee’s expenditures provide approximately 31% of the wages and 22% of the jobs in Cache Valley ... students by themselves pour more than $29 million into the local market ... Local non-payroll expenditures exceeded $135,000,000 in the last fiscal year.

nBroadsheet formatnFrequency:Threetimesweekly(M-W-F),followingthesemesteracademiccalendar.NoissuespublishedduringFinalsWeekorHolidays.nPressrun:6,000(somespecialissuesmaybemore),distributedfreetomorethan40high-trafficcampuslocationsby8a.m.dayofpublica-tionandtoselecteddowntownLogansites.n24-hourself-serveclassifiedsite:www.a-bay-usu.comforplacementinbothonlineandpapereditions.No tear sheets providedonclassifieds. nAdditionally, be aware that:1.Thesubjectmatter,wording,illustrationofalladvertisingaresubjecttotheapprovalofthestudentadmanagerandeditor.Ifyouhavequestions,askyoursalesrepinadvance.2.Pageplacementisneithersoldnorguaranteed,withtheexceptionoftheBackBurner,SuperStripandclassifiedpage.Requests will be acknowledged and honored whenever possible. 3.Allpre-printedinsertsmustbeseenandapprovedINADVANCE.Clientisresponsibleforallpre-printcopyingcharges&delivery to printer(BearRiverPublishing,Preston,Idaho).4.Theadvertisingdirectormustbenotifiedbytheadvertiserwithin4workingdaysforany“makegood”adstobeconsidered.TheStatesmancannotberesponsibleforcopychangesmadeormistakesafterproofsareapproved.Minorspellingerrorswillnotqualifyfor100%makegood.Adjustmentswillbedeterminedbyconferencewithadvertiser,adrepresentativeandStatesmanpublisher,asneeded.5.Statesmanbusinessofficewillattempttohaveallinvoicesmailedby1stbusinessdayofeachmonth.All invoices paid in advance or by 10th of the month will receive Quick-Pay 10% discount.Accountsmaybeassessed6%monthservicechargeformorethan90daysoutstanding.6.PaymentinadvancemayberequiredforbusinesseswhohavenocredithistorywithTheUtahStatesman.Onceapatternofpaymentisestablished,billingcanbeappliedtoROAadvertising.Allnewbusinessesareeligibleforpre-pay10%discount.7.Allinvoicesaretobepaidwithin30days.Anyadvertiserwithoutstandingbalancesbeyond60daysoratdollarleveltobedeterminedbytheStatesmanpublishermayhavehisorheradvertisingprivilegewithTheUtahStatesmanputinjeopardyandmayalsobeturnedovertocollectionand/orlegalaction.All balances more than 90 days overdue will be subject to 6% interest/finance charge.8.Forquestionsregardingbillingnotansweredbyyoursalesrepresentative,call797-1775,or797-NEWS.

8Some more stuff you might want to know about advertising in The Utah Statesman

Tying up some loose ends:

We love our Aggies!And They Love Their Statesman!


Thousands of visitors from on and off campus visit our online site every day ... sometimes to send a story to a friend, to send a letter to the editor, or to check out our archives. We have lots of features on our site to keep the interest — and eyeballs — right where they need to be. Statesman Online has become USU second-highest visited web site! Here’s a look at some of our visitor statistics:

What does all this mean? As students, parents and alumni turn to the Web for USU news, your message can be there! Want to target the tech-savvy USU student? Here’s the place:

USU’s Meeting Place.Aggie Town SquareAggie Town Square

•News•Features•Sports•Opinion•Multimedia•Blogs & Discussion • Free Classifieds• Big Blue Biz• Polls •Comics •MORE!

What’s There?

USU’s Favorite Meeting Place.Today’s News BigBlue-Biz A-Bay Calendar & Events Multimedia Photos & Reprints

AD SPACE Available - $125/mo.

Top Stories

Campus News



AD SPACE Available- $100


Available- $125/mo.

Summer Photo Contest


- $50/mo



Viral Video

Blogs & Yada Yada

AP Video Slide Shows

A-Bay -- Your Garage Sale

BigBlue-Biz.comUSU’s Favorite Marketplace.

Today’s Weather

Calender & Events

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This is Headline for Campus News1

This is Headline for Campus News2

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This is Headline for Campus News continuing

This is Headline for Campus News continuing

This is Headline for Campus News continuing

This is Headline for Campus News continuing

This is Headline for Campus News continuing

This is Headline for Campus News continuing

This is Headline for Campus News continuing

This is Headline for Campus News continuing

This is Headline for Sports News1

This is Headline for Sports News2

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This is Headline for SPORTS continuing

This is Headline for SPORTS continuing

This is Headline for SPORTS continuing

This is Headline for SPORTS continuing

This is Headline for SPORTS continuing

This is Headline for SPORTS continuing

This is Headline for SPORTS continuing

This is Headline for SPORTS continuing

This is Headline for Feature News1

This is Headline for Features2

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This is Headline for Features continuing

This is Headline for Features continuing

This is Headline for Features continuing

This is Headline for Features continuing

This is Headline for Features continuing

This is Headline for Features continuing

This is Headline for Features continuing

This is Headline for Features continuing

This is Headline for Features continuing


Blogs and Discussion

Watching Your Wallet Gaming 101


Available- $100/mo

AD SPACE Available- $100/mo

USU’s classified ad and online garage sale site! Buy • Sell • Swap • Save

A-baYShop Here First!

Polls & Archive


Available- $125/mo.

Check it out for yourself!

Your ad can be on the home page ... or you can target the Calendar Page, the Comics Page, the Sports Page, the Multimedia Page or others for even less money.

Thousands of visitors daily thousands of views ... What a great way to supplement your advertising to USU students!We can even send your message in an e-mail blast, along with updated headlines from our Web site!

Here’s a Sample of How

We Look: