touchnet cashiering: lessons · pdf filebanner go live was july 2006! touchnet payment...

TouchNet Cashiering: Lessons Learned Medical College of Georgia Presented by: Beth Welsh and Dawn Fulmer

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TouchNet Cashiering:

Lessons Learned

Medical College of GeorgiaPresented by: Beth Welsh and Dawn Fulmer

Payment Types Comparison:

Fall 2006 to Fall 2007












MCG Customer Details

A. Students: 2395, not including our

Medical and Dental Residents

B . Insurance Participants:

1. Retirees: 1319

2. Employees on leave: 27

3. Cobra: 90

c. Campus depositors-9,464 annually

Banner GO LIVE was July 2006

! TouchNet Payment


! PayPath

! TouchNet Cashiering

! BossCars Parking


Before TouchNet….

! Mainframe Host Legacy System

! Registration

! PeopleSoft Cash-Basis Entries Post Registration

! Changes to bills manual and sporadic

! Financial aid overwritten each term

! Non-Student processing

! Third party

After TouchNet…

! No more long lines!!

! Live bill including financial aid!

! Electronic Check Conversion

! Check images available online!

! Immediate credit card payment updates!

! Web account review

! Web payments

After TouchNet…

! No stacks of paper student bills

! No need to attach financial aid checks

! Cash Drawer functionality

! Reconciliation tool

! Cashier detail reports

! Searchable reporting history

Changes we asked for and

TouchNet delivered..

! Upgrades and patches had to be updated timely, andcommunicated timely

! Improvements to receipting slowness

! Log in problems

! ARTERM Banner processing made available for non-student accounts

! Voided transactions correction

! Data Center timeout correction

! Cashier login tying to Banner

! Third Party contractor payment term code

Changes we asked for…(and still need)

! #1-COA Table link for misc receipting

(1234512345123451234567(8)XX123456789(10)XXXXX123456) = 46 CharacterFOAPAL

! What is a FOAPAL? The accountingcoding for entry into Banner. For USGaccounting, it is FPCDPA. Fund, program,class, department, project/grant, account.

Changes we have asked for…and still need

! Payment items being dropped/duplicated

! Cashiers’ ability to process more than onetransaction at a time

! MISC Batch does not print the CFC onreceipt

! Receivable credits

! Non-student invoice number addition

This Year’s Audit

! Reprint of receipts

! Cashier detail report

! Locating items

! Check images


TouchNet Cashiering has allowed us to reach a

higher level of customer service in the Cashier’s

Office that was not present in past years. We

have also improved the time to bank for each

payment, and streamlined business processes.

Continuous review and improvement will bring it

to an even greater level in the future.