tourism and convention bureau

2015 GROUPS TOURS ANTIBES JUAN-LES-PINS TOURISM AND CONVENTION BUREAU **** Etablissement Public Industriel et Commercial R.C.S. ANTIBES 414-416-420 Siret : 414-416 420 00027 - NAF 9001Z - Numéro d’immatriculaon IM006130004 Garane financière APST, 15 avenue Carnot, 75017 Paris, France Assurance responsabilité civile professionnelle :AXA France IARD, 26 rue Drouot 75009 Paris France

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Etablissement Public Industriel et Commercial R.C.S. ANTIBES 414-416-420 Siret : 414-416 420 00027 - NAF 9001Z - Numéro d’immatriculation IM006130004Garantie financière APST, 15 avenue Carnot, 75017 Paris, France Assurance responsabilité civile professionnelle :AXA France IARD, 26 rue Drouot 75009 Paris France


Welcome to Antibes Juan-les-Pins!Ideally located in the very heart of the French Riviera between Nice and Cannes, just a few minutes from Nice-Côte d’Azur International Airport, Antibes is a modern and dynamic town and yet it has conserved perfectly its charm and its authenticity.

This wonderful historical city, the only one on thecoast which has preserved its ramparts, attracted manyartists thanks to its charming medieval town and its wildcape where Mediterranean vegetation hides sumptuousvillas owned by the richest and most famous people of theworld.

In this magical environment,Maupassant, Picasso, Prévert,Nicolas de Staël and Graham Greene have been inspired andaccomplished here many famous works.

Enter this paradise and take a break here to discover thesecret of Antibes and Picasso’s «joie de vivre»...


«Antibes is the only Côte d’Azur city that has maintained its soul.», according to Graham Greene.

Thanks its ideal geographic situation, its heritage’s quality and its pittoresque little streets, Antibes is today a must-see of the French Riviera.

The incoming tour section offers:

> A program of guided tours in Antibes Juan-les-Pins and Sophia Antipolis District, organised by professional guides.

> Organisation of package or tailor-made tours and holidays (multi-lingual guides, meals, coach transfers, etc.).

> Booking of various leisure activities.


Telephone : +33 (0)4 22 10 60 25 / 19

Email : [email protected]

Fax : +33 (0)4 22 10 61 01

Address : 60 chemin des Sables



p 4 Antibes, Culture and Heritage

p 9 Handcraft and Gastronomy

p 12 Other excursions

p 13 Packages and themed tours

p 15 Practical Information

p 17 Tours Rates and Sales Conditions


This medieval building - former bishops’ residence,then home to Lords of Antibes and royal governors- was the first museum in France to be dedicatedto Picasso in his lifetime. The Picasso Museum hosted the great artist in 1946 and is today famous throughout the world . You will discover the wonderful collection of his 300 works made in Antibes and the works of other modern and contemporary artists as Léger, Balthus, Miró, Ernst, Picabia, and Nicolas de Staël who lived and died in Antibes.

Antibes, Culture and HeritageGUIDED TOURS

Old town walking tour - 1hour30

This walking tour will allow you to discover the fascinating history of Antibes, created by the Greeks and extended by the Romans, then devastated by the Barbarians and fortified under the reign of Henri IV and Louis XIV. You can appreciate the beauty of its medieval town, its ramparts along the sea, its Provencal market, the famous Port Vauban and the flowery “Safranier” district.

Our Guided Tours Service offers you a large choice of circuits, from the historical walking tour to the sightseeing bus tour. You can also discover the local specialities or follow in the footsteps of the artists who lived in Antibes. See the rates on page 17.

The Grimaldi Castle - Picasso Museum - 1hour30

The Fort Carré castle - 1hour

Wonderful example of military architecture, masterpiece from the 16th century reworked by the french soldier and engineer Vauban and symbol of the power of the french kingdom, the Fort Carré is an impressive stronghold with a rampart walk at almost 40 meters above the sea which will offer you a spectacular panoramic view over the Riviera and over the town of Antibes.


Antibes, Culture and HeritageGUIDED TOURS

Saint Bernardin’s Chapel - 30 min

The Peynet museum is situated in the heart of the old town, on the National Square. It is dedicated to the famous french artist Raymond Peynet who lived a long time in Antibes. This lovely museum displays drawings and paintings of Peynet such as the drawings of «the Lovers», known worldwide.The second part of the museum shows humoristic french drawings with a wide wollection of drawings, cartoons and caricatures by famous artists as Daumier, Uderzo, Sempé and many others.

The Painters’ Trail in Antibes - 1h45

We invite you to discover Antibes through the eyes of great painters from the 19th and 20th centuries who loved and painted the city and its landscapes.Thanks to panels set up on the very spots where the originals were painted, you can follow in the footsteps of those artists and understand how they became fascinated by the magical colours and extraordinary light of the French Riviera.

The Peynet and Cartoons Museum - 1h

Classée monument historique en 1989, cette chapelle de style gothique a été construite au 16ème siècle pour accueillir la Confrérie des Pénitents Blancs de St Bernardin. Elle vient d’être restaurée et dévoile aujourd’hui un riche ensemble de fresques du 16ème et du 19ème siècle, ainsi qu’un magnifique retable en bois du 18ème siècle.

The Archeological Museum -Bastion St André - 1h

The archeological museum is settled inside a bastion from the 17th Century. It is an authentique military work built by the soldier and french engineer Vauban. The museum is wonderfully located along the seaside and offers a fantastic view over the old town and the cape from its terrace. It displays greek ceramics and amphoras coming from deep underwater archaeological excavations in the Antibes bay and roman remains such as mosaics, funerary steles or a monumental marble fountain disciveres during archaeological excavations realized in the old town and in the woods of Vaugrenier.


The Eilenroc Villa and its garden - 1h30

The Eilenroc Villa is located in the southern part of Cap d’Antibes,on superb wooded grounds of 11 acres. This gorgeous dwelling in a neo classical style is a strong symbol of luxury and beauty from the «Belle Epoque» period. The villa was built in 1867 bythe famous architect Charles Garnier who had designed earlier the operas of Paris and Monte-Carlo. The Mediterranean gardens overlook the « Billionaire’s bay » at 30 metres above the sea and offer a magical view of the Esterel mountains beyond Cannes.

The Garoupe «plateau» - 30 min

At the top of Cap d’Antibes, you will find a charming little place called «plateau de la Garoupe» lost amid maritime pines, sheltering an old chapel and one of the most powerful lighthouse of the Riviera. “La Garoupe” has been a spiritual place since the Vth century, when the Sainte-Hélène worship started. The Chapel contains an exceptionnal collection of ex-voto from the sailors’ tradition.There, you will enjoy a panoramic view on the cape and the Mediterranean sea, going from the Lerins islands, the bay of Cannes, Juan les Pins, the old Antibes and Garoupe bay.

Thuret Botanical Garden- 2h

Nowadays property of INRA (Agronomic National ResearchCentre), the Thuret garden was created in 1856 by the botanist Gustave Thuret, who fell in love with the wild and rocky Antibes cape and undertook the creation of an exotic park. He studied the acclimatation of many exotic species.The superb collection of tropical and Mediterranean trees and shrubs, and its exceptional potential of vegetation are useful in research about ornamental species which can be grown on the Mediterranean coast.You can also visit it with a botanical guide who will introduce you to the Mediterranean flora.

Antibes, Culture and HeritageGUIDED TOURS


Juan-les-Pins, from the Belle Époque to the Roaring Twenties - 1h30

An exploration of the history of the resort, from its creation in the 19th century to the present day. You will fall under the spell of the beauty hidden in Juan-les-Pins, which already conquered Maupassant and Monet during their stays on the Riviera: the villas of the Belle Epoque and their luxurious gardens, grand hotels and dancing halls in the Roaring Twenties and the celebrities which frequented them, the Gould pine grove stage and its Jazz stars...

Hiking tour along the Cape - 1h30

Stroll along the « Tire-poil path » or « Smugglers’walk», one of the most beautiful coastal tracks of thearea, where you can admire various Mediterraneanflora and fantastic panoramic views along the way.Between sky and sea, you will see magnificentgardens concealing sumptuous dwellings.

The path begins from the Garoupe Beach and finishes at the entrance gate of the Eilenroc Villa.

Fondation Hartung-Bergman - 1h30 to 2hours

In the sixties, Hans Hartung (1904-1989) and Anna-Eva Bergman (1909-1987) – key figures in the abstract painting of the 20th century – bought a field on the hill of Antibes. They built their villa and their studios on this 2 hectares olive grove, and designed the plans themselves, getting inspiration from the Mediterranean architecture. They settled here in 1973, to live and work until the end of their lives. This artists’ house is now recognized as a remarkable architectural set of buildings and is a listed site of the contemporary local architecture.

Antibes, Culture and HeritageGUIDED TOURS


The Bastion St Jaume and the Nomad sculpture - 15 min

Having housed a Roman temple then a chapel in its day, Saint-Jaume then had a fortified tower which was totally destroyed in 1683. A few decades later, the site hosted the Bastion des Constructions Navales, where Captain Cousteau’s famous Calypso was fitted out. The boatyard closed down in 1985. Destroyed due to obsolescence, the building gave way to a vast space showcasing the prestigious fortified remains and the magnificently renovated courtine. Today, the space houses the “Nomade” monumental sculpture by Catalan artist Jaume Plensa. Impressive figurehead of 8 metres high, Nomade is a permanent invitation to the visitor to travel through space and inside the sculpture itself.

Bains Douches Art gallery - 15 min

The Galerie municipale des Bains Douches is situated in part of the city’s old ramparts. Formerly the site of a blockhouse, former military premises which served as ammunitions stores then shelters for soldiers. In 1935, these buildings were transformed into municipal baths and the walls were pierced with wide round arched windows, in stark contrast to the original openings.Today, these municipal spaces are dedicated to modern and contemporary art.

The School Museum - 30 min

This delightful little museum brings back a flood of memories to those less young and for the youngsters, it is an invitation to make a foray into a not-so-distant past.The museum was created in 2004 by the Notre Ecole association. Not only do you find a reconstruction of a class of the past with its desks and inkwells, its maps and blackboard, but also everything related to the school environment of old: school bags, credits, books and exercise books, pencil boxes, overalls... Some will recognize themselves in class photos of different periods, others will get the impression of seeing their recitation notebook again, carefully illustrated with crayon drawings...

Antibes, Culture and HeritageGUIDED TOURS


Antibes, Handcraft and GastronomyTOURS AND WORKSHOPSAwaken your senses!Discover local specialities in surprising places in the city, admire the artisansat work, and who knows, you too may become a budding artist!

Antibes for «Gourmets» - 2h

Come savour the flavours of Antibes! A delicious escapade that will transport you through the charming passageways of the Old Antibes, discover the local flavours. Let yourself be amazed by the city’s historic heritage and the expertise of its local artisans. A feast for the eyes and the taste budsalike! 3 stops, tasting sessions included.


Absinth tasting - 30 min

Facing the provencal market of Antibes, in a superb cellar,Frederic will tell you the great story of absinth and teach youall its secrets. The infamous drink has inspired many artists.

Absinth tasting or Pastis tasting accompanied with Provencalspecialities.

Wine tasting sessions - 1h

Our specialist welcomes you into the specially designated rooms and gives a precise description of the wine classification.

You can also come for an entertaining tasting session with the services of our wine specialists.

Cooking lessons with one of our Michelin-starred chef are also possible to organize.

Alcohol can damage your health, please drink responsibly.


Visit a horticultural farm in Antibes - 1h30

The city of Antibes has long been called the capital of the Rose and had many horticultural properties on its territory. Today, the few family farms still in operation give you the opportunity to discover the world of horticulture Greenhouses flowering potted plants, vegetable plants, gardening workshops, planting tips ...


The Biot Glassblowers’ Studio - 1h

You can visit the Biot Glassblowers’ Studio where the special bubbled glass was created. 15 master glassblowers draw the living substance from the fire, blow, create and model unique objects before visitors’ eyes.Biot glassware also offers you the opportunity of trying your hand at blowing and making your own piece (with the help of a master glassmaker)!

Watercolours and monotype workshop - 1h30 to 2h

Inside one of the magnificent vaults of the Antibes ramparts in the heart of the Old Town, come and test your artist’s soul in a watercolour painting or a monotype session!Make your own art work in the Safranier Studio, a reconstruction of a late 18th century etching studio with its historical presses which gave birth to works by famous painters like Picasso, Dali, and many other artists.

Olive wood handicraft in Tourettes-sur-Loup - 1h

A workshop from father to son, a shared concern for a job well done, and a know-how heritage.Since 1958, they shape unique pieces in olive wood : Salad bowls, fruit bowls, boards, custom-made works...Discover their shop thanks to a guided tour and a video presentation of the various working techniques.

Antibes, Handcraft and GastronomyTOURS AND WORKSHOPS


Pottery and ceramic arts of Vallauris - 1h

Heiress of a long tradition potter related to a basement rich in clay, Vallauris distinguished itself during many years thanks to the culinary ceramic. The technical know-how has then attracted many artists like Picasso, Chagall or Jean Marais,that have come to learn more about the art of pottery making. Vallauris shows nowadays a very diversified offer of crafts and ceramic art and has the Arts and Crafts City label.

Potters are willing to share their skills by opening their workshops to visitors.

Olfactory Workshop: The Perfumer’s apprentice in Grasse- 2h30

An unforgettable learning experience in the world of perfume-making awaits you at Fragonard. You can discover how a perfumer or a “nose “masters the art of fragrance creation while learning about the history of the perfume. You will see which raw materials are used and how they are extracted. By the end of the workshop and with the help of one of those perfumers, you will be able to compose your own eau de Toilette (100 ml) and customize it with aromatic notes, citrus family and orange blossom. A fascinating experience…A guided tour of the Fragonard factory is included for your group.

Olive Oil Mill of Opio - 1h

The family Michel which runs the Olive Oil Mill of Opio since 7 generations feels a great pleasure to share its know-how by organizing guided tours to familiarize the tourists with the manufacturing processes of the olive oil. A whole small business sector to be discovered which has spanned the centuries!This tour is completed with a tasting of different kinds of olive oil and local specialities as tapenade.

Antibes, Handcraft and GastronomyTOURS AND WORKSHOPS


Antibes, Set sail for leisure ! EXCURSIONSBy bus, train or boat, relax and discover the treasures of our beautiful resort: Cap d’Antibes, wild peninsula with its sumptuous properties embedded in luxuriant vegetation, Old Antibes and its majestic ramparts or the well preserved seabed rich in protected flora and fauna!

The Little Train of Antibes Juan-les-Pins - 1hVisit Old Antibes and Juan Les Pins on the Little Train, making the most of the stops in the heart of the town, returning withthe same ticket. The Provencal market, Picasso Museum, Peynet Museum, Archaeology Museum, historic area... Juan-Les-Pins, beaches, shops...

Cap d’Antibes tour, in a open-top bus - 1h15

Cap d’Antibes tour: Discover Cap d’Antibes from an open-top bus. Enjoy exceptional views of one of the most beautiful sites of the Côte d’Azur. A commented tour lasting one hour in the heart of the Riviera...Return trip from Antibes to Juan-les-Pins with the same ticket.

Tour of the Cape in Visiobulle boat

A funny yellow boat to discover to discover landscapes and underwater scenery in Cap d’Antibes.Discover Cap d’Antibes in submarine vision in the famous «billionaires’ bay» passing rockfaces, pine groves and the light house. Lasts around 1 hour.

Excursion to Sainte Marguerite’s island - half-day

Across from the bay of Cannes, Sainte Marguerite Island welcomes you.In an idyllic setting where nature has been preserved,these beauty spots dotting the Mediterranean sea offer visitors a unique collection of flora and fauna as well as a singular history blending the mysteries of the Iron Mask with the tranquillity of Cistercian monks. Everything here invites you to explore! Boats leave from Juan-les-Pins.


Antibes, Set sail for leisure ! PACKAGES AND THEMED TOURS

These programmes are suggested to you as examples, we stay to your disposal to adapt these proposals to your requests.

Discovery of Antibes Juan-les-Pins > half day

For your half-day in Antibes, we suggest you two tours which will make you able to discover and understand the town.Our proposal : the guided tours of the old town and of the Grimaldi castle, today Picasso Museum.

Your programme : 9 - 10:30 am Walking guided tour of the Old

Antibes passing through the Provencal market

10:30 - 12 am Guided Tour of the Picasso Museum(OR guided tour of the Fort CarréOR guided tour of the Peynet Museum)

Discover the treasures of Antibes Juan-les-Pins during a whole day : historical heritage, famous visitors, luxurious gardens...You will end on a high note by visiting the Eilenroc dwelling at the extreme end of the Antibes Cape.

Your programme : 9 am Walking guided tour of the Old Antibes10:30 Guided Tour of the Picasso Museum12 Lunch in a restaurant of the Old town 2 pm Bus tour around the Cap d’Antibes with a stop at

the Garoupe « plateau» (panorama)3:30 Guided tour of the Eilenroc Villa and its gardens5 pm Back transfer by bus to Antibes city centre

From 12 € / person

Based on 25 people

From 68 € / person Based on 25 people

All Antibes Juan-les-Pins for you only ! > one day


Antibes, Set sail for leisure ! PACKAGES AND THEMED TOURS

Antibes for Gourmets > One Day

A special day for the food lovers! An original way to discover the city and its wonderful historical, artistic and gastronomical heritage, including of course a tasting of the Antibes’ speciality , the pissaladière.Your programme : 10 am Old Antibes guided tour with tasting of

local specialities 12 Lunch in a restaurant of the Old town 2:30 pm Guided Tour of the Picasso Museum (with

the theme «Mediterranean food» )4 pm Sweet snack in a typical Antibes bakery

From 70 € / person

Based on 20 people

Rates are based on 25 or 20 people and include :- the presence of the guide throughout the programme- lunch (fixed menu : starter, main dish, dessert, drinks included) for the day packages- tasting sessions for the "gourmet tour"- entrance fees for the museums and tourist attractions - bus transfer if mentionned in the programme

Rates do not include : - extra fees for the guide on Sundays and public holidays - extra drinks during the meals- tips and other extras.



How to come

By planeAntibes Juan-les-Pins is located at 12 km (8 miles) from Nice Côte d’Azur International Airport and at 20 km from the Cannes Mandelieu Airport.52 airlines companies propose 95 destinations in the world.A shuttle service (bus 250) runs every day every 35 minutes from the airport to Antibes (about 40 minutes trip) .Information :

By train There are two train stations:In Antibes, the train station is located at 10 mn from the center of the town. The «TGV» train (the french fastesttrain) from Paris, Lyon or Marseille stops to Antibes as for the regional trains (TER) that has many stops alongthe coast.Juan-les-Pins has a small train station at 5 mn from the heart of the resort. It welcomes the regional trains. The TGV doesn’t stop there.Information : or, or by phone at 36 35.

By car or coach Motorway A.8 « La Provençale »Take the exit n°44 and drive down the «route de Grasse» to the center of Antibes located at 4km.You can also reach Antibes by the RN7 « Route Nationale» from Cannes or Nice or by the seaside road RN98.Information about the traffic : 0033 (0)8 05 05 06 06.


Regulation for buses

Buses cannot pass through the old town of Antibes.To reach Juan-les-Pins from the center of the city (Square de Gaulle) drive down the boulevard Albert 1er then follow the direction Juan-les-Pins via the boulevard du Cap and the Chemin des Sables.

To reach Marineland or the villages of Biot and Valbonne from Antibes we advise you to take the national road(RN7) instead of the seaside road. To reach Cagnes sur Mer, Villeneuve-Loubet or Nice you can either get the motorway or take the seaside road.

Parking areas for coaches

In Antibes :10 to 12 spaces along the harbour, at the beginning of the Avenue du Onze Novembre, just after a roundabout with a foutain.

In Juan-les-Pins :5 to 6 spaces along the « chemin des Sables » in front of the Mariott Ambassadeur Hotel.

Tonnage restrictions Antibes city Center Juan-les-Pins Bd Foch and Av Amiral de Grasse < 3,5t Rue de la Tourraque < 8t - Av. Pasteur < 19t

Vieux Chemin de la Colle and Av. Nicolas Aussel < 2,5t Rue Pierre Loti <3,5t -Rue des Iles et Rue Bricka <19tBd du Littoral <3,5t

Others:Route de la Badine / Chemin Fournel Badine <3,5tTraverse Martelly <1,5t - Av. du grand Pin < 3,5t Av. de la Rostagne and Av. Gaston Bourgeois <2,5t - Chemin des Lits Militaires < 5tAv. Francisque Perraud and Chemin de St Pechaire < 3,5t Chemin des Oliviers < 3,5t – Chemin des Combes < 19t - Chemin du Valbosquet <14tChemin des Groules / Bd des Groules and chemin des basses Bréguières < 3,5t

Height restrictionsAv Aristide Briand < 3,6m - Av. Amiral Courbet and Rue Saint Honorat < 4 m Rue des Iles < 3,10 m - Rue Sainte Marguerite < 2,9 m Traverse Martelly <2,5m - Promenade Amiral de Grasse (remparts) < 2 mPont de la Brague connecting the seaside to the National Road (RN7) < 2,50 m



2015 GUIDED TOURS RATES ( TAX 20% included)

Length Normal rateAll over the year

Sunday andpublic holiday rates*

Up to 15people

16 to 40people

Up to 15people

16 to 40people

Standard tour1 to 2 hours 105 € 150 € 160 € 225 €

Evening(7 -12 pm) 190 € 220 € 285 € 330 €


Normal rateAll over the year

Sunday andpublic holiday rates*

15 to 25people

26 to 40people

15 to 25people

26 to 40people

Half day4 hours 195 € 270 € 290 € 405 €

Full Day8 hours 285 € 395 € 425 € 590 €

Extra hour 40 € 40 € 60 € 60 €

SPECIAL LOCAL SCHOOL RATE : 60 € THE GUIDED TOURGuided tour of 1 hour and a half for maximum 25 students

*Sundays and public holidays : the rates are applied with an increase of 50%(No guided tour on 1st January and 25th December).


www.antibesjuanlespins.comCrédits photos : Photothèque Office de Tourisme, Mairie d’Antibes Service Communication, Mairie d’Antibes Direction des Musées, Oliviers&Co, Balade en Provence, Céramic Créa, Fragonard parfumeur Grasse, Cap d’Antibes Tour et Le Petit Train d’Antibes, Service Communication Ville de Biot.Photographes : F. Trotobas, D.Vincendeau, Y. Seuret

Antibes Juan-les-Pins Tourism and Convention BureauSales Department - Guided tours and groups60, chemin des Sables06160 ANTIBES JUAN-LES-PINSFRANCE

Telephone : +33 (0)4 22 10 60 25Email : [email protected] Fax : +33 (0)4 22 10 61 01