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One of the comprehensive reports on tourism industry with special mention of India...






    REFERENCE NOTE . No. 13 /RN/Ref./August/2013

    For the use of Members of Parliament Not for Publication

    Tourism Sector in India

    .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The reference material is for personal use of the Members in the discharge of their Parliamentary duties, and is not for publication. This

    Service is not to be quoted as the source of the information as it is based on the sources indicated at the end/in the text. This Service does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy or veracity of the information or views contained in the note/collection.



    Tourism is not only a growth engine but also an employment generator.

    According to the Economic Survey 2011-12, the sector has the capacity to create

    large scale employment both direct and indirect, for diverse sections in society,

    from the most specialized to unskilled workforce. It provides 6-7 per cent of the

    worlds total jobs directly and millions more indirectly through the multiplier effect

    as per the UNs World Tourism Organization(UNWTO)1.

    The importance of tourism as a creator of job opportunities can be

    understood from the fact that in India every one million invested in tourism creates

    47.5 jobs directly and around 85-90 jobs indirectly. In comparison, agriculture

    creates only 44.6 jobs and manufacturing a mere 12.6 jobs. Moreover tourism is

    the third largest foreign exchange earner after gems and jewellery and ready made


    Foreign Tourist Arrivals (FTAs)

    During 2011 FTAs in India were 6.31 million with a growth of 9.2% over

    2010. FTAs during 2012 were 6.65 (provisional) million with a growth of 5.4%, as

    compared to the FTAs of 6.31 million during 2011.

    Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEE) from Tourism

    Tourism is an important sector of Indian economy and contributes

    substantially in the countrys Foreign Exchange Earnings. FEEs from tourism, in

    rupee terms, during 2011 was Rs.77,591 crore (provisional), with a growth of

    19.6%, as compared to the FEEs of Rs.64,889 crore (provisional) during 2010.

    During 2012, the Foreign Exchange Earnings (FEEs) from tourism registered

    a growth of 21.8% from Rs.77,591 to Rs.94,487 crore (provisional) when compared


    2 Kurukshetra, May 2012, Vol.-60, No.7, p.1

  • 2

    to FEEs during 2011. A statement giving FTAs in India and FEEs from tourism fro

    the years 2000 to 2012 is given below:

    Foreign Tourist Arrivals and Foreign Exchange Earnings During the years 2000-2012

    Year Foreign Tourist Arrivals (in nos.)

    Percentage Change

    Over Previous


    Foreign Exchange

    Earnings in Crore

    Percentage Change

    Over Previous


    Foreign Exchange

    Earnings (Million


    Percentage Change

    Over Previous


    2000 26,49,378 6.7 15,626, 20.6 3,460 15.0

    2001 25,37,282 -4.2 15,083 -3.5 3,198 (-)7.6

    2002 23,84,364 -6.0 15,064 -0.1 3,103 3.0

    2003 27,26,214 14.3 20,729, 37.6 4,463 43.8

    2004 34,57,477 26.8 27,944 34.8 6,170 38.2

    2005 39,18,610 13.3 33,123, 18.5 7,493 21.4

    2006 44,47,167 13.5 39,025 17.8 8,634 15.2

    2007 50,81,504 14.3 44,360 13.7 10,729 24.3

    2008 52,82,603 4.0 51,294 15.6 11,832 10.3

    2009 51,67,699 -2.2 53,700* 4.7 11,136* (-)5.9

    2010 57,75,692 11.8 64,889# 20.8 14,193# 27.5

    2011 63,09,222 9.2 77,591# 19.6 16,564# 16.7

    2012 66,48,318 5.4 94,487# 21.8 17,737# 7.1

    # Advance Estimates *Revised Estimates

    Source: Ministry of Tourism, Annual Report 2012-13 Domestic tourism

    The domestic tourist visits during the year 2011 are estimated to be 851

    million, showing a growth of 13.8% over 20103.


    The role of the Government in tourism development has been redefined

    from that of a regulator to that of a catalyst. Apart from marketing and promotion,

    the focus of tourism development plans is now on integrated development of

    enabling infrastructure through effective partnership with various stakeholders.

    Tourism development in India has passed through many phases. The

    development of tourist facilities was taken up in a planned manner in 1956

    coinciding with the Second Five Year Plan. The approach has evolved from isolated

    3 India, Ministry of Tourism, Annual Report 2012-13, pp.61-62

  • 3

    planning of single unit facilities in the Second and Third Five Year Plans. The Sixth

    Plan marked the beginning of a new era when tourism began to be considered a

    major instrument for social integration and economic development.

    However, it was only after the 80s that tourism activity gained momentum.

    A National Policy on Tourism was announced in 1982.In 1992, a National Action

    Plan was prepared and in 1996 the National Strategy for Promotion of Tourism was

    drafted. In 1997, a draft New Tourism Policy in tune with the economic policies of

    the Government and the trends in tourism development was published for public

    debate. The draft policy is now under revision. The proposed policy recognizes the

    roles of Central and State Governments, Public Sector Undertakings and the Private

    Sector in the development of tourism. The need for involvement of Panchayati Raj

    institutions, local bodies, non-governmental organizations and the local youth in the

    creation of tourism facilities has also been recognized4.

    As per the working strategy for the 12th Five Year Plan, the Ministry of

    Tourism has adopted a pro-poor tourism approach which could contribute

    significantly to poverty reduction. More than half of Tourism Ministrys Plan budget

    is channelized for funding the development of destinations, circuits, mega projects

    as also for rural tourism infrastructure projects (see Annexure-I). The Ministry also

    ensured that 10% and 2.5% of its total Annual Plan (2012-13) outlay went to the

    tourism projects in the North-Eastern region and the tribal areas respectively5.

    The other major development that took place were the setting up of the

    India Tourism Development Corporation in 1966 to promote India as a tourist

    destination and the Tourism Finance Corporation in 1989 to finance tourism

    projects. Altogether, 21 Government-run Hotel Management and Catering

    Technology Institutes and 14 Food Craft Institutes were also established for

    imparting specialized training in hoteliering and catering6.

    4 Govt. of India, Press Information Bureau release, dated 8.5.2000

    5 Ibid dated 4.5.2013

    6 Ibid dated 8.5.2000

  • 4


    A special initiative was launched in 2009-10 for the creation of employable

    skills among youth belonging to economically weaker sections of the society in the

    age group of 18-25 years (upper age limit raised to 28 years in November, 2010)

    with the basic objective to reduce the skill gap affecting the hospitality and tourism

    sector and to ensure the spread of economic benefit of tourism to the poor. The

    programme offers short duration courses of 6 to 8 weeks which are fully funded by

    the Ministry of Tourism. Initially covering two courses viz. (i) food and beverage

    service; and (ii) food production, courses in Housekeeping, Utility, Bakery and

    Patisserie were added subsequently. With the growing acceptability of the initiative

    more trades/training areas were added like- to bring up drivers, golf caddies, stone

    mason, security guards and tourist facilitators etc. For the year 2012-13, 21,175

    persons have been trained under the initiative upto 31 January 20137.

    Visa on Arrival (VoA)

    Considering the importance of Visa facilities in enhancing tourist inflow, the

    facility of Long Term Tourist Visas of five years duration with multiple entry,

    carrying a stipulation of 90 days for each visit, has been introduced on a pilot basis

    for the nationals of the 18 selected countries. The findings of an evaluation study

    conducted by this Ministry have reinforced the belief that the presence of the

    facility of Visa on Arrival (VoA) significantly influences the tourists travel plans to

    any country. During 2012, a total number of 16,084 VoAs (Visa on Arrival) were

    issued as compared to 12,761 VoAs during the corresponding period of 2011,

    thereby showing a growth of 26%. Efforts are on to extend the VoA facility for the

    nationals of more countries8.

    7 Op cit. Annual Report 2012-13, p.50

    8 Ibid, p.6

  • 5

    Publicity and marketing strategy

    As part of its domestic and global publicity and marketing strategy to

    promote tourism and create social awareness through the print and electronic

    media, the Ministry of Tourism launched campaigns on Clean India, Atithi Devo

    Bhava and Hunar Se Rozgaar through radio channels. Campaigns highlighting the

    tourism potential of North-East and J&K were also carried out through

    Doordarshan. Campaigns were also taken up for Incredible India branding on TV

    during 2nd Formula Grand Prix and London Olympics, 2012, during the

    International Film Festival of India (IFFI) held in Goa, and during the International

    India Film Academy (IIFA) Awards 2012 in Singapore.

    The Ministry had participated in major international Travel Fairs and

    Exhibitions in important tourist generating markets the world over, as well as in

    emerging and potential markets, to showcase and promote the tourism products of

    the country. These included Arabian Travel Market (ATM) in Dubai, International

    Trade Business (ITB-Asia) in Singapore, World Travel Market (WTM) in London,

    International Meetings Exhibitions (IMEX) in Frankfurt, International Tourism Trade

    Fair (FITUR) in Madrid, etc.

    To showcase and project the Buddhist Heritage of India, an International

    Buddhist Conclave was organized by the Ministry of Tourism in Varanasi in

    September 2012 and attended by 132 international delegates from around 30

    countries. The delegates were taken for a visit to Sarnath and Bodh Gaya. For the

    first time, an International Tourism Mart was held at Guwahati in January, 2013 to

    showcase the largely untapped tourism potential of the north-Eastern region in the

    domestic and international markets.79 International Buyers and media delegates

    from 23 countries and hundreds of tour operators from different parts of India

    participated in the Mart and engaged in one-to-one meetings with sellers from the

    North East Region and West Bengal. The international delegates were taken on

    Familiarization Tours of the North Eastern Region9.

    9 Ibid, p.6

  • 6

    4. NICHE TOURISM PRODUCTS The Ministry of Tourism has also taken the initiative of identifying,

    diversifying, developing and promoting the nascent/upcoming niche products of the

    tourism industry. This is done in order to overcome the aspect of seasonality to

    promote India as a 365 days destination, attract tourists with specific interests and

    to ensure repeat visits for the products in which India has comparative advantage.

    Accordingly, the following Niche Products have been identified by the Ministry of

    Tourism for development and Promotion:

    i) Cruise ii) Adventure iii) Medical iv) Wellness v) Golf vi) Polo vii) Meetings Incentives Conferences and Exhibitions (MICE) viii) Eco- Tourism ix) Film Tourism

    Cruise Tourism

    Cruise Shipping is one of the most dynamic and fastest growing

    components of the leisure industry worldwide. India with its vast and beautiful

    coastline, virgin forests and undisturbed idyllic islands, rich historical and cultural

    heritage, can emerge as an attractive tourist destination for cruise tourists.

    Central financial assistance for Cruise Tourism project of Rs. 1450.00

    lakh.was sanctioned by the Ministry of Tourism for development of Tourism

    Infrastructure in Willing Island, Cochin Port, during the year 2008-09. An amount of

    Rs. 491.53 lakh had been sanctioned and Rs. 245.77 lakh released during 2011-12

    to Cochin Port Trust for the development of Cruise Passenger facilitation center at

    Cochin Port.

    Adventure Tourism

    Adventure tourism involves travel to remote, exotic areas, for exploration as

    for undertaking activities which test the endurance of both a person and his

  • 7

    equipment. Adventure tourism is rapidly growing in popularity as tourists seek

    different kinds of vacations.

    Central Financial Assistance is being extended to State Governments/Union

    Territory Administrations for development of tourism infrastructure in destinations

    including adventure tourism destinations. These include facilities for trekking, rock

    climbing, mountaineering, aero-sports, winter/water related sports, trekker huts,

    wildlife viewing facilities, etc. Financial assistance to State Governments is also

    provided for the purchase of water sports equipments consisting of kayaks, canoes,

    paddle boats, fibre glass boats, hovercrafts, water scooters, etc. This year, the

    Ministry of Tourism has sanctioned an amount of Rs.220.76 lakh to the Indian

    Institute of Skiing & Mountaineering, Gulmarg (IISM) for conduct of adventure

    courses as follows:

    Sl. No.

    Course No. of course

    No. of Trainees

    Total Expenditure (Rs. in lakh)

    1. ` Snow Skiing 6 480 40.30

    2. Water Skiing 10 300 84.80

    3. Trekking 10 200 33.95

    4. Parasailing 10 200 24.41

    5. Hot Air Balloon 5 100 37.30

    Total 1280 220.76 Source : Ministry of Tourism, Annual Report 2012-13

    Medical Tourism

    Medical tourism (also called medical travel, health tourism or global

    healthcare) is a term used to describe the rapidly-growing practice of traveling

    across international borders to obtain health care. Services typically sought by

    travelers include elective procedures as well as complex specialized surgeries such

    as joint replacement (knee/hip), cardiac surgery, dental surgery, and cosmetic

    surgeries. Besides India, there are several Asian destinations like Singapore,

    Malaysia and Thailand that are offering Medical care facilities and promoting

    medical tourism. India excels among them for the following reasons: -

  • 8

    State of the Art Medical facilities

    Reputed health care professionals

    Quality nursing facilities

    No waiting time for availing the medical services

    Indias traditional healthcare therapies like Ayurveda and Yoga combined

    with allopathic treatment provide holistic wellness10.

    Financial support as per guidelines and availability of funds under the Market

    Development Assistance Scheme (MDA) is provided to following approved Medical

    Tourism Service Providers:

    Representatives of Hospitals accredited by Joint Commission International (JCI) and the National Accreditation Board of Hospitals and Healthcare Services (NABH).

    Medical Tourism facilitators (travel agents/tour operators) approved by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India11.

    For details of Market Development Assistance granted to various service providers

    under medical tourism during the last three years (2010-2013) See Annexure-II.

    Wellness Tourism

    Wellness Tourism is about traveling for the primary purpose of achieving,

    promoting or maintaining maximum health and a sense of well-being. Health

    Tourism holds immense potential for India. The Indian systems of medicine, that is

    Ayurveda, Yoga, Panchakarma, Rejuvenation Therapy, etc., are among the most

    ancient systems of medical treatment, in the world. India can provide medical and

    health care of international standard at comparatively low cost. Most of the

    hotels/resorts are coming up with Ayurveda Centres. The leading tour operators

    have included Ayurveda in their brochures.


    Ibid, pp.19-23 11

    Answer to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question no.1921 dated 8.3.2013

  • 9

    The Ministry of Tourism also provides financial assistance under the Market

    Development Assistance Scheme (MDA) to approved wellness centers, i.e.

    representatives of wellness centers accredited by NABH or the State Governments.

    The MDA assistance is for participation in medical/tourism fairs, medical

    conferences, wellness conferences, wellness fairs, and allied road shows.

    Yoga/Ayurveda/Wellness has been promoted in the past years in the print,

    electronic, internet and outdoor medium under the Ministry of Tourisms Incredible

    India Campaign12.

    Golf Tourism

    Sports Tourism in India is gaining interest. One of the latest trends in golf

    tourism is the fact that there has been a recent surge in the interest levels amongst

    youth the world over. India has several golf courses of international standards.

    Further, golf events held in India also attract domestic and international tourists.

    Recognizing this potential to develop Golf as a niche tourism product for attracting

    both international and domestic tourists, the Ministry of Tourism had organized a

    one day Workshop on Promotion of Golf Tourism on 21 January 2011. The

    objective of this workshop was to evolve a road map for formulating strategies for

    development and promotion of golf tourism in India.

    Polo Tourism

    India has rich historical ties with many of the sporting traditions including

    Polo. The game of Polo originated in India and India is one of the few countries in

    the world where this game is still preserved and practiced. The Kolkata Polo Club is

    the oldest Polo club in the world and is 150 years old. Therefore, Polo can rightly

    be termed as Heritage Sports of India.

    The Ministry of Tourism had sanctioned an amount of Rs.5 Lakh to the

    Government of Manipur for organizing the 6th International Polo Festival 2012, held

    at Imphal from 22-29 November, 2012, coinciding with the Sangai festival.


    Op cit. Annual Report 2012-13 p.25

  • 10

    Meetings Incentives Conferences and Exhibitions (MICE)

    In order to promote India more effectively as a convention destination, the

    travel industry had, under the patronage of the Ministry of Tourism, set up the

    India Convention Promotion Bureau (ICPB) in 1988, a non-profit organization, with

    members comprising of national airlines, hotels, travel agents, tour operators,

    tourist transport operators, conference organizers, etc. The important objectives of

    ICPB are as under:

    To promote India as a venue for International Congresses and Conventions.

    To undertake a continuing programme of creating awareness of the role and benefits of Congress and Conventions in the context of national objectives.

    To undertake research on the international conference market for development of Indias conference industry.

    To diffuse knowledge to conference industry personnel through educational programmes, seminars, group discussions, courses of study and exchange of visits with India Associations/Organizations13.


    Eco-tourism means making as little environmental impact as possible and

    helping to sustain the indigenous populace, thereby encouraging the preservation

    of wildlife and habitats when visiting a place. This is responsible form of tourism

    and tourism development, which encourages going back to natural products in

    every aspect of life. It is also the key to sustainable ecological development.

    Eco-tourism focuses on local cultures, wilderness adventures, volunteering,

    personal growth and learning new ways to live on our vulnerable planet. It is

    considered the fastest growing market in the tourism industry, according to the

    World Tourism Organization with an annual growth rate of 5% worldwide and

    representing 6% of the world Gross Domestic Product, 11.4% of all consumer



    Ibid, pp.26-27

  • 11

    Eco- Tourism in India is still at a very nascent stage, but there are conscious

    efforts to save the fragile Himalayan Eco System and culture and heritage of the

    indigenous people, which is probably the largest concentration in the world14.

    The details of year wise financial achievement under Scheme Eco-Tourism are:

    Plan Period Year Expenditure (Rs. in lakhs)

    Tenth Plan (2002-07) 2002-03 7.41

    2003-04 14.36

    2004-05 15.12

    2005-06 35.43

    2006-07 31.68

    Total 104.00

    Eleventh Plan (2007-12) 2007-08 47.79

    2008-09 49.79

    2009-10 62.54

    2010-11 12.97

    Total 173.00

    Source: Answer to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question no.4653 dated 8.12.2010

    Film Tourism

    The Ministry of Tourism has recognized films as powerful tool for the

    development and promotion of destinations under Niche Tourism Product. The

    Ministry of Tourism has taken following steps to promote Film Tourism in the


    Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in 2012;

    Joint participation with the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in the Cannes Film Festival and Market, International Film Festival of India (IFFI, Goa), and European Film Market, Berlin;


  • 12

    Institution of a National Tourism Award in 2012 in the category Most Film Promotion Friendly State/UT to encourage the State Governments and Union Territories to facilitate filming in their region;

    The Ministry of Tourism has formulated guidelines for extending financial support to State Governments/Union Territory Administrations for promotion of Film Tourism. As per these guidelines, Central Financial Assistance of Rs.2 lakh per film will be given to each of the State Governments/UT Administrations during each financial year15.


    As per the Supreme Court directions, the Ministry of Environment and

    Forests has issued guidelines for tourism activities in tiger reserves in the country.

    As per this guideline, no tourism activity is permitted in the core areas of Tiger

    Reserves. The Ministry of Tourism is in favour of regulated tourism in Protected

    Areas of the country. Tourism should be based on scientific carrying capacity and

    sustainability principles. The Ministry of Tourism does not favour a total ban in

    protected areas including Tiger Reserves. International Practices / best National

    practices should be taken into consideration by the Ministry of Environment and

    Forests in finalizing eco-tourism guidelines for Protected Areas16.

    The Ministry of Tourism extends Central Financial Assistance (CFA) to the

    State Governments/Union Territory Administrations for development of Tourism

    Products under the scheme of Product/Infrastructure Development for Destinations

    and Circuits, based on the proposals identified in consultations with them, subject

    to availability of funds and inter-se priority and adherence to scheme guidelines17.

    The details of projects for development of tourism including wildlife and

    forest tourism, sanctioned to the State Governments/UT Administrations by the

    Ministry of Tourism during 11th Plan are at Annexure-III.


    Answer to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question no.2044 dated 8.3.2013 16

    Op cit. Annual Report 2012-13, pp.28-29 17

    Answer to Lok Sabha Unstarred Question no.1657 dated 19.11.2010

  • 13


    Rural Tourism is essentially an activity which takes place in the countryside.

    It is multifaceted and may entail farm/agricultural tourism, cultural tourism, nature

    tourism, adventure tourism, and eco tourism. As against conventional tourism, rural

    tourism has certain typical characteristics: It is experience-oriented; the locations

    are less populated, it is predominantly in natural environments and it is based on

    the preservation of culture, heritage and traditions18.

    The scheme of Rural Tourism was started by the Ministry of Tourism in

    2002-03 with the objective of highlighting rural life, art, culture and heritage at

    rural locations and in villages which have core competence in art, craft, handloom,

    textiles and natural environment. The intention was to benefit the local community

    economically and socially as well as to enable interaction between tourists and local

    population for a mutually enriching experience. The promotion of village tourism

    was also aimed towards generating revenue for rural communities through tourist

    visits, which may stop exodus from rural to urban areas.

    Infrastructural Development for Rural Tourism

    Rural Tourism can be harnessed as a strategy for rural development. The

    development of a strong platform around the concept of Rural Tourism is definitely

    useful for a country like India where almost 74 per cent of the population resides in

    its 7 million villages. On the other hand, the growing trend of urbanization has led

    to falling of income levels, lesser job opportunities leading to desertion of villages.

    Rural Tourism could be a solution to this.

    Challenges in Rural Tourism

    The major challenges of Rural Tourism are viz. need to preserve the

    environment and natural resources, the need for education, proper understanding

    for both tourists and local people, and the need to generate a democratic

    movement which helps people at all levels to participate in tourism development.


    Op cit. Kurukshetra, May 2012, pp.3-4

  • 14

    Also they need to focus on occupation training, handicraft promotion, and

    improvement of both the landscape and the basic infrastructure, to increase the

    quality of life of villagers by creating a healthy environment. The cooperative

    system in Rural Tourism can be an effective approach in bringing positive impact in

    rural areas. Local people can monitor and control the negative impacts of tourism

    on their own society, if they have an equal stake and authority in management and


    Rural Tourism projects at 186 villages in 29 States/Union Territories have

    been sanctioned by the Ministry of Tourism since the inception of the scheme. 56 of

    these sites are located in the NorthEastern region. A total amount of Rs.55.40

    crores was sanctioned for Rural Tourism projects during the 11th Five Year Plan.

    Projects at 90 sites have been completed by December 2012. During the Twelfth

    Five Year Plan, the scheme of Rural Tourism is being replaced with the scheme of

    Rural Tourism Cluster. The Modified scheme aims at developing a cluster of

    villages a Tourism Product20.


    Agri tourism is considered as the fastest growing sector in the tourism

    industry. The concept has been successfully implemented in states like

    Maharashtra, Kerala, Rajasthan, Jharkhand, Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh. It has

    become a new avenue for earning the income for the rural farmers.

    In Maharashtra, rural areas have formed an organization named

    Maharashtra State Agri and Rural Tourism (MART). There are about 150 Agri

    tourism centres in the state working without financial assistance of the Government

    schemes. In Kerala, the Government has played a key role in boosting up the Rural

    and Health Tourism. Rajasthan is one of the preferred ventures to attract the


    Ibid, pp.13-14 20

    Op cit. ,Annual Report 2012-13, p.30

  • 15

    foreign visitors. In Himachal Pradesh, the State Government is motivating the rural

    people to create required facilities in rural areas for tourism purpose21.


    The North- East has a wide array of products in the form of its pristine

    natural beauty, forests and wildlife, rivers and mountains, and a unique multi-

    ethnic cultural heritage to offer to the tourist22.

    The region is endowed with diverse tourist attractions and each state has its

    own distinct features. For the development and promotion of North East Region.

    10% of the plan allocation of the Ministry has been earmarked. An amount of

    Rs.100.00 crore has been earmarked in Budget Estimate 2012-13 for the region.

    In order to develop and promote tourism in the region, Ministry of Tourism

    has organized the International Tourism Mart with the objective of showcasing the

    largely untapped tourism potential of the North East region in the domestic and

    international markets from 18-20 January 2013 in Guwahati23.


    In the arena of international cooperation, India participated in the 4th

    Meeting of Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) India Tourism

    Ministers meeting held in Vientiane, Lao PDR, in January 2013; 93rd Session of

    UNWTO Executive Council in Madrid, Spain in June, 2012 and the 94th Session of

    UNWTO Executive Council in Campeche, Mexico in October, 2012. A meeting of the

    Joint Working Group on Tourism Cooperation between India and Israel was held in

    Jerusalem, Israel in June, 2012 for enhancing further development of tourism in

    both the countries. A similar meeting of India and Philippines was held in Delhi in

    September, 2012. A special mention must be made of the 4th T-20 Tourism


    Op cit. Kurukshetra, May 2012, p.22 22

    Assam Tribune, dated 12.07.2011 23

    Op cit. Annual Report 2012-13, p.101

  • 16

    Ministers meeting held in Mexico in May 2012 which unanimously emphasized the

    role of tourism as a major engine for job creation particularly for youth and women.

    This led to the G-20 Leaders of Nations Summit held in Mexico in June 2012

    acknowledging tourism as a major sector for employment generation, poverty

    reduction and economic growth. India participated in events to coincide with the

    visit of INS Sudharshini, the 40th Anniversary Celebrations of Diplomatic Relations

    between India and Vietnam and the 20th Anniversary of India-ASEAN Partnership in

    Danang, Vietnam in January, 201324.


    To sum up, Indian tourism has vast potential for generating employment and

    earning large sums of foreign exchange besides giving a flip to the countrys overall

    economic and social development. Much has been achieved by way of increasing air

    seat capacity, increasing trains and railway connectivity to important tourist

    destinations, four-laning of roads connecting important tourist centers and

    increasing availability of accommodation by adding heritage hotels to the hotel

    industry and encouraging paying guest accommodation. But much more remains to

    be done. Since tourism is a multi-dimensional activity, and basically a service

    industry, it would be necessary that all wings of the Central and State

    governments, private sector and voluntary organizations become active partners in

    the endeavour to attain sustainable growth in tourism if India is to become a world

    player in the tourist industry25.


    Ibid, pp.6-7 25

    Op cit. Press Information Bureau release dated 8.5.2000

  • 17



    Sl. No.

    State/UTs Name of the Mega Project/Circuits

    Year of Sanction

    Amount Sanctioned

    Amount Released

    1. Andhra


    Charminar area of Hyderabad -


    2007-08 994.75 796.79

    2. Tirupati Heritage Circuit 2008-09 4652.49 2326.25

    3. Kadapa Heritage Tourist Circuit 2008-09 3692.89 1846.44

    4. Development of Buddhavanam project

    at Nagarjunasagar

    2012-13 2224.23 1112.12

    5. Development of Vishakhapatnam Bheemunipatnam Beach Corridor as a

    Mega Circuit

    2012-13 Identified

    6. Assam National Park Mega Circuit

    covering Manas, Orang, Nameri, Kaziranga, Jorhat, Sibsagar & Majouli

    2010-11 Identified

    7. Bihar Bodhgaya-Rajgir-Nalanda-Circuit 2006-07 1922.42 961.21

    8. Chattisgarh Jagdalpur-Tirathgarh-Chitrakoot-

    Barsur-Dantewada-Tirathgarh Circuit

    2008-09 2347.39 870.30

    9. Delhi Illumination of monuments- Circuit 2006-07 2375.09 1187.54

    10. Development of Dilli Haat, Janakpuri. 2010-11 Identified

    11. Goa Churches of Goa Circuit 2008-09 4309.91 2154.95

    12. Gujarat Dwarka-Nageshwar-Bet Dwarka Circuit

    2008-09 798.90 394.95

    13. Shuklatirth-Kabirvad-Mangleshwar-Angareshwar Circuit

    2011-12 4650.97 2325.48

    14. Haryana Panipat-Kurukshetra-Pinjore Circuit Phase-I

    2006-07 (S-1630.03)


    Phase-II 2008-09

    (S-1545.22) (R-35.54)



    15. Himachal


    Eco and Adventure Circuit (Kullu-


    2009-10 Identified

    16. Haryana &



    Panchkula Yamunanagar(Haryana) Ponta Sahib

    2010-11 3253.06 1626.53

    17. Jammu &


    Mubarak Mandi Heritage

    Complex, Jammu Destination 2010-11 Identified

    18. Naagar Nagar Circuit (Watlab via Hazratbal, Tulmullah, Mansbal and

    Wullar Lake), Srinagar

    2011-12 3814.56


    19. Development of Leh as a Mega Tourist Destination-Setting up of Trans

    Himalayan Cultural Centre in Leh, J&K

    2010-11 2242.95 448.59

    20. Jharkhand Mega Destination at Deoghar 2011-12 2371.19 1185.59

    21. Development of Ranchi Saraikela 2012-13 3812.53 500.00

  • 18

    Kharshwan East Singhbhum, Mega Circuit

    22. Karnataka Hampi Circuit 2008-09 3283.58 1641.79

    23. Development of Tourism Infrastructure

    at the World Heritage Site Pattadakal and Badami/Rihole in (Bagalkot


    2011-12 Identified

    24. Kerala Muziris Heritage Circuit connecting historically and archaeologically

    important places of Kodungalloor

    2010-11 4052.83 2026.42

    25. Development of Backwater Circuit in Alppuzha in Kerala

    2011-12 Indentified

    26. Madhya


    Development of Chitrakoot as Mega


    2009-10 2401.98

    27. Jabalpur as Mega Circuit 2012-13 4937.10 2468.55

    28. Bundelkhand comprising of Tikamgarh,

    Damoh, Sagar, Chhatarpur and Panna as Mega Circuit

    2011-12 Identified

    29. Maharashtra VidarbhaHeritage Circuit 2008-09 3738.19 1869.10

    30. Aurangabad Destination 2008-09 Identified

    31. Mahaur-Nanded Vishnupuri- Back Water Kandhar Fort as Mega Circuit

    2010-11 4510.99 2255.49

    32. Destination Development of Nashik (Gangapur Dam, Nashik City),

    Kalagram at Goverdhan (Nashik City

    and Gondeshewr) as a Mega Project

    2011-12 2489.51 954.27

    33. Manipur INA Memorial 2010-11 1238.59 619.30

    34. Integrated Mega Circuit Project Marging Polo Complex, Keina and Khongjom

    2011-12 Identified

    35. Meghalaya Umiam (Barapani) as Mega Destination 2011-12 Identified

    36. Nagaland Development of Mega Destination at Dimapur

    2011-12 2370.45 1135.23 (Token

    amount of

    ` Lakh released)

    37. Orissa Bhubaneshwar-Puri-Chilka- Circuit 2008-09 3022.80 1511.40

    38. Puducherry Puduchery Destination 2010-11 4511.00 2255.50

    39. Punjab Amritsar Destination 2008-09 1585.53 542.30

    40. Rajasthan Ajmer- Pushkar Destination 2008-09 1069.68 319.84

    41. Desert Circuit


    2010-11 Identified

    42. Sikkim Gangtok- Destination 2008-09 2390.70

    43. Tamil-Nadu

    Mahabalipuram- Destination 2002-03 1039.00 973.00

    44. Pilgrimage Heritage Circuit (Madurai-Rameshwaram-Kanyakumari)

    2010-11 3647.95 1823.97

    45. Thanjavaur 2010-11 1475.00 737.50

    46. Tripura Mega Lake Circuit including Mata Bari 2010-11 Identified

    47. Uttarakhand Haridwar-Rishikesh-Munikireti- Circuit 2008-09 4452.22 3561.74

    48. Nirmal Gangotri 2010-11 5000.00 2500.00

    49. Uttar Pradesh Agra Circuit Phase-I 3758.33 2770.11

  • 19

    East Gate

    2005-06 (S-848.49)


    West Gate 2006-07

    (S-933.40) (R- 933.40)

    Phase-II 2009-10



    50. Varanasi-Sarnath-Ramnagar Circuit Phase-I


    (S-786.00) (R- 628.80)

    Phase-II 2008-09

    (S-1416.31) (R-708.16)

    2202.31 1336.96

    51. Development of Mathura-Vrindavan

    including renovation of Vishramghat (Mathura) as Mega Destination

    2011-12 3178.66 1589.33

    52. West Bengal Ganga Heritage River Cruise Circuit 2008-09 2042.35


    53. Dooars (Jalpaiguri District) 2012-13 4668.46 2334.23

    54. Kolkata Heritage and River-Front Mega

    Tourism Project

    2011-12 Identified

    Source: India, Ministry of Tourism, Annual Report 2012-13 pp.14-16

  • 20



    (Rs. in Lakhs)

    Name of Medical Centre/ Medical Tourism Service Provider Amount Released

    2010 - 11

    Kerala Institute of Medical Sciences(KIMS), Kerala 191255

    Escorts Heart Institute and Research Centre, New Delhi 86149

    Indian Holidays Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 73500

    Indian Holidays Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi 198987

    Indraprastha Apollo, New Delhi 153636

    Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre, Chennai 200000

    AMRI Hospital, Kolkata 52155

    Escorts Hospital and Research Centre, Faridabad 49635

    Indraprastha Apollo, New Delhi 193014

    Total 1198331


    Moolchand Medicity, New Delhi 136794

    Ruby Hall Clinic, Pune 138420

    Maharishi Ayurveda Hospital, New Delhi 147000

    Dr. Pattnaik's Laser Eye Institute, New Delhi 200000

    Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Bengaluru 200000

    Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre, Chennai 200000

    Ayurvaid Hospital, Bengaluru 200000

    Godrej Memorial Hospital, Mumbai 150000

    Star Hospitals, Hyderabad 154545

    Total 1526759


    Narayana Hrudalaya, Bengaluru 185747

    Yashoda Super Speciality Hospital, Ghaziabad 200000

    Primus Super Speciality, New Delhi 188475

    Wavikar Eye Institute, Thane 44810

    Asian Heart Institute & Research Centre, Mumbai 150000

    Total 769032

  • 21




    TOURISM PROJECTS SANCTIONED DURING THE ELEVENTH FIVE YEAR PLAN (2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010 AND 2010-11 upto 30-09-2010).

    (Rs. in crore)

    S. No. State Number of Projects Amount

    Sanctioned 1 Andhra Pradesh 32 160.87

    2 Arunachal Pradesh 46 131.96

    3 Andaman & Nicobar 0 0.00

    4 Assam 18 66.07

    5 Bihar 17 53.99

    6 Chandigarh 13 22.83

    7 Chhattisgarh 7 28.32

    8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 3 0.24

    9 Daman & Diu 1 0.12

    10 Delhi 22 75.19

    11 Goa 6 67.92

    12 Gujarat 12 34.47

    13 Haryana 25 92.25

    14 Himachal Pradesh 33 104.72

    15 Jammu & Kashmir 88 202.45

    16 Jharkhand 8 11.56

    17 Kerala 31 137.43

    18 Karnataka 23 109.94

    19 Lakshadweep 1 7.82

    20 Maharashtra 12 68.90

    21 Manipur 25 71.51

    22 Meghalaya 17 41.44

    23 Mizoram 19 54.53

    24 Madhya Pradesh 45 165.17

    25 Nagaland 51 97.11

    26 Orissa 32 102.70

    27 Puducherry 15 29.34

    28 Punjab 19 65,46

    29 Rajasthan 21 88.90

    30 Sikkim 73 167.26

    31 Tamil Nadu 39 116.54

    32 Tripura 40 68.33

    33 Uttar Pradesh 34 117.39

    34 Uttarakhand 13 75.94

    35 West Bengal 34 120.32

    GRAND TOTAL 875 2758.99