toward civilization. objectives to identify methods scientists use to find out about early peoples...

Toward Civilization

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Post on 26-Dec-2015




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Toward Civilization


To identify methods scientists use to find out about early peoples

How historians reconstruct the past How geography and history are linked Define: prehistory, archaeology, artifact,

technology, historian, geography, latitude, longitude


University of Arizona Garbage Project dug garbage from Staten Island dump

Used this to identify social norms of the recent past

Scientists use the same basic method to identify how people lived

How do we know?

Prehistory-long periods of time before they system of writing was developed

no cities, countries, or government Archaeology: the study of ways of life of early

people through examination physical remains (artifacts)

Technology: skills and tools use to meet the basic needs of life

Historians Reconstruct the Past

Historians: people who study how people lived in the past.

Rely more on written evidence than artifacts

Geography and History

Geography is the study of people, their environments, and the resources available to them

No resources=no life=no history 5 themes of geography: 1) location, 2) place,

3) human-environment interaction, 4) movement, 5) region


Latitude: measures distance north or south of the equator

Longitude: measures distance east or west of the Prime Meridian

Prime Meridian: an imaginary line that runs north to south through Greenwich, England


Described in terms of their physical features(rivers, bodies of water, climate, soil quality, plant and animal life) and human characteristics

Human-environment Interaction

Areas where human interaction took place irrigation and clear cutting


Of people, goods, ideas followed the food


Some regions are based on physical features The Gulf States: Persian Gulf, Middle East


Make a sketch of the world Identify the longitudinal and latitudinal lines Identify the Prime Meridian and the equator Label the bodies of water Copy the time line from page 2 and page 3

The Dawn of History


To identify the advances people made during the Old Stone Age

To learn about the religious beliefs of early people

To identify why the agricultural revolution was a turning point in history

Define nomad, glacier

Hunters and Food Gatherers

Old Stone Age-Paleolithic Age From the first stone tools to 10,000 B.C. Donald Johanson found the oldest human

skeleton was found in Ethiopia in 1974 (Lucy)

These people were nomads Live in 20-30 people groups Adapted to their environment Totally depended on the environment Made tools: digging sticks, spears and axes Faced atmospheric changes-Ice Age

About 30,000 years ago artists began leaving examples art on the cave walls

Small stone statues Toward the end of the Old Stone Age people

started to bury their dead with care

The First Farmers

Around 11,000 years ago the nomadic population had learned how to farm

This was the transition from the Old Stone Age (Paleolithic) to the New Stone Age (Neolithic)

No one knows where farming began 1st agricultural revolution began Neolithic people also had domestic animals

Skara Brae, A Neolithic Village

Located on the Orkney Islands, north of Scotland

Village covers 3 classrooms Equal status Life=typical farmer/hunting/agricultural/fish

Skara Brae