toward situated interventions for algorithmic equity ... · toward situated interventions for...

Toward Situated Interventions for Algorithmic Equity: Lessons from the Field Michael Katell Information School University of Washington [email protected] Meg Young Information School University of Washington [email protected] Dharma Dailey Human Centered Design and Engineering University of Washington [email protected] Bernease Herman eScience Institute University of Washington [email protected] Vivian Guetler Department of Sociology West Virginia University [email protected] Aaron Tam Evans School of Public Policy and Governance University of Washington [email protected] Corinne Binz Department of Computer Science Middlebury College [email protected] Daniella Raz School of Information University of Michigan [email protected] P. M. Krafft Oxford Internet Institute University of Oxford p.kraff[email protected] ABSTRACT Research to date aimed at the fairness, accountability, and trans- parency of algorithmic systems has largely focused on topics such as identifying failures of current systems and on technical inter- ventions intended to reduce bias in computational processes. Re- searchers have given less attention to methods that account for the social and political contexts of specific, situated technical systems at their points of use. Co-developing algorithmic accountability inter- ventions in communities supports outcomes that are more likely to address problems in their situated context and re-center power with those most disparately affected by the harms of algorithmic systems. In this paper we report on our experiences using participatory and co-design methods for algorithmic accountability in a project called the Algorithmic Equity Toolkit. The main insights we gleaned from our experiences were: (i) many meaningful interventions toward equitable algorithmic systems are non-technical; (ii) community organizations derive the most value from localized materials as op- posed to what is “scalable” beyond a particular policy context; (iii) framing harms around algorithmic bias suggests that more accurate data is the solution, at the risk of missing deeper questions about whether some technologies should be used at all. More broadly, we found that community-based methods are important inroads to addressing algorithmic harms in their situated contexts. Authors contributed equally. Work conducted at the University of Washington. Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s). FAT* ’20, January 27–30, 2020, Barcelona, Spain © 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6936-7/20/02. ACM Reference Format: Michael Katell, Meg Young, Dharma Dailey, Bernease Herman, Vivian Guetler, Aaron Tam, Corinne Binz, Daniella Raz, and P. M. Krafft. 2020. Toward Situated Interventions for Algorithmic Equity: Lessons from the Field. In Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAT* ’20), January 27–30, 2020, Barcelona, Spain. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 11 pages. 1 INTRODUCTION Existing scholarship on algorithmic fairness often begins with a recognition of real-world harms [7, 11, 49], yet many contributions to date offer technical solutions that precede application or evalua- tion of systems in use. A situated investigation is one that forefronts the details of the context of specific people and places at particular points in time, rather than trying to study a system or question with an abstract approach removed from social context. We invoke this use of the term situated from feminist philosopher of science Donna Haraway [27], who describes situated knowledge as the product of embodied vantage points, located historically (see also [28, 29]). Situated investigations offer opportunities to reveal not only the technical features and limitations of a system, but also the different ways a system affects different people in its context of use. Many recent studies have pointed to the need to incorporate sociotechnical context in design of algorithmic systems. Selbst et al. call for scholars in this area to mind the traps associated with abstract analysis [58]. Green & Chen [25] demonstrate that human decision-making interacts with algorithmic processing in the ul- timate disparate impacts of algorithmic systems. Other scholars have pursued empirical case studies [19, 50, 52], field evaluations [10, 65], context-aware uses of datasets [46, 63], and questions of institutional access to real-world data [67]. In each case, attending to end-use provides a richer design space and new opportunities for improvements and safeguards. In our work we move towards a deeper engagement with systems’ social and political context. We report on a process of using a participatory design and action

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Page 1: Toward Situated Interventions for Algorithmic Equity ... · Toward Situated Interventions for Algorithmic Equity: Lessons from the Field Michael Katell∗ Information School University

Toward Situated Interventions for Algorithmic Equity:Lessons from the Field

Michael Katell∗Information School

University of [email protected]

Meg Young∗Information School

University of [email protected]

Dharma DaileyHuman Centered Design and

EngineeringUniversity of Washington

[email protected]

Bernease HermaneScience Institute

University of [email protected]

Vivian GuetlerDepartment of SociologyWest Virginia [email protected]

Aaron TamEvans School of Public Policy and

GovernanceUniversity of Washington

[email protected]

Corinne BinzDepartment of Computer Science

Middlebury [email protected]

Daniella RazSchool of InformationUniversity of Michigan

[email protected]

P. M. Krafft†Oxford Internet InstituteUniversity of [email protected]

ABSTRACTResearch to date aimed at the fairness, accountability, and trans-parency of algorithmic systems has largely focused on topics suchas identifying failures of current systems and on technical inter-ventions intended to reduce bias in computational processes. Re-searchers have given less attention to methods that account for thesocial and political contexts of specific, situated technical systems attheir points of use. Co-developing algorithmic accountability inter-ventions in communities supports outcomes that are more likely toaddress problems in their situated context and re-center power withthose most disparately affected by the harms of algorithmic systems.In this paper we report on our experiences using participatory andco-design methods for algorithmic accountability in a project calledthe Algorithmic Equity Toolkit. The main insights we gleaned fromour experiences were: (i) many meaningful interventions towardequitable algorithmic systems are non-technical; (ii) communityorganizations derive the most value from localized materials as op-posed to what is “scalable” beyond a particular policy context; (iii)framing harms around algorithmic bias suggests that more accuratedata is the solution, at the risk of missing deeper questions aboutwhether some technologies should be used at all. More broadly,we found that community-based methods are important inroads toaddressing algorithmic harms in their situated contexts.

∗Authors contributed equally.†Work conducted at the University of Washington.

Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal orclassroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributedfor profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citationon the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored.For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).FAT* ’20, January 27–30, 2020, Barcelona, Spain© 2020 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-6936-7/20/02.

ACM Reference Format:Michael Katell, Meg Young, Dharma Dailey, Bernease Herman, VivianGuetler, Aaron Tam, Corinne Binz, Daniella Raz, and P. M. Krafft. 2020.Toward Situated Interventions for Algorithmic Equity: Lessons from theField. In Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency (FAT* ’20),January 27–30, 2020, Barcelona, Spain. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 11 pages.

1 INTRODUCTIONExisting scholarship on algorithmic fairness often begins with arecognition of real-world harms [7, 11, 49], yet many contributionsto date offer technical solutions that precede application or evalua-tion of systems in use. A situated investigation is one that forefrontsthe details of the context of specific people and places at particularpoints in time, rather than trying to study a system or questionwith an abstract approach removed from social context. We invokethis use of the term situated from feminist philosopher of scienceDonna Haraway [27], who describes situated knowledge as theproduct of embodied vantage points, located historically (see also[28, 29]). Situated investigations offer opportunities to reveal notonly the technical features and limitations of a system, but also thedifferent ways a system affects different people in its context ofuse. Many recent studies have pointed to the need to incorporatesociotechnical context in design of algorithmic systems. Selbst etal. call for scholars in this area to mind the traps associated withabstract analysis [58]. Green & Chen [25] demonstrate that humandecision-making interacts with algorithmic processing in the ul-timate disparate impacts of algorithmic systems. Other scholarshave pursued empirical case studies [19, 50, 52], field evaluations[10, 65], context-aware uses of datasets [46, 63], and questions ofinstitutional access to real-world data [67]. In each case, attendingto end-use provides a richer design space and new opportunitiesfor improvements and safeguards. In our work we move towardsa deeper engagement with systems’ social and political context.We report on a process of using a participatory design and action

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FAT* ’20, January 27–30, 2020, Barcelona, Spain Katell, Young, Dailey et al.

research approach to craft interventions supporting the agendasof people most affected by the disparate impacts of algorithmicsystems.

We look to the field of human-computer interaction (HCI) todeepen our commitment to engaging communities. As Paul Dour-ish [16] notes, HCI joins distinct scholarly traditions that are oftenviewed as at oddswith each other: a positivist engineering approach,which seeks to achieve precisely defined objectives through systemdesign; and a phenomenological, interpretivist approach [1, 61],which understands the meaning of both social action and technicalsystems as constructed, contigent, and constantly in flux—in defi-ance of the rigid operationalization of an instrumentalist view. Atthe intersection of these two traditions, HCI has fostered a wide ar-ray of participatory design methods. Here, we report on our processdrawing on participatory methods and a distinct tradition (sharingsimilar goals) known as participatory action research in support ofalgorithmic accountability and community decision-making.

Participatory methodologies are valuable complements to thepractice of data science more broadly. The work of data sciencehas a normative dimension, but there is little agreement aboutwhich norms or values should be prioritized [5]. Research methodsthat center the people disparately affected by the practice of datascience can guide design choices and clarify the implications ofthese choices by situating the work where the social costs andbenefits can be more directly assessed [6, 13, 18]. Researchers incritical data studies have explored similar themes in the context ofmixed methods data science [44].

Our work joins others in understanding algorithmic discrimina-tion as a product of societal inequity rather than as solely a result ofinaccurate performance by models or under-representative trainingdata. When systems are deployed in contexts historically shaped bydiscrimination in policy and practice, such as policing [33, 47] ormedical care [50], data employed as inputs for decision systems con-tributes to feedback loops and amplified discrimination [33, 47, 51].As a result, it is not enough to attend to bias in systems from theperspective of accuracy; interventions must acknowledge the his-torical, political, and institutional contexts in which systems areused, and by whom.

Our Contributions: The imperative to account for situated con-text in algorithmic accountability requires a move beyond the labo-ratory and academy. In this work we ask,What are the opportunitiesand challenges in using participatory design and action methods forresearch on fairness in algorithmic systems? We approach this ques-tion by drawing on insights from our use of these methods in aproject aimed at empowering community organizers and commu-nity members in advocacy and public comment efforts in stateand local technology policy. In work described in more detail ina companion paper [36], we engaged in a co-design project thatincluded local community groups, advocacy campaigns, and policystakeholders, resulting in the Algorithmic Equity Toolkit [36], a setof heuristic tools and an interactive demo that assists users in rec-ognizing algorithmic systems, understanding potential algorithmicharms, and holding policymakers accountable to public input.

Our central contributions here are lessons learned from the de-velopment of the Algorithmic Equity Toolkit for the practice of sit-uated investigations into fairness, accountability, and transparency

in algorithmic systems. Our interactions with community partnersre-framed our objectives and highlighted the opportunities andchallenges of clearly communicating concepts from artificial intel-ligence and scholarship on algorithmic bias. We also note existingfrictions to further incorporation of community input in settingswhere data science and machine learning research conventionallyhappens. The algorithmic fairness community has a unique oppor-tunity to foster the intersection of data science, machine learning,and community-based work. This shift will require us to learnfrom other fields as to how to build reciprocal partnerships withcommunity organizations, elicit their input, and attend to the prac-tical dimension of managing trust and power dynamics in theserelationships. A more inclusive data science practice will result innovel conventions of work which attend to fairness, accountability,transparency, and equity as an explicit part of research method andpractice– rather than as topic alone.

2 RELATEDWORKResearch in human-computer interaction has drawn on and devel-oped methods for participatory design for decades. Participatorydesign is the process of enlisting intended user groups in the devel-opment of information technologies in hope of better supportingthese users’ interests and goals. Historically, it is explicitly con-cerned with the politics of system design with respect to workerpower; early participatory design in Scandinavia aimed to supportworkers’ self-determination of their local working conditions, aswell as to affect policy [20]. More recent calls for an emancipatoryHCI also affirm these value commitments [4, 15, 21, 39].

Participatory design approaches can intervene at individual, or-ganizational, and political scales [2, 37]. All participatory methodsrecognize users as authorities over their own social context andhold that active cooperation with designers can make meaningfulinput or control possible. Participatory approaches to design fallacross a spectrum from eliciting information from users to activecollaboration with them in the design process; this latter approachis known as co-design. Co-design describes any collaborative de-sign process undertaken by designers, end-users, and stakeholders[56]. Key strategies to make critiques and alternative visions forsociotechnical systems more accessible include the use of materialprompts, such as photos and card decks that provide questions andthemes for further reflection [23, 24, 64]. Other methods that aimto empower stakeholders as designers include the use of metaphors[42], design fiction [3], and futuristic scenarios [38].

Participatory action research (PAR) is a wholly distinct and long-standing tradition of community-embedded research that involvespartnering with affected communities to achieve social change[40, 45]. The tradition was formalized in the late 1970s by an in-ternational network of researchers via a set of principles whichspecify, for example, that the approach requires a research “problem[to be] defined, analyzed and solved by the community” [54]. Whileits historical development defies easy attribution, PAR draws on arange of influences including work of Paulo Freire [22], feministepistemology and praxis, and grassroots civil rights and workers’movements from the U.S., Latin America, and South Asia. It has beenused in a broad a range of settings and fields, including researchin health, education, and social work. The resulting tradition is

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committed to advancing social change in active collaboration withaffected communities, particularly by restructuring power relation-ships between researchers and participants to collectively reflecton intermediate findings and co-determine action in an “action-reflection” cycle [9]. Participatory action research operates within aepistemological paradigm that is constructivist, recognizing knowl-edge as partial and situated; critical, interrogating knowledge as anartifact of power relations; and participatory, as forming through aninteraction between researchers and participants [26]. Its ultimateaim is to re-center power in communities outside academia and tosupport those communities in taking action.

Both participatory design and action research approaches haveinformed generations of work in HCI [31]. In machine learning andAI scholarship their value is becoming more apparent, as a growingcontingent holds that AI has “ignored ... the voices, opinions, andneeds of disempowered stakeholders ... in favor of [those] withpower, money, and influence.” 1 Academics interested in addressingsuch concerns have turned to activist and advocacy groups to learnfrom them and support their work. For example, Seeta Peña Gangad-haran and Virginia Eubanks’ Our Data Bodies project is centeredon empowering communities to address digital data collection andhuman rights through a series of workshops and activities. A keystrength of the project is close collaboration with activists TamikaLewis, Tawana Petty, Kim M. Reynolds, and Mariella Saba, whoare embedded within networks of grassroots organizations in citiesacross the US. A number of labs, research institutes, and meetingshave also committed their missions to community engagement (c.f.[8, 12, 14, 53]). Often such efforts emphasize the importance ofequitable process as determinative of equitable outcomes. As theprinciples of the media activism organization Allied Media Projectsstate, “The strongest solutions happen through the process, not ina moment at the end of the process.” 2 As part of outlining this newparadigm, a notable recent call for greater partnership with andservice to communities comes from the Design Justice Network[13] initially formed in 2016 by community organizers, which in-cludes among its principles to “center the voices of those who aredirectly impacted by the outcomes of the design process.” 3 In thispaper, we report on lessons learned from our own efforts to drawon participatory and co-design approaches.

3 BACKGROUNDOur work takes place in the context of Seattle, Washington. In Sep-tember 2017, the Seattle City Council passed a significant revision ofthe Seattle Surveillance Ordinance, producing landmark municipallegislation that mandated the disclosure of surveillance technolo-gies in use by city departments and subjecting those technologiesto a political process that includes community input and oversight.As indicated in the declarations that introduce it, the Ordinancewas explicitly motivated to “incorporate racial equity principles...toensure that surveillance technologies do not perpetuate institu-tionalized racism or race-based disparities” (Seattle SurveillanceOrdinance 118930, 2017). The law responds in part to a troubled

1Ali Alkhatib, Blog. “Anthropological/Artificial Intelligence & the HAI” 26 March2019. <> (Accessed August22, 2019).2

history of discriminatory policing in Seattle [17] as well as to a con-sensus among local civil rights activists and key policymakers thatsurveillance systems disparately harm people of color and othermarginalized communities. [65].

The Seattle Surveillance Ordinance joins a growing cadre ofsimilar ordinances enacted in response to concerns about the ex-panding use of surveillance technologies by government agencies.Civil rights activists have pressed for these ordinances with theintention of making public-sector technologies subject to greatertransparency and to political oversight. While the laws differ, manyshare common attributes. They require the disclosure of systemsthat meet the definition of a “surveillance technology,” the pro-duction of reports about their capabilities and intended uses, andauthorization for such uses by lawmakers. Importantly, many ofthese laws provide opportunities for public engagement and com-ment prior to lawmaker determinations on the acquisition and useof a particular technology.

In a case study of Seattle’s surveillance ordinance, three of thispaper’s authors found that although the ordinance was aimed atassessing surveillance systems’ disparate impact, its efficacy waspotentially limited by a lack of explicit language directing publicofficials to consider the algorithmic bias dimension of each tech-nology [65]. A key finding of this prior work was that the analyticcapabilities inside systems, such as automated license plate readers,were not recognized by interviewed city employees as relying onmachine learning. This finding reflects a larger definitional discon-nect affecting AI policy oversight efforts between researchers andpolicymakers in what technologies are considered to be AI, or arepotential sources of algorithmic bias [41]. As a result, the potentialfor algorithmic harm from everyday technologies may be over-looked, at least in existing surveillance regulations. The incipienteffort leading to the Algorithmic Equity Toolkit was inspired by adesire to assist lawmakers in closing this definitional disconnectand to aid the policy implementation process.

4 METHODS4.1 Participatory Action ResearchOur work on the Algorithmic Equity Toolkit relied on participatorydesign methods and a participatory action research (PAR) approach.In the tradition of PAR, our work involved partnering with organi-zations engaged in civil rights advocacy, eliciting those partners’priorities, creating prototypes, seeking input, and reflecting onwhat we learned. Our main partner organization was the Ameri-can Civil Liberties Union of Washington (ACLU-Washington). Wealso worked closely with two member organizations of a coalitionassembled by the ACLU-Washington, the Tech Fairness Coalition,which advocates for fairness and equity in technology policy. Thefirst coalition organization was Densho, an organization dedicatedto preserving the history of World War II incarceration of JapaneseAmericans and advocating to prevent state violence in the future.The second organization was the Council on American-Islamic Rela-tions of Washington (CAIR-Washington), a prominent Islamic civilliberties group who defends the rights of American Muslims. Aftera four-month planning process with ACLU-Washington, our co-design work kicked off in June 2019 and involved meeting severaltimes with all three organizations. The project conducted Diverse

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Voices panels [43] in August 2019, presented to the broader TechFairness Coalition in September, and is planned to be shared formember organizations’ use in March 2020.

We also note that ACLU-Washington encouraged early and con-tinuous engagement with community organizations, given under-representation of historically marginalized communities in surveil-lance policy decision-making. This input was a key takeaway of anearly scoping discussion about the Toolkit in June, 2019. Throughprior engagements with ACLU-Washington, we learned that theirwork was motivated by a desire to increase public input on surveil-lance and ADS technologies from those who are typically not con-sulted: “[We] recognize that some communities have a greater stakein this than others...[they’re] really not talking about the safetyof everyone. We’re talking about some communities being posedas threats to safety and not talking about the ones we’re tryingto keep safe” (interview with Shankar Narayan, August 9th, 2018).Drawing on our partner’s input and larger motivation, we revisitedand expanded the co-design dimension of the Toolkit to center theperspectives of communities with the most at stake in decisionsabout surveillance and ADS technologies.

4.2 Participatory Design MethodsThe techniques we adopted from participatory design [57] includedinformal elicitation sessions, as well as design methods more for-mally applied. We drew on contextual inquiry [34] to learn moreabout partners’ work and needs, asking, “How do you currentlyadvocate in the area of algorithmic decision systems?” and, “Whatwould support your work?” We also used iterative heuristic eval-uation [48] to identify specific ways to improve draft prototypes,asking, “Given the goals that we identified in the last meeting, howcould these drafts better meet those goals?” “What should this dodifferently?” We documented each session and revised the Toolkitin turn. After an open-ended needs assessment, co-developmentproceeded more quickly once we began sharing draft prototypes aspart of eliciting feedback [55].

We also brought in additional civil rights organizations and ad-vocates for three panel sessions using the Diverse Voices method[43] to get input from groups focused on particular lived experi-ences. Diverse Voices panels are a means of enlisting experientialexperts to identify potential sources of disparate impact in the waytechnology policy and other artifacts are designed for a specificstakeholder group. The purpose of the panels is not to speak onbehalf of a particular group nor in a representative way, rather—likeheuristic evaluation—to surface specific problems with the draft orartifact-in-development that can be changed to respond to mattersof concern for this group. In each 90 minute panel session, we used10 minutes to ask for introductions, provide context, and describeour co-design process to date. We planned 20 minutes for opendiscussion of the topic of automated decision systems as they relateto their impact on the stakeholder group for which the panel hadbeen convened. In the remaining 60 minutes we asked for edits andcritiques of the Toolkit, asking questions like, “How would thesetools be more useful to you in your work?” “What do these toolsnot do that you wish they did?”

The experiential experts convened for our three panels addressedthe lived experiences of three vantage points: immigrants, race and

social justice activists, and formerly incarcerated people. The panelon immigrants featured representatives from the Northwest Immi-grant Rights Project, a legal services nonprofit; Mijente, a grassrootsorganization for Latinx movement building; La Resistencia, an or-ganization led by undocumented people to stop deportation anddetention; and Community 2 Community Development, an orga-nization dedicated to food sovereignty and immigrant rights. Thepanel on formerly incarcerated people featured (and took place at)Pioneer Human Services, a nonprofit organization that assists peo-ple reentering society from prison or jail as well as those who areovercoming substance use disorders and mental health issues; aswell as unaffiliated active community members who were formerlyincarcerated. The panel on race and social justice activists featuredrepresentatives from Black Lives Matter Seattle, which organizesfor the empowerment and liberation of people of color; and theCity of Seattle Office of Civil Rights, a municipal office dedicatedto oversight toward equal access to housing, employment, publicaccommodations, and contracting. Panelists were paid honorariafor their time. This measure, along with deliberateness about hold-ing panel sessions in convenient locations, was intended to makeparticipation more accessible and reciprocal to those involved.

4.3 Institutional ContextOther major stakeholders in our work included data scientists andadministrative staff at the University of Washington’s eScienceInstitute. Much of the work leading to the present state of theToolkit happened within the eScience Institute’s 2019 Data Sciencefor Social Good (DSSG) summer program and was carried out byDSSG fellows.4 This program provided important resources andsupport to increase the project capacity and provided ready accessto technical expertise on data science and machine learning. At thesame time, the programmatic goals of a data science skills trainingprogram introduced within the DSSG context also presented attimes competing expectations, which we explore in our lessonslearned.

5 CASE STUDYWe present the Algorithmic Equity Toolkit project as a case study ofthe value of participatory design and action research toward greaterfairness, accountability, and transparency in algorithmic systems.We embrace a wider design space inclusive of systems, laws, com-munity organizations, and advocacy campaigns that affords a newperspective to achieve these aims. In our case, we support publicefforts to push for greater community control over public-sectortechnology. Specifically, the Algorithmic Equity Toolkit assists pub-lic understanding of algorithmic systems for more empoweredadvocacy and decision-making.

5.1 Toolkit DescriptionThe co-design project we report on here is an ongoing effort. Weare aiming toward a final version of the Toolkit in early 2020. Weprovide a detailed description of the present state of the Toolkit ina companion paper documenting the choices we made in renderingconcepts from algorithmic bias and fairness for policy advocacy,the substance of partners’ input, and the details of the changes we4

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made in response [36]. Here, we provide a brief summary of thesedetails for the purposes of grounding our lessons learned from thiswork.

The intended users of the Algorithmic Equity Toolkit are com-munity members, including civil rights advocacy, grassroots orga-nizations, and members of the general public. Through planningconversations with the ACLU-Washington we set out to addresspower asymmetries between the public and government agencies indetermining what technologies should be implemented in commu-nities in Seattle and Washington. In order to integrate into ACLU-Washington and their Tech Fairness Coalition’s efforts towardstechnology oversight laws, the Toolkit was aimed for use in orga-nizing and outreach, participating in public comment sessions andmeetings, and assessing the impact of particular technologies.

At the time of writing, the Toolkit had three components (illus-trated in Figure 1), supporting a user to:

(1) Determine whether a system is artificial intelligence (AI):A flowchart for assessing whether a given system relies onmachine learning or automated decision-making capabilities.

(2) Ask tough questions:A list of questions for advocates to surface the social contextof a given system, its technical failure modes (i.e., potentialfor not working correctly, such as producing false positives),and its social failure modes (i.e. its potential for discrimina-tory harms when working correctly). This tool is intendedfor communities to demand answers from policymakers andvendors as to salient risks in algorithmic systems and to usethose answers as an input to their policy positions.

(3) Better understand how machine learning (ML) works and howit fails:An interactive demo of facial recognition that allows theuser to make adjustments to the match threshold of a facialrecognition system in order to demonstrate how false posi-tive identifications are unevenly distributed with respect torace and gender [11].

Through conversations with community organizations, we iter-atively co- designed and refined the Algorithmic Equity Toolkit. Asa result of community input, we came to reflect on the shortcom-ings of a narrow focus on “bias,” made materials more accessible tocommunity organizers and community members, and provided ad-ditional context and examples alongside the tools to support usersto reach their own assessments.

5.2 Project Action and ReflectionWe reflected on this work as it unfolded using the norms of par-ticipatory design, in which the quality of work is evaluated byusers. This process is akin to “member checking” in ethnographicinvestigations wherein members of the community are asked toassess an ethnographer’s work [59]. In our case, we evaluated theToolkit continuously in consultation with community partners byasking them if it would be of practical use to them in their exist-ing advocacy efforts. In the areas where the prototype of a toolfell short, we responded by asking how it could be made moreinformative and (most importantly) useful to their own objectives.This form of evaluation is drawn from a tradition of participatorywork that derives its validity through long-term, robust interactions

and relationships; it values practical and experiential knowledge asauthoritative [26]. Our other goals included (i) supporting commu-nity partners’ stated priorities by reflecting learning through ourcollaboration and (ii) foregrounding partners’ voices.

We worked with multiple partners who had different prioritiesand therefore different success criteria. For instance, one organi-zation was interested in the Toolkit producing ways to amplifymessages through social media to other grassroots organizations.Meanwhile, technical advisors to the project emphasized the im-portance of translating complex technical details about how ma-chine learning algorithms work to a broader audience. To navigatethese contrasting priorities, we worked to identify, clarify, andco-articulate shared priorities and forge common understanding.Ultimately we found a shared interest in empowering communityorganizations during public comment meetings and other coordi-nated campaigns for algorithmic accountability. A shared focus onimproving draft Toolkit materials also gave a common focal pointto integrate different perspectives. While we leveraged HCI evalu-ation techniques, such as user evaluations of prototypes to meetthese aims, the metrics that flow directly from those evaluations(e.g. did a user correctly interpret x?) only partially capture whatis instrumental to project success at this stage. Proof of successfor our ongoing work is our partners’ continued willingness andinterest to collaborate.

5.2.1 Diverse Voices Panels. As another part of our evaluative strat-egy and co-design process, we presented the Toolkit to three panelsusing the Diverse Voices method [66]. During these panels, activistsand members of historically marginalized communities evaluatedthe Toolkit and provided feedback about what would make it moreuseful and accessible. In addition to targeted feedback on draftprototypes, members of these panels asked for additional features,such as organizational charts specific to the local municipal govern-ment departments to support community implementation of theToolkit in practice. As we discuss in our lessons learned, this typeof evaluative feedback made an important fact salient — that themost meaningful measures towards fairness, accountability, andtransparency are not necessarily technical but are instead informedthrough contextualized understanding about how a given tool ortechnology is implemented and contested in practice.

6 LESSONS LEARNEDOur work has provided us key lessons that may be useful to oth-ers adopting participatory methods for fairness, accountability,and transparency work. We arrived at these lessons by assessingthe Algorithmic Equity Toolkit project to date against two goals;(i) to support community advocates in algorithmic accountabilitycampaigns by explaining the risks of automated decision-makingsystems (ADS) and making them more legible, and (ii) to performthis work in a manner that centered the voices and interests of his-torically marginalized communities, particularly those who havebeen the primary targets of surveillance. We report both successesand challenges in service of these goals.

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(a) AI Flowchart

(b) Question-Asking Tool (c) Interactive Demo

Figure 1: The three primary components of the Algorithmic Equity Toolkit as of an August 2019 version, consist of: (a) anidentification guide for automated decision systems, (b) a questionnaire on potential harms, and (c) an interactive tool demon-strating algorithmic bias in a face recognition algorithm. (Reproduced from Katell et al. [36])

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6.1 Participatory design requires a means ofhandling competing input

We first note the effectiveness of the participatory design approachtoward our goals. Our work began with a relatively loosely definedproject scope, which provided room for us to respond to the prior-ities of community partners who participated in the project. Ourinteractions with partners were overwhelmingly positive. Our keypartners expressed enthusiasm about the project early on, which en-couraged us and helped garner institutional support for the project.

At the same time, our partnering organizations sought featuresthat sometimes contradicted other stakeholder input to make light-weight and ready-at-hand tools. For example, one organizationasked for information about ongoing activist campaigns on ADS,and for updated developments to be included with the Toolkit. An-other organization pointed out the importance of legal resourcesto be included as a tool:

“There needs to be included in the Toolkit not justan understanding of how algorithms work, but whatto do if you think your rights—or the rights of yourfamily members—have been violated. Because I thinkfrequently the time people come to us for informationis when harm’s already been done. So understandingthe tool isn’t helpful at that moment; they need toknow what they can do to find justice for the personthat was mistreated. So having a coordinated effortwith civil rights lawyers or whomever who have abackground in this kind of law that can give peopleinformation about how to get help.” (Panel with im-migrant experiential experts, August 15, 2019).

In some cases these ideas presented competing visions and goals,such as a trade-off between completeness and lightweight accessi-bility. The difficulty of managing the contributions of design partici-pants is an expected result of adopting a participatory approach, butit also created uncertainty during the development process whencompeting input would be translated into shareable prototypes. Asa result, our attempts to be responsive to input also impacted thedevelopment timeline by re-defining design specifications as theyemerged.

6.2 Partners valued more local, contextualizedmaterials for their work

Another tension at play in our work was between our desire toconduct situated research and the potential for a broader usefulnessand constituency for the Toolkit in other jurisdictions. While wecommitted to delving deeply into the Seattle context, the frameof surveillance ordinances as operating in multiple municipalitiesshaped our impression in the background that the Toolkit wouldbe useful in other cities. While some conversations with partnerorganizations did highlight the value in having a Toolkit that couldbe widely useful in many locales, other conversations emphasizedthat advocates would derive the most value from highly localizedmaterials as opposed to what is “scalable” beyond a particular policycontext.

Experiential experts pointed out that additional localization toSeattle would make it more useful in their advocacy campaigns.

In particular, the idea arose in multiple panels that the Toolkitshould come with a list of technologies known to be in use, anorganizational chart listing personnel within local governmentwho procure and oversee these technologies, their phone numbers,and their email addresses.

“To make this more concrete, I want to see a diagramof who are the key players? Who’s making the de-cision, like who’s determining, who’s allocating themoney for the departments? Because then that helpsyou a little more to target who these folks are askquestions in terms of racialized outcomes.” (Panel withformerly incarcerated experiential experts, August 16,2019).“Startingwith Seattle, ...We are investing all thismoney,who is making that decision? If City Council wantsto vote on every piece of software or hardware that’sbeing brought in, how are they being educated on...its racial implications and impacts?” (Panel with raceand social justice activist experiential experts, August13, 2019).“Within this diagram, almost like a diagram of who arethe power players? Who is making the decision?Whois allocating the money? Who are the departments?Who are the agencies? It helps you a little bit more totarget who these folks are.”(Panel with race and socialjustice activist experiential experts, August 13, 2019).

Here, both panelists point out that localization would streamlinethe process of identifying the correct point of contact for publicquestioning and campaigning. For the Toolkit to address this needwould potentially require additional resources to keep a highlylocalized version of the Toolkit updated and easily editable. Inresponding to partners’ and participants’ suggested changes, wefind increased responsiveness to community needs and increasedlikelihood of its adoption for those users would merit reducing itspotential to scale.

6.3 Non-technical measures are powerful stepstoward algorithmic accountability

We also find that many meaningful interventions toward equitablealgorithmic systems are non-technical. Where many efforts con-sider the design and development of a specific algorithm or system,our work highlights the role of community organizing, public en-gagement, and policy oversight in addressing system failures. Thislens opens challenging problems, such as AI safety and explainabil-ity, to non-technical approaches. For example, an approach thathighlights known risks and failures could prepare the public (andgovernment agencies) to better address them. For example, on an-other component of the Toolkit, a panelist suggested resources onthe history of automated systems.

“This would maybe be something that accompaniesit— even thinking about what has been the history ofsimilar technologies? Even recently, how have thesetechnologies been used in the past to target and harmcommunities of color? Would be helpful. And I thinkpart of that too, when we ask where does race comein— it’s not just in the increased police presence, it is

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in determining that gunshots are what we are goingto spend our money on. Why aren’t we targetingother crimes? So it’s also a question of what’s thedata we are valuing, and that’s telling us how theseare racialized... at every level” (Panel with race andsocial justice activists, August 13, 2019).

Here, the panelist highlights how race permeates the history and useof public sector technologies, going beyond technical failures. Theseconsiderations further highlight how organizing work itself can be acrucial non-technical contribution to the fields of machine learningand data science, as organizations such as AI Now have pointedout [62]. Notably, a wave of recent scholarship promotes the ban offace recognition systems (e.g. Hartzog & Selinger, Stark [30, 60]);the increasing uptake of this policy position in U.S. municipalities(like Somerville, MA; San Francisco, Oakland, and Berkeley, CA;and Portland, OR) provides a strong example of the power of non-technical interventions.

Nor are these approaches limited to policy interventions in astrict sense. At its inception, our focus had been on how we coulddevelop materials responsive to our previous findings on the def-initional gaps we saw in city government [65], for instance byrecommending specific changes to existing municipal governmenttechnology procurement and reporting processes. Whereas initiallywe had approached ACLU-Washington about the value we saw atthe time of promoting the legibility of public-sector ADS to munici-pal government employees, our partners recommended the primaryaudience instead be community organizers pursuing ongoing workin this space. As a result of this meeting, we pivoted the projectfocus to supporting community advocacy.

At the same time, panelists point out that asking the right ques-tions is resource-intensive for community groups to do alone:

“These are very helpful questions. They are so helpfulthat I’m like, how can we use them even more? It’svery useful for activist groups to be asking these ques-tions and documenting the results of it. But— can weoffset that work to a routine government work item?So there will be a report, and an auditing office cares alot about their credibility, so we can wave that reportand say ‘Look at what this found.’ It will have a strongimpact. Community groups have ups and downs, theyare not always around. People are busy and it’s harder.So that’s why I’m thinking from that angle” (Panelwith race and social justice activists, August 13, 2019).

Here, the panelist conceived of asking the right questions for algo-rithmic accountability as a form of labor, which should ultimately beincluded as part of conventional government reporting or auditingfunctions.

6.4 Making systems more “fair” at the expenseof making them more just

A key lesson learned came out of conversations about one compo-nent of the Toolkit; the interactive demonstration of facial recogni-tion and its disproportionate false positive rate for people of color.This component illustrated a single dimension of algorithmic harm—erroneous results. Conversations with our partner organizationsand participants emphasized that while such demonstrations are

important, they risk promoting “single axis thinking” [32] aboutalgorithmic systems in which a focus on technical errors in a prob-lematic technology diverts attention from the social systems thatproduce both the technology’s inequitable effects and the narrativesthat justify its use. Surveillance systems that work as intended stillproduce undesirable effects and reproduce patterns of discrimina-tion [35]. This point is particularly salient for technologies in thecontext of law enforcement; as Moy explains:

Police technologies are not adopted in a vacuum, orby brand new police agencies with no history of racialinequity. Rather, police technologies are adopted byexisting agencies colored by the same inequities thatpermeate American society. [47]

Given these issues, we were attentive to feedback we receivedfrom our colleagues and community members alike who worriedthat illustrating technical failures and inaccuracies in algorithmicsystems has the potential to distract from the fundamental problemswith the deployment of sophisticated surveillance technologies bypowerful actors such as government officials. We recognize thatwe must take care not to present algorithmic equity as a problemthat can be solved with more accurate surveillance systems.

6.5 Machine learning skills gaps did notpresent a barrier to receiving meaningfulfeedback

As succinctly stated by the common “black box” metaphor for algo-rithmic systems, it is difficult (even for specialists) to understandthe reasoning driving operations in machine learning and artificialintelligence. These domains defy easy translation to a non-specialistaudience. However, a specialist machine learning background wasnot necessary for providing feedback on the Toolkit:

“[Person 1:] "I’m not very clear on predictive policingand what that does. What I see here is that the outputis a score; it’s troubling to me because it furthers theidea of a good, bad— good or bad neighborhood, andthat impacts people who are poor.[Person 2:] When trying to draw the border aroundthe ‘system’ itself, there’s also how the system feedsinto itself— predictive policing leading to certain neigh-borhoods and more crimes are found there becausemore eyes are there. That seems like it’s an importantpiece to capture in your tool for how to recognizethese systems... the human element of the inputs tothese systems belongs with the other inputs in thisdiagram” (Panel on race and social justice activistexperiential experts, August 13, 2019).

This panelist went on to add that the Toolkit should also highlightwhat a non-automated alternative would be to the use of a system.For example, rather than the use of automated gunshot detectorsin neighborhoods, community members hearing a gun would call9-1-1.

A key component of the Toolkit is intended to help non-specialistsidentify algorithmic systems; creating this tool required decisionsabout what aspects of these systems needed to be explained. For ex-ample, at the time of the Diverse Voices Panels, the prototype of this

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tool explained regression, classification, and clustering methods inmachine learning algorithms. Through community engagement,we learned that these distinctions were not as useful as materialthat would highlight the salient failure modes of these systems, andwhat community organizations could ask for as an alternative.

“On the bottom it says classification, clustering, re-gression, right?... You follow this diagram and you’removing through it, and that is the thing you are leftwith....It’s like, okay, then what am I to do with ‘Clas-sification?’ ...I found myself wanting examples of howthese different data and systems have been used tomake decisions...So, going from the inputs to, ‘This isthe racialized outcome”’ (Panel with race and socialjustice activist experiential experts, August 13, 2019).

The same panelist pointed out that the questions in the Toolkitshould emphasize the users of the systems:

“Is there something we can add about who gets tointerpret the information and make decisions aboutit?...Even if this data was accurate for age, gender, andrace, who is using it still determines how they use theinformation, right?”(Panel with race and social justiceactivist experiential experts, August 13, 2019).

Overall, these comments helped us recognize that the Toolkit shouldemphasize sociotechnical context of systems’ adoption and userather than a narrow focus on how the algorithms themselveswork. We also found that technical background is not required forcommunity participation in technical decisions in a policy setting.

6.6 Traditional data science practice benefitsfrom qualitative and participatory methods

A substantial portion of our work on the Algorithmic Equity Toolkittook place within the Data Science for Social Good program, whichbrings together student fellows and domain experts for data inten-sive projects in the public interest. As a result, we also reflect onour project as an intervention into traditional data science practice.The program was hosted within a university data science studioand was supported by hands-on data science mentors. During theyear of our work, the DSSG program was expanding its vision ofwhat constituted data science and hired a mentor to be an on-siteInterpretive Data Scientist. This colleague became an importantresource for our team, deepening the qualitative and reflective di-mensions of this work and supporting us in enlarging the scope ofwho should be considered essential to the practice of data science.

This arrangement provided invaluable insights and essentialresources, but at times it was attended by competing visions ofwhat data science is or could be. Given that the field convention-ally valorizes engineering techniques to a greater degree than un-derstanding the social domain in which data arise and are used,our approach does not meet conventional data science learningoutcomes. In the 10-week summer program that formed a corecomponent of the development timeline, our team spent severalweeks in conversations doing background research, understandingpartner needs, and revisiting the design specifications of the work.Only the demo component of the Toolkit required software devel-opment or machine learning model training—and while the demo

is modest as an attempt at technological innovation (which is theaim of many computational approaches), it primarily responds toan unmet need for a particular audience. The time spent reflectingon how to provide technical communication for advocacy use oncomplex and hard-to-explain technologies competed with time thatmight have spent doing conventional data science. Nevertheless,we ultimately found that the deliberative process undergirding thisproject allowed for a deeper engagement, critique, and problemati-zation of data practices that support the pedagogical objectives ofthe program.

7 CONCLUSIONOur work presents lessons learned from a case study of participa-tory design and action research for fairness, accountability, andtransparency in algorithmic systems. To create the AlgorithmicEquity Toolkit, we worked with community groups to produce ma-terials promoting awareness of algorithmic systems and that equipusers with strategies to advocate for their communities in the faceof surveillance and automated decision systems. In so doing, wenavigated competing input from community partners as to what in-terventions would be most effective. The co-design process pointedtoward materials responsive to local needs, increasing the likeli-hood the intervention would be used by project partners. Wheretechnical literacy and approaches would at first appear to presentbarriers to meaningful engagement, we find that non-technical per-spectives and approaches are uniquely valuable contributions toalgorithmic accountability outcomes. Most importantly, the pro-cess of developing Toolkit artifacts engendered questions about theultimate aim of efforts to make systems more fair. Finding substan-tial benefits to centering our research on the priorities, goals, anddirect feedback of community partners and experiential experts,we argue for future interventions (and the practice of data sciencemore broadly) to attend to systems in their situated context.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work supported in part by the ACLU of Washington, the UWeScience Institute, the UW Tech Policy Lab, the Washington Re-search Foundation, and a Data Science Environments project awardfrom the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (Award 2013-10-29)and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Award 3835). Any opinions,findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in thismaterial are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect thoseof the sponsors. We also thank for their feedback, encouragement,and support: Jennifer Lee, Shankar Narayan, Masih Fouladi, GeoffFroh, Anna Lauren Hoffmann, McKenna Lux, Anissa Tanweer, andthe participants and staff of the 2019 Data Science for Social Goodsummer program at the UW eScience Institute.

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