towards a high-level thesaurus?

Towards a High- level Thesaurus? Dennis Nicholson: Centre for Digital Library Research, Strathclyde University

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Towards a High-level Thesaurus?. Dennis Nicholson: Centre for Digital Library Research, Strathclyde University. Models 11 and SCONE. Timing Earlier: no problem Later: results to report Opportunity: Official support and Illumination? Wider involvement?. SCONE Group. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Towards a High-level Thesaurus?

Towards a High-level Thesaurus?

Dennis Nicholson:

Centre for Digital Library Research, Strathclyde University

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Models 11 and SCONE Timing Earlier: no problem Later: results to report Opportunity: Official support and Illumination? Wider involvement?

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MLO, BUBL Cross-sectoral groups in Scotland:


Agreed way forward on a common subject scheme

Agreement to work together one achievement

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Dynamic Clumping Origin of problem: CAIRNS and

dynamic clumping Mechanism to aid user navigation Based on Conspectus exercise RCO database CAIRNS and Dynamic clumping

Depth of hierarchy

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Conspectus Hierarchy 25 Divisions 250 Categories 7000 subjects E.G.: PHYSICAL SCIENCES PHY 78-125 PHYSICS PHY 88 Relativity Physics clump too large and ‘hides’

real strengths

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Expanding CAIRNS Already includes more than RCO Aim is: Scottish cross-sectoral

distributed union catalogue An integrated part of a UK

distributed catalogue Large clumps: dynamic clumping:

using a common subject scheme But, Conspectus? Not likely: 3


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Conspectus Categories PHY 1-50 MATHEMATICS PHY 51-77 ASTRONOMY PHY 78-125 PHYSICS PHY 126-164 CHEMISTRY Not unusual Best chance for mapping?

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Conspectus Subjects PHY 78 Physics (General) PHY 79 Periodicals PHY 80 History, biography PHY 81 Mathematical physics PHY 82 Study and teaching PHY 83 Weights and measures More unusual mix?

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SCONE RSLP Project Influence on SCONE: deliverables: Expanding RCO/dynamic clumping Examining alternative methods of

measuring collection strength Providing tools to support CCD Mapping Conspectus to other

subject schemes: Recognition

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Mapping to what? Alternative preferred scheme UK orientation and control Acceptable across sectors in

Scotland and to other clumps Preferably encompassing RAE

headings BUBL LINK subject scheme

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BUBL scheme? Not original intention but attractive: Based on DDC and LC Adapted to UK terminology Covers all subject areas Under community control Live and developing; Examples May solve maintenance problem

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BUBL Subjects 170 top level terms 1400 loosely related ‘sub-terms’ Used for 12,000 BUBL LINK

internet resources including subject gateways in RDN Familiar to UK users within and

beyond academic sector

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BUBL Top Level Accounting Advertising Aerospace Engineering,

Aeronautics Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries Anatomy Anthropology Archaeology

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BUBL Lower level Minorities Modern art Molecular biology Molecular modelling Molluscs Mixed: several levels: not perfect:

will adjust

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Initial agreement Proposal put to clumps projects RAE, M25 80% mappings Music Libraries Online: depth RIDING prepared to examine SAGIA group general support NERIS merge work: schools> Approach worth examining further

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What now? SCONE work at early stage BUBL funding not a problem Detailed work needs to be done to

tailor BUBL scheme to fit needs This has to be done at subject

terms level - can’t be done at a workshop like this

But: agree a structure?

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Thesaurus needed? Scone work: suggests thesaurus BTs and NTs (various degrees) Related terms (different

approaches) Grouped terms (shape and space) Synonyms (geometry) Document types/user levels etc

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DDC Top 100? Not adequate Insufficient depth to cope with 3

level Conspectus hierarchy Depth needed for dynamic

clumping (think about MLO) Even top level BUBL terms go

deeper into Dewey e.g. Anatomy 611 Electronics 621

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Requirements General requirements: concerns: Sustainable maintenance Widely and officially accepted Fit for purpose: user adaptability

and effective navigation and…? Last is most important and is still

being researched within SCONE

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MODELS 11 link Key question: are we addressing

the same problem? If not, SCONE will take account of

MODELS and aim for community input anyway

If we are, SCONE resources can help contribute to a solution

RSLP extension possible?