towards a new world order

TOWARDS A NEW WORLD ORDER For all who aspire to a unifed human race and an empire that is sae, air, sustainable and ree... 1. We are inspired and driven by many waters of political thought. Republicanism taught us that the autonomy of the individual should always trump the privileges of inheritance. Democracy convinced us that the decisions of the leaders of any institution should be informed not by personal incentives, but by the needs and interests of those around them. Conservatism should know not to squander the earth. narchism saw that all forms of authority are devised and arti!cial and should be sub"ect to critical thought. #iberalism taught us the values of liberty  and equality . Communism dreamed a universal solidarity  of humankind. We welcome these traditions not as !$ed dogmas or ideologies, but as bodies of imaginative thought which can ever be revised, reformed and uni!ed. %. We are aware that the structures of our political r eality ar e made and imagined& no language, legal framework or system of rights is absolute. 'ur schools, our constitutions, our factories, our stores( all of our institutions are human inventions and we resent when the presiding or e$ecutive control of these creations enslaves us. We resent when entrenched policies, precedents and systems rule over our possibilities for life. We believe that all human o)ce and direction should be open to the lights of criticism and revision and that knowledge and information should never be owned by and manipulated for the bene!ts of the few. *. We believe that an enlightened people can transcend the divisions of ethnicities, genders , classes, faiths, parties, and nations, and that only by transcending these divisions can we create equality and wealth for all. +. We understand that only foundation for our e$istence is our biological incarnation and we hold the earth, which sustains us, to be sacred. We know that the body and brain and mind are destined for death and awareness of our limited time here informs our way of life. . We welcome the visions and perspective s of the many religious traditions that have grown upon the earth. -owever, we can see that we live in a time of spiritual confusion and aimlessness. od once led the empire that dominates our planet( but in our time many have come to question his laws, his account of our origins and destiny and even his e$istence. While some continue to faithfully await his return, the dominant cultures of media and social life, even where informed by the logics of science, have become devoid of e$istential purpose or thought, and arti!ces of politics, business and entertainment have become overwhelmed by animosities, antagonisms, and con/ict. 0eanwhile we have felt the unprecedented growth of mental or spiritual illness and disease, from depression or isolation, pathologies of an$iety and fear, to most severely the lunatics who have stricken out in freak attacks of murder and terrorism. 'ur measures of security and psychiatry may counteract, prevent or repair the breaks( however they will not bring harmony to a world of fragmented and oppositional forces and views.

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Dreams for a Utopian Political Reality.


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For all who aspire to a unifed human race and an empire that is sae, air,

sustainable and ree...

1. We are inspired and driven by many waters of political thought. Republicanism

taught us that the autonomy of the individual should always trump the privileges ofinheritance. Democracy convinced us that the decisions of the leaders of any

institution should be informed not by personal incentives, but by the needs and

interests of those around them. Conservatism should know not to squander the

earth. narchism saw that all forms of authority are devised and arti!cial and

should be sub"ect to critical thought. #iberalism taught us the values of liberty  and

equality . Communism dreamed a universal solidarity  of humankind. We welcome

these traditions not as !$ed dogmas or ideologies, but as bodies of imaginative

thought which can ever be revised, reformed and uni!ed.

%. We are aware that the structures of our political reality are made and

imagined& no language, legal framework or system of rights is absolute. 'ur

schools, our constitutions, our factories, our stores( all of our institutions are human

inventions and we resent when the presiding or e$ecutive control of these creations

enslaves us. We resent when entrenched policies, precedents and systems rule over

our possibilities for life. We believe that all human o)ce and direction should be

open to the lights of criticism and revision and that knowledge and information

should never be owned by and manipulated for the bene!ts of the few.

*. We believe that an enlightened people can transcend the divisions of

ethnicities, genders, classes, faiths, parties, and nations, and that only by

transcending these divisions can we create equality and wealth for all.

+. We understand that only foundation for our e$istence is our biological

incarnation and we hold the earth, which sustains us, to be sacred. We know that

the body and brain and mind are destined for death and awareness of our limited

time here informs our way of life.

. We welcome the visions and perspectives of the many religious traditions that

have grown upon the earth. -owever, we can see that we live in a time of spiritual

confusion and aimlessness. od once led the empire that dominates our planet( but

in our time many have come to question his laws, his account of our origins and

destiny and even his e$istence. While some continue to faithfully await his return,

the dominant cultures of media and social life, even where informed by the logics of 

science, have become devoid of e$istential purpose or thought, and arti!ces of

politics, business and entertainment have become overwhelmed by animosities,antagonisms, and con/ict. 0eanwhile we have felt the unprecedented growth of

mental or spiritual illness and disease, from depression or isolation, pathologies of

an$iety and fear, to most severely the lunatics who have stricken out in freak

attacks of murder and terrorism. 'ur measures of security and psychiatry may

counteract, prevent or repair the breaks( however they will not bring harmony to a

world of fragmented and oppositional forces and views.

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. 2piritual indeterminacy is not the only crisis facing our planet today. t the

twilight the last century we discovered that the ecosystem of our planet was

endangered the by industrial development of our nations. Despite many years of

warnings, those who direct our technological and industrial development, in

government as well as in business, have not, fundamentally changed their course.

We know that we depend upon the consumption of vast quantities of energy in

order to support our cities, our transportation, our technologies and our homes.

-owever awareness of the detrimental impact we are e3ecting to our planet,

together with awareness of the cultural and economic wars plaguing our planet,

demands that e3ect a break, a change in our technological, material and moral


4. 5he e$traction of natural resources, the development of infrastructure and the

imperatives of production can no longer be blindly e$ecuted for the purpose of

bolstering private wealth. 6t is not enough for governments to regulate, at arm7s

length, the operations of our industries. We must have companies which e$ist in

order to serve the planet and our species rather than themselves, and we will !ght

to create them.

8. We despise the corporate empires which systematically e$ploit workers around

the globe. 5hough these economic structures are supported and defended by the

law we see that they are fundamentally unfair and undemocratic and actively work

to change them.

9. We decry the dominating national compulsions for economic growth, promoted

in ever increasing sums o3 gross product. 6n seeking to end unemployment and

poverty we should strive, not for endless !nancial increase but for sustainable

cultures and lives.

1:. We re"ect the claim that an economy should depends upon antagonistic

competition. We believe a more productive economy is one in which the methods

and modes of production can be openly shared between peoples.

11. We re"ect the moral legitimacy of franchises, patents, trade secrets and

e$clusive access. We re"ect the laws that the proponents of such practices have

created in order to defend their dominions over words and ideas( whether the

names and trademarks of organi;ations or the methods and brands of production.

 5hey have enabled producers of drugs, food, clothing, machines and information to

reserve control over abilities which should be available to all( they serve corporate

interests rather than the free market or the public. We believe that a business

which serves democracy makes knowledge available to all, and that any business

should be free to copy or draw inspiration from the practices of any other. 'nly byallowing the freedom of knowledge and information, can we create a society which

ma$imi;es the possibilities of creativity and entrepreneurship in all human

practices. -uman society has only begun to tap into the possibilities of biological,

electrical and computational technology and we should not enforce the mechanisms

of control which halt our potentials for development.

1%. We believe that all forms of governments should be open and transparent in all

of their operations. 2ecrecy or con!dentiality in governance is only ever used as a

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means of conspiring against people and we therefore consider it wholly unethical.

We call for the public availability of all documentation of governance in all nations

on the earth.

1*. We believe that no organi;ation should never be structured despotically.

<residents, ministers, priests, boards, chiefs, e$ecutives, and o)cers must be

accountable to those that they lead. truly democratic society is one in which themarket is democratic together with the state. We will work to create such

democratic institutions of production, technology, and resale( the guiding path that

any order be opened to criticism and e$perimentation. 6n non=governmental

institutions, as well as the traditional institutions of national legislature( electoral

politics need not be the only or best form of democratic thought. Direct democracy

can be facilitated within hierarchies of organi;ation where leadership is made

accountable to their subordinates and bureaus in all pro"ect and developments. We

believe the operations of organi;ation should never be locked into command, policy

or protocol. >o one should be a cog in a machine they are not allowed to see or

understanding. ?very worker should have the freedom to transform and develop the

practices in which they play a role and have access to the information, both!nancial and directive, that their superiors develop to guide them. >o one should

enter into an organi;ation

1+. We consider the e$ecutive o)cer, despite being celebrated in our business

schools, a product of dictatorial organi;ation and prohibitive of creative and

e$perimental democratic life. #eaders should be receiver of information rather than

dictators( we can have organi;ations in which we can all be leaders and democratic

o)cers of our lives. 5he public, "ust as well as the government should have to

power to know about, regulate or critici;e the operations of any business.

1. We understand that money is a human invention and that its chief function

since its invention has always been to enable the powerful to dominate and rule theweak. t the dawn of the %1st century we see accumulating mountainous reserves

of capital contrasted with e$treme poverty. ll of us, every worker and every small

or medium si;ed business relies upon the trickling down from these fortunes in

order to sustain and secure ourselves. 0eanwhile, the very wealthy, celebrated and

envied in !nancial culture, direct the course of planet.

1. We recogni;e the need, today, to depend upon the system of capital in order to

ensure accountability for labor. -owever, we decry those who control or use others

to advance their fortunes while leaving the vast ma"ority of us in dependence. We

believe that wealth, aligned with our better impulses, can serve the earth and serve

a people. We know that a redirection of our economy could end human hunger and

insecurity. 6t7s central function should be to create good, alleviate internationalpoverty and su3ering and second to foster human development and /ourishing. We

will !ght for this change. <ublic service and the creation of well=being should not be

the incidental work of nonpro!ts, but the fundamental and only function of wealth.

14. We regard the international system of stocks and the trades on the stock

market as a corruption of the concept of ownership and re"ect the stock market

movements as measures of the health of nations. What began as a system by which

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entrepreneurs could seek support for new ventures has deteriorated into an

arbitrary system in which stakeholders distant to the operations of an organi;ation

gamble for their own ends. @ut those who have invested in ownership of fractions of 

names are cogni;ant of the risks of their investment... 2tock=ownership and control

is inimical to the ideals of democratic organi;ations and as we create organi;ations

which serve their workers and members, stock may have no meaning anymore.

18. We believe our government, in response to a people demanding change, can

side with the 99A and that the police and military, moral stewards of society, while

protecting us from those who would use violence, may be a force which facilities

and advocates the transition to a freer and fairer lives( only an immoral agency

would hinder the removal of corporate despotism and development of organi;ations

which serve their people rather than themselves. @y the same gesture, "ust without

violence, through which we removed the despotic rule of kings and queens...

19. While guided by our moral sense, we cannot know in advance what

organi;ations and structures we shall create( there can be no blueprint for the

future. -owever, we can have a sense of our direction.

%:. 5hroughout our economies, we can end the ladders of wages and raises, the

devices employers use to keep their workers on a leash( incentivising and

controlling behavior. We cannot have organi;ations closed to . What can be fair is

only that workers share equally the earnings of a pro"ect of a time. 'nly when

workers take control of the !nancial operations of their own companies, factories,

farms and mines and !elds of e$traction, can true fairness e$ist.

%1. 5he practices of consulting and educating can become the norms of economic

and developmental relation. 5oday, our dedicated !rms would imply that a

privileged few be creators, designing the systems that others should follow. @ut we

can all be of a creative class, contributing to and developing the systems of our

lives. We see wealthy owners who donate to charity while treasuring and protected

their established devices of e$ploitations. new generation of entrepreneurs

following the culture of open source can be magnanimous enough to allow their

creativity to be and we can bring an end to the petty contests of brands and makes.

'ur grocery and merchandi;ing systems, from our farms, and and factories of

production to the sites of e$change can be open sites of creative life. 'ur engineers

'pening our systems to revisions, our architecture, our clothing and material things,

all can be practices as forms of freedom and forms of art....

%%. 'ur news need to be authoritative accounts of arbitrarily speci!ed events of the

world. We know how what propaganda looks like. 6n our universe, there is always

more going on than can be known at a given time, more that is new, than can bereduced to snap=shot shows. Rather than restricting ourselves to the o)ciali;ed

formats, we can embrace the endless /ourishing cultures of independent media as

holding authority as high as any. 'ur entertainment, is news as much as reportage

of events( and we can break down the lines governing the creation of all media. We

can end the age of manufactured celebrity at the hands of producers( we can all be

actors in the highest strata of social life. What can be the distinction between self=

publishing and authori;ed publishing companies( what can be the line between

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establishment cinema and independent cinema( they are arti!cial and will end. nd

if we sei;e the opportunity to remake our world, the news and media most relevant

to us may be the actual unfolding of events in our lives as vibrant and interesting as

anything on the earth.

%*. 5he internet, and the production of the machines which support it, can cease to

be an arena of pro!t schemes, manipulate advertisement and closed e$tractivecode( it can become a utility, as water and energy are, developed to create

wellbeing prosperity for our nations, a site of e$change of culture, information and

ideas. ll media is social media( we need forums for media which are developed and

supported for public interest rather than for pro!t and we can build them.

%+. 'ur hotels may be the sites where the people of a place welcome the visitors

and travellers of abroad. Rather than of professional courtesy, service and lu$ury,

they can be hubs of cultural life. 2ites of open meeting, learning and events, where

e$changes of language and thought are celebrated. city7s people, through its

hotels, should welcome it7s guests as friends welcoming friends, not as programmed

performers serving superiors at the command of their owners.

%. 'ur schools should be the hallmark sites of freedom, incubators of creative

thought( the spaces where those who dare to question the foundations of our

society can to a storm to the world. We should demand that our administrators

release their student bodies from the regulations of necessity. t universities

students should be free to leave any class which does not engage them at any time

of a year without consequence. 6n the /ows of knowledge, there should be no !$ed

division between the stature and authority of professors and the thoughts and

perspectives of students. 6n vocational as well as theoretical studies students can

be regarded as the fresh and critical minds which revise the authoritarian

instruction and assumptions of tradition.

%4. We must bring an end to culture of closed resources and "ournals. 5he wealth in

our universities is more than su)cient to create bodies of knowledge freely

accessible to all. We cannot abandon the institutions and certi!cations which

workplaces rely upon to ensure skill( however, we can loosen the reserves e$perts

hold on their knowledge and we can work towards education which is freely

available. 'ur medical doctors can serve not as the e$clusive holders of the

knowledge of the body, but as always educators as we move towards a society in

which all have the privilege to know about the functions of our selves. We must !ght

for the freedom of the use and knowledge of chemicals( their production should be

accountably regulated in our communities, however they should not be cast into

names of brands and reserved to behind closed walls. s we move towards a culture

of conscious and informed use of medication, we can end the arbitrary division ofchemicals which are legal and those which are not. 'ut lawyers, should also, be

always educators. s law is the language structures our lives and civil life,

knowledge of it7s contents should be not an esoteric study but a discourse open to

all people. @oth the internal policies of local organi;ations as well as the bodies of

legislation of provincial, state and national governments, should be opened to the

criticism and revision of the general public. 'ur "udges can aim not to condemn and

punish but the resolve and settle disputes. 0ay of the unfair laws, enabling

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e$ploitation, entrenched by our governments must be overturned( when a people

demands such change, a democratic government should respond. 5a$ing can cease

to be a resented requirement and can become the voluntary practice by which we

contribute to our organi;ations of public service which need support their workers

and !nance their pro"ects( why should anyone contribute their means to an

organi;ation they do not support. 5his is vision of a giving and caring economy( it

can only begin with the !nances of the world today( when the health of our planet is

deteriorating and the poverty surrounding us is moments( we must demand the

local democratic control of public wealths which can enable us to create an

economy in which we care for each other. What need may we have for insurances(

we need not have a world of e$tractive companies feeding on personal an$ieties of

loss. s humans caring for each other, a good community can give assurance and

insurance to its member, the con!dence that people will support people in times of

hardship of di)culty, when they are unable to work themselves. 5hese measures

should not be strictly regulated practices, but voluntary caring for others.

%9. 'ur land can serve us "ust as we serve it. 6t is natural that we should !nd, in our

architectures, spaces of ownership. @uy why should a human ever use land toe$tract money from others, in leases and rentsB Will the unceded territories of

occupying forces ever be returned to a culture which can treats the earth with

respect( who runs our systems of energy out of concern for sustainable life not

money=making. Rather than command and bylaws dictating our from above, the

authority of ordinary persons, and most of all our capacity to always receive,

consider, and discuss opposing opinions of others can lead us to a state of freedom.

We must not support the era of bickering elected o)cials. 5here should be no lines

between the laws of governments which form the superstructure of society and the

laws of non=governmental organi;ations( those who work to enforce the letter of the

law as well as any of those to whom laws apply should always have the freedom to

e$press their dissent or criticism, and we can be a people in which disagreementsare always resolves, even if we can facilitate discussion, at the levels of religious

and metaphysical thought. ctivists for changes in the use of the earth should not

be annoyances to businesses advocating for government rule( we must confront the

rulers of businesses themselves and demand, not only the freedom to e$press

ourselves, but that our voices be considered and heard. 'ur opinions will not be

shut out because we are not hired members of an organi;ation, or elected members

of governments. We debate in which a winner is declared which can create the best

democracy, but of faith in the logic dialectic, the foundation of the democracies of

ancient greece( in which the reasoned and considered e$change of views leads

oppositional perspective to come to incorporate each other. 'ur decisions including

our budgeting or !nancial decisions can be made in this way. With such a practice,

we can all be as lawmakers, we can all be as presidents, ministers and sovereign

masters of our lives. 5hen our language can be a free music from birth to death.

We know that humanity has the potential to end human suering; we know have

the capacity to run our cities in service to the earth; we will not by bystanders to

the greed driving our empire to destruction. We can shit our gear, we can change

direction; we can end the illnesses o violence and hatred, we can be bold enough

to believe the revelation that a better world can come. We must rise up against the

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despots playing god, like kings and queens in their rule over legions o workers, in

their games o control and manipulation. s collective people, as human tribe, we

can become the masters and creators o our lives.

!n our volatiles times, many premonitions o immanent new political orders have

emerged in the imagination. We must re"ect the anciul, the conspiratorial and the

dystopian. We can only accept a new world order which is owned and dreamed bythe people, which can bring liberty equality and solidarity or all; which can set the

world on fre.
