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42 Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer Science Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Heshan Lin, PhD Department of Computer Science

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Page 1: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer

Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer Science

Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering

Heshan Lin, PhD Department of Computer Science

Page 2: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Facts about Cancer

•  How frequent does a person die from cancer in the U.S.? –  Once every MINUTE

•  How many new cases of cancer diagnosed worldwide in 2007? –  More than 12 MILLION (12,000,000)

•  How many died from cancer in 2007? –  7.6 MILLION, making it the leading cause of death worldwide

•  What are the conservative projections for 2050? –  New Cases: More than 27 MILLION –  Deaths: 17.6 MILLION if our ability to prevent, diagnose and treat cancer

does not improve

Sources: ICGC, TCGA, WHO

Page 3: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Goals of Cancer Genome Research

•  Identify changes in the genomes of tumors … that drive cancer progression •  Identify new targets for therapy •  Select drugs based on the genomics of the tumor

Source: ICGC

The Ultimate Goal

The right treatment … at the right dose … for the right patient … at the right time … for the right outcome

Source: MediaPharma

Page 4: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Large-Scale Cancer Genome Studies

•  Johns Hopkins U. (Wood et al., Science, Oct. 2007) –  More than 18,000 genes analyzed for mutations –  11 breast and 11 colon tumors

•  Welcome Trust Sanger Institute (Greenman et al., Science, Mar. 2007) –  518 genes analyzed for mutations –  210 tumors of various types

•  The Cancer Genome Atlas (Collins & Barker, Sci. Am., Mar. 2007) –  Multiple technologies to map genetic changes of 20 cancers

•  International Cancer Genome Consortium –  Identify genomic, transcriptomic, and epigenomic changes in 50 tumor


Page 5: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Sequencing Throughput

Page 6: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Cost of DNA Sequencing

800-fold drop from 2007 to 2012

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Next-gen sequencing (NGS) presents many opportunities to

understanding cancer genome changes

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Challenges of Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) for Cancer

•  Efficiently store and analyze massive amounts of DNA data

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Personalizing NGS … Not the Analysis

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Towards Personalizing NGS Analysis

Page 11: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Short-Read Mapping

•  Bfast •  BioScope •  Bowtie/Bowtie2 •  BWA •  CLC bio •  CloudBurst •  Eland/Eland2 •  GenomeMapper •  GnuMap •  Karma •  MAQ

•  SeqMap •  SHRiMP/SHRiMP2 •  Slider/Slider II •  SOAP/SOAP2 •  Srprism •  Stampy •  Vmatch •  ZOOM … and so on

•  MOM •  Mosaik •  MrFAST/

MrsFAST •  NovoAlign •  PASS •  PerM •  RazerS •  RMAP •  SSAHA2 •  Segemehl

Page 12: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Pain Points for Cancer Biologist •  Time to Solution

–  Sequencing throughput >> compute throughput –  Days to analyze (instead of hours or even


•  Ease of Use –  Steep learning curve to identify right tools, use

tools, and integrate & compose tools

How do I integrate the use of tools from my toolbox?

Which bio tool do I use and how do I use it?

Key Unmet Need in NGS

“Lack of user-friendly tools to decipher the large amount of data generated by next-generation sequencing (NGS).”

Source: DeciBio, November 2011

Page 13: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer

•  Empower scientists to fight cancer … through innovative parallel computing

•  Foster a community … for developing accelerated bioinformatics tools

•  Develop an easy-to-use genome analysis framework … to allow cancer biologists to focus on the science of cancer rather than on the computer science

Page 14: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

NVIDIA Confidential

A Framework for Genome Analysis


Local Realignment

Input Files(Raw data from ANYnextgen sequencer)









Output Files


interpretability with other tools/



Variation data for use by

researcher/genome browsers

Command Line

BioPerl, etc.


User Interface




Improved Tools

Novel Tools

RepeatSeq FastR

Source: NVIDIA Foundation & D. Mittelman (Inspired by GATK @ Broad Institute)

Open Genomics Engine (OpenGE)

Phase 1

Page 15: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Overall Status of OpenGE

•  Open-source software framework for cancer researchers to improve the productivity (i.e., speed and ease of use) with which to identify DNA mutations that lead to cancer.

•  Sample OpenGE Workflows –  BWA GATK IndelRealigner GATK Genotyper –  BWA FastR Dindel –  BWA SAMtools

•  Primary OpenGE Plug-Ins –  Short-Read Mapping: BWA and (soon) CUSHAW –  Local Realignment: FastR and GATK Realignment –  Discovery: Dindel and RepeatSeq

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Teaser: Beyond OpenGE

Example: N-body •  Fermi

–  400M interactions (200,000 bodies) –  1M particles/second

•  Kepler –  789M interactions (280,875 bodies) –  10M particles/second billions of

years of simulation

•  Hardware design that keeps future applications in mind

•  Basis for future applications? 13 computational dwarfs

Similar Idea for OpenGE –  Abstract common algorithmic

components –  Provide a library of GPU-

accelerated components for building high-performance analysis (plug-in) tools


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•  Cancer Genome Research –  Goals –  Challenges of Next-Generation Sequencing –  Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer (Phase I)

  Open Genomics Engine (OpenGE)

•  OpenGE –  Overview –  Workflow & Plug-In Specification –  User Interface –  Beyond OpenGE

Page 18: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

OpenGE Design Goals

•  Flexible –  Support majority of existing genomics analysis tools –  Allow composing sophisticated workflows

•  Extensible –  Fine-grained control of heterogeneous resources

  Mapping between plugins and GPUs   Establish pipeline between CPU and GPUs

•  Easy to Use –  Lightweight –  Currently provides intuitive command line interface –  Could be extended to GUI in the future

Page 19: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

OpenGE Overview


Executing Engine


Instantiated Pipeline

User Inputs


Plugin1 Plugin2 PluginN …

Page 20: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Plugin XML Definition

•  Inspired by Galaxy •  Structures

–  Command(s) –  Input parameters –  Output parameters

•  Conditional parameters –  Ternary operator

[condition? para1: para2]   String comparison

–  Str1 == Str2 –  Str1 != Str2

  Boolean variables –  True –  False

<plugin id="bwa_aln" name="BWA Align" version="0.5.9"> <description>Align reads with BWA</description> <commands> <command> bwa aln [$num_threads != ""? -t $numthreads] $ref_genome $input_read -f $output_sai </command> </commands>

<inputs> <param name="ref_genome" type="file" format="bwt_index" label="Index of reference genome"/> <param name="input_read" type="file" format="fastq" label="Input read file"/> <param name="num_threads" type="int" value="4" label="Number of threads"/> </inputs>

<outputs> <param name="output_sai" type="file" format="sai" label="Output BWA alignments" /> </outputs> </plugin>

Page 21: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Workflow XML Definition

•  Essentially a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of plugins •  Structure

–  Inputs –  Outputs –  Steps

  Plugin/sub-workflow   Inputs   Outputs

•  Dependencies –  Express dependency via input-output connections between steps –  Output file automatically generated

Page 22: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Example Workflow <inputs> <param name="in.read1" type="file" format="fastq" /> <param name="in.read2" type="file" format="fastq" /> <param name=“in.genome" type="file” format="bwt" /> </inputs>

<steps> <step id=”1" type="plugin" plugin_id="bwa_aln" > <inputs> <param name="input_read" value="$in.read1" /> <param name="ref_genome" value=”$in.genome" /> </inputs> <outputs>

<param name="output_sai" /> </outputs> </step> <step id=”2" type="plugin" plugin_id="bwa_aln" > <inputs> <param name="input_read" value=”$in.read2" /> <param name="ref_genome" value="$in.genome" /> </inputs>

<outputs> <param name="output_sai" /> </outputs> </step>

<step id=”3" type="plugin" plugin_id="bwa_sampe" > <inputs> <param name="input_read1" value="$in.read1" /> <param name="input_read2" value="$in.read2" /> <param name="ref_genome" value=”$in.genome" /> <param name="input_sai1" value=”$1.output_sai" /> <param name="input_sai2" value=”$2.output_sai" /> </inputs> <outputs> <param name="output_sam" /> </outputs> </step> </steps>

<outputs> <param name="output_sam" type="file" format="sam" value=”$3.output_sam" /> </outputs>

Page 23: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Workflow DAG


Step1 Step2




input_read = $in.read1 ref_genome = $in.genome



1. output_sai 2.output_sai

ref_genome = $in.genome $input_sai1 = 1.output_sai $input_sai2 = 2.output_sai

input_read = $in.read1 ref_genome = $in.genome

Page 24: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

OpenGE User Interface

•  Command line interface

•  Programmable interface

•  Annotated script importer

Page 25: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Command Line Interface

•  Query –  listWorkflows –  listPlugins –  queryWorkflow –  queryPlugin –  …

•  Edit –  CreatePluginTemplate –  CreateWorkflow –  …

•  Execute –  testWorkflow –  executeWorkflow –  …

Page 26: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

CLI Screen Shot

ctc > testWorkflow bwa_pe_sam --input-read1 1.fastq --input-read2 2.fastq --ref_genome hg19.fa --output_sam aln.sam

[Mon May 14 20:04:46 2012] Changing working directory to /Users/hlin2/codes/CTC/engine/test/workspace/TfMkkJrxO [Mon May 14 20:04:46 2012] Executing: bwa aln -n 0.04 -o 1 -e -1 -d 16 -i 5 -k 2 -t 4 -M 3 -O 11 -E 4 -q 0 -B 0 hg19.fa 1.fastq -f /Users/hlin2/codes/CTC/engine/test/workspace/TfMkkJrxO/aln1-bwa_aln-output_sai.tmp.sai [Mon May 14 20:04:46 2012] Executing: bwa aln -n 0.04 -o 1 -e -1 -d 16 -i 5 -k 2 -t 4 -M 3 -O 11 -E 4 -q 0 -B 0 hg19.fa 2.fastq -f /Users/hlin2/codes/CTC/engine/test/workspace/TfMkkJrxO/aln2-bwa_aln-output_sai.tmp.sai [Mon May 14 20:04:46 2012] Executing: bwa sampe -a 500 -o 100000 -n 3 -N 10 hg19.fa aln1-bwa_aln-output_sai.tmp.sai aln2-bwa_aln-output_sai.tmp.sai 1.fastq 2.fastq -f /Users/hlin2/codes/CTC/engine/test/workspace/TfMkkJrxO/tosam-bwa_sampe-output_sam.tmp.sam [Mon May 14 20:04:46 2012] Moving file from tosam-bwa_sampe-output_sam.tmp.sam to /Users/hlin2/codes/CTC/engine/aln.sam [Mon May 14 20:04:46 2012] Changing working directory to /Users/hlin2/codes/CTC/engine

ctc >

Page 27: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Programmable Interface

Workflow workflow;

// Construct inputs of the workflow Parameter p1(DATA_FILE, "", "fastq", ""); workflow.addInput("in_read1", p1); …. // Construct steps of the workflow WorkflowStep s_aln1(PLUGIN, "aln1", "bwa_aln"); s_aln1.addInput("input_read", "$in_read1"); s_aln1.addInput("ref_genome", "$in_genome"); s_aln1.addOutput("output_sai"); workflow.addStep(s_aln1); … WorkflowStep s_aln2(PLUGIN, "aln2", "bwa_aln"); s_aln2.addInput("input_read", "$in_read2"); s_aln2.addInput("ref_genome", "$in_genome"); s_aln2.addOutput("output_sai"); workflow.addStep(s_aln2);

… WorkflowStep s_tosam(PLUGIN, "tosam", "bwa_sampe"); s_tosam.addInput("input_read1", "$in_read1"); s_tosam.addInput("input_read2", "$in_read2"); s_tosam.addInput("ref_genome", "$in_genome"); s_tosam.addInput("input_sai1", "$aln1.output_sai"); s_tosam.addInput("input_sai2", "$aln2.output_sai"); s_tosam.addOutput("output_sam"); workflow.addStep(s_tosam);

Parameter p4(DATA_FILE, "$tobam.output_bam", "bam", ""); workflow.addOutput("output", p4); … Engine engine(engine_dir); engine.executeWorkflow(workflow, paras, true);

Page 28: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Annotated Scripts

•  Import from users’ existing workflow scripts –  Automatically generate XML

plugins and workflows –  Automatically connect two

consecutive steps

•  Limitation –  Support single input and

single output for each step

•  Inspired by Bpipe

WORKFLOW_ID=imported_variant_calling WORKFLOW_NAME="Call variants with samtools" WORKFLOW_VERSION=1.0.0

REFERENCE=hg19.fa align := { bwa aln -I -t 8 $REFERENCE $input > ${input}.sai bwa samse $REFERENCE ${input}.sai $input > $output } sort := { samtools view -bSu $input | samtools sort - $output mv ${output}.bam ${output} } index := { samtools index $input } call_variants := { samtools mpileup -uf $REFERENCE $input | bcftools view -bvcg - > $output }

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•  David Mittelman, PhD, Assoc. Prof. @ VBI –  Guidance on the life science aspects for the project –  Caretaker of OpenGE

  Future correspondence and questions on OpenGE to be forwarded to him

•  Kenneth Lee and Jing Zhang –  Contributions to FastR and the “Compute the Cure” framework

Open Genomics Engine (OpenGE)

•  Gareth Highman –  Contributions to RepeatSeq

•  Ashwin Aji, NVIDIA Graduate Fellow –  Contributions to GPU-accelerated dindel

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•  Cancer Genome Research –  Goals –  Challenges of Next-Generation Sequencing –  Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer (Phase I)

  Open Genomics Engine (OpenGE)

•  OpenGE –  Overview –  Workflow & Plug-In Specification –  User Interface –  Beyond OpenGE: A Computer Scientist’s Perspective

Page 31: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

From Reads to Genetic Variation Detection

Source: 1000 Genomes project: From mapping reads to de novo mutations, Mark DePristo, Broad Institute

Page 32: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Read Mapping

•  Problem definition –  Given a read, identify where is from the reference genome

•  Computational challenge? –  Make it FAST … VERY FAST

  Fastest short-read mapping algorithms take 13 CPU day to align a human genome with standard coverage

–  Make it accurate   Sequencing errors   Mapping errors

Page 33: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Hash-Based Mapping Algorithms

•  Basic idea: Seed and extend –  Build a hash table on k-length words on genome or reads –  Segment query sequence into k-length seed words




Hash Table

Page 34: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Hash-Based Mapping Algorithms (Cont.)

•  Improvement: Spaced seeding –  More sensitive than consecutive seeding

•  Hashing strategies –  Hash on reads

  Memory efficient: controllable usage   Redundant computation for repetitive regions in the genome

–  Hash on genome   Save computation for searching repetitive regions   Memory intensive: 10s of GBs


Ref Genome: Mask: Read Seed:

Page 35: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

FM-Index Based Mapping

•  Build upon Burrows-Wheeler Transform •  Tree-based search backward search ranges in suffix array

–  Mimic inexact search with exhaustive tree traversal

Source: Fast and Accurate Short Read Alignment with Burrows-Wheeler Transfer

Page 36: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

FM-Index Based Mapping (Cont.)

•  Advantages –  Small memory footprint

  FM-Index: 2-8 GBs   Suffix tree: > 35 GBs   Suffix array: > 12 GBs   Hash-table: > 12 GBs

–  Fast mapping on repetitive regions

•  Disadvantages –  Search space grow fast as more mismatches and gaps allowed –  Not applicable for long reads

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FM-Index vs. Hash-Based Mapping

•  FM-Index based mappers are widely used for speed –  But less sensitive than hash-based approach

•  Most accurate mappers are still hash-based –  Examples: NovoAlign, Stampy

•  Alignment tools used in the 1000 Genomes Project –  Illumina: BWA (FM-Index) –  ABI Solid: BFAST (Hash) –  Roche 454: MOSAIK (Hash)

Page 38: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Emergent Trends

•  Hybrid mapper –  Use FM-Index based mappers to align well matched reads, and use

hash-based mappers to align the rest –  Example: Stampy

•  FM-Index seed-and-extend mappers –  Lookup seed matching in FM-Index –  Extend seeded alignments with dynamic programming –  Can be used to align long reads

  Examples: BWA-SW, Bowtie2

Page 39: Towards Computing the Cure for Cancer - Computing the Cure for Cancer Wu Feng, PhD Department of Computer  

Common Programming Components

•  Indexing and lookup –  Hashing with spaced seeding –  FM-Index

•  Dynamic programming –  E.g., Smith-Waterman, Needleman-Wunsch

•  Preliminary studies on GPU acceleration

Applications Speedup on GPU

Hashing on reads RMAP 10 X

FM-Index SOAP3 7.5 X over BWA

CUSHAW 6-12 X over BWA

Smith Waterman FastR (w/o traceback) 30 X

FastR (w traceback) 7 X

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Variation Discovery

•  Opportunities –  Abundance of parallelism (MapReduce type of computation)

  Inference on each variant sites are independent

–  Early GPU acceleration study case   GSNP: 40X over SOAPsnp

•  Challenges –  Mapping statistical analysis on GPUs –  Preliminary effort in accelerating DIndel with GPU

  Detect short insertions and deletions in genome based probalistic realignments

  Compute intensive: 18 hours on chromosome 22   Initial speedup: 2X

–  Bottleneck: data marshaling and demarshaling

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Closing Thought

•  A GPU-accelerated bioinformatics library for genome analysis? –  Possible with convergence of algorithmic patterns

•  Challenges –  Bioinformatics algorithms are irregular

  More challenging to map compared to dense matrix computation   Solution: Kepler?

–  What is the right level of abstractions   Balance between code restructuring and performance   Higher-level programming model to bridge the gap?

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•  Compute the Cure –  A strategic philanthropic initiative of the NVIDIA Foundation that aims

to support cancer researchers in the search for a cure.

•  Open Genomics Engine (OpenGE) –  An open-source software framework for cancer researchers to

accelerate the identification of DNA mutations that lead to cancer.

•  We Want You! –  Open access to the OpenGE framework. –  Source code repository to add algorithms and create plug-ins. –  Seeking sponsors and adopters that may wish to connect OpenGE to

their existing genomics workflow tools.