town report

ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation GREATOWN | TAN WING HOE | | 0319333 | TAN WING HOE | 0319333 | PN. HASMANIRA | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University 1

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Town Report


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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Better Livable Town Representation



TAN WING HOE | 0319333 | PN. HASMANIRA | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University1

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1. Introduction ( Pg .3)

2. A Town Investigation on Better Township ( Pg .4-6)

3. Investigation & Data Collection: Ancient and old cities/town ( Pg .7-8)

4. Investigation & Data Collection: The present towns/cities ( Pg .9-12)

5. Investigation & Data Collection: The future and better township ( Pg. 13-14)

6. The New “X” Town / Or the new name ( Pg. 15-20)

7. The Conclusion ( Pg. 21)

8. References list ( Pg. 22)

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1. Introduction

In this final project “Better Livable Town” we have to organize a town that is sustainable for the citizens for live in the town. Students are required to plan a small size town that is about 30km ² and to fit in 80,000 – 200,000 of people to live in it. The better livable town to the proposed can be a town with a lake, a river flowing through, a small island or next to the sea.

As a future town, grid system are important for sustainable and better living initiative and perfectly organized plan for the town. The zoning of the town are the most important to build up the town grid system. Government building, business areas, commercial areas, religious and cultures areas, hospitals, services area, industrial areas, residential areas, and much more to be in the town.

As we’re the planner, we get to understand the key of element in building town, and also what makes a good town by understanding human living and culture.

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2. The Town

A Town

A thickly populated area, usually smaller than a city and larger than a village. The size definition for what constitutes a "town" varies considerably in different parts of the world. A built-up area with a name, defined boundaries, and local government towns can be differentiated from townships, villages, or hamlets on the basis of their economic character, in that most of a town's population will tend to derive their living from manufacturing industry, commerce, and public services rather than primary industry such as agriculture or related activities.

A place's population size is not a reliable determinant of urban character. In many areas of the world, a large village might contain several times as many people as a small town. The modern phenomenon of extensive suburban growth, satellite urban development, and migration of city-dwellers to villages have further complicated the definition of towns, creating communities urban in their economic and cultural characteristics but lacking other characteristics of urban localities.

Towns often exist as distinct governmental units, with legally defined borders and some or all of the appurtenances of local government (e.g., a police force). In the United States these are referred to as "incorporated towns". In other cases the town lacks its own governance and is said to be "unincorporated". Note that the existence of an unincorporated town may be legally set forth through other means, as through zoning districts. In the case of some planned communities, the town exists legally in the form of covenants on the properties within the town.

The distinction between a town and a city similarly depends on the approach adopted: a city may strictly be an administrative entity which has been granted that designation by law, but in informal usage, the term is also used to denote an urban locality of a particular size or importance: whereas a medieval city may have possessed as few as 10,000 inhabitants, today some consider an urban place of fewer than 100,000 as a town, even though there are many officially designated cities that are much smaller than that.

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History Of Town

Towns and cities have a long history, although opinions vary on whether any particular ancient settlement can be considered a town. A town formed as central places of trade for the benefit of the members living in close proximity to others facilitates interaction of all kinds. These interactions generate both positive and negative externalities between others' actions. Benefits include reduced transport costs, exchange of ideas, sharing of natural resources, large local markets, and later in their development, amenities such as running water and sewage disposal. Possible costs would include higher rate of crime, higher mortality rates, higher cost of living, worse pollution, traffic and high commuting times. Town grow when the benefits of proximity between people and firms are higher than the cost.

What makes a good Town?

A good town should • Good Zoning System• Good water supply• Good electrical supply• Good drainage system• Good transportation system• Good networking• Good communications• Good infrastructure• Good utility• Less dependency on fossil fueled• Less carbon emission• Green space as green roof

• Solar system from natural resources

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What is a future Town?

A town can be defined as ‘smart’ when investments in human and social capital and traditional (transport) and modern (ICT) communication infrastructure fuel sustainable economic development and a high quality of life, with a wise management of natural resources, through participatory action and engagement. Efficiency based on the intelligent management and integrated ICTs, and active citizen participation. Then implies a new kind of governance, genuine citizen involvement in public policy.

Smart town can be identified (and ranked) along six main axes or dimensions. These six axes connect with traditional regional and neoclassical theories of urban growth and development. In particular, the axes are based - respectively - on theories of regional competitiveness, transport and ICT economics, natural resources, human and social capital, quality of life, and participation of citizens in the governance of town.

It insists that smart town are defined by their innovation and their ability to solve problems and use of ICTs to improve this capacity. The intelligence lies in the ability to solve problems of these communities is linked to technology transfer for when a problem is solved. In this sense, intelligence is an inner quality of any territory, any place, city or region where innovation processes are facilitated by information and communication technologies. What varies is the degree of intelligence, depending on the person, the system of cooperation, and digital infrastructure and tools that a community offers its residents.

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3. Investigation & Data Collection:

Ancient Town

Old Town Lunenburg

When Did it start?

Lunenburg is the best surviving example of a planned British colonial settlement in North America. Established in 1753, it has retained its original layout and overall appearance, based on a rectangular grid pattern drawn up in the home country. The inhabitants have managed to safeguard the city's identity throughout the centuries by preserving the wooden architecture of the houses, some of which date from the 18th century.

Lunenburg is a remarkably well-preserved town, and one which retains most of the qualities of

the original British model colonial settlement, without losing its status as a fully functioning

community in the modern world.

The narrow peninsula on which Lunenburg was built was first settled formally in 1753, when

German, Swiss and Montbéliardian French immigrants were brought to Nova Scotia under a

British colonization plan. A rigid gridiron plan was superimposed on the slope of the steep hill

rising up from the harbour. The new settlement was named Lunenburg after the Royal House of

Brunswick-Luneberg, from which the Hanoverian kings of England were descended.

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Significant of the townOld Town Lunenburg is the best surviving example of a planned British colonial settlement in

North America. Established in 1753, it has retained its original layout and overall appearance,

based on a rectangular grid pattern drawn up in the home country. The inhabitants have

safeguarded the town’s identity throughout the centuries by preserving the wooden architecture

of the houses and public buildings, some of which date from the 18th century and which

constitute an excellent example of a sustained vernacular architectural tradition. Its economic

basis has traditionally been the offshore Atlantic fishery, the future of which is highly questionable

at the present time.

Criterion (iv): Old Town Lunenburg is a well preserved example of 18th century British colonial

urban planning, which has undergone no significant changes since its foundation and which

largely continues to fulfil the economic and social purposes for which it was designed. Of special

importance is its diversified and well-preserved vernacular architectural tradition, which spans

over 250 years.

Criterion (v): It is an excellent example of an urban community and culture designed for and

based on the offshore Atlantic fishery which is undergoing irreversible change and is evolving in

a form that cannot yet be fully defined.

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5. Investigation & Data Collection:The future of towns and Better Towns

Recently, the future of Cape Town was officially compromised when the seemingly concrete decision of resisting urban sprawl by retaining the integrity of Cape Town’s urban edge was reversed by Anton Bredell, Minister of Local Government, Environmental Affairs and Development Planning. The edge of Cape Town has now officially been pushed out to encompass lands on the Cape Farms area.

This decision brings Cape Town one ominous step closer to the highly contested development, WesCape.

As a development WesCape addresses very pertinent and immediate ecological, social and economic sustainability issues that intend to alleviate Cape Town’s 400,000 housing back log while providing access to equality and opportunity. WesCape also considers resilience to climate change vulnerability but more importantly and in their own term, the development seeks to build a “self-sustaining community” in an “integrated and holistic development”. The truth is however that this is simply a band aid solution to a long term,

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complex and multifaceted problem that centres around Cape Town’s historical and future urban form.

Urbanisation is going to be a reality for around 3/4 of the world’s population by 2050 with most of the growth occurring in the Developing world. According to Bhatta, “cities provide poor people with more opportunities and greater access to resources to transform their situation than rural areas”. The growing global trend of cities in adapting to growth is through urban sprawl, mainly on city peripheries leading to unavoidable consequences such as insecurity of tenure, oil insecurity, lack of mobility and access to opportunity. The greatest consequence of urban sprawl is that while seeking to provide housing for an increasing population it inevitably encroaches on productive farmland and native habitat at the cost of urban food security and local ecosystems. Sprawl in African cities is also often characterised by slums which are seen as polluted, unsafe and lacking basic services. It is true that tackling these issues are complex, multifaceted and costly, especially when having to address legacy apartheid fragmentation. Bhatta, like others in the urban development arena, believe however that it is very feasible to develop a city without sprawl. So is WesCape really addressing these issues?

The potential of the WesCape development in solving the housing needs of more than 200 thousand households by leap-frogging sprawl to 25km from the urban centre is shadowed by the fact that the development lies within the Koeberg 16km radius nuclear red zone, which if initiated will potentially require the evacuation of more than 800,000 people within 16 hours. Although it may still be too early with the development not scheduled for completion until 2035, the WesCape development also does not acknowledge who from the housing wait list will be receiving housing and where the new inhabitants will be relocated from. Any relocation often results in dislocation from community, social networks and support infrastructure. In addition, Cape Town like many cities around the world is facing multiple natural resource constraints and, according to a report from the City of Cape Town’s Department of Economic and Human Development is projected to run out of water by 2025. With a population of 3.7 million already feeling pressure from increasing fuel and

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energy costs, why are we not pressuring the city to look more closely at densification and optimisation of existing inhabited areas rather than increasing the urban edge?

The question is rather, are there more affordable, equitable and sustainable alternatives to increasing the city’s edge to accommodate a new R140 billion development 25km from Cape Town? The answer is a clear and resounding ‘YES’. Not only are there according to Simon Nicks multitudes of transition spaces between our spatially fragmented suburbs that could be developed to, as Brett Petzer states “knit our city together” but there are several concept projects supporting development within the urban fringe such as the Greater Tygerberg Partnership’s Voortrekker Road corridor development and the Two Rivers Urban Park Development that advocate density and mixed use development.

Comments from our network including that of Masters of City Planning student, Brett Petzer point out that “we should rather be renovating our institutions, our local democracy and our citywide conversation so that we can house all Capetonians more equitably within our already ample boundaries”. Walter Fiew, a young urbanist states that “Developments to the north of the city, many only aimed to be completed by 2050, will destroy any hope of building a more compact city in the short and medium term. It’s high time we get serious about compacting and densifying the city, for this might be the only hope we have of building a more spatially just and equitable city where the poor and the rich have equal access to the opportunity the city offers. ”

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Cape Town has one of the lowest densities in the world hence the clear opportunity to harness the multiple possibilities that come with increasing urban density such as

walkability, accessibility, creating places of closeness, safety, healthy communities and better quality of life all the while providing much needed housing and places of business.

Add integrated public transport, abundant green space in conjunction with water harvesting and conservation, renewable energy and local support for innovation and creative industries and you have a true sustainable community. Sadly our city falls short of delivering a suite of

such integrated benefits focusing rather on fragmented solutions within a fragmented system. With no overhaul of the status-quo in sight, will WesCape really be able to live up to

its promises within the current system?

TAN WING HOE | 0319333 | PN. HASMANIRA | FNBE APR 2014 | Taylor’s University13

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4.Investigation & Data Collection:Present Towns / township

Palmanova in Italy

From there we can move onto new buildings such as Cheltenham's GCHQ building that comes with a range of 'survivability' features that are a generation on from The Pentagon in terms of its design. Instead of concrete the structure is housed in a blast proof shell. This shell has four layers of heavy blast proof glass panels on the outside. Up above are blast shields, held up over the structure. It has large 'streets', open plan office space, gardens, hotel services with cafes, restaurants and shops, plus meeting areas. It has a glass curved roof, which circulates air round the building. Underneath the semi-buried structure and the reinforced concrete floor, the computer hall stretches right across the interior of the building circumference, serviced by a haulage and transportation system which travels around the edges of the hall delivering staff, parts and maintenance equipment to the computers. The computer hall is the largest of its kind outside America, and projects a cone of electro-magnetic energy into the sky. It is flood proof and blast proof with a large garden inside and houses up to 6,000 staff. There is also a maintenance shed in a semi circle around it (Picture below). It is effectively a small town provided for the staff, often working long hours round the clock. So this building is perhaps half way towards achieving the goals set out by Future Town.

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Purpose built towns are of course not a new thing. The best and one of the oldest examples is Palmanova in Italy (Pictures below). This place aspired to the same things I did, long before the idea of earthquake proofing or flood proofing buildings became possible. Founded on 7th October 1593, this beautiful little town served to demonstrate what the purpose built town could offer. Set out in a star shape, with a central square and a carefully considered street plan, it serves as perhaps the aesthetic blueprint for the town of the future. The gardens, the hill top location and the lay out and maybe even the current social atmosphere of the town, are all things which a future town should have.

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6. The New “X” Town



Aim of Town: 30KM², TO PROVIDE 200,000 PEOPLE TO LIVE,






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1. Town hall is located in the middle of the town and it is also surrounded with government building and the business areas.

2. The industrial areas is built at the side of the entrance to avoid the spreading of air pollution to the residential areas.

3. With the forest next to the industrial areas, it will help to decrease the carbon dioxide.

4. The airport is located at the middle of the sea, save place.5. The recreational park areas were built around the residential areas.6. Education areas is located just surrounding the residential areas, more

convenience for the resident to send their children to the school.7. Religious and culture were separate by a river, so that it will not affected

each other while both running event at the same day.8. Emergency areas were built on the middle of the town, convenience for

transportation to the whole town.9. Two block of hotel, which is one facing the recreational areas and one facing

the sea side.10. Port and shipping area were built by the seaside, for transportation and

shipping.11. Agriculture areas were located below the hill and next to the sea, it is more

suitable for planting.

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In the GREATOWN, there is three transportation system support in the town which is maglev train (red line), water taxi (green line) and double decker buses.

For the maglev train, it has total 10 station in a circle, 2 main station which is located at the main gate and the end of the town, before sea.

For the water taxi, it has 6 station in a straight line and 2 main station which is same station with maglev train and double decker buses. It’s a water transportation which only support one line from front gate to the hill, which gave benefits to mountain hiker.

For the double decker buses, a hexagon grid are shown. There is 8 station which 2 is main station. A double decker buses are follow the schedule with the train, which benefits the train passage with their time.

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Waste management is the "generation, prevention, characterization, monitoring, treatment, handling, reuse and residual disposition of solid wastes".A water and waste management is important in the town that providing citizens clean waterThere is four main station located at the center of the town nor at the topside of residential areas. Main station collect the waste from all part of the town and start process and transfer into the sub station.By using the filter to filter the waste and turn into water and provide to residential, industrial, commercial areas and etc.

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Main station located at the center of the town which is underground, it supply to the sub station before supply to the whole town.The generator which is the water turbine and the windmill, which is one located at the front gate, and the windmill which is built at the hill.


Conventional hydropower generates electricity by trapping river water behind a dam, then releasing it through a turbine. Hydropower is a renewable, or alternative, source of energy precisely because it uses natural water cycles, such as the flow of rivers, to produce electricity and gives 3000 houses.

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Windmill makes energy or electricity by when the wind hits the windmills blade it spins the rotor and the gearbox and the mechanic box activate the rotor and the wires inside take all the wind and make it into energy and the electricity poles carry the electricity and powers and gives 1000 houses

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7. Conclusion

What I have learn in this project is planning and developing a land with building is not easy as what we thought by just putting in the building onto the land. Environment and nature play the main role in planning a town, environment gave inspiration to every designs.Not only that, by doing research about ancient, present and future town would make difference when planning a town. Investigation and examining old towns, present towns and future towns. Collecting date it help me to understand the component and elements of a town. All there information that help me to proposed the new town more easily.The zoning system of the town is most important, because it is what we aiming before planning a town. What is in the zoning of the town? Government buildings, business area, commercial areas, recreational areas, education areas, religious and cultures areas, hospital, services areas, agriculture areas, hospitality and tourism.At least but not last, a basic plan layout of the town, a zoning layout, a transportation and linkages layout, a simple overall perspective of the town.

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8. Reference Links

Difference Between City and Town | Difference Between | City vs Town

Sustainable City News: Top Ten Characteristics of a Healthy City

Ancient Pompeii

The most impressive transport system in the world

Transport for London. London Underground: History. ISBN 978-0-904711-30-1 Schwandl, Robert (2001). London Underground. ISBN 978-3-936573-01-5 The official website for Dockside Green

Dockside Green's 2009 Sustainability Report

The City of Victoria's resources on Dockside Green

A "performance measurement framework" for Dockside Green

Canada Green Building Council Walsh, Bryan (25 January 2011). "Masdar City: The World's Greenest City?". Time. Retrieved 8 September 2013. Dilworth, Dianna (August 2007). "Zero Carbon; Zero Waste in Abu Dhabi". BusinessWeek "Masdar HQ to be Located in World's First "Positive Energy" Mixed-Use Building" (Press release). 20 February 2008 Sustainability and the City: Transportation". 2011Difference Between City and Town | Difference Between | City vs

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