toxic relationships


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Copyright © 2014 by Celia John

Toxic Relationships: Six Signs That You Are In A Toxic Relationship is protected by

copyright of Celia John, 2014. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted

in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and

recording, or introduced into any information storage or retrieval system without the written

permission of the author. Legal action will be taken against anyone found to be infringing the

author’s copyright. All rights reserved.

Also by Celia John

Get Out If You Can How To Escape An Abusive Relationship And Be Happy

The System Sucks What Victims Of Domestic Violence Want You To Know

How To Find The Right Person To Date: A Step By Step Guide To Finding The Right

Partner And Detecting An Abuser

How To Find The Right Person To Date Workbook

Love Poems



For updates on new books please visit the author’s websites:

Get a FREE download of dating book How To Find The Right Person To Date Workbook

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Six Signs That You Are In A Toxic Relationship


It is difficult to know whether you are in a toxic, abusive relationship when you are deeply in

love with your partner and do not want to believe that they can be an abuser. This short report

was written for all those people who are confused about their partner’s behaviour and are

wondering if their partner is being abusive. This book highlights six key signs of abusive

behaviour so that you can identify whether or not your partner is an abuser.

Obsessive Behaviour

Your partner calls you all the time wanting to know where you are, who you are with and

what you are doing. They get very angry if you are with a friend of the opposite sex and insist

that they must know where you are at all times. If you don’t call them and they do not hear

from you they get even angrier and call you so much you have to leave your phone on silent

or ignore their calls to get some peace. This is a sign of obsessive behaviour and you are

definitely in a toxic relationship.

Some abusers become obsessive with their partners because they believe that their partner is

someone that can be owned and view their partners as possessions. Because of this unhealthy

belief they do not want their partner to have time for anyone else because they feel that their

partner’s attention should only be on them and no one else.

Extreme Jealousy

Your partner always suspects you of cheating and does not seem to trust you. When you

leave the room your partner checks your text messages and reads them. Your partner also

checks your call log to see who called you. You constantly tell your partner to trust you and

get angry with them for invading your privacy. You tell them to stop checking your phone

but they keep doing it and then question you about the texts afterwards especially if they are

from the opposite sex. This is a sign of extreme jealousy and you are definitely in a toxic


Your partner being extremely jealous is a sign of abusive behaviour. An abuser will want you

keep your attention on them and no one else. This is because they are extremely controlling

and do not want you to have any other friends or contact with people outside of the

relationship. If your attention is focused only on your partner and no one else then it is easier

for them to control you. Abusers crave power over their partners and if you do not have any

other friends or relationships that means you depend only on your abusive partner for

companionship and thus they have more power over you to maintain control of your

behaviour and the relationship.

Mind Games

Your partner makes you feel like you are going crazy. You have a discussion and then your

partner pretends that they do not know what you are talking about. You have an argument

and then later mention it to your partner and they act like it never happened. Your partner has

you questioning your sanity and the reality of what has happened. You are not going crazy.

Your partner is just playing mind games with you and you are definitely in a toxic


Playing mind games is a form of control and power. Abusers do this to gain complete control

over their partners. If an abuser is able to convince their partner that they are crazy then they

will have complete control over them. The victim in the relationship will be looking to their

partner for reassurance and comfort and will be weakened psychologically from the mind

games their partner has been playing with them. The abuser will be able to manipulate the

victim to do whatever they want them to do and this is what an abuser wants, complete power

and control over their partner.

Verbal Abuse

Your partner keeps criticizing you every time you say something. They constantly call you

stupid and when you offer an opinion of anything they treat what you say as if it is worthless.

They are constantly putting you down and interrupting you when you speak and always

making you feel that they are superior to you and that you are inferior. Your partner is

attacking your self-esteem and the way you feel about yourself on purpose. They are being

abusive and you are definitely in a toxic relationship if this is happening to you.

An abusive partner will criticize you in order to hurt your self-esteem. They know that if they

attack you this way and you believe their insults and criticisms it will result in you having

low self-esteem. If you develop low self-esteem this will result in you feeling badly about

yourself. If you do not like yourself then you will find it difficult to challenge anyone when

they abuse you or treat you in a way that you do not like. With low self-esteem it is not easy

to believe in yourself in order to pursue your goals and dreams or even to cope with the

pressures of life. Abusers want you to have low self-esteem so that they can manipulate you

into staying with them and not leaving them when they treat you badly.


Your partner has threatened you with a knife and smashed things against the wall when they

are angry with you. They have never touched you or hit you but use their physical size and

strength to make you feel threatened and intimidated. Every time your partner smashes or

breaks something you are afraid that the next time it is going to be you. You are every careful

not to make them angry in case they start hitting the walls or smashing things. You feel

scared every time your partner glowers at you with angry looks and feel one day they are

going to hit you. You feel terrified of your partner and want to leave but are afraid if you do

they will come after you. If you feel like this you are definitely in a toxic relationship and

need to leave your partner as soon as you can.

Abusers use intimidation as a way to make their victims feel powerless and afraid. They want

to maintain their power over the victim so that their partner will not leave them and will stay

in the relationship.

Physical Abuse

Your partner is easily angered by anything that you do. If you serve dinner late they are

angry. If you do something that they do not like they get angry. The worst part of it is that

when they get really angry they hit you. The first time that they hit you your partner

apologized so much and begged for your forgiveness and said that they would not do it again.

But then it happened again and again. Now they are hitting you for no reason. If you are in

this situation this relationship is dangerous to your health and you are definitely in a toxic

relationship and need to get out as soon as possible.

Abusers hit their victims in order to maintain their power and domination over them. They do

this so that their victims will be too afraid to leave the relationship or even to seek help when

the abuse is out of control. It can become a cycle with the abuser constantly apologizing and

asking for forgiveness. This can cause the victim to believe that the abuser is genuinely sorry

for their actions until it happens again. The first time the victim is hit by the abuser and

accepts this form of abuse the victim is sending a message to the abuser that their behaviour

is acceptable and that they can do it again. When you are hit or abused in a relationship it

should be made clear to the abusive partner that this behaviour is unacceptable and will not

be tolerated.

This short report has summarised six key signs of an abuser so that you will know how to

identify whether you are in a toxic relationship. If any of these signs are present in your

relationship you are in a toxic, abusive relationship and should leave the relationship as soon

as you can. If you need help making a decision about your relationship and are not sure

whether you should leave there are various resources that you can consult to gain knowledge

about abuse and relationships. These resources are below.


Free Ebooks

Free Dating Workbook: How To Find The Right Person To Date Workbook

The Overcome Books website has a free dating workbook which they are offering as a free

ebook download. The How To Find The Right Person To Date Workbook will teach you how

to find a good partner and also how to identify abusers so that you do not end up in an

abusive relationship. To get your free ebook download of How To Find The Right Person To

Date Workbook visit and you can

also get a paperback copy of How To Find The Right Person To Date Workbook on Amazon.

Free Domestic Violence Ebook: Inside the Abuser’s Mind Be One Step Ahead of the


The Overcome Domestic Violence website has a free domestic violence ebook which teaches

you all about the characteristics of abusers and abusive relationships. To get your free ebook

download please visit


Get Out If You Can How To Escape Abusive Relationship And Be Happy

This book will tell you everything you need to know in order to help you identify the

characteristics of abusive partner so that you will have the knowledge you need in order to

leave an abusive relationship.

How To Find The Right Person To Date: A Step by Step Guide To Finding The Right

Partner and Detecting An Abuser

This book is all about giving you the knowledge you need to choose the right person to date.

It will show you how to improve your chances of finding the right partner, how to identify an

abuser, how to improve your self-esteem and how to detect an abuser and leave an abusive


The System Sucks What Victims Of Domestic Violence Want You To Know

This book explores the experiences that victims of domestic violence have had with social

workers. If you would like to know how victims of domestic abuse feel about social workers

read this book.


Overcome Domestic Violence

This website provides information and resources for victims of domestic violence including

books and articles on domestic violence.

On this website you can also submit your articles about abuse. To submit an article, poem or

story about abuse please visit

You can follow Overcome Domestic Violence on Facebook and Google Plus.


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Overcome Books

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books. It has articles on dating and relationships and also articles on books and book reviews.

If you would like to subscribe to Overcome Books and get regular updates on new books to

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free ebook download of How To Find The Right Person To Date Workbook.

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