toy story pp

Toy Story 3 may be about toys coming to life, however there can’t be toys without young people to play with them which, is why I have chosen the Toy Story 3 to talk about. I could have chosen the previous two films due to the fact that the toy’s owner is a 10 year old boy named Andy, however, we don’t get to see much of him, so can’t really say how young people are presented in contemporary media. The most we learn about this character is that he loves cowboys and spacemen, comes up with random ideas for games to play with his toys (a cowboy saving Little Bow Peep from a Potato head and avoiding sheep from being run over – yes, this is pretty random!) And eating a Pizza Planet. This is unlike Toy Story 3 which shows us not only the now 17 year old Andy, but also children aged around 5 years old and under. Andy Camera: We begin the film with the 10 year old – pizza loving Andy on what looks to be a home video. This shows all of the great times Andy has had with his toys. This perhaps used to show and cheekiness and innocents children, just wanting to have fun. The Person filming the home video – Andy’s mum- is clearly not going to win a movie award soon, as she sometimes goes off focus, and sometimes films Andy with the image at an angle. Perhaps this is because, as I have said, because the character of Andy’s mum is not cut out to film, but maybe, it is to show that children are not always perfect such as the filming skills, but you can still see that children don’t really care, as long as they have a good time, playing with toys. This leads to another point. Toys. The whole point of the film being made is because of Andy’s toys. In every part of the home video, no matter where Andy is, he is always with at least one of his toys. This may suggest the opinion of children perhaps relying on their toys to keep them entertained and prevent loneliness which, maybe what people think of children like Andy who, besides friends at school, has no one to talk to a home, as his sister at the time of the home video was only a baby, and he only has one parent, being his mum. However, looking at this, Andy always tries to stay positive. This may be indeed what people believe children like Andy are like, or what they want them to be like, since Andy always has a smile on his face as a child. Camera focused on Andy – Giving the idea that 10 year old boys are cheerful, cheeky and are able to find enjoyment from simple things like a toy cowboy. The unusual idea of young people on is that they are always using modern technology such as computers/laptops, using phones and playing on a modern game system such as a Nintendo DS, Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3. However, this image shows an active young boy, playing outside with a toy. Andy is outside by green trees, showing children to be outgoing, curious about the big world and adventurous. This shows children being close to nature, instead of being

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Post on 08-May-2015



Entertainment & Humor

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Page 1: Toy story pp

Toy Story 3 may be about toys coming to life, however there can’t be toys without young people to play with them which, is why I have chosen the Toy Story 3 to talk about. I could have chosen the previous two films due to the fact that the toy’s owner is a 10 year old boy named Andy, however, we don’t get to see much of him, so can’t really say how young people are presented in contemporary media. The most we learn about this character is that he loves cowboys and spacemen, comes up with random ideas for games to play with his toys (a cowboy saving Little Bow Peep from a Potato head and avoiding sheep from being run over – yes, this is pretty random!) And eating a Pizza Planet. This is unlike Toy Story 3 which shows us not only the now 17 year old Andy, but also children aged around 5 years old and under.


Camera: We begin the film with the 10 year old – pizza loving Andy on what looks to be a home video. This shows all of the great times Andy has had with his toys. This perhaps used to show and cheekiness and innocents children, just wanting to have fun. The Person filming the home video –Andy’s mum- is clearly not going to win a movie award soon, as she sometimes goes off focus, and sometimes films Andy with the image at an angle. Perhaps this is because, as I have said, because the character of Andy’s mum is not cut out to film, but maybe, it is to show that children are not always perfect such as the filming skills, but you can still see that children don’t really care, as long as they have a good time, playing with toys. This leads to another point. Toys. The whole point of the film being made is because of Andy’s toys. In every part of the home video, no matter where Andy is, he is always with at least one of his toys. This may suggest the opinion of children perhaps relying on their toys to keep them entertained and prevent loneliness which, maybe what people think of children like Andy who, besides friends at school, has no one to talk to a home, as his sister at the time of the home video was only a baby, and he only has one parent, being his mum. However, looking at this, Andy always tries to stay positive. This may be indeed what people believe children like Andy are like, or what they want them to be like, since Andy always has a smile on his face as a child.

Camera focused on Andy – Giving the idea that 10 year old boys are cheerful, cheeky and are able to find enjoyment from simple things like a toy cowboy.

The unusual idea of young people on is that they are always using modern technology such as computers/laptops, using phones and playing on a modern game system such as a Nintendo DS, Wii, Xbox 360 and PS3. However, this image shows an active young boy, playing outside with a toy.

Andy is outside by green trees, showing children to be outgoing, curious about the big world and adventurous. This shows children being close to nature, instead of being stuck inside all day.

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Now being 17 years old, Andy has change a lot. The camera focuses a lot on his height, showing the different between a child and a teenager. Until the end of the film, we only see him in this small room or somewhere upstairs in his house. This makes him seem like a teen, suck in a small world, not knowing what to do with himself, unlike the young Andy we know. We focus on his face, which, is not always happy, but upset or annoyed at times, when he sister Molly (now around 8 years old), does something Andy does not like, or when Andy’s mum is telling him what to do. This to many seems like a typical teenager, locked in his/her bedroom, annoyed by being what to because of, as many would say “teenagers think they know everything” which is of cause false. As a teen myself I know that we don’t know everything. Of cause we know more than we did as children, but we still don’t have all of the experience of an adult, so I guess you can say, we are stuck in the middle. Editing: There is not really much to say about the editing that I have not already said while talking about the camera. As a 10 year old, we focus on Andy on the happiest parts of his childhood, laughing, making a mess when eating birthday cake, and playing with his favourite toys: Woody, Buzz, Jessie and the rest of our main characters. As a teen, we see Andy, both, happy, sad (especially at the end of the film) and annoyed – many with his sister Molly.  Mise-en-scene: We have talked about what we can see with 10 year old Andy; now let’s look at 17 year old Andy.

A messy desk – This shows teens to be messy and unorganised. The desk has the following on top of it:

.Work books for collage/sixth form. . .A mobile phone which to many would be seem as something teen can’t part from, so they can use Twitter or Facebook. .A laptop to once again, go on Facebook (or Google).

There is also a skateboard – Because every teenage boy has one of those…Right?

This gym bag, gives the idea that teenage boys are athletic and outgoing.

Something many people think teens can’t live without: telly. (Even though there is NEVER anything on most of the time!

Page 3: Toy story pp

The final scene is perhaps the saddest. (Spoiler alert for those who have not seen the film yet!) Andy gives his childhood toys to a little girl called Bonnie, giving the toys an owner to who would give them more years of fun when playing, while Andy goes to college (university). This scene focuses on Andy’s emotions – how sad he is to let go of something that played a huge part in is childhood. This gives the idea that teenagers can still be childish, even though they are getting closer to adulthood, leaving childhood behind. It shows that teenagers are not what some newspapers, and magazines make them out to be: wearing hoodies, playing on an Xbox 360/PS3 while drinking, taking drugs and breaking the law. Andy is hardly going to take a knife and attack Bonnie. He is just a 17 year old, letting go of childhood and stepping into the world of grown-ups.

MollyCamera: What can be said about Molly? Well to honest, I really don’t want to say about the girl who we were introduced to as the little baby girl who, we were introduced to in the first Toy Story film but…She’s annoying. She’s the typical little sister that gets in the way, wanting all of your stuff that you see in so many cartoons. We don’t get to see her much in all three films but, we are left with big impressions of what she is like. Take the very start of the film when we see the now 8 year old Molly (at least I am lead to believe she is 8), for the first time - she is off camera when we hear her and this is when Andy shouts “Molly out of my room!” This shows the idea that Molly, along with other children her age are always looking though their older brother/sisters things, causing Andy to assume that Molly put his phone in his old toy box, which was actually something the toys did to get Andy’s attention. She gets little scene time, at least, less than Andy himself and the mum and when she is, she is nearly always in the background, suggesting the idea of younger children always getting in the way. Editing: Unlike 10 year old Andy, Molly is always seen in the house, either at the top of the stairs, in her own room or in Andy’s room, suggesting she is not very outgoing. As I have already said, Molly gets very little scene time, showing the idea of little girls and boys getting in the way of his/her older brother/sister.

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This picture was taken from a scene with Molly in Andy’s room. Once again, not all focus is on her but, on Andy’s reaction. This image has been zoomed in as Andy took up most of the screen at this point, even though Molly is speaking.

To some, it may be surprising to see that it is actually Molly – an 8 year old, looks far more care free than Andy who, as many people believe, should have been like this as, it is known in films, cartoons and magazines that teenagers are meant to be the care free people who do as they please. However, this shot gives impression that children are the care free people, who don’t worry about adulthood, as they are so far away from the day, of becoming 18. To Andy, it is a big deal, since he is only a year away or less from becoming 18, and is taking the huge step to going to college (university).

Molly seems very relaxed, always listening to music and looking through Andy’s thing, trying to claim them for her own. However, in the very scene this image was taken from, Molly says to Andy “why do you still have these old toys?” This may suggest that Molly is trying to act more grow-up than she really is. Perhaps it is to annoy her older brother, maybe she feels pressured into acting more mature, or it could just be her being herself.

Molly’s room is the typical colour expected for a young girl to have which is pink. It’s like Andy’s room as he is a boy therefore, his room is blue. It is liking saying that all boys love the colour blue, while all girls love the colour pink, which is an image often given out in media although, as all know is not always true.

Mise-en-scene: Let’s talk about what can see on scene that tells us about the idea of people at Molly’s age.

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 The children at Sunnyside Day-care: The Caterpillar Room

Camera: The children in the Caterpillar Room at Sunnyside Day-care are around 2 years old, maybe a little older or younger. They are only little, but the camera zoomed in on them from below, to show how big and intimidating these young, children can be to the toys. From what we see, is not very appealing. The camera focuses on the children’s faces with snot dripping from their noses, slobber from their mouths, and nappies full of something deadly… However, you can’t ignore the cute, huge eyes, cheeky little smiles and laughs. This shows children at this age group to be curious to the world around them – fascinated by new toys. They may be a little heavy handed, as can be seen my how they treat the toys, but they don’t understand that things are breakable that, and the fact that no one (besides Sid Philips in the first film) know that toys are alive. You tend to notice innocence in their faces, making it seem strange to be seen as monsters to the toys, until you see how they play with plays.

Editing: There is a lot of editing when we first meet the youngest members of Sunnyside, cutting and changing from one place to another, at a quick pace, giving the sense of excitement, and displaying the children being full of energy. Everywhere you look, there is a child throwing toys, pulling them apart, shoving small toy parts up their noses, screaming, shouting and laughing. This shows children to be energetic, and with a huge misunderstand of how to take care of their or someone else’s belongings, showing dramatic difference between these children and both Molly and Andy, as said by Rex “Andy never played with us like that”. This scene alone is full of madness, watching these children throwing the main characters (who we have come to love after watching the previous films), across the room. Mise-en-scene: Unlike the Molly and Andy’s scenes, there is a lot and energetic music, giving a sense of madness, with these children being out of control, almost like wild animals. As I have mentioned previously, the children are cute yet ugly at the same time. Cute due to the fact that they have cute laughs, smiles and faces but ugly, due to the snot, spit and dirty nappies. These characters are surrounded by bright colours, not just the pink found in Molly’s room, or the blue in Andy’s. This shows innocents, and the idea of the children having a creative mind, curious to see everything and find out what it does.

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The children at Sunnyside Day-care: The Butterfly RoomCamera: The camera style is very different from the children in the Butterfly room to the style for the children in the Caterpillar room. The camera at first focuses above the children proving a calm atmosphere. These children are older than the children in the caterpillar room, being around 5 years old. When the camera focuses on one child, they are sitting down, playing nicely with a toy, and treating the toys with a lot of care, making sure they don’t break them. The children stay in on area of the screen, instead of running everywhere. The camera position is from below, making them seen less big and scary to the toys, and less heavy handed. This gives the idea that the older children get, the more mature they become, instead of being immature.

Editing: Scenes don’t change as quickly as they did in the Caterpillar room, which does not happen a lot and when is does, is focuses on one place instead of moving around, trying to catch up with moving a character, which is not needed, as the characters stay in one place.

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Wreck It Ralph

Wreck It Ralph is a fun Family film, which therefore means that there are kids in it, doing what some believe that kids do best, therefore I have chosen to do this film

Vanellope Von Schweetz

Camera – Vanellope may be a glitch in the video game “Sugar Rush” but even so, she is still a child. Because of her size, the camera either focuses above her, looking down on her, next to someone’s legs to show how small she is, or high up, so she can see eye to taller characters showing that she is very confident, even if she bullied by the other races because of being a “mistake” put into the game. Cameras are always focusing on her when she is in a bright back ground, showing that even though she is young, Vanellope is positive thing, however there are moments when she is in darker places, showing that deep down, she find it hard to cope with being the odd one out and therefore not part of a friendship group, a bit like situation seen at schools.

Editing – Vanellope appears to be a lot like the character Molly from the film “Toy Story 3” when we first see her. She says things to annoy he older characters. In Molly’s case it is her older brother Andy, while for Vanellpoe it is Wreak It Ralph. Both try to act like the better one out of the older characters, by teasing them, appearing as a nuisance that has no need to be there. Unlike Molly however, Vanellope is a main character, allowing us to dive deeper into what makes her tick, while Molly remains to be that girl who annoyed Andy at the start of the film, showing that children are more complicated that the media may make them look. Children are not just one thing. Kids are not just naughty, or shy. Children can be many things combined into one.Mise-en-scene -  Vanellope is not the typical little girl you may expect. She is not a girly girl, loving the colour pink and cute toys. She lives in a world full of racing cars and where Vanellope is, a car is not far behind. There is a part in the film were she learns that she is a princess but takes the micky out of Disney princesses which, is surprising since Wreak It Ralph is a Disney film. Unlike most little girl who would love to be a princess, Vanellope choses to be the President of Sugar Rush, showing that not all girls like to be pink princesses best the title is cute.

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Sugar Rush racers

Camera – The Sugar are considered the bad guys until the real villain is revealed (not to spoil it for people who have not seen the film) They are the bullies, being mean to Vanellope because she is different. This represents the cruel children of the world who pick on others weaknesses to make themselves feel much better about themselves. These sweet looking and innocent on their game when the arcade is open, but these harsh children are mean and never hesitating to give a glitch the cold shoulder. They are always seen in bright, cheerful areas, but the cruel faces they pull when Vanellope shows herself, shows the nasty side to some people in the new generation.

Editing – This group of children are loyal to their leader King Candy despite knowing about his negative attitude towards Vanellope racing, they don’t make their own decisions, instead, helping to stop Vanellope from taking part in the game. When the arcade is open, they seen to be happy and helpful, but when it is closed, they show their true colours towards how they feel the different people. This gives the idea that some children can be two faced and cruel towards others.

Mise-en-scene – These cruel kids really have a sweet tooth for being mean which contradicts with their surrounding, being bright, colourful, full of a child’s favourite thing - sweets. Chocolate rivers, candy cane trees, gummy bears, lolly pops and lots and lots of sugar.

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Total Girl – Magazine

This time I have decided to look at a teenage magazine and not films since, magazines are very popular with young people and gives the outside world ideas towards what the young generation is like.

Camera -   In this book cover is a young female in a lit area, giving people the idea that all girls are fresh faced, have clear skin with no sigh of any teenage spots are any faults in their faces, just perfect, with perfect hair, make-up, perfect everything which is not true. The truth is that no one is perfect.

Editing – This girl seem to look perfect and pretty – what every girl wanted to be like and how people see teenage girls in the media, with make-up and a huge love for cute animals and the colour pink.

Mise-en-scene –  This teenager is surrounded by the colour pink. Pink background, pink disco ball, pink logo, pink text, pink everything. Everyone seems to believe that every female that ever lived is obsessed with the colour pink. The same thing goes for boys and the colour blue. There are love hearts, stars, dancing and singing which is not always the case.