trabajo de pilar y alvarito

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lvaro Barrantes MrquezPilar Faria Ojalvo


1.Energy definition.

2.Types of energy.

3.Energy sources.

4.Renewable and non renewable energy.

5.Enviromental impact.

6.Energy power station.

Energy definition:

Energy is the capacity of an object to do a workIt is measured in: calories (cal) , joules (J)1 cal = 4.18 J1000 J = 1kJ

Types of energy

1. Mechanical energy

2. Electrical energy

3. Electromagnetic energy

4. Sound energy

5. Chemical energy

6. Nuclear energy

7. Thermal or calorific energy

Mechanical energy:

It is formed by:

Kinetic energy: Is the energy that object have when they are in movement.

Potential energy: Is the energy that objects have when they are in the position of equilibrium.

Electrical energy:

Is the energy that is associated with electric current. It makes ectrically powered machines work when the are connected to a supply of electricity.

Is the energy that is associated with electric current. It makes ectrically powered machines work when the are connected to a supply of electricity

Electromagnetic energy:

Is the energy transported by electromagnetic waves. Luminous is a type of electromagnetic energy generat

Sound energy:

Is the energy associated with sound waves , transmitted through vibrations.

Chemical energy:

Is the energy stored in subtances during chemical processes.

It can be released or absorbed.

Nuclear energy:

It is the type of energy that is contained in nuclei atoms. It is released during nuclear reactions.

Thermal energy:

Thermal or calorific energy is the energy that comes from the vibrations of particles.

Energy sources:

Are natural resources that provide different forms of energy.This energy is tranformed for especific uses. There are two types of energy sources:-Renewable energy sources-Non renewable energy sources

Renewable energy sources

Renewable enery sources comes from natural resources that are unlimited.

Hydraulic energy:

Is the mechanical energy produce by the movement of water. We need to build dams to store river water. It's have many advantages: it's clean, cheap and non-polluting.

But is so expensive and can also destroy lanscape.

Solar energy:

Isthe energy produced by thermonuclear radiation from inside the sun.Solar energy is clean, unlimited and big power stations are not needed.But solar panels are expensive and sunlight depends on the season,climate and latitude.

Wind energy:

It's produced by the effect of radiation on the atmosphere.It's unlimited, non-polluting and the cost of wind farm is low.But many regions haven't got much wind, and wind turbines produce noise pollution.

Marine energy:

There are several means for generating energy from the sea:

-Tidal energy is the energy extracted form the tides.

-Wave energy is the energy produce by the movement of sea waves.

-Ocean thermal energy is the energy produce from the difference in temperatures between the surface os the sea and the deep sea.

Non-renewable energy sources

Non-renewable energy sources come from natural resources that are limited.

Some types of non-renewable energy causes enviromental problems.

For example:Increased greenhouse effect, acid rain, oil spills, nuclear waste, rrising water temperature and atmospheric pollution.

Nuclear energy:

This is the energy estored in the nuclei of atoms.There are two types:

-Nuclear fusion.

-Nuclear fission.


Coal was formed from the remains of plants that were buried and transformed in the absence of oxygen.

Two methods for extracting coal:

-Open coast mines.

-Undergroud mines.


It's formed from the buried remains of plants and animals that have descomposed because of bacterial action.

The extraction is difficult because it's usually underground.

The extraction is difficult because it's usually underground.

It can be storage and transport by two ways:

Oil tankers or oil pipelines.

Natural gas:

It's a mixture of gases formed from descomposed plants and animals.

Natural gas is extracting by drilling.

It's used in industry and in homes to produce thermal energy, and in thermal power stations to obtain electrical energy.

Enviromental impacts:

Most of the energy consumed in industrialised countries comes from non-renewable energy sources.

This causes enviromental problems such as:

-Increased greenhouse effect:The increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere traps the suns rays so the temperature of the earth encreased.

-Acid rain:The acid rain is caused by burning coal and petroleum, this produce sulphur and nitrogen oxide.

-Oil spills:The oil spills is caused when petroleum is accidently released into the se or because of oil tankers accident.

-Nuclear waste:Nuclear waste is the radioactivity produce by the nuclear power stations and is dangerous for living beings.

-Rising water temperature:Thermal power stations produce hot water and this affect to the water of the river and the sea.

-Atmospheric pollution:This is produce by the particles in suspensio, heavy metals and gases pproduce from the road traffic and insutrial.

Energy power stations:

The water is heated, and this produce vapor. The vapor move turbines that produce energy. They produce mechanical energy that is transform into energy.

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