trade and business promotion in sadc market access map market research from a tariff barrier...

Trade and Business Promotion in SADC Market Access Map Market Research from a tariff barrier perspective

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Page 1: Trade and Business Promotion in SADC Market Access Map Market Research from a tariff barrier perspective

Trade and Business Promotion in SADC

Market Access MapMarket Research from a tariff barrier perspective

Page 2: Trade and Business Promotion in SADC Market Access Map Market Research from a tariff barrier perspective

Training of Trainers in Market Analysis


• Background – market access issues today

• Presentation – Market Access Map

• Practical Exercises

Page 3: Trade and Business Promotion in SADC Market Access Map Market Research from a tariff barrier perspective

Training of Trainers in Market Analysis

Are tariff barriers still a problem?

Source: 2004 UN Report of the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals – (estimates from UNCTAD, World Bank & WTO)

Page 4: Trade and Business Promotion in SADC Market Access Map Market Research from a tariff barrier perspective

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Market Access Trends

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• The average developing country belongs to 5 separate regional trade agreements (Global Economic Prospects, Trade Regionalism and Development, World Bank, 2005) – eg EU, NAFTA, COMESA

• Hard to keep track of what tariffs your own country applies and faces as well as the tariffs faced by your competitors

• Need for greater transparency on tariffs and rules of origin

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Training of Trainers in Market Analysis









1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Source: Spinanger, Dean “Misuse of AD measures and NTBs”, 2002

Average number of antidumping measures per year

AverageAPECTariff Rate %

Market Access Trends

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Market Access Trends

• Increase in use of non-tariff measures

• Eg: Environmental measures include measures covering:– Food and Plant health standards– Production regulations– Testing requirements – Certification procedures

• US$ 300 billion of world imports are potentially affected by environmental protectionism, of which less than 10 per cent manages to reach the requested standards.

Source: An Assessment of Environmentally-Related Non-Tariff Measures, Lionel Fontagné, Friedrich von Kirchbach, Mondher Mimouni, considering data for 2001

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Page 9: Trade and Business Promotion in SADC Market Access Map Market Research from a tariff barrier perspective

Training of Trainers in Market Analysis

A quick tariff

search for companie


Page 10: Trade and Business Promotion in SADC Market Access Map Market Research from a tariff barrier perspective

Training of Trainers in Market Analysis

Start typing your product name or code & select a match from the

drop-down list of possible options

Choose whether you wish to see

the most detailed

product codes (national tariff line) or at the

HS 6 digit level

Page 11: Trade and Business Promotion in SADC Market Access Map Market Research from a tariff barrier perspective

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Harmonised System - Quick Revision

• International• 08 Edible fruit and nuts; peel of citrus fruits or melons

– 0804 Dates, figs, pineapples, avocados, guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh or dried

• 080450 Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh or dried

• National (e.g. USA)

– 08045040 Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, fresh

– 08045080 Guavas, mangoes and mangosteens, dried

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Preferences are displayed (if

applicable) as well as the MFN or general rate

Page 13: Trade and Business Promotion in SADC Market Access Map Market Research from a tariff barrier perspective

See trade regimes that a

country applies or faces and

rules of origin for many


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Click to see

rules of origin

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Training of Trainers in Market Analysis

Rules of Origin - NAFTA

Page 16: Trade and Business Promotion in SADC Market Access Map Market Research from a tariff barrier perspective

Which trading partners offer

the best market access for

Ghana’s cocoa beans?

Page 17: Trade and Business Promotion in SADC Market Access Map Market Research from a tariff barrier perspective

Scroll through the importing countries alphabetically….


Page 18: Trade and Business Promotion in SADC Market Access Map Market Research from a tariff barrier perspective

Click on the heading “level of protection” to sort by those offering

the lowest tariff

Page 19: Trade and Business Promotion in SADC Market Access Map Market Research from a tariff barrier perspective

Or use the filter to show all the records in

one page

Page 20: Trade and Business Promotion in SADC Market Access Map Market Research from a tariff barrier perspective

Training of Trainers in Market Analysis

Create a variety of useful reports on

your country or on one of your trading


Page 21: Trade and Business Promotion in SADC Market Access Map Market Research from a tariff barrier perspective

Training of Trainers in Market AnalysisTop 200 export transactions, the

import partner per transaction and the

top 3 exporters to the partner

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Training of Trainers in Market Analysis

Page 23: Trade and Business Promotion in SADC Market Access Map Market Research from a tariff barrier perspective

Training of Trainers in Market Analysis

Page 24: Trade and Business Promotion in SADC Market Access Map Market Research from a tariff barrier perspective

Training of Trainers in Market Analysis

Page 25: Trade and Business Promotion in SADC Market Access Map Market Research from a tariff barrier perspective
Page 26: Trade and Business Promotion in SADC Market Access Map Market Research from a tariff barrier perspective

Imagine we want to compare the tariffsof several products

exported to several markets

And we’d like to see our country’ssituation relative to our competitors

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Training of Trainers in Market Analysis

Click on the “Detailed Analysis” tab – it will

expand to reveal 3 sub tabs. Select “Applied


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Page 29: Trade and Business Promotion in SADC Market Access Map Market Research from a tariff barrier perspective

Compare the protection levels using AVEs.

Page 30: Trade and Business Promotion in SADC Market Access Map Market Research from a tariff barrier perspective

Training of Trainers in Market Analysis

Types of tariff barriers…

• Ad valorem tariffs: – levied on the basis of the value– Eg: 20% of the value of the imported product (majority of countries)

• Specific tariffs:– levied on the basis of volume or weight or unit– Eg: $2 per kilogram (Switzerland, USA, EU, Japan)

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Training of Trainers in Market Analysis

MAcMap Features: Ad Valorem Equivalents

• Ad valorem equivalent tariffs for – specific tariffs, tariff quotas and anti-dumping measures

• AVE = Specific tariff per unit • Unit Value

• AVEs allow us to aggregate tariffs at the sector or regional level; and

• AVEs allow us to compare the protection levels of different countries

• Total AVE – sum of each of the ad valorem equivalents

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Training of Trainers in Market Analysis

Example – why is this is an issue?

Imagine Switzerlandapplies a tariff of $100 per ton to imports of fish fillets from South Africa &Ghana

If Ghana’s exported fish fillets were worth $200 per ton

If South Africa’s exported fish fillets were worth $100 per ton

the equivalent tariff would be 100%

the equivalent tariff faced would be only 50% !

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Compare exporters

AVEs make it easy to

compare the protection applied to different exporters

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Additional support material

A glossary to look up tariff terminology

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Search the Glossary for the term you with to learn more


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Read about the Market Access

Map methodology for calculating


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Training of Trainers in Market Analysis

Sources of Data• Market Access Map is updated as new tariff data becomes available. Data is

sourced from:

– 2005 data currently available for 25 EU countries, USA, Canada, Switzerland and Tunisia

– Tariff data reported to the UN Tariff and Market Access Database (UN TARMAC) of ITC and UNCTAD

– Bound tariff data from the Consolidated Tariff Schedule of the WTO

– Tariff quota data from WTO (agricultural notification of tariff quota) and national sources for bilateral and regional tariff quota agreements

– Notifications from member countries of the WTO regarding anti-dumping duties and ITC collection directly from some countries.

– Trade data from national sources, IDB (integrated database) /WTO and the COMTRADE database of the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD).

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Training of Trainers in Market Analysis

Summary: features of MacMap

• WIDE GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE: tariffs applied by 170 countries to the products exported by over 200 countries and territories.

• WIDE COVERAGE OF INSTRUMENTS: Covers: ad-valorem tariffs; specific tariffs; tariff quotas; and antidumping duties

• PREFERENCES: Covers most bilateral and regional agreements. Rules of Origin and Certificates of origin are also included for many agreements.

• ANALYTICAL FLEXIBILITY: Permits analysis by region, by economic sector or by measure