traditional food + trim healthy mama 1-week … menu plan...methods to keep my weight under control....

Traditional Food + Trim Healthy Mama 1-Week Menu Plan

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Page 1: Traditional Food + Trim Healthy Mama 1-Week … Menu Plan...Methods to keep my weight under control. From May of 2014 to May of 2015, I lost more than 30 pounds. At the time of this

Traditional Food + Trim Healthy Mama

1-Week Menu Plan

Page 2: Traditional Food + Trim Healthy Mama 1-Week … Menu Plan...Methods to keep my weight under control. From May of 2014 to May of 2015, I lost more than 30 pounds. At the time of this

Traditional Cooking School by GNOWFGLINS "

Hi and Welcome!

I’m Wardee from Traditional Cooking School at GNOWFGLINS. I’m the author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Fermenting Foods and I love using Traditional Methods to keep my weight under control. From May of 2014 to May of 2015, I lost more than 30 pounds. At the time of this writing, I have kept the weight off, and have continued to lose fat and build muscle. (It’s now February 2017.)

People who know me in real life may have wondered that I had 30 pounds to lose. Well, I did (need to lose it). I’m tall and carried it pretty well — yet it got in my way, made me depressed, and I wanted it gone!

And it’s not like I hadn’t been trying other ways to lose it.

Here’s where I found myself. I was working out regularly and watching my “carbs”. Yet even though I’d been eating healthy for many years, I was still gaining a bit of weight each year (though not excessive amounts… just a bit).

It’s super obvious now that I’ve put my before and after photos next to each other (photo at right). I don’t have a full body photo from “before” — however, look at the chubbiness in my face and upper body!

And the numbers? Well, I already told you one of them — 30 pounds lost. I don’t actually know how much I weigh now, though, because our scale is unreliable that way. What I do know is how much it has moved in a year — 30 pounds down. I was in a tight 14 and now I’m size 10 (sometimes 8). I’ve also continued to build muscle and re-shape my body through weight lifting.

How Did I Do This?

I ate all traditional foods. I even ate more of those darned carbs than I had been eating before. And, I felt utterly satisfied and in love with my food. I felt more energized and purposeful (which tends to happen when you get consistent results). I lost weight steadily and regularly.

That all’s great. What about the things I didn’t do?

I didn’t feel deprived. I didn’t eat any Frankenfoods. And no — I didn’t follow any diet scheme that was hard in the least. I didn’t lose dramatic or scary amounts of weight all at once (which would suggest starvation or deprivation).

Okay, you’re saying.. this doesn’t make any sense. How can this be? Well, hold on now. Let me explain.

I followed a diet plan called Trim Healthy Mama. (In fact, in Trim Healthy Mama circles, this one year anniversary of following the plan is lovingly named a “Trimaversary” and I reached mine in May 2016.)

Trim Healthy Mama In Simple Terms

A very simplistic overview of Trim Healthy Mama is this:

There are 2 types of foods that provide fuel — carbs and fats. As we age or get more sedentary, we need less of these fuel sources, yet we are probably eating the same amounts we always have. Which means, we’re getting more fuel than we need.

Uh-oh. And what happens to the excess? The body stores it as body fat. Uh-oh is right.

The simple way around this is to avoid eating both types of fuels (fat and carbs) together in any given meal or snack. While always eating protein; it’s important.

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So the meals are composed of either carbs and protein –OR– fat and protein. That’s how any one meal or snack provides your body with just one fuel source — and therefore nothing extra to store as fat.

And honestly, the fairly easy (in my experience) weight loss probably has a lot to do with reducing excess caloric load, too. When you’re careful about keeping sugar down, for instance, you simply don’t eat extra calories… which don’t get stored as fat.

Again, you’re saying: Hang on! Is there really something to this? Does this really work?

I’m not going to say it works for everyone. Yet it did work for me, and that’s the point of this post — to share my story. (In fact, sharing my story is all I’m allowed to do. Trim Healthy Mama is very clear that users of the plan aren’t authorized to teach the diet to others; so please get the book to get the whole scoop.)

So, yes, this is just my story and my experience. I’m thrilled to share it with you!

You’ve heard about the transformation, now let me tell you some of the ways I implemented this way of eating with 100% traditional foods.

Traditional Foods On Trim Healthy Mama

Although both authors — they are sisters — of Trim Healthy Mama have a healthy bent, one of them is a traditional food lover. This means that traditional foods and methods make regular appearances in the book’s recipes and discussions. However, non-traditional convenience foods make appearances, too.

I’m sharing my take on this plan because I want to show you how I followed it without using non-traditional foods like fake sweeteners or pasta, refined foods, or unnaturally defatted foods.

Traditional foods actually lend themselves very well to separating out their macronutrients such as carbs and fat.

Take a whole chicken, for instance. The dark meat is higher fat (for fat-protein meals) and the light meat is lower fat (for carb-protein meals). Separating the 2 types of chicken meat is easy to do — and I do it all the time. I use the light meat in carb-protein (E – Energizing) meals/snacks; I eat the dark meat in fat-protein (S — Satisfying) meals/snacks.

Or, homemade yogurt from raw milk (or at least non-homogenized): the cream rises to the top just as it does on fresh, raw milk. I skim away that “soured” yogurt cream and make butter out of it, leaving the skimmed yogurt as a naturally low-fat food (and using the butter in S meals). Also, the 24-hour fermentation for my homemade yogurt reduces the milk sugar to virtually nothing. Therefore, both the fat and sugar have been reduced, and that means I can use it in whatever type of meal/snack I want. Combine with fat for an S meal; combine with carbs for an E meal.

Or, homemade cheese. I use skimmed milk (I make butter with the cream) to make homemade cottage cheese or cheddar cheese or easy soft cheese. They’re either fuel-neutral (if fermented long enough for the sugar to be reduced) or E (if the cheese still contains some milk sugar).

Grass-fed beef? Naturally lean protein and therefore can be combined with fat for an S meal or carbs for an E meal.

Wild salmon? Again, a naturally lean protein which can be combined into either an S meal or an E meal.

For more info, check out my list of 19 foods you need to start Trim Healthy Mama with Traditional Foods.

But It’s Not Natural!

Look, I know some reading this may balk that I’m “separating” foods and worrying about which foods I’m eating when. You may be thinking: that’s not natural!

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First of all, separating food really is an age-old practice (just as not separating it is natural, too). For ages, people have skimmed cream to make butter or creme fraiche. They’ve used certain parts of animals for some dishes and other parts for other dishes. And sometimes they leave it all together. Neither separating nor leaving it whole is unnatural or to be feared.

Second, this isn’t meant to be a life-long way of eating. If you have a goal to meet, such as weight loss, it’s a temporary thing to follow to help you meet that goal. It’s a lot like weight lifters who eat their carbs, protein, and fats at specific times — coordinated with their workout schedule. Or someone with compromised gut health eliminating sugars and starches until their gut microbes are in balance again.

Our bodies are beautifully and wonderfully made — and complex. We live in a fallen world; sometimes we have goals that can’t be met through general nutrition, so we need to get a little more specific.

That’s what this has done for me. Trim Healthy Mama has allowed me to stay nourished and lose weight while still eating all the traditional foods I love. All I’ve done is rearrange the order/time/composition of eating them.

Here’s more info to get you started with Trim Healthy Mama:

‣ 19 Foods You Need To Start Trim Healthy Mama With Traditional Foods

‣ How I Lost 30 Pounds In Less Than 1 Year

‣ A Baker’s Dozen Of Tips For Doing Trim Healthy Mama With Traditional Foods

‣ If I Were Starting Trim Healthy Mama With Traditional Foods Over Again…

About This Menu Plan

On the pages that follow, you’ll get to put it all to work for you by following a simple Traditional Food menu plan that includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert for 7 days, plus 6 snacks to mix and match.

All recipes are 100% Trim Healthy Mama “on plan” using Traditional Foods. Most of the recipes make enough to serve the whole family, too! (Although, be sure to check the serving size — as some breakfasts, snacks, and desserts are single serve.)

Before I close here, I want to give a big HUGE thank you to Lindsey Dietz, content director for Traditional Cooking School and blogger at Today In Dietzville. Many of the recipes (and photos) in this menu plan came from her — she’s an awesome cook and friend. :)

—Wardee Harmon from Traditional Cooking School by GNOWFGLINS

P.S. If you are interested in learning more about Traditional Cooking, please look at the very end of this document. There you’ll find out how to enjoy Traditional Cooking School’s premium membership FREE for 30 days… including weekly menu plans, online classes in Traditional Cooking, and much more. You’ll get complete tutorials walking you through the basic skills of traditional cooking so that you can follow Trim Healthy Mama with Traditional Foods into the future!

P.P.S. Be sure to check out the Recommended Resources page for this menu plan to check out the ingredients, equipment, or accessories I recommend to make cooking this menu a breeze. :)

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How to Use this Menu Plan ‣ Print this menu plan. Then you can work off a hard-copy that’s handy and easy to flip through during the

week you follow it.‣ Write the day down on the page for each meal/snack. Be sure to assign each of the 6 snacks to the day

of the week you prefer, too. (Use one of them twice to get through 7 days.)‣ Review the preparations that are needed for each recipe. Each meal/snack/dish details the necessary

preparations.‣ Go shopping (or pantry diving) for the ingredients listed at the end of this planner. Use the number(s)

next to each ingredient to let you know which dish requires it. Make tweaks or substitutions as needed.‣ Sit back and enjoy the simplicity that a little planning offers to your meal preparation!‣ Use these recipes in future week’s menu plans. Each dinner or dish is given its own page. We suggest

keeping a menu plan binder, and swapping pages around as needed to fill your menus.

1-Week Menu

Traditional Food + Trim Healthy Mama

Day 1

Breakfast: Lemon Yogurt Smoothie (S)Lunch: Chicken-Cucumber-Tomato-Mint Salad (S)Dinner: Salmon Cakes with Lemon Mayonnaise (S)

Dessert: Instant Strawberry Ice Cream (S)

Day 2

Breakfast: THM Pancakes with Berry Sauce (E)Lunch: Instant Pot Mexican Beef Stew with Cauli-Rice (S)

Dinner: Salsa Verde Chicken Lettuce Wraps (E)Dessert: Berry Sauce with Yogurt (E)

Day 3

Breakfast: Eggs and Bacon with Steamed Greens, Cottage Cheese and Sauerkraut (S)Lunch: Salmon, Peas and Rice Salad (E)

Dinner: Instant Pot Tikka Masala with Cauli-Rice (S) Dessert: No-Bake Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Tart (S)

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Day 4

Breakfast: Lemon Yogurt Smoothie (FP)Lunch: Crustless Rainbow Quiche (S)

Dinner: Chicken-Cottage Cheese-Radish Salad (E)Dessert: Cottage Berry Whip (E)

Day 5

Breakfast: Scrambled Egg Wraps (S)Lunch: Grain-Free Crab Cakes (FP)

Dinner: Grain-Free Sesame Orange Chicken with Tossed Spaghetti Squash (S)Dessert: Mixed Berry Cobbler (S)

Day 6

Breakfast: THM Pancakes with Berry Sauce (E)Lunch: Tarragon Dijon Meatballs with Garlic-Tarragon Gravy (S)

Dinner: Wild Red Salmon Salad Wraps (E)Dessert: Carrot-Raisin No Bakes (E)

Day 7

Breakfast: Fluffy Grain-Free and Low-Carb Belgian Waffles with Berry Sauce (S)Lunch: Chocolate-Orange Smoothie with Essential Oils (E)

Dinner: Blackened Salmon Over Cajun Zoodles (S)Dessert: Mini Cheesecakes In Jars with Crushed Berry Sauce (S)


Avocado Mint Shake (S)Egg Salad (S)

Grain-Free Mini Cheese Pizzas (S)Coconut Yogurt with Chocolate and Almonds (S)

Low-Fat Lemon Essential Oil Yogurt (FP)Spicy Chipotle Kale Chips (S)

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Day 1 Breakfast: Day of Week: Lemon Yogurt Smoothie (S) The days before

‣Make yogurt (see supplemental recipe #1).

The day of (1/2 hour before breakfast)

‣Make smoothie (see recipe).

Lemon Yogurt Smoothie (S Version)

‣ 2 cups whole milk yogurt (supplemental recipe #1)‣ 1 teaspoon lemon extract‣ 1 tablespoon chia seeds‣ liquid stevia to taste — about 1 dropperful‣ 1/2 to 1 full scoop protein powder (optional)

Serves 1. Shared by Wardee Harmon.

Combine all ingredients in a high-powered blender and blend until mixture is smooth and ingredients are fully incorporated. Pour into a glass jar and serve.

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Day 1 Lunch: Day of Week: Chicken-Cucumber-Tomato-Mint Salad (S)

The days before

‣ Cook crockpot chicken (see supplemental recipe #2).

The day of (1/2 hour before lunch)

‣Make salad (see recipe).

Chicken-Cucumber-Tomato-Mint Salad

‣ 2 cups diced lean white mean from crockpot chicken (supplemental recipe #2)‣ a couple of garden cucumbers, peeled and diced

(or not peeled, it’s up to you)‣ a couple of vine-ripened tomatoes‣ 1/2 onion, diced‣ crushed garlic (optional)‣ sea salt and pepper, to taste‣ organic extra-virgin olive oil, to taste‣ fresh lemon juice, to taste (or raw apple cider

vinegar, coconut vinegar or kombucha)‣ dried mint, a few generous pinches (more if fresh)

Serves 4 to 6. Shared by Wardee Harmon.

Toss all ingredients together in a bowl. This salad is best eaten when fresh, although it does keep for a day or so in the refrigerator.

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Day 1 Dinner: Day of Week: Salmon Cakes with Lemon Mayonnaise (S)

The day of (AM)

‣Make lemon mayonnaise (see recipe).

The day of (about 1 hour before dinner)

‣Make salmon cakes (see recipe).

Salmon Cakes

‣ 1 15-ounce can wild-caught salmon — OR — 15 ounces fresh salmon, lightly poached and flaked‣ 1 pastured egg‣ 2 shallots, finely chopped‣ grated zest of 1 lemon‣ salt and pepper, to taste‣ 1 tablespoon butter, ghee or other fat for frying

Yields 5 medium-size cakes. Recipe shared by Jenny Cazzola.

If using canned salmon, drain. You can remove the bones and the skin for a better presentation, but they are edible and provide additional nourishment. In a large bowl, combine salmon, egg, shallots, lemon zest, salt and pepper. Gently stir with a fork to combine. Form into about 5 patties with your hands. In a large saucepan, melt the fat over low heat. Fry salmon cakes on both sides until light brown and crispy. Serve with lemon mayonnaise (next recipe).

Lemon Mayonnaise

‣ 1 whole pastured egg, room temperature‣ 1 egg yolk, room temperature‣ 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard‣ 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice‣ 1/2 to 3/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil‣ sea salt, to taste‣ sweetener, to taste (optional)‣ 1 teaspoon natural Worcestershire sauce (optional)

Yields 1-1/2 cups. Recipe shared by Jenny Cazzola.

I recommend using an immersion blender for best results and taste, but a food processor or blender will also work. Combine eggs, mustard and lemon juice. Pulse gently to combine. With the blender or processor going, very slowly add the oil in a small, steady stream. Stop when the mixture has thickened. Season to taste with salt and sweetener. Add Worcestershire sauce if desired. Mixture will keep in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. If serving with the salmon cakes, bring to room temperature for best results.

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Day 1 Dessert: Day of Week: Instant Strawberry Ice Cream (S)

The day of (just before serving)

‣Make ice cream (see recipe).

Instant Strawberry Ice Cream

‣ 1-1/2 cups cream, whole milk, kefir, or yogurt -- or even water or juice for sorbet‣ 16 ounces frozen strawberries (about 3 to 4 cups) --

or mixture of berries or other frozen fruit altogether‣ 1/4 teaspoon liquid or powdered stevia, or to taste‣ 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Serves 4 to 5 (1-cup servings). Recipe shared by Wardee Harmon.

Combine all ingredients in the order listed in the Vitamix or Blendtec container.

Put the lid on.

Start the speed on low and increase slowly as the fruit gets broken up fully and the mixture starts circulating pretty freely.

If using the Vitamix, use the tamper while blending to help the mixture circulate.

If using the Blendtec, stop and scrape sizes as needed or use the Twister jar with lid that has side scrapers built in (and a smaller batch).

When there are no longer chunks of fruit and it’s all smooth, it’s done.


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Day 2 Breakfast: Day of Week: THM Pancakes with Berry Sauce (E)

The days before

‣Make pre-soaked oats (see supplemental recipe #3).

The day before (PM)

‣Make berry sauce (see recipe).

The day of (AM)

‣Make pancakes (see recipe).

THM Pancakes

‣ 1 cup pre-soaked oats (supplemental recipe #3)‣ 1 cup low-fat cottage cheese‣ 1 cup egg whites‣ 2 teaspoons baking powder‣ dash of vanilla‣ liquid or powdered stevia to taste (start with a drop

or two of liquid or 1/32 teaspoon of powder)

Yields 9 medium-size pancakes. One serving = 3 pancakes with a small amount of berry sauce. Recipe adapted by Wardee Harmon from the original Trim Healthy Mama book.

Place pre-soaked oats in a blender container and blend until powdered. Stop the blender and add egg whites, cottage cheese, baking powder, vanilla and stevia. Blend until thoroughly combined.

Heat a cast-iron skillet or griddle over medium heat and coat it with a tiny amount of butter. Spoon pancake mixture onto skillet or griddle to make several medium-size pancakes at a time. When the bottom of the pancakes are golden brown and the tops are bubbly, flip over to cook the other side. Transfer to a plate to keep warm while you cook the remaining pancakes. Serve with berry sauce (next recipe).

Berry Sauce

‣ 4 cups fresh or frozen (but thawed) berries‣ a heaping 1/8 cup chia seeds‣ splash of lemon juice‣ stevia to taste

Yields 4 cups. Recipe shared by Wardee Harmon. To double recipe, increase amounts to 8 cups berries and 1/3 cup chia seeds.

Combine all ingredients in a blender container. Blend until you reach the desired consistency. Refrigerate until needed.

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Day 2 Lunch: Day of Week: Instant Pot Mexican Beef Stewwith Cauli-Rice (S)

The days before

‣Make sour cream (see supplemental recipe #4).‣Make guacamole (see supplemental recipe #5).

The day of (about 1 hour before lunch)

‣Make stew (see recipe).‣Make cauli-rice (see recipe).

Instant Pot Mexican Beef Stew

‣ 2 tablespoons fat — lard, avocado oil, coconut oil or butter‣ 1 medium to large onion, diced‣ 2 pounds stew meat, thawed‣ 2 teaspoons sea salt‣ 2 teaspoons cumin‣ 1 teaspoon smoked paprika‣ 1 teaspoon dried oregano‣ 1/2 teaspoon white pepper‣ 1/2 teaspoon chipotle powder‣ 1 cup bone broth‣ 1 15-ounce can fire-roasted tomatoes‣ 1 6-ounce can diced green chiles‣ toppings: shredded cheddar cheese, fresh cilantro,

sour cream (supplemental recipe #4), guacamole (supplemental recipe #5)

Serves 4 to 6. Recipe shared by Lindsey Dietz.

Press the Sauté button on the Instant Pot and add the fat to the pot. Once melted, add the diced onion and sauté 2 to 3 minutes. Coat the stew meat in all of the spices in a separate bowl. Add seasoned meat to the Instant Pot to sear the meat for 2 to 3 minutes. Pour in the broth, tomatoes, and green chiles. Place the lid on the Instant Pot, and make sure the vent is closed. Change the setting to Manual and adjust the time to 30 minutes. Release the vent when it beeps, and allow the pressure and steam to escape. Remove the lid and serve over cauli-rice (next recipe).


‣ 1 head cauliflower, trimmed and cut into florets‣ 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil‣ 1 teaspoon sesame oil‣ 1/2 cup finely diced yellow onion‣ 1 clove garlic, minced‣ 1/2 cup water

Serves 6. Adapted from a recipe in Against All Grain, by Danielle Walker.

Using a handheld cheese grater or a food processor fitted with a grating attachment, grate cauliflower florets into “rice grains.” Heat olive oil in a large skillet or wok over medium-high heat. Add onion and garlic and sauté for 5 minutes. Add the riced cauliflower, and continue cooking for 5 to 7 minutes, until onions are translucent. Add water, cover and steam for 5 minutes, until the cauliflower is cooked and the water has been absorbed.

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Day 2 Dinner: Day of Week: Salsa Verde Chicken Lettuce Wraps (E)

The day of (about 4 hours before dinner)

‣ Cook chicken (see recipe).

Salsa Verde Chicken Lettuce Wraps (E)

‣ 1 to 1-1/2 pounds bone-in chicken breast (you can use boneless if you prefer, but the bone-in stays more moist, in my experience)‣ 1 to 2 teaspoons salt‣ 2 teaspoons cumin‣ 1/2 to 1 teaspoon chipotle powder (depending on

how spicy you like it)‣ 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder‣ 1-1/2 cups salsa verde (homemade or in a jar, if you

can find a brand with clean ingredients)‣ green leaf or Romaine lettuce leaves

Serves 4 to 6. Recipe shared by Lindsey Dietz.

First, remove skin from the chicken breast. Combine seasonings together in a small bowl and mix well. Lay the chicken in your crockpot, and sprinkle the seasoning blend over one side of the chicken. Then pour the salsa verde over the top. Cook on low for 3 to 4 hours.

Remove chicken from the crockpot and transfer to a plate or cutting board. If you used bone-in breasts, now is the time to remove the bones and set aside for bone broth later. Using two forks, shred the chicken, then put the shredded chicken back into the crockpot and stir it around to coat it in all the juicy-ness left inside. If not serving immediately, turn the crockpot off, but leave the lid in place to keep the salsa verde chicken warm. To serve, scoop salsa verde chicken into lettuce leaves and roll up.

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Day 2 Dessert: Day of Week: Berry Sauce with Yogurt (E)

The days before

‣Make yogurt (see supplemental recipe #1) or use leftover from day 1 breakfast.

The day of (AM)

‣Make berry sauce or use leftover berry sauce from day 2 breakfast.

Yogurt with Berry Sauce

‣ 4 cups fresh or frozen (but thawed) berries‣ a heaping 1/8 cup chia seeds‣ splash of lemon juice‣ stevia to taste

Yields 4 cups. Recipe shared by Wardee Harmon. To double recipe, increase amounts to 8 cups berries and 1/3 cup chia seeds.

Make the berry sauce:

Combine all ingredients in a blender container. Blend until you reach the desired consistency. Refrigerate until needed.

Serve with 1/2 to 1 cup of low-fat yogurt (cream skimmed and reserved for other uses).

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Day 3 Breakfast: Day of Week: Eggs and Bacon with Steamed Greens,Cottage Cheese and Sauerkraut (S)

The days before

‣Make sauerkraut (see supplemental recipe #6).

The day of (about 1/2 hour before breakfast)

‣ Cook eggs and bacon (see recipe).‣ Steam greens (see recipe).

Eggs and Bacon with Cottage Cheese

‣ 1 to 2 eggs per person‣ 2 to 3 slices of bacon per person‣ 1 teaspoon butter‣ cottage cheese‣ sea salt and pepper to taste

Servings vary. Recipe shared by Sonya Hemmings.

Melt butter in a skillet over medium heat. Add bacon slices and fry until crispy. Pour bacon fat out of skillet, reserving about a tablespoon. Fry eggs in bacon fat, seasoning with salt and pepper. Serve with cottage cheese, steamed greens (next recipe) and sauerkraut (supplemental recipe #6).

Steamed Greens

‣ 1 pound spinach, kale or other leafy greens — or a mixture‣ small amount of water‣ 2 tablespoons butter‣ sea salt and pepper to taste

Serves 4. Recipe shared by Wardee Harmon.

Steam greens for a few minutes in a pot with a small amount of water. Let it wilt but remain bright. Remove from heat. Pour off water while pressing greens to remove more liquid (press gently!). Toss with butter until melted. Season to taste with sea salt and pepper. Serve.

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Day 3 Lunch: Day of Week: Salmon, Peas and Rice Salad (E)

The day before (PM)

‣ Soak rice (see supplemental recipe #7).

The day of (1 hour before lunch)

‣ Cook rice (see supplemental recipe #7).‣ Steam peas (see recipe).‣ Cook salmon (see recipe).

Salmon, Peas and Rice Salad

‣ 1 pound wild-caught Alaskan salmon fillets‣ 4 cups soaked and cooked rice (supplemental

recipe #7)‣ 2 cups organically-grown sweet peas, steamed and

cooled‣ 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil‣ 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar‣ 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon fresh (or 1-1/2 teaspoon

dried) dill‣ salt and pepper, to taste

Serves 6 to 8. Recipe shared by Lindsey Proctor.

Season salmon fillets, to taste, with salt, pepper, lemon juice and 1 teaspoon fresh or 1/2 teaspoon dried dill. Warm a large skillet over medium-low heat and coat with butter or coconut oil to prevent fish from sticking. Add salmon and increase heat to medium-high. Cook fish for 4 minutes, flip using a spatula, and cook another 4 minutes. The salmon is cooked when it is firm to the touch and flakes apart easily with a fork. Remove salmon from pan and flake into small pieces using two forks. Set aside to cool. In a small mixing bowl, whisk oil, vinegar, dill, salt and pepper until thoroughly combined. In a large bowl, combine cooked rice, peas, salmon and dressing. Toss to combine. Enjoy hot, room temperature or cold!

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Day 3 Dinner: Day of Week: Instant Pot Tikka Masalawith Cauli-Rice (S)

The days before

‣Make yogurt (see supplemental recipe #1).The day of (about 1 hour before dinner)

‣Make tikka masala (see recipe).‣Make cauli-rice (see recipe).

Instant Pot Tikka Masala

‣ 1 tablespoon butter or ghee‣ 1 tablespoon coconut oil‣ 1 large onion, diced‣ 1 tablespoon garam masala‣ 2 teaspoons salt, more to taste if needed‣ 1 teaspoon cumin‣ 1 teaspoon turmeric‣ 1 teaspoon ground coriander‣ 1 teaspoon chili powder‣ 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper‣ 6 to 7 cloves garlic, diced‣ 2 inches of fresh ginger, peeled and diced‣ 1 24-ounce can organic diced or crushed tomatoes‣ 1-1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts‣ 3 tablespoons yogurt (supplemental recipe #1)‣ 2 tablespoons almond or cashew butter

Serves 4 to 6. Recipe shared by Lindsey Dietz.

Press the Sauté button on the Instant Pot and add the butter and coconut oil to melt. Add the diced onion and sauté 3 to 5 minutes. Add the spices and stir, cooking about 1 minute, until fragrant. Then add garlic, ginger, and diced tomatoes.

Place the chicken breasts into the Instant Pot, submerging them under the tomato-spice mixture. Lock the lid, make sure the vent is sealed, and press the Manual button. Adjust the time down to 16 minutes.

When the Instant Pot beeps, release the pressure and allow the steam to escape before removing the lid. Using tongs, remove the chicken from the pot and shred. You can do this manually, with two forks, or you can use a stand mixer on low with the paddle attachment. I prefer the latter! Once the chicken is shredded, set it aside.

Using an immersion blender, blend the tomato-spice sauce until smooth and creamy. If you do not have an immersion blender, you can use a regular stand blender — just be careful to vent the blender!

Stir in the almond/cashew butter and yogurt. Add the shredded chicken back to the pot. Serve over cauli-rice (next recipe).


‣ 1 head cauliflower, trimmed and cut into florets‣ 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil‣ 1 teaspoon sesame oil‣ 1/2 cup finely diced yellow onion‣ 1 clove garlic, minced‣ 1/2 cup water

Serves 6. Adapted from a recipe in Against All Grain, by Danielle Walker.

Using a handheld cheese grater or a food processor fitted with a grating attachment, grate cauliflower florets into “rice grains.” Heat olive oil in a large skillet or wok over medium-high heat. Add onion and garlic and sauté for 5 minutes. Add the riced cauliflower, and continue cooking for 5 to 7 minutes, until onions are translucent. Add water, cover and steam for 5 minutes, until the cauliflower is cooked and the water has been absorbed.

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Day 3 Dessert: Day of Week: No-Bake Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Tart (S)

The day before (PM)

‣ Soak pumpkin seeds (see recipe).

The day of (AM)

‣Make tart and refrigerate (see recipe).

No-Bake Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Tart

For the no-bake crust:

‣ 1/2 cup raw pumpkin seeds, soaked overnight, drained, and rinsed‣ 3/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut‣ 2 tablespoons coconut oil‣ 1/4 teaspoon sea salt

For the sugar-free strawberry filling:

‣ 1-1/2 cups frozen strawberries, thawed and at room temperature‣ 3/4 cup full fat coconut milk‣ 1 tablespoon sustainably-sourced gelatin‣ 1/32 teaspoon stevia extract

For the chocolate topping:

‣ 1/3 cup Lily's stevia-sweetened chocolate chips

Makes 6 to 8 slices. Recipe shared by Lindsey Dietz.

To make the no-bake crust:

Place all crust ingredients into a food processor. Then pulse until it begins to form a dough-like consistency, stopping to scrape down the sides of the processor if needed. Press into an 8" or 9" tart pan. Refrigerate while you prepare the strawberry filling.

To make the sugar-free strawberry filling:

Pour coconut milk into a small sauce pan set over low-medium heat. Sprinkle the gelatin over the top of the coconut milk. Gently warm the coconut milk, whisking in the gelatin until there are no lumps left.

Pour the coconut milk/gelatin into a blender. Add the room temperature strawberries and stevia. Process until smooth. Pour into prepared tart crust.

To make the chocolate topping:

Over a bain-marie, melt the chocolate, whisking until smooth. (I use a glass bowl over a pot of boiling water as my bain-marie.) Then spoon, pour, or drizzle over the strawberry tart in whatever pattern you like.

Refrigerate the tart until set. Remove the edge of the tart pan and serve.

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Day 4 Breakfast: Day of Week: Lemon Yogurt Smoothie (FP)

The days before

‣Make yogurt (see supplemental recipe #1).

The day of (1/2 hour before breakfast)

‣Make smoothie (see recipe).

Lemon Yogurt Smoothie (FP Version)

‣ 2 cups skimmed milk yogurt (supplemental recipe #8)‣ 1 teaspoon lemon extract‣ 1 tablespoon chia seeds‣ liquid stevia to taste — about 1 dropperful‣ 1/2 to 1 full scoop protein powder (optional)

Serves 1. Recipe shared by Wardee Harmon.

Combine all ingredients in a high-powered blender and blend until mixture is smooth and ingredients are fully incorporated. Pour into a glass jar and serve.

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Day 4 Lunch: Day of Week: Crustless Rainbow Quiche (S)

The day of (1 hour before breakfast)

‣Make quiche (see recipe).

Crustless Rainbow Quiche

‣ 1 10-ounce bag organic frozen spinach, thawed‣ 6 slices bacon, chopped‣ 1/4 onion, diced‣ 10 asparagus stalks, cut into 2-inch pieces‣ 1 sweet red pepper (or 1/4 bell pepper of the same

color)‣ 1 sweet yellow pepper (or 1/4 bell pepper of the

same color)‣ 1 sweet orange pepper (or 1/4 bell pepper of the

same color)‣ 4 cloves garlic, crushed‣ 10 pastured eggs‣ 1/2 teaspoon sea salt‣ a few grinds of fresh cracked pepper‣ 1-1/2 cups raw cheddar cheese (optional)

Serves 8. Recipe shared by Lindsey Dietz.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and lightly grease a 9-inch deep dish pie pan.

Remove all the water from the thawed spinach by placing it in a few layers of cheesecloth and squeezing over the sink. Set aside.

Heat a cast-iron skillet over medium heat and add chopped bacon. Cook until crisp, then remove to a paper towel-lined plate to drain. Reserve the grease in the pan and add diced onion and asparagus. Sauté 5 to 6 minutes. Then add diced peppers and sauté another 2 to 3 minutes. Remove from heat and add crushed cloves of garlic. Stir well to incorporate.

Break eggs into a large mixing bowl and whisk. Add drained spinach, sautéed veggies, salt and pepper. Stir to evenly distribute all ingredients. Fold in grated cheddar, if using. Bake for 40 to 45 minutes, or until center is set.

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Day 4 Dinner: Day of Week: Chicken-Cottage Cheese-Radish Salad (E)

The days before

‣ Cook crockpot chicken (see supplemental recipe #2).

The day of (1/2 hour before dinner)

‣Make salad (see recipe).

Chicken-Cottage Cheese-Radish Salad

‣ 2 cups diced lean white meat from crockpot chicken (supplemental recipe #2) ‣ 8 to 10 radishes, thinly sliced‣ 1/2 cucumber, peeled, sliced in quarter slices‣ 8 to 10 cherry tomatoes, halved‣ 2 tablespoons green onion, diced‣ 1/4 small onion, sliced thinly‣ 1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped‣ 1 tablespoon fresh basil, chopped‣ 1/2 to 3/4 cup low-fat cottage cheese‣ 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice‣ 2 tablespoons skimmed milk yogurt (supplemental

recipe #8)‣ 1/2 teaspoon sea salt, or to taste‣ 1/8 teaspoon pepper, or to taste‣ 1/4 teaspoon garlic powder‣ baby greens, or larger greens torn into bite-size


Serves 4. Recipe shared by Sonya Hemmings.

Toss all but greens together in a mixing bowl. Taste and adjust seasonings. Arrange greens on the bottom of each salad bowl. Top with the vegetable cottage cheese mixture and serve. Enjoy!

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Day 4 Dessert: Day of Week: Cottage Berry Whip (E)

The day of (just before serving)

‣Make cottage berry whip (see recipe).

Cottage Berry Whip

‣ 1/2 cup low-fat cottage cheese‣ 1/2 cup frozen berries‣ 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon liquid or powdered stevia, or to

taste‣ dash of vanilla

Serves 1. Recipe adapted from the original Trim Healthy Mama book.

Blend all ingredients together in high-powered blender such as Vitamix or Blendtec, or in food processor. Don’t overblend or it will melt.

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Day 5 Breakfast: Day of Week: Scrambled Egg Wraps (S)

The days before

‣Make coconut flour tortillas (see supplemental recipe #8).

The day of (1/2 hour before dinner)

‣ Cook eggs and assemble wraps (see recipe).

Scrambled Egg Wraps

‣ 2 to 3 pastured eggs‣ 1 tablespoon butter‣ sea salt and pepper to taste‣ toppings: shredded cheddar cheese, cottage

cheese, diced onion, sliced avocado, etc.‣ coconut flour tortillas (supplemental recipe #8)

Serves 2. Recipe shared by Wardee Harmon.

Melt butter in a skillet over medium heat, and scramble eggs. Season with salt and pepper. Place eggs atop coconut flour tortillas, top with desired toppings, and roll up or fold over tortillas.

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Day 5 Lunch: Day of Week: Grain-Free Crab Cakes (FP)

The day of (about 45 minutes before lunch)

‣Make crab cakes (see recipe).

Grain-Free Crab Cakes

‣ 1 pastured egg, beaten‣ 2 tablespoons low-fat or 0% Greek yogurt‣ 1 tablespoon Cajun seasoning (slightly less if you

don’t like a bit of spicy)‣ 2 teaspoons Dijon mustard‣ 1/4 teaspoon salt‣ 1 shallot, minced‣ 1 clove garlic, minced‣ 2 to 3 tablespoons coconut flour‣ 16 ounces wild-caught lump crab meat, juices


Yields 8 crab cakes (1 serving = 2 crab cakes). Recipe shared by Lindsey Dietz.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit and line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.

In a mixing bowl, whisk the egg. Then whisk in the yogurt, Cajun seasoning, mustard, salt, shallots, garlic and coconut flour. Last, gently fold in the crab meat until everything is incorporated.

Use a 1/3 cup measuring cup as a mold for the cakes. Press the crab mixture into the measuring cup, then tap out onto the baking sheet. Bake 25 minutes.

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Day 5 Dinner: Day of Week: Grain-Free Sesame Orange Chicken with Tossed Spaghetti Squash (S)

The day of (1-1/2 hours before dinner)

‣ Bake spaghetti squash (see recipe).

The day of (about1 hour before dinner)

‣Make sesame orange chicken (see recipe).‣ Toss spaghetti squash (see recipe).

Grain-Free Sesame Orange Chicken

‣ 1-1/2 to 2 pounds chicken breast, cut into bite-size pieces‣ 4 tablespoons coconut oil, divided‣ 2/3 cup soy sauce* or liquid aminos or coconut

aminos‣ 2 inches fresh ginger root, chopped‣ 4 cloves garlic, minced‣ 3 tablespoons tomato paste‣ 1/4 teaspoon powder or liquid stevia, or to taste‣ 1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper‣ pinch of red pepper flakes‣ 1/2 cup water + 10 to 20 drops orange essential

oil, to taste‣ 1 tablespoon sesame seeds

Serves 4. Recipe shared by Lindsey Dietz.

Heat two tablespoons coconut oil in a cast-iron skillet. Add the chicken and sauté until chicken begins to brown on the outside and is no longer pink on the inside. Set aside.

In a medium saucepan, combine the other two tablespoons of coconut oil, soy sauce (or aminos), ginger, garlic, tomato paste, stevia, black pepper, and red pepper flakes. Whisk these ingredients together over low-medium heat and simmer 5 minutes.

Remove from the heat and use an immersion blender to blend in the ginger and garlic. A stand-up blender will also work if you don’t have an immersion blender — but the immersion blender means less dishes to wash later!

Transfer the sauce back to the saucepan and add the water + orange essential oil. Whisk well to combine.

Take the cooked chicken and transfer it to the pan of sauce and stir to coat the chicken. Taste the sauce. If you desire more sweetness, add a bit of stevia, to taste. Add the sesame seeds and stir again. Serve over spaghetti squash (see next recipe).

NOTE: *2/3 cup soy sauce makes a pretty salty sauce. If you want less saltiness, replace a few tablespoons of soy sauce with water.

Tossed Spaghetti Squash

‣ 1 spaghetti squash‣ 2 tablespoons butter, melted‣ 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil‣ 1/2 to 1 teaspoon sea salt‣ 1/4 teaspoon pepper‣ 1 clove crushed garlic, or 1/2 teaspoon garlic


Serves 6. Recipe shared by Wardee Harmon.

Bake the whole squash in a baking dish at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for about an hour, until skin can be pierced easily with fork. Remove from oven. Let cool to touch. Cut in half, scoop out seeds, then scoop out strands. Toss with seasonings.

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Day 5 Dessert: Day of Week: Mixed Berry Cobbler (S)

The day of (about 1 hour before serving)

‣Make cobbler (see recipe).

Mixed Berry Cobbler

‣ 4 cups fresh or frozen mixed berries‣ 1/4 cup coconut flour (or flour of choice)‣ 1/4 cup unsweetened shredded coconut‣ 1/2 cup flax seed meal‣ 2 teaspoons baking powder‣ 1/4 teaspoon sea salt‣ 1/2 to 1 teaspoon cinnamon‣ 1/4 teaspoon liquid or powdered stevia, or to taste‣ 6 tablespoons coconut oil or butter, softened‣ homemade whipped cream (whip heavy cream with

a pinch of stevia to taste)

Serves 4 to 6. Recipe shared by Wardee Harmon.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

Put berries in bottom of 10″ cast iron skillet (or baking dish). Combine all other ingredients in small mixing bowl, cutting in coconut oil or butter with a fork. Pour topping over berry mixture and spread out fairly evenly. Bake for 25 minutes, or until browned and bubbly. If the berries were fresh, cooking time may be shorter. Let cool slightly before serving. Top with whipped cream.

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Day 6 Breakfast: Day of Week: THM Pancakes with Berry Sauce (E)

The days before

‣Make pre-soaked oats (see supplemental recipe #3).

The day before (PM)

‣Make berry sauce (see recipe).

The day of (AM)

‣Make pancakes (see recipe).

THM Pancakes

‣ 1 cup pre-soaked oats (supplemental recipe #3)‣ 1 cup low-fat cottage cheese‣ 1 cup egg whites‣ 2 teaspoons baking powder‣ dash of vanilla‣ liquid or powdered stevia to taste (start with a drop

or two of liquid or 1/32 teaspoon of powder)

Yields 9 medium-size pancakes. One serving = 3 pancakes with a small amount of berry sauce. Recipe adapted by Wardee Harmon from the original Trim Healthy Mama book.

Place pre-soaked oats in a blender container and blend until powdered. Stop the blender and add egg whites, cottage cheese, baking powder, vanilla and stevia. Blend until thoroughly combined.

Heat a cast-iron skillet or griddle over medium heat and coat it with a tiny amount of butter. Spoon pancake mixture onto skillet or griddle to make several medium-size pancakes at a time. When the bottom of the pancakes are golden brown and the tops are bubbly, flip over to cook the other side. Transfer to a plate to keep warm while you cook the remaining pancakes. Serve with berry sauce (next recipe).

Berry Sauce

‣ 4 cups fresh or frozen (but thawed) berries‣ a heaping 1/8 cup chia seeds‣ splash of lemon juice‣ stevia to taste

Yields 4 cups. To double recipe, increase amounts to 8 cups berries and 1/3 cup chia seeds.

Combine all ingredients in a blender container. Blend until you reach the desired consistency. Refrigerate until needed.

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Day 6 Lunch: Day of Week: Tarragon Dijon Meatballs with Garlic-Tarragon Gravy (S)

The day before

‣Make chicken stock (see supplemental recipe #9).

The day of (AM)

‣ Soak cashews (see recipe).

The day of (1-1/2 hours before dinner)

‣Make meatballs (see recipe).‣Make gravy (see recipe).

Tarragon-Dijon Meatballs

‣ 1 pound grass-fed ground beef‣ 1 pound grass-fed ground pork (or turkey or bison)‣ 4 cloves garlic, crushed‣ 2 pastured eggs‣ 2 tablespoons Dijon mustard‣ 1 tablespoon dried tarragon — OR — 2 teaspoons

fresh, finely-chopped tarragon‣ 2 teaspoons sea salt‣ 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce‣ 1 teaspoon freshly-ground black pepper

Serves 4. Recipe shared by Lindsey Dietz.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit, and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Combine all ingredients in the bowl of a stand mixer and mix until all ingredients are completely incorporated. Using a 1-tablespoon dough scoop, portion out meatballs and evenly space them on the baking sheet. (This saves time and creates perfectly sized meatballs.) Bake 25 to 30 minutes. Remove from oven and serve with garlic-tarragon gravy (next recipe).

Garlic-Tarragon Gravy

‣ 2 cups cashews, soaked for 4 to 6 hours, then drained and rinsed well‣ 2 tablespoons butter or ghee, if dairy-free‣ 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

‣ 1/2 large yellow onion, diced‣ 4 cloves garlic, crushed‣ 2 to 3 cups chicken stock (supplemental recipe #1).‣ 1 tablespoon raw apple cider vinegar‣ 1 tablespoon dried tarragon — OR — 2 teaspoons

fresh, finely-chopped tarragon‣ sea salt and black pepper, to taste (I like a LOT of

freshly ground pepper!)

Yields about 6 cups. Recipe shared by Lindsey Dietz.

Add drained and rinsed cashews to a blender and set aside. In a large skillet or cast-iron pan, heat butter (or ghee) and oil of choice. Add diced onion and sauté for 5 to 7 minutes, until soft. Add crushed garlic and stir. Transfer garlic and onion to the blender with the cashews, add 2 cups of broth to start, and begin blending. Blend on high speed until the gravy is smooth and without lumps. Transfer the gravy back into the skillet. Add vinegar, tarragon, salt and pepper. If thinner gravy is desired, add more broth. Reduce heat to low and keep warm. Serve over meatballs. To reheat, place in a saucepan over low heat and whisk in a bit of broth as the gravy heats to thin it out.

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Day 6 Dinner: Day of Week: Wild Red Salmon Salad Wraps (E)

The days before

‣Make coconut flour tortillas (see supplemental recipe #8).

The day of (1/2 hour before dinner)

‣Make salmon salad and assemble wraps (see recipe).

Wild Red Salmon Salad

‣ 2 cans wild red salmon, drained‣ 2 to 3 tablespoons low-fat cottage cheese‣ sea salt, to taste‣ black pepper, to taste‣ 1/4 teaspoon of dried garlic‣ 1/2 teaspoon of dried dill‣ coconut flour tortillas (supplemental recipe #8)

Serves 4. Recipe shared by Wardee Harmon.

Combine all ingredients and mix gently. No need to mash it; leave it flaky. Adjust seasonings to taste. Place salmon salad atop coconut flour tortillas, and roll up or fold over tortillas.

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Day 6 Dessert: Day of Week: Carrot-Raisin No-Bake Treats (E)

The day of (about 1/2 hour before serving)

‣Make no-bakes and chill (see recipe).

Carrot-Raisin No-Bake Treats

‣ 2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut‣ 1/3 cup sliced carrots‣ 3 tablespoons coconut oil‣ 1/32 teaspoon stevia (or to taste), totally optional‣ 1/3 cup raisins

Makes 12 to 15 no-bake cookie bites. Recipe shared by Lindsey Dietz. Eat 1 to 3.

In a high-speed blender or food processor, combine coconut, carrots, and coconut oil.

Process on low-medium speed, until the ingredients begin to fold in on themselves to create a cookie dough-like consistency.

Taste the "dough".

Add a bit of stevia and pulse to combine, if you desire a bit more sweetness.

Fold in raisins.

Place balls of dough onto a parchment-lined cookie sheet using a 1-tablespoon dough scoop.

Place in the freezer for 10 to 15 minutes to harden.

Store in an airtight container in the fridge or freezer for up to 1 month.

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Day 7 Breakfast: Day of Week: Fluffy Grain-Free and Low-Carb Belgian Waffles with Berry Sauce (S)

The day before (PM)

‣ Soak cashews (see recipe).‣Make berry sauce or use leftover berry sauce

from day 6 breakfast.

The day of (1/2 hour before breakfast)

‣Make waffles (see recipe).

Fluffy Grain-Free and Low-Carb Belgian Waffles

‣ 3/4 cup raw cashews, soaked 8 hours‣ 1/2 cup water‣ 3 pastured eggs‣ 3 tablespoons coconut flour‣ 3 tablespoons coconut oil‣ 1/8 teaspoon powder or liquid stevia, or to taste‣ 1 teaspoon vanilla‣ 1/2 teaspoon aluminum-free baking powder‣ pinch sea salt

Serves 5. Recipe shared by Lindsey Dietz.

Drain and rinse the soaked cashews; then add them to a high-powered blender. Add the remaining ingredients, in the order listed, to the blender.

On a BlendTec, press the Sauce, Dips, & Batters button. On any other blender, start by blending on low speed, then increase the speed to medium-high, then back down to low. Blend until completely smooth.

Pour into your waffle maker, and cook according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Serve immediately topped with butter and leftover berry sauce (day 6 breakfast). Store in a plastic zipper bag in the fridge or freezer. Reheat in a toaster or toaster oven — or on a cookie sheet in the oven.

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Day 7 Lunch: Day of Week: Chocolate-Orange Smoothiewith Essential Oils (E)

The day of (1/2 hour before lunch)

‣Make smoothie (see recipe).

Chocolate-Orange Smoothiewith Essential Oils

‣ 1 cup almond or cashew milk (or water)‣ 1 cup frozen okra (my secret green ingredient!)‣ 1 mandarin orange, peeled‣ 2 tablespoons raw cacao powder‣ 1 scoop collagen‣ stevia to taste‣ 2 drops orange essential oil‣ 1 cup ice‣ 1 scoop plain, grass-fed, non-denatured whey

protein concentrate‣ extra orange slices or cacao nibs for garnish,


Serves 1. Recipe shared by Lindsey Dietz.

Into a high-powered blender, combine all the ingredients EXCEPT the whey protein concentrate and garnishes. Blend on high, until smooth — about 50 seconds. Add the scoop of whey protein concentrate, and blend again for 45 to 50 seconds.

Pour into a large glass, and garnish with extra mandarin orange slices and/or cacao nibs for a pleasant crunch. Enjoy!

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Day 7 Dinner: Day of Week: Blackened Salmon Over Cajun Zoodles (S)

The day of (1/2 hour before dinner)

‣Make salmon and zoodles (see recipe).

Blackened Salmon Over Cajun Zoodles

‣ 3 or 4 medium-size zucchini‣ 1/2 teaspoon salt‣ 1 red bell pepper‣ 2 cloves garlic, crushed‣ 4 tablespoons butter or ghee, separated‣ 1/2 to 3/4 pound wild-caught salmon‣ 1/2 teaspoon sea salt‣ Cajun seasoning‣ 1 lemon

Serves 2. Recipe shared by Lindsey Dietz.

First, spiralize the zucchini to create noodles, or “zoodles.” Set the zoodles on a paper towel and sprinkle with 1/2 teaspoon of salt. Set aside to “sweat.” Finely dice the bell pepper and set aside.

Lightly sprinkle salt on one side of the salmon fillets. Then generously shake Cajun seasoning over the salt. Turn the salmon over, and repeat, first salt, then Cajun seasoning.

Melt 2 tablespoons butter or ghee in a cast iron skillet on medium-high heat. Add the salmon to the skillet and cook about 2 minutes. Flip the fish over and cook 2 or 3 minutes longer. Remove to a plate and set aside.

Don’t worry about washing the skillet; you’re about to use it again! Add the additional 2 tablespoons butter to the skillet, then the diced bell pepper. Cook 2 minutes.

Pat the zucchini dry with a paper towel, then add it to the skillet with the bell pepper and stir to combine. Add more salt and/or Cajun seasoning to taste. We like our Cajun Zoodles spicy, so I sprinkle on a pretty generous amount. Sauté the zucchini noodles and bell pepper together until the zoodles begin to soften.

Add the garlic, stir to combine, and remove from the heat.

To serve, place a pile of the Cajun zoodles on a plate, lay the blackened salmon on top, and garnish with a wedge of lemon.

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Day 7 Dessert: Day of Week: Mini Cheesecakes In Jars with Crushed Berry Sauce (S)

The day of (AM)

‣Make cheesecakes and chill (see recipe).‣Make berry sauce and chill (see recipe).

The day of (just before serving)

‣ Top cheesecakes with berry sauce and serve.

Mini Cheesecakes In Jars

‣ (2) 8-ounce packages cream cheese‣ 2 pastured eggs‣ 1-3/8 teaspoons Sweet Leaf powdered stevia, or to

taste‣ 1 teaspoon vanilla extract‣ 2 to 4 tablespoons lemon juice

Makes 4 to 5 half pint cheesecakes. Easily doubles. Recipe shared by Wardee Harmon.

Put 1 inch of water in the crockpot. Cover and turn to high to preheat for 30 minutes.

Blend all ingredients in blender until smooth. Taste and adjust sweetener. When you’re happy with the taste, transfer the mixture to 4 or 5 half pint jars. (If you wish to add a crust first, see recipe below.) Fill the jars halfway or three-quarters full, allowing room for expansion and topping (optional).

Put jars in crockpot, 5 or 6 at a time, or as many as crockpot fits. Add more water, if necessary. so they’re immersed halfway up. Cover crockpot and cook on high for 2 hours. Cheesecakes are done when puffed up, cracked tops, and are pulling away from the sides of the jar (at the top). To prevent burning yourself, transfer the jars to a tray using a canning jar lifter or a towel. Refrigerate cheesecakes, uncovered, for 4 to 6 hours, until completely chilled. Serve with desired topping (see below for crushed berry topping). Put lids on any jars that do not get eaten the first day (to prevent absorbing refrigerator odors.) Enjoy!

Crushed Berry Sauce

‣ 2 to 3 cups fresh or thawed berries‣ 1 to 2 dropperfuls Sweet Leaf liquid stevia extract

(or honey or other sweetener to taste)

Makes 1 to 2 cups. Recipe shared by Wardee Harmon.

Mash berries and stevia together. Use to top cheesecake or ice cream. Refrigerate leftovers in a glass jar with lid.

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Snack 1: Day of Week: Avocado Mint Shake (S)

The day of (just before serving)

‣Make shake and serve (see recipe).

Avocado Mint Shake

‣ 8 ounces coconut milk (or any other raw or non-dairy milk)‣ 1/4 cup avocado‣ 1 to 2 tablespoons raw cacao‣ stevia to taste‣ 1 tablespoon collagen (Vital Proteins brand

recommended)‣ 6 to 8 fresh mint leaves*‣ 1 to 2 tablespoons raw cacao nibs‣ 1/2 cup ice

Serves 1, but easily doubled or tripled. Recipe shared by Lindsey Dietz.

Combine ingredients in the order listed in a blender. Blend until smooth and enjoy!

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Snack 2: Day of Week: Egg Salad (S)

The day of (just before serving)

‣Make and serve (see recipe).

Basic Egg Salad

‣ 10 to 12 hard boiled eggs – cooled, peeled, and diced‣ 3 to 4 tablespoons homemade mayonnaise (omit

lemon from recipe in Day 1 dinner)‣ 1/4 onion, diced‣ 1/2 teaspoon of dried dill‣ herbed seasoning salt OR sea salt and pepper, to

taste‣ add-ins: crumbled feta cheese or other raw cheese,

sliced olives, etc.Serves 4 to 5. Recipe shared by Wardee Harmon.

Stir all ingredients lightly and serve.

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Snack 3: Day of Week: Grain-Free Mini Cheese Pizzas (S)

The day of (3 hours before serving)

‣Make pizza crusts (see recipe).

The day of (1/2 hours before serving)

‣Make pizzas (see recipe).

Grain-Free Mini Cheese Pizzas

The Crust: ‣ 1 small to medium head cauliflower‣ 2 cups mozzarella or cheddar cheese, shredded‣ 1 egg, beaten‣ 1 teaspoons dried oregano‣ 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder‣ 1/2 teaspoon onion powder‣ 1/4 teaspoon sea salt‣ extra-virgin olive oil

The Topping: ‣ 2 cups shredded cheese (any kind you like)

Yields 10 mini pizzas.

Several hours before you need them, make the mini-pizza crusts as follows:

Cut florets off cauliflower heads. In food processor, whizz* the florets (as many as you can at a time) until the consistency of rice. Put cauliflower in stainless steel pot without anything else (no water even). Over medium heat, cook until steamed but not mushy. Remove from heat and let cool, about a half-hour. Preheat oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Combine 2 cups steamed cauliflower with 2 cups shredded cheese, eggs, oregano, garlic powder, onion powder and sea salt. Cover two baking sheets with parchment paper. For the dough, shape into about 10 4- to 5-inch across, 1/4-inch-thick mini pizzas on the lined baking trays. Brush with olive oil. Bake for about 20 minutes or until the crusts are browned. Remove

from oven and let cool to room temperature before proceeding.

NOTE: *Once I forgot to whizz the cauliflower before cooking it. Instead, I steamed the florets whole and then realized my mistake. Then I thought I could make it work anyway — I let them cool, and then processed them into a rice consistency. It worked fine. This means you can actually use leftover cauliflower to make a quick crust for a quiche, casserole or pizza.

Assemble and bake the pizzas as follows:

Turn on the oven broiler and move a rack to near the top. Remove parchment paper from the baking trays (it is a fire hazard at this point) so the mini-crusts are directly on the baking trays. Brush each with olive oil. Sprinkle with shredded cheese. Broil in oven until cheese is bubbling and browned. Serve.

These are delicious alongside grilled chicken or hamburgers. If you want to make full-size pizzas, double the crust ingredients and shape into 2 to 3 pizza crusts, bake the same way, and top as you desire.

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Snack 4: Day of Week: Coconut Yogurt with Chocolate and Almonds (S)

The days before

‣Make yogurt (see supplemental recipe #1).

The day of (just before serving)

‣ Combine ingredients and serve (see recipe).

Coconut Yogurt with Chocolate and Almonds

‣ 3/4 cup plain 0% Greek yogurt or skimmed milk yogurt (supplemental recipe #1)‣ 15 to 20 drops NuNaturals stevia ‣ 1/4 teaspoon organic coconut extract‣ 6 rectangles Lily’s dark chocolate bar‣ 2 tablespoons sliced almonds‣ pinch sea salt

Serves 1. Recipe shared by Lindsey Dietz.

Whisk together the yogurt, stevia and coconut extract. Taste and adjust sweetness if necessary. Finely chop the chocolate and sprinkle onto the yogurt. Then sprinkle on almonds and salt. Stir together and enjoy!

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Snack 5: Day of Week: Low-Fat Lemon Essential Oil Yogurt (FP)

The days before

‣Make yogurt (see supplemental recipe #1).

The day of (just before serving)

‣ Combine ingredients and serve (see recipe).

Low-fat Lemon Essential Oil Yogurt

‣ 1-1/2 cups plain, full fat yogurt or dairy-free yogurt (supplemental recipe #1)‣ 2 teaspoons fresh lemon juice (about 1/2 of a small

lemon)‣ 2 to 3 drops lemon essential oil‣ 8 to 10 drops liquid stevia (more or less, to taste)‣ 1/4 teaspoon lemon zest for garnish, optionalServes 2. Recipe shared by Lindsey Dietz.

Combine the yogurt, lemon juice, lemon essential oil, and stevia in a bowl. Stir or whisk until combined. Taste and adjust the flavors to your liking -- adding a bit more stevia or another drop of lemon essential oil, if desired. Divide between 2 bowls — 3/4 cup each. Top with lemon zest and enjoy!

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Snack 6: Day of Week: Spicy Chipotle Kale Chips (S)

The day of (about 1 hour before serving)

‣Make kale chips (see recipe).

Spicy Chipotle Kale Chips

‣ 2 bunches organic kale, washed, leaves torn into chip-size pieces‣ 2 to 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil or avocado

oil‣ 3 tablespoons nutritional yeast‣ 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder‣ 1/2 teaspoon onion powder‣ 1/2 teaspoon chipotle powder‣ 1/2 teaspoon paprika‣ 1/2 teaspoon turmeric‣ 1/2 teaspoon salt‣ 1/4 teaspoon ground pepper

Serves 1. Recipe shared by Lindsey Dietz.

Preheat your oven* to 300 degrees Fahrenheit and line a cookie sheet or two with parchment paper. Remove kale leaves from the thick stems and tear into chip-size pieces. Wash and dry completely. I love to use my salad spinner for this because it’s quick and easy!

Place torn kale into a large, deep bowl. Pour the oil over it. Using your hands, massage the oil into the kale leaves, making sure to totally coat and massage each piece. This removes the bitterness from the kale and makes it ready to receive seasonings all over.

Next, combine nutritional yeast and all seasonings in a small bowl and stir to mix well. Sprinkle half of this mixture over the kale. Using tongs, stir the kale. Then sprinkle the other half of the seasoning mix over the kale and mix with the tongs again.

Turn the kale out onto the cookie sheet. Spread the kale out horizontally, but don’t pile it up vertically. If you have too many layers of kale, it won’t dry properly. Use two cookie sheets if necessary.

Bake for 25 to 30 minutes, or until the kale leaves are mostly crisp, but not browning on the edges.

Remove from the oven, and allow the kale to cool completely. It will crisp up even more as it cools. Store in an airtight container or bag for up to 2 weeks.*NOTE: These can be made in a dehydrator. Line dehydrator trays with parchment and spread the kale out on the trays. Dehydrate at 90 degrees until completely dry and crisp — 10 to 12 hours. I do not consume raw spinach or kale due to oxalates, but if you prefer to keep your kale raw, feel free to use this method!

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Supplemental Recipe 1:Skimmed Milk Yogurt

‣ 1/2 gallon 2% milk or skimmed raw milk‣ 2 tablespoons high-quality plain yogurt with active

cultures (such as Nancy's, Mountain High, etc.)

Yields about 8 cups.

In a saucepan over low heat, heat milk to almost boiling, about 180 to 190 degrees Fahrenheit. Remove from heat. Cover pan with a cloth and let milk cool to around 90 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit, or comfortable to the touch. Pour into 2 quart jars. Add 1 tablespoon of store-bought yogurt to each jar and stir well. Cover. Put in a dehydrator* set at 110 degrees Fahrenheit for 24 hours. Transfer to refrigerator to chill thoroughly before eating, 12 to 24 hours.

*NOTE: Or put a pot of just-boiled water in a towel-lined cooler, along with the jars.

Another option: Make this Instant Pot Raw Milk Yogurt.

Use for Day 1 breakfast, Day 3 dinner, Day 4 breakfast, Snack 4 and Snack 5.

Supplemental Recipe 2:Crockpot Chicken ‣ 1 pastured, free-range, or organic chicken,

4 to 6 pounds‣ 2 to 4 cups pure water

Rinse the chicken. Reserve the neck and organs for stock. Put the chicken breast side down in the crockpot. Add water. This water will self-baste the breast of the chicken during cooking, especially helpful for heritage breed chickens that may be more tough.

Cover the crockpot. Turn to low and allow the chicken to cook for 6 to 8 hours. Cooking time depends on your crockpot’s heat output. In general, newer crockpots tend to run hotter than old crockpots. Optionally, turn the crockpot on high for the first hour of cooking, then turn down to low. This can be helpful if using an older, less hot crockpot. An older crockpot may require 10 to 12 hours of cooking time.

The chicken is done when the meat falls off the bone easily. It is very easy to see this if the breast side is up (see picture, right), as the thighs will be splitting away. When the breast side is down, you can check for this manually by easing the thigh away from the body and checking for moist, tender, fall apart meat.

Transfer the chicken to a bowl, using two kitchen utensils as a platform, such as big spoons or spatulas. Cover lightly and let cool for a half-hour to 1 hour. Leave the cover to the crockpot partially off to let the drippings cool.

When the chicken is cool enough to handle, remove all the meat from the bones, storing it in an airtight refrigerator container, or putting aside to freeze for future meals.

Save the bones for stock. When the drippings are cool, pour into a glass jar and store in the refrigerator. Combine with the finished stock you are going to make, or use for making gravy or cooking grains or other soups and stews. If not using right away, store in the freezer for several months.

When cooled, the fat on the drippings may be skimmed off for sautéing purposes, or spread on toast. You may also keep it with the drippings for gravies, cooking grains or soups.

Use for Day 1 lunch and Day 4 dinner.

Supplemental Recipe 3:Pre-Soaked Oats Pre-soaked oats are so useful! We use them most often for breakfast. You can also use them in no-bake cookies, or as ready-to-go rolled oats in baked goods, as in the breakfast cookies in this menu plan. ‣ 8 cups rolled oats, preferably thick and organic‣ 1/2 cup acid, preferably a bio-active acid with living

beneficial organisms (like water kefir, raw apple cider vinegar, kombucha, kefir or yogurt*)‣ 8 cups warm water

Yields about 7 cups. The vinegar and kefir will make more sour pre-soaked oats, as we do not rinse away the acid.

Put oats in a large stainless steel or glass bowl. Pour liquids over all. Cover with towel or plastic wrap and let soak overnight, or 12 to 24 hours. Line dehydrator trays with unbleached parchment paper (or Paraflexx

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liners if using an Excalibur). Using a slotted spoon and being gentle not to stir oats, dip into bowl and bring up a spoonful of oats. Let liquid drip out, then spread on dehydrator tray. Repeat until all oats are spread out in even layers (1/4-inch to 1/2-inch thick). Dehydrate for 2 hours at 145 degrees Fahrenheit, then turn down temperature to 115 degrees Fahrenheit until dry (about 24 hours). Flip after about 12 hours, or as necessary to facilitate even drying. When dry, break up gently with your hands. Store in an airtight container when fully cool.

Use for Day 2 breakfast, Day 6 breakfast.

Supplemental Recipe 4:Sour Cream ‣ 2 tablespoons store-bought sour cream with active

cultures or 1/16th teaspoon mesophilic culture‣ 2 cups heavy cream

Yields about 2 cups.

Combine the cream with the sour cream in a pint- or quart-size glass jar. Mix well. Cover the jar with a paper towel or cloth napkin and secure with a rubber band. Culture at room temperature for 12 to 24 hours. The sour cream is done when it is set to a consistency you like. Then cover with a regular lid and transfer to the refrigerator for at least 6 hours. For probiotic benefits, don’t cook! Drizzle on baked potatoes, soups, eggs, rice, chicken, etc.

Use for Day 2 lunch.

Supplemental Recipe 5:Guacamole ‣ 2 avocados, ripe‣ 3 to 4 cloves garlic, crushed‣ 1/2 teaspoon sea salt‣ 2 tablespoons whey*

Combine all ingredients together and mash well with a fork. Put in a bowl. Cover with plastic. Allow to sit at room temperature for about 7 hours. If the temps are very warm (above 80 degrees Fahrenheit), it’s best to ferment for 3 to 4 hours only. Transfer to refrigerator until serving.

Skim off browned top layer if you desire a bright, green guacamole. It is fine to eat what you skimmed

off. You can also mix it in, which will discolor the rest of the guacamole slightly.

*NOTE: This guacamole is somewhat lacto-fermented immediately when you stir in the whey. So you can forego the fermenting and serve it fresh, if you’d like.

Use for Day 2 lunch.

Supplemental Recipe 6:Garlic Sauerkraut ‣ 1 head cabbage, shredded‣ 3 cloves garlic, crushed‣ 1/2 tablespoon sea salt‣ 1/4 cup whey‣ water, if needed (optional)

Yields 1 quart.

Combine cabbage and garlic in a large bowl. Sprinkle with salt and whey. Mix well. Taste; add more salt if desired. Cover bowl with clean cloth. Let sit out at room temperature for about 15 minutes to 1/2 hour. During this time, the salt will pull the juices out of the veggies. Stir and check to see if liquid is being released. Allow to sit longer, stirring every 15 minutes or so, to get a good bit of juice pooling in the bottom of the bowl. Even doing this for a few hours is fine. Optional: At any point after the first rest period, pound the veggies for about 5 minutes to speed up the process of drawing out juices. Use a kraut pounder, pestle, potato masher, or meat pounder. When the mixture is juicy, transfer the shreds and juices to a quart-size jar. Transfer in small amounts and pack down tightly before adding more. Fill the jar just to its shoulder. It is okay if the liquid does not completely submerge the leaves. If you have too much mixture, use another clean quart-size jar. Add more whey as necessary to end up with at least 4 tablespoons per quart jar of sauerkraut. Add metal lid and band and secure tightly. It is okay if a jar is not full. Allow to ferment at room temperature for three to seven days. If necessary, a few times during the first 24 hours, open the jar and press down on the cabbage to encourage the final release of juices and submerge the mixture fully in its brine. Keep a towel under the jar in case of liquid leaking out. If the mixture does leak, open the jar and remove some cabbage (but not juice if you can help it) to lessen the volume in the jar. Skim off mold daily. The rest of the batch should be fine. When the fermentation is

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complete, move the jar to a cool cellar or refrigerator. The fermentation will proceed much more slowly, and the sauerkraut should age wonderfully. It may be eaten as is or allow it to age. Use for the breakfast in this menu plan. Serve cold as a side dish, on sandwiches, or gently warmed and served with beef, sausage or grilled meats.

Use for Day 3 breakfast.

Supplemental Recipe 7:Soaked Brown Rice ‣ 3 cups long-grain brown rice ‣ 6 cups water‣ 6 tablespoons apple cider vinegar‣ 5 cups beef or chicken stock or water

Yields about 4 cups.

Soak brown rice for eight hours in cold water and apple cider vinegar. Drain rice, catching water to measure it. Rinse rice. In a large saucepan, bring chicken stock or water (same amount as drained water) to a boil. Add rice, stir gently, reduce heat to low, cover pan and allow rice to cook for 45 minutes.

Use for Day 3 lunch.

Supplemental Recipe 8:Coconut Flour Tortillas ‣ 1 cup coconut flour‣ 1 teaspoon real salt‣ 4 tablespoons whole psyllium seed husks‣ 1 egg‣ 1-1/2 cups hot water‣ 1/3 cup arrowroot powder, plus 1/4 cup water

Yields 8.

Add water to psyllium husk and allow to sit for 5 minutes to gel. Then add to food processor along with remaining ingredients. Process until dough comes together into a ball. Scrape down the sides and process for another minute. Separate dough into 8 balls. Place each ball between two sheets of parchment paper, roll out into rounds, and cook on a cast-iron skillet for 2 to 3 minutes on each side. These are our favorite flour tortillas! They hold up well and have a nice chew to them.

Use for Day 5 breakfast and Day 6 dinner.

Supplemental Recipe 9:Chicken Stock ‣ bones and organs from a pastured chicken‣ 1 onion‣ pure water‣ 1/2 cup raw, organic apple cider vinegar‣ 3 to 4 cloves fresh garlic‣ 1 to 2 inches fresh ginger root (optional)‣ unrefined sea salt‣ black pepper‣ bay leaf‣ dried sage

Combine the chicken bones and parts in the stockpot or crockpot, along with apple cider vinegar and water. Add the onion, garlic and ginger root. If using the crockpot, turn on to low and let cook for 12 to 24 hours. If using the stockpot on the stove, bring to a boil, then turn down to a simmer, and cover. Let simmer for 12 to 24 hours, removing scum as necessary.

In the hour before finishing, add herbs, salt and pepper. Salt and pepper may be omitted and added later to the dish that incorporates the stock.

Allow to cool with lid partially off, about an hour. Using a slotted spoon, transfer all the bones, parts and skin to a catch bowl. Ladleful by ladleful, strain the stock through a strainer into a glass jar for storage. Put in the refrigerator for up to five days, or store in the freezer for several months.

Use for Day 6 lunch.

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Shopping List Key: D1B = Day 1 Breakfast, D1L = Day 1 Lunch, D1D = Day 1 Dinner, D1De = Day 1 Dessert, D2B = Day 2 Breakfast,D2L = Day 2 Lunch, D2D = Day 2 Dinner, D2De = Day 2 Dessert, D3B = Day 3 Breakfast, D3L = Day 3 Lunch, D3D = Day 3 Dinner, D3De = Day 3 Dessert, D4B = Day 4 Breakfast, D4L = Day 4 Lunch, D4D = Day 4 Dinner, D4De = Day 4 Dessert, D5B = Day 5 Breakfast, D5L = Day 5 Lunch, D5D = Day 5 Dinner, D5De = Day 5 Dessert, D6B = Day 6 Breakfast, D6L = Day 6 Lunch, D6D = Day 6 Dinner, D6De = Day 6 Dessert, D7B = Day 7 Breakfast, D7L = Day 7 Lunch, D7D = Day 7 Dinner, D7De = Day 7 Dessert, SN1 = Snack 1, SN 2 = Snack 2, SN3 = Snack 3, SN4 = Snack 4, SN5 = Snack 5, SN6 = Snack 6, S1 = Supplemental Recipe 1,S2 = Supplemental Recipe 2, S3 = Supplemental Recipe 3, S4 = Supplemental Recipe 4, S5 = Supplemental Recipe 5.

Produce ‣ 3 cucumbers (D1L, D4D)‣ 2 tomatoes (D1L)‣ 7 white or yellow onions (D1L, D2L, D3D, D4L, D4D,

D6L, SN2, S9)‣ 38 to 41 cloves garlic (D1L, D2L, D3D, D4L, D5L,

D5D, D6L, D7D, S5, S6, S9)‣ 6 lemons (D1L, D1D, D2B, D4D, D6B, SN5)‣ 3 shallots (D1D, D5L)‣ 24 cups fresh or frozen berries (D1De, D2B, D2De,

D3De, D4De, D5De, D6B)‣ fresh cilantro (D2L)‣ 3 heads cauliflower (D2L, D3D, SN3)‣ 1 head lettuce (D2D)‣ 1 pound spinach, kale or other leafy greens (D3B)‣ fresh dill + 2 cups organically-grown sweet peas

(D3L)‣ 5 to 6 inches fresh ginger root (D3D, D5D, S9)‣ 1 10-ounce bag organic frozen spinach (D4L)‣ 1 bunch asparagus (D4L)‣ 2 red, 1 yellow and 1 orange bell peppers (D4L,

D7D)‣ 8 to 10 radishes (D4D)‣ 8 to 10 cherry tomatoes (D4D)‣ 1 bunch green onions (D4D)‣ fresh parsley (D4D)‣ fresh basil (D4D)‣ baby greens (D4D)‣ 4 avocados (D5B, SN1, S5)‣ 1 spaghetti squash (D5D)‣ fresh tarragon (D6L)‣ 1 carrot (D6De)‣ 1 cup frozen okra (D7L)‣ 1 mandarin orange (D7L)

‣ 3 or 4 medium-size zucchini (D7D)‣ fresh mint (SN1)‣ 2 bunches kale (SN6)‣ 1 head cabbage (S6)

Canned and Pantry‣ 1/2 cup chia seeds (D1B, D2B, D2De, D4B, D6B) ‣ 2 to 3 full scoops protein powder (D1B, D4B, D7B)‣ 1 15-ounce can wild-caught salmon (D1D)‣ 1/2 to 3/4 cup + 6 to 7 tablespoons + 4 teaspoons

extra-virgin olive oil (D1D, D2L, D3L, D3D, D6L, SN3, SN6)‣ 3 teaspoon natural Worcestershire sauce (D1D,

D6L)‣ 1 15-ounce can fire-roasted tomatoes and 1 6-

ounce can diced green chilies (D2L)‣ 2 teaspoons sesame oil (D2L, D3D)‣ 1-1/2 cups salsa verde (D2D)‣ 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar (D3L)‣ 1 cup coconut oil (D3D, D3De, D5D, D5De, D7B)‣ 1 24-ounce can organic diced or crushed tomatoes

(D3D)‣ 3 cups unsweetened shredded coconut (D3De,

D5De, D6De)‣ 1 tablespoon gelatin (D3De)‣ 1/3 cup Lily’s stevia-sweetened chocolate chips

(D3De)‣ 2 tablespoons Cajun seasoning (D5L, D7D)‣ 1-1/2 cups + 1 to 2 tablespoons coconut flour (D5L,

D5De, D7B, S8)‣ 3 tablespoons tomato paste (D5D)‣ 12 to 22 drops orange essential oil (D5D, D7L)‣ 1 tablespoon sesame seeds (D5D)‣ 1/2 cup flax seed meal (D5De)‣ 1 cup + 7 tablespoons raw, organic apple cider

vinegar (D6L, S3, S7, S9)

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‣ 2 cans wild red salmon (D6D)‣ 1/3 cup raisins (D6De)‣ 3 to 4 tablespoons raw cacao powder (D7L, SN1)‣ 1 scoop + 1 tablespoon collagen (D7L, SN1)‣ 1 to 2 tablespoons raw cacao nibs (SN1)‣ sliced olives (SN2)‣ 6 rectangles Lily’s dark chocolate bar (SN4)‣ 2 to 3 drops lemon essential oil (SN5)‣ 3 tablespoons nutritional yeast (SN6)‣ 4 tablespoons whole psyllium seed husks (S8)‣ 1/3 cup arrowroot powder (S8)

Dried Fruit and Nuts‣ 1/2 cup raw pumpkin seeds (D3De)‣ 2 tablespoons almond or cashew butter (D3D)‣ 2-3/4 cups cashews (D6L, D7B)‣ 2 tablespoons sliced almonds (SN4)

Meat‣ 15 ounces fresh salmon (D1D)‣ 2 pounds stew meat (D2L)‣ 1 to 1-1/2 pounds bone-in chicken breast (D2D)‣ 8 to 9 slices bacon (D3B, D4L)‣ 1-1/2 to 1-3/4 pounds wild-caught Alaskan salmon

fillets (D3L, D7D)‣ 3-1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts

(D3D, D5D)‣ 16 ounces wild-caught lump crab meat (D5L)‣ 1 pound grass-fed ground beef (D6L)‣ 1 pound grass-fed ground pork (or turkey or bison)

(D6L)‣ 1 pastured, free-range, or organic chicken,

4 to 6 pounds (S2)‣ bones and organs from a pastured chicken (S9)

Whole Grains and Beans ‣ 8 cups rolled oats, preferably thick and organic (S3)‣ 3 cups long-grain brown rice (S7)

Dairy, Refrigerator and Freezer‣ 37 to 40 pastured eggs (D1D, D3B, D4L, D5B, D5L,

D6L, D7B, D7De, SN2, SN3, S8)‣ 13 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon butter (D1D, D2L,

D3B, D3D, D5B, D6L, D7D)‣ 5 teaspoons Dijon mustard (D1D, D5L, D6L)‣ 1-1/2 cups cream, whole milk, kefir, or yogurt

(D1De)‣ 4 cups + 2 to 3 tablespoons low-fat cottage cheese

(D2B, D3B, D4D, D4De, D5B, D6B, D6D)‣ 2 cups egg whites (D2B, D6B)‣ 1 cup bone broth (D2L)‣ 5 cups shredded cheddar cheese (D2L, D4L, D5B,

SN2, SN3)‣ 3/4 cup + 2 tablespoons 0% Greek yogurt (D5B,

SN4)‣ 2/3 cup soy sauce* or liquid aminos or coconut

aminos (D5D)‣ 1 cup almond or cashew milk (D7L)‣ 1-3/4 cups coconut milk (D3De, SN1)‣ crumbled feta cheese (SN2)‣ 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese (SN3)‣ 1/2 gallon whole or skimmed milk (S1)‣ 2 tablespoons high-quality plain yogurt with active

cultures (such as Nancy's, Mountain High, etc.) (S1)‣ 2 tablespoons store-bought sour cream with active

cultures or 1/16th teaspoon mesophilic culture (S4)‣ 3 cups heavy cream (D5De, S4)‣ 2 8-ounce packages cream cheese (D7De)‣ lemon juice (needed often)‣ 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons whey (S5, S6)‣ 5 cups beef or chicken stock (S7)

Keep usable quantities on hand: sea salt, ground pepper and peppercorns, baking powder, baking soda, cardamom, cream of tartar, celery seed, celery salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves, anise, allspice, ginger, coriander, cumin, paprika, thyme, oregano, summer savory, marjoram, mustard powder, mustard seed, onion powder, garlic powder, dill, parsley, chives, basil, sage, fenugreek, fennel, bay leaves, cayenne pepper, curry powder, tarragon, red pepper flakes, raw apple cider vinegar, balsamic vinegar, vanilla and other extracts, raw honey or maple syrup, stevia, cocoa powder, arrowroot powder, chia seeds, coconut oil, extra-virgin olive oil, lemon juice.

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Page 46: Traditional Food + Trim Healthy Mama 1-Week … Menu Plan...Methods to keep my weight under control. From May of 2014 to May of 2015, I lost more than 30 pounds. At the time of this

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Page 47: Traditional Food + Trim Healthy Mama 1-Week … Menu Plan...Methods to keep my weight under control. From May of 2014 to May of 2015, I lost more than 30 pounds. At the time of this

Traditional Cooking School by GNOWFGLINS "

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When you use nourishing ingredients and traditional cooking methods, you and your family get a big nutrition boost!

This is because Traditional Cooking methods make foods more nutritious and digestible — from sourdough bread to cultured dairy to fermenting vegetables.

Plus, they’re delicious!

Intrigued? Want to learn more? Want to master the fundamentals of Traditional Cooking in a simple, step-by-step way and bring both health and joy to your family dinner table?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then I’d like to offer you a FREE 30-day trial in Traditional Cooking School’s premium membership.

Not only will you get the Fundamentals I & II eCourses, you’ll also get access to dozens of other online courses, weekly menu plans, a private support group, and more!

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—Wardee Harmon from Traditional Cooking School by GNOWFGLINS

© Copyright 2017 by Wardeh Harmon. All rights reserved. No part of his publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage o retrieval system without express written, dated, and signed permission from the author.

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