traditional prjnactice is to make enforceable contracts

 T raditional practice is to make enfor ceable contracts. The pr oject management is about making this an enforceable one. Dierent operational system style were developed by lean construction. Organsiational practice and operating systems – 1!1 –"tanford – critical path method created. #reviously used as military e$uip purchase contract. %ean constrction is use of management philosophy based on the goals achievable& principles followed to achieve that goals and methods used in achieving that goals. 'istory( )#* 1!+ John Walker Fondahl o f S t a n f o r d U n i ve rsi t y. m a n u a l a p p r o ac h t o C P M in co n str u ctio n . – time was able to be managed. )ost was not manageable. )ost can be mini,ed by increasing productivity. )#* manages time not money. -f money is to be there should be increase in productivity of the labours. Dynamics of crews /Time lapse photography was used in measuring performance. %ogistics and coordinations were pbm. #roductivity of the crew increased the project got worse. '. 0lenn allard 2oreman planning was trend in 134s. how the foremen work plan is going to predict what there in ne5t week. T radatio nal practice and idea was that improve performance and cost by productivity improvement. )ontract to ma5imise productivity. 467 chance that assignements were completed on time. This began to show reality. 8niversiatlity of this 467. %orr e 9 if you cant provide logistics right& :obo ts cant work;. <ll models are acticity centered but =ow is ignored. O < : approach. )hange observer. >ng. Oino. *r toyato. <merican 1+ times than  ?apanese pro ducticvity . @ew waste ( invento ry is waste ( a radic al thinking. Toyato production systems. #roduction management ( increase a load on a system it takes time to longer through get through. Time cost trade o – go this way. #redicability of work=ow . Aork=ow was make unpredictablte by ma5imi,5ing producitivity.  T arget was s et to impro ve the predictability ( last plannerB master schedule& pull palnning& look ahead plan& weekly work planning and percent plan co mplete. "i5 week look a head – cpm constriants details. *:- installation. Interactions – designers of the production s ystems – not a traditio nal practice. milestone assignment. #res surised circumstance& This meetings ar e essential of planning management system. )ost reduction is also possible by interaction with contractors. "hifted the perfor mance of the work ers from op timise the pr oject. %anguage action prespective gives commitment to the plan. -ndian site – the placement of concrete mi5er was decided by the truck driver. )oordination& productio n system collective enterprise will inc rease.

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Post on 18-Feb-2018




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7/23/2019 Traditional Prjnactice is to Make Enforceable Contracts 1/2

 Traditional practice is to make enforceable contracts. The projectmanagement is about making this an enforceable one. Dierentoperational system style were developed by lean construction.Organsiational practice and operating systems – 1!1 –"tanford –critical path method created. #reviously used as military e$uip

purchase contract.

%ean constrction is use of management philosophy based on thegoals achievable& principles followed to achieve that goals andmethods used in achieving that goals.

'istory()#* 1!+ John Walker Fondahl

of Stanford University. – manual approach to CPM in construction.

– time was able to be managed. )ost was not manageable. )ostcan be mini,ed by increasing productivity.)#* manages time not money. -f money is to be there should beincrease in productivity of the labours. Dynamics of crews /Timelapse photography was used in measuring performance. %ogisticsand coordinations were pbm. #roductivity of the crew increased theproject got worse. '. 0lenn allard 2oreman planning was trend in134s. how the foremen work plan is going to predict what there inne5t week. Tradational practice and idea was that improveperformance and cost by productivity improvement. )ontract toma5imise productivity. 467 chance that assignements werecompleted on time. This began to show reality. 8niversiatlity of this

467. %orre 9 if you cant provide logistics right& :obots cant work;.<ll models are acticity centered but =ow is ignored. O < : approach.)hange observer. >ng. Oino. *r toyato. <merican 1+ times than ?apanese producticvity. @ew waste ( inventory is waste ( a radicalthinking. Toyato production systems. #roduction management (increase a load on a system it takes time to longer through getthrough. Time cost trade o – go this way. #redicability of work=ow.Aork=ow was make unpredictablte by ma5imi,5ing producitivity. Target was set to improve the predictability( last plannerB masterschedule& pull palnning& look ahead plan& weekly work planning andpercent plan complete. "i5 week look ahead – cpm constriants

details. *:- installation. Interactions – designers of theproduction systems – not a traditional practice. milestoneassignment. #ressurised circumstance& This meetings are essentialof planning management system. )ost reduction is also possible byinteraction with contractors. "hifted the performance of the workersfrom optimise the project. %anguage action prespective givescommitment to the plan.

-ndian site – the placement of concrete mi5er was decided by thetruck driver.

)oordination& production system collective enterprise will increase.

7/23/2019 Traditional Prjnactice is to Make Enforceable Contracts 2/2

)ase study for collective enterprise( #ull decision to last& relaiabirty of work=ow& pull planning& $uickinstallation of steel by method.

)oordination between the structural steel contractors and pipingcontractor in a chiller plant was illustrated. The steel structuralcontractor was helpful in installing the piping during the erectiontime of steel itself. )ontingency can increase the safety of project.

-ntergrated project delivery contracts. -t is unites all the partiesinvolved in the constrction project all the suppliers& vendors&contractors practices and plicys so as to get better project results. -nthis approach&

 Target value design approach)hoose based on advantages
