training facilitation tips

Financial System Upgrade Train-the Trainer Training Tips and Tricks

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Financial System UpgradeTrain-the Trainer

Training Tips and Tricks

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2Copyright © 2006 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Train-the-Trainer Tips and Tricks

Please put cell phones on vibrate or turn off No food or drink in classroom Bathrooms on to the right of the back door Website address for handouts:

– PeopleSoft Upgrade

– Presentations◘ TTT tips and tricks


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Train-the-Trainer Tips and Tricks


Tom BeslicChange Management Lead - Accenture

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4Copyright © 2006 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksAgenda

Basic adult learning principles and styles Class preparation Presentation techniques Role as a facilitator Setting expectations Activities in the classroom Common classroom problems References

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5Copyright © 2006 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksObjectives

After completing this session you should be able to:– Define basic adult learning styles– List the steps for preparing for a class– Describe successful presentation techniques– Define the instructor’s role as a facilitator– List benefits and ways to introduce activities

into the classroom

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Preparations for Go LiveBasic adult learning principles and stylesBasic adult learning principles and styles

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7Copyright © 2006 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksLearning Behavior

Instructor’s responsibility– Defines the objective of the course– Determines course content– Determines sequence of topics– Sets time frames and all other course details– Gathers input for development of course


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8Copyright © 2006 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksAdult Learning

Characteristics of the learner– Self-directed– Knows why something needs to be learned– Contributes life experiences to learning

process– Problem-centered approach– Focused on real-life situations

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksAdult Learning

Characteristics of the instructor– Develops applications

Enhances the learner’s productivity

– Develops exercises Mimic real-life situations

– Facilitates the learning process– Sets the initial mood or climate of the session– Is a flexible resource

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksAdult Learning

The more we discover about how adults learn and apply the theories, the more effective the transfer of knowledge.

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksAdult Learning Styles

Some learn by doing Some learn by listening Some learn by watching other perform the


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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksIdentify Learning Characteristics

Thrive on participation and involvement Like to feel in control of their learning What’s in it for them Relevance of learning to their life experience Appreciate a maximum amount of hands-on learning

opportunities Need the opportunity to apply and try out learning

quickly Need to be involved in evaluating their own progress

toward self-chosen goals

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13Copyright © 2006 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Train-the-Trainer Tips and Tricks

Adult learners must be able to see the practical application of new concepts in order to learn and understand them. Training sessions, which are, mostly, lecture, with little opportunity to apply the concepts, can be frustrating – not to mention boring.

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksRetention

10% of what they read 20% of what they hear 30% of what they see 50% of what they both hear and use 70% of what they say 90% of what they say and do

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksHow Adults Learn Best

Cooperative learning environment Physically and psychologically comfortable

training environment Task-based or experiential learning situations Learning is active

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksThe Challenge

How do we develop and deliver training to such a heterogeneous mix of learning styles and needs?

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksTraining Stages

Explain the idea/concept/information Demonstrate the idea/concept/information Work through a procedure together Work through a procedure independently

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksTraining Techniques

Mini-lecture/Discussion– Format

Identify and present the target/idea/concept/information

– Use the two minute rule Encourage participants to:

– Raise issues– Identify applications– Ask questions

Elaborate on participant’s responses, and ask follow up questions

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksTraining Techniques

Demonstration– Meets the “show me” need of the learner

Let the participants know you are about to start a demonstration

Go slowly, and “talk though” each step you make as you use the system. Don’t forget helpful hints long the way

Encourage questions and comments

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksTraining Techniques

Guided exercise– The participant AND you work through a

procedure together Make sure everyone understands what you are

about to do before starting Avoid comments such as:

– “This will be easy”– ‘This is difficult or confusing”

Primary goal is to make the participants self-sufficient

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21Copyright © 2006 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksTraining Techniques

Unguided exercise– Start the exercise off by identifying and

describing the objective– Walk around the room– Keep in mind your primary goal is to assist

then participants in becoming self-sufficient– Review the results of the exercise

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22Copyright © 2006 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksObjectives

After completing this session you should be able to:– Define basic adult learning styles

We also covered:– Retention– Training Stages– Training Techniques

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Preparations for Go LiveClass PreparationClass Preparation

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksPreparing for a Class

Checklist Preparing as an Instructor Know your audience Know your subject matter

– Increases your credibility as an instructor– Establishes you as an expert– Transfers or communications that knowledge

to others Know your course materials

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksPreparing for a Class

Classroom preparation– Before Class – First Day– After Class – Each Day– Before Class – Subsequent Days (if applicable)– After Class – Last Day

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Preparations for Go LivePresentation TechniquesPresentation Techniques

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27Copyright © 2006 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksPresenting Yourself

Projecting a positive image– Don’t hind behind tables, workstations, etc.– Smile and mean it– Maintain eye contact with group– Give the group a task to perform right away– Take possession of your space– Create camaraderie with the group

Relate any experiences

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksPresenting Yourself

Voice– Speak firmly but never in a condescending

tone– Speak facing your audience

Don’t speak to PowerPoint slides

– Practice pronouncing difficult words or phrases

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksPresenting Yourself

Body language– Keep an open posture– Maintain appropriate eye contact– Avoid distracting mannerisms– Avoid using controlling gesture (pointing, etc.)

Use of space Dress

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksInstructor Etiquette

What you say– Learn and use the jargon of your audience– Be tolerant, not picky– Call participants by name when addressing

them– Never put down any participant– Refrain from potentially volatile discussions– Don’t offer an opinion

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksInstructor Etiquette

Non-verbal– Do not roll your eyes when asked questions– Do not make any disapproving sounds– Do not walk away when someone is talking to

you Developing relationships

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32Copyright © 2006 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksObjectives

After completing this session you should be able to:– List the steps for preparing for a class– Describe successful presentation techniques

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Preparations for Go LiveRole as a FacilitatorRole as a Facilitator

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksFacilitator Role

You are responsible for “selling” the system Enthusiasm and excitement Participants may not like how the system

works You are not solely responsible for participants

learning– Participant shares in that responsibility

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksFacilitator Role

Setting the agenda and keeping tack of time Maintaining training objectives Listening Protecting the rights of all participants Effectively using various teaching methods and tools Maintaining interest of the group Reviewing the material Handling challenges to your authority

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksFacilitator Role

Create a positive learning environment– Creating an atmosphere of mutual respect– Demonstrating understanding and appreciation– Encouraging active involvement

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37Copyright © 2006 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksObjectives

After completing this session you should be able to:– Define the instructor’s role as a facilitator

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Preparations for Go LiveSetting ExpectationsSetting Expectations

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39Copyright © 2006 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksStarting a Class

Try and greet participants First half-hour of the session is critical

– How they perceive you– What their role is– What they intend to accomplish in the class

Introduction– Probe for issues– Concerns– Expectations

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40Copyright © 2006 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksStarting a Class

Housekeeping Review course objectives Review agenda Establish class guidelines

– Sticking to the agenda topics– Starting the session on time after breaks– Showing respect to others in the class

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksTechniques

Flexibility Encourage participation

– Practice exercises– Q&A– Demonstrations– Games– Role plays

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksTechniques

Using Input Mistakes and System Errors– Use this to your advantage

Student’s question gets answered Answer is shared with the entire class

– Everyone benefits

Key points can be re-emphasized to the whole group

Most effective when the mistake made is a common one

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksTraining Activities

Introductions– Job function/title– Length at the State– Computer/PeopleSoft experience– Objective/expectations for the course

Getting to know you – if appropriate Role playing

– Very effective technique– Not used very often in software training

Perform a function as it relate to their actual job Games Effective Q & A

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44Copyright © 2006 Accenture All Rights Reserved.

Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksObjectives

After completing this session you should be able to:– List benefits and ways to introduce activities

into the classroom

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Preparations for Go LiveCommon Classroom

ProblemsCommon Classroom


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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksClassroom Challenges

Varied skill levels Disruptive individuals Non-participants Equipment

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Preparations for Go LiveReferencesReferences

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Train-the-Trainer Tips and TricksReferences