training for networking

Leadership week: 1 st  day Initiative:  A forced kindness deserves no thanks but willingness to serve does not wait until it is asked for. Purposes of Training:  To develop humility  To know the institution  To develop batch camaraderie  To have common experience  To develop presence of mind The power of now We are too much concerned of what was and what will be. Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery but today is gift that’s why it is called the p resent. The Parable of the Talents One day a man was going on a long trip. He needed his servants to take care of his property while he was gone, so he called them to him. To the first servant he gave five talents of money. This man went to work at once using his money and talent until he doubled it, he had now ten talents. The master gave the second man two talents. He probably thought the man was capable of managing that amount of money; He was successful also and doubled his money. The third man was not capable as the other two, but the master gave him one talent with the expectation that he would manage it well. He too could have managed it but he dug a hole and buries it in the ground. The master was well pleased. He said well done, good and faithful servants both of you have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and

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8/12/2019 Training for Networking 1/8

Leadership week:

1 st day Initiative:

A forced kindness deserves no thanks but willingness to serve does not wait until

it is asked for.Purposes of Training:

To develop humility To know the institution To develop batch camaraderie To have common experience To develop presence of mind

The power of nowWe are too much concerned of what was and what will be. Yesterday is history,tomorrow is a mystery but today is gift that’s why it is called the present.

The Parable of the Talents

One day a man was going on a long trip. He needed his servants to take care of his

property while he was gone, so he called them to him.

To the first servant he gave five talents of money. This man went to work at once using

his money and talent until he doubled it, he had now ten talents.

The master gave the second man two talents. He probably thought the man was

capable of managing that amount of money; He was successful also and doubled his


The third man was not capable as the other two, but the master gave him one talent

with the expectation that he would manage it well. He too could have managed it but he

dug a hole and buries it in the ground.

The master was well pleased. He said well done, good and faithful servants both of you

have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and

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share with your master’s happiness.

The man who had received one talent dug up the talent he had buried and brought it to

the master. He accused the master of being a hard man to work for, said he had been

afraid, so he just buried his talent. He gave it back to the master saying, "See, here is

what belongs to you."

The master was very angry with him and called him a wicked, lazy servant. He said the

man should at least have put the money with bankers and received some interest

The master took his one talent away from him and gave it to the man who had ten

talents, and the one talent man was punished because he had not properly used thetalent he had been given.

2nd day: Commitment

Loyalty Pledgee

If you work for a man

In heavens name, work for him,Speak well of him,

And stand by the institution that he represents.

Remember, an ounce of loyalty

is worth a pound of cleverness.

If you must growl, condemn,

And eternally find fault,

Why resign your position?

But when you are on the outside,

Damn to your heart's content.

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But as long as you are a part of the institution, do not condemn it.

For if you do,

The first high wind that comes along

Will blow you away

And probably you will never know why.

Knighthood Loyalty

Loyalty in three wordsLoyalty, Responsibility, CommitmentLoyalty in two wordsLife time commitmentLoyalty in one wordCommitment

I hated every minute of training, but I said, 'Don't quit. Suffer now and live the restof your life as a champion.

3 rd day: ConfidenceStay calm, and controlLaugh at criticism and rejectionDisarm potential threats by being friendly and warm.Be non-reactive to negative comments.To succeed in life, you need two things: ignorance and confidence

Smile before you approach anything. Release your positive state. Always smile and be comfortable at stressful situations. Stick to your strengths.

Maximize positive attention passively. Well-groomed Fit and toned physique Good posture Smiling face Deep voice

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4 th day: Mastery

The Achievers prayerWe are not to reason why,

We are not to reply

We but to do or die

So help me God

Law of Least Effort.

Some other good general tips:

1. Find ways to maximize the positive attention you receive passively . This includes most

fundamentals, like posture, nonverbal, and hair- and dress-styling. The more positive attention

you receive from people without having to actively do anything to get it, the better.

2. Find ways to maximize your level of visible comfort . You should always be the most

comfortable person in the room. A good rule of thumb is, if you feel comfortable,

you look comfortable. The more comfortable you look, the more confident, strong, and effortless

you appear.3. Find ways to minimize your level of investment . It’s much easier to be the list ener while

someone else talks and talks – and if you’re comfortable as you listen, you appear to be

expending far less effort, while the people you’re speaking with does her best to impress and

attract you.

4. Get good at giving orders and commands in a very relaxed, low-effort way . When giving

people orders or commands, you want to give those orders or commands in a voice that is both

dominant and demanding, but also relaxed and calm. The more effortlessly you appear to state

your demands, the more likely you are to get compliance with those demands.

Most of us go to work for money. No Money means no pretty wife, no credit card, and

no social status. “Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your

life.” Pursue excellence, and success will follow pants down.

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5 th day: Humility1. You are not as smart as you think you are

2. Being addicted to praise can be a growth killer. Saying please and thank you are

absolutely necessary.

3. Attractiveness can only get you so far. Expect greatness but be humbled by the

imperfect side of human nature.

4. Education is an enabler to success but not the definition of it.

The hare and the tortoise

A hare one day ridiculed the short feet and slow pace of the tortoise, who replied

laughing” though you be swift as the wind, I will beat you in a race”. The harebelieving her strength to be simple impossible and agreed to the proposal; on

the day appointed for the race the two started together. The tortoise never for a

moment stopped, but went on with a slow but steady pace straight to the end of

the course. The hare lying down by the wayside fell fast asleep. At last waking

up and moving fast as he could, he saw the tortoise had reached the goal, and

was comfortably.

6 th day: Never quit

1. “Keep Moving Forward”

2. “You don't get drown by falling into a river. You get drown by remaining there.

3. Why do you wake up every morning?

4. Remember that guy that gave up? Neither does anyone else.

5. When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the firstplace.

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7 th day: replenish

1. God didn't do it all in one day. What makes me think I can?

2. When I feel an attack, I withdraw. I disappear, I replenish, and then I comeback.

3. “Inward calm cannot be maintained unless physical strength is constantly andintelligently replenished.”

4. Its not stress that kills us, it is our reaction to it. 5. Worry is worthless. It can't change the past or control the future. It only spoils the


Friendship week


A woman died and was taken to heaven. The angel wanted her to see hell, so theystopped there first. Hell had a lake of nutritious stew, but the people had only 12-footspoons and so were frustrated when they tried to feed themselves. So the people weremiserable and hungry. Then the woman was taken to heaven. Amazingly, heaven wasexactly the same, with the same stew and 12-foot spoons; but here the people were

happy and well-fed. The woman asked, "Why are these people so different?" The angelreplied, "They feed each other; these people have learned the way of love."


Robert Roberts writes about a fourth grade class in which the teacher introduced a game called"balloon stomp." A balloon was tied to every child's leg, and the object of the game was to popeveryone else's balloon while protecting one's own. The last person with an intact balloon would win.

The fourth graders in Roberts' story entered into the spirit of the game with vigor. Balloons were

relentlessly targeted and destroyed. A few of the children clung to the sidelines like wallflowers at amiddle school dance, but their balloons were doomed just the same. The entire battle was over in amatter of seconds, leaving only one balloon inflated. Its owner was, of course, the most disliked kid inthe class. It's hard to really win at a game like balloon stomp. In order to complete your mission, youhave to be pushy, rude and offensive.

Roberts goes on to write that a second class was introduced to the same game. Only this time i t was aclass of mentally handicapped children. They were given the same explanation as the first class, andthe signal to begin was given. But the game proceeded very differently. Perhaps the instructions were

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given too quickly for children with learning disabilities to grasp them. The one idea that got throughwas that the balloons were supposed to be popped. So it was the balloons, not the other players, thatwere viewed as enemies. Instead of fighting each other, they began helping each other pop balloons.One little girl knelt down and held her balloon carefully in place, like a holder for a field goal kicker. Alittle boy stomped it flat. Then he knelt down and held his balloon for her. It went on like this forseveral minutes until all the balloons were vanquished, and everybody cheered. Everybody won.

Who got the game right, and who got the game wrong? In our world, we tend to think of anotherperson's success as one less opportunity for us to succeed. There can only be one top dog, one topbanana, one big kahuna. If we ever find ourselves in that enviable position, we will fight like mad tomaintain our hold on it. A lot of companies fail to enjoy prolonged success because the people incharge have this "balloon stomp" mentality. In the church, the rules change. Jesus Christ gets topbilling. We're just here to serve his purposes, and we do that most effectively by elevating others andhumbling ourselves.

Build Up

How to win Friends and be Successful.1. Fundamental Techniques in Handling People

Don't criticize, condemn, or complain.

Give honest and sincere appreciation.

Arouse in the other person an eager want.

Never show others that you are not interested in what they have to say.

2. Six Ways to Make People like You Become genuinely interested in other people.


Remember that a person's name is, to that person, the sweetest and most important sound

in any language.

Be a good listener. Encourage others to talk about them.

Talk in terms of the other person's interest.

Make the other person feel important – and do it sincerely.

7 ways to win and influence People

1. Don't overemphasize your successes, use the underdog effect to work in your favor,

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2. Show genuine interest in others. Learning from them as well as getting them to thinkpositively about you.

3. Make sure that you become a rewarding presence.4. Remember to smile.5. Be genuine and honest. 6. Bring personal resources to your relationships. When you show you're a helpful

person, you also become more likeable.7. Don't be too judgmental. Leave the criticism to the professionals, and you'll see both

kinder and gentler.