training series live!: email marketing 101

Email Marketing 101 Liz Ryan: CEO, Relish Tray Media

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Post on 25-Jul-2015




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Email Marketing 101 Liz Ryan: CEO, Relish Tray Media

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• To hear the presentation:

– Listen using your speakers

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• (415) 655-0059

• Access Code: 656-771-136

• Questions?

– Send them and we’ll cover as many as we can at the end of the webinar

– Follow @Apartmentscom and #AptsTraining

• This session will be recorded for future reference

Housekeeping tips

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• Learn the basic components of an email marketing program

• Get ideas of how to beef up your email marketing program through

lifecycle messaging

• Examples of creative for onboarding new subscribers to optimize


What’s in store

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Liz Ryan CEO

Presented by

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• Liz Ryan • CEO, Relish Tray Media

• Boutique Chicago based Marketing Agency focused on Email Marketing

• 13 Years Online Marketing Experience focused on email marketing

Email Marketing: 101


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Benefits of Email Marketing • Cheap • Measurable ROI • Direct Marketing, customizable, 1:1 conversation • Dynamic - relatively easy to change, create, and

quick to customer

Benefits of email marketing


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• Cheap - Everyone can afford to do it, which set up unique challenges for differentiation

• Hard to find experienced talent – although this is getting to be less of a challenge as email has become a more mainstream medium.

• Executive buy in – overcome stigma of “SPAM”

Challenges of email marketing


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• Promotional Messaging • CRM • Newsletters • Transactional or Triggered

Ways in which email marketing establishes a dialog with customers


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• Product Suggestions • Customer satisfaction

surveys • Event Reminder



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Transactional • Confirmation • Welcome Email • Password Retrieval



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• Target Audience/List • Creative • Lifecycle Management Plan • Deployment

Components of an email marketing program


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• Define • Existing list

– Entire List – Segmentation

Target audience


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• How your list build practice will effect engagement. Three basic ways to grow your list – Buy - BAD – Rental and partnerships – ok when done right – Organically or direct – the best

• Traffic on site • Paid search • Display • On Premise

List Growth & Sources

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• Demographic data – Collected at sign up – Appended through third party providers

• Behavioral data • Subscriber supplied information

Targeting and Segmentation

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• Spam Filters • CAN SPAM compliance • Subject Line • Message body

– Professional graphic design with a knowledge of the intricacies of graphic rendering in different email clients

– Professional copy editor, easy to set your program a step ahead

– Can use templates to make updating easy



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• Message body – Personalization -Dear [Mr. Jones] or -Please give us feedback regarding the

apartment you rented at [location]. – Segmentation based on demographic info -different creative for different locations



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• In-House – High tech resources – ISP and compliance in house requires knowledgeable

Human Resources • Email Service Provider (ESP)

– Small like Constant Contract • Good for small lists/small business (not equipped for large lists or

corporations) • Templates and list management takes little human resources • Limited personalization/lifecycle management • Limited analytics



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• Email Service Provider (ESP) – Large like ExactTarget, Silverpop, Strongmail

• More expensive • Better for high volumes • Highly customizable user experience capabilities • Generally a high learning curve for email marketing manager

and/or team • Better and customizable analytics • (Many) include tools for integration with social media marketing



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• Message and voice • Value of email to the recipient • How email fits into marketing mix • Competitive intelligence • Resources • Marketing Objectives • Lifecycle • Cadence & Timing



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• Warm and fuzzy • Open a dialog/Conversational • Comedic and entertaining • Just the facts • Highly promotional – Rent Now!

Message and voice


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• Customer-centric medium: Why do they want to receive it, not why it benefits YOU

• Discount • Valuable information • Exclusive information • Email specific opportunity like early announcement of a

promotion or property availability.

Value of email to recipient


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Email should: • Compliment other channels • Reinforce overall marketing message • Keep within brand image

Multi-Channel – Integrated Marketing


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How are your competitors using email to reach their marketing goals? – What are they doing well? – What can be improved upon? – How can you differentiate?

Competitive Intelligence


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• Human – who will carry out the daily task of deployment, creative development, analytics

• Technical – in house or outsource? • Financial – Costs of human resources,




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• How will you measure success? • Email is relatively easy to measure ROI

– Sales • Specific increase in revenue? – Web analytics to track

revenue, retail store sales – Clicks or website visitors?

• Specific increase in web visitors – Web analytics for traffic referrals

– Membership or newsletter signups. – Other

Marketing Objectives


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• By campaign • By list • By segment • By property • By email type • By season



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• Sent • Delivered • Opened • Clicked • Bounced • Spam Complaints • Engagement



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Campaign Name Week Day Type Sent Delivered % Opens % Unusbscribes % Clicks %

Campaign 1 1 Tuesday Newsletter 1,442 1,403 97.30% 211 15.00% 2 0.10% 71 5.06%

Campaign 2 2 Wednesday Newsletter 1,432 1,410 98.50% 228 16.20% 8 0.60% 74 5.25%

Campaign 3 3 Thursday Newsletter 1,404 1,379 98.20% 211 15.30% 5 0.40% 67 4.86%

Campaign 4 4 Friday Newsletter 1,480 1,462 98.80% 208 14.20% 11 0.80% 56 3.83%

Campaign 5 5 Saturday Newsletter 1,407 1,379 98.00% 196 14.20% 2 0.10% 72 5.22%

Campaign 6 6 Sunday Newsletter 1,444 1,413 97.90% 227 16.10% 2 0.10% 81 5.73%

Campaign 7 7 Tuesday Newsletter 1,385 1,358 98.10% 192 14.10% 0 0.00% 63 4.64%

Campaign 8 8 Wednesday Newsletter 1,420 1,394 98.20% 204 14.60% 3 0.20% 77 5.52%

Campaign 9 8 Thursday Newsletter 1,474 1,440 97.70% 219 15.20% 1 0.10% 83 5.76%

Campaign 10 8 Friday Newsletter 1,484 1,452 97.80% 218 15.00% 2 0.10% 71 4.89%

Campaign 11 8 Saturday Newsletter 1,564 1,537 98.30% 208 13.50% 3 0.20% 69 4.49%

Campaign 12 8 Sunday Newsletter 1,488 1,458 98.00% 211 14.50% 4 0.30% 59 4.05%

Campaign 13 8 Tuesday Newsletter 1,454 1,431 98.40% 187 13.10% 3 0.20% 57 3.98%

Campaign 14 8 Wednesday Newsletter 1,469 1,439 98.00% 176 12.20% 2 0.10% 61 4.24%

Campaign 15 8 Thursday Newsletter 1,381 1,350 97.80% 134 9.90% 4 0.30% 37 2.74%

Campaign 16 8 Wednesday Newsletter 1,511 1,476 97.70% 230 15.60% 5 0.30% 69 4.67% Total 23,239 22,781 98.03% 3,260 14.03% 57 0.25% 1067 4.68%

Typical Dashboard


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• Questions? Tweet them using #AptsTraining

• Each session will be archived on the Blog

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Questions? Send questions via the chat box to ‘All Panelists’.