training the information operations workforce

Training the Information Operations Workforce AOC Australian Chapter 2014 Conference Mr Jeff Malone Defence Science and Technology Organisation (Australia)

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This presention was delivered at the Assocation of Old Crows Australian Chapter 2014 Conference in Adelaide. It provides a first principle training needs analysis for a generic military Information Operations workforce.


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Training the Information Operations Workforce

AOC Australian Chapter 2014 Conference

Mr Jeff Malone

Defence Science and Technology Organisation (Australia)

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• Workforce Context: An Overview of IO

• IO Workforce Taxonomy

• Continuums in the IO Workforce

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Workforce Context: An Overview of Information Operations

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The Emergence and Evolution of IO

• C3CM concept originates in the 1970s, based on exploiting identified vulnerabilities in Soviet C3I systems

• Successfully employed in Operation DESERT STORM, in concert with PSYOPS

• Rebadged as C2W/IW in early 1990s

• IO emerges in mid 1990s, based on perceived limitations of C2W/IW

• IO remains core (US joint) term of reference

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Trends in the Evolution of Information Operations

• From warfighting only to applicability across the spectrum of operations

• Expansion from C3I target set to human decision making more generally (including the systems which enable and support decision making)

• Expansion in the range of information-based capabilities to be integrated and deconflicted

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IO: US Joint Doctrinal Definition

• “The integrated employment, during military operations, of information-related capabilities in concert with other lines of operation to influence, disrupt, corrupt, or usurp the decision-making of adversaries and potential adversaries while protecting our own.”

Source: Joint Publication 3-13, Information Operations, 27 November 2012

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Information-Related Capability (IRC)

• “A tool, technique, or activity employed within a dimension of the information environment that can be used to create effects and operationally desirable conditions.”

Source: Joint Publication 3-13, Information Operations, 27 November 2012

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Examples of IRCs

• Electronic Warfare (Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations)

• Cyberspace Operations

• Operations Security

• Military Deception

• Psychological Operations

• Kinetic Targeting

• (and many others)

Source: Joint Publication 3-13, Information Operations, 27 November 2012

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The Information Environment

Source: Joint Publication 3-13, Information Operations, 27 November 2012

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Enabling and Supporting Activities

• Enable/support IO in general and/or specific IRCs

• Include (indicatively):

– Intelligence

– Information/Knowledge Management

– Spectrum Management

– CIS Operations/NETOPS

– Information Assurance

Source: Derived from Joint Publication 3-13, Information Operations, 27 November 2012

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Information Operations Workforce Taxonomy

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Elements of the IO Workforce

• Common Elements

• Generalist

• IRC Specialist

• Enabling Activity Specialist

• IO Specialist

• Non-Military

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Common Elements

• Might be characterised as ‘lowest common denominator’ level of knowledge

• Knowledge level of IO/IRCs in the context of the information environment being a facet of the overall military operational environment

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• Might be characterised as ‘traditional warfighters’

– Strong roots in their ‘alma mater’ operational environment

– Career path of senior Service and Joint commanders

• Knowledge of IO/IRCs in the context of how they contribute to overall operational design and success

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IRC Specialists

• Career centred on mastery of specific IRC

– Might (or might not) also have a Generalist background as well

• Deep technical knowledge of specific IRC; working knowledge of how their IRC integrates into IO

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Enabling Activity Specialist

• Career centred on mastery of specific enabling activity

– Might (or might not) also have a Generalist and/or IRC background as well

• Deep technical knowledge of specific enabling; working knowledge of how their specialty supports or integrates with IRCs or IO as a whole

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IO Specialist

• Holds an IO-specific appointment

– Career path could originate from a variety of sources

• Deep (?) technical/procedural knowledge of integration of IO into overall operations

• Some level of knowledge of IRCs/enabling activities, especially in regards points of synergy and conflict

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• Individuals from outside the military with a background in disciplines that intersect with IO or specific IRCs/enabling activities

– Civilian Government; Private Sector; Academia; Civil Society/Non-Government/International Organisation

• Deep technical knowledge in their own discipline

• Likely no knowledge of military concepts or processes

• Might be deeply suspicious or hostile to military in general and/or to IO/IRCs specifically

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Continuums in the IO Workforce

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Career Continuum Generic Model

Senior Commander (O6+)

Manager/Commander (O4-05)

Supervisor (E5-E9/O1-O3)

Operator (E1-E4)

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Common Elements

• Individual Training

– Limited training at the pre-Operator/entry level

– Refresher/currency training as required

• Collective Training

– Limited incorporation into collective training (for this workforce element)

• Non-Training Solutions

– High reliance on non-training solutions (policies, governance frameworks) to achieve compliance

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• Individual Training

– Incorporate familiarity-level training into career courses through continuum; specific IO training for identified individuals

• Collective Training

– Incorporate IO-related issues/serials into collective training to extend familiarity

• Non-Training Solutions

– Incorporate IO into doctrine, processes and support tools as guidance/aide memoire

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IRC Specialists• Individual Training

– Incorporate familiarity-level training into career courses through continuum; specific IO training for identified individuals

• Collective Training

– Incorporate IO-related issues/serials into collective training to extend familiarity

– Focus: how their IRC relates to others and to IO in toto

• Non-Training Solutions

– Incorporate IO into doctrine, processes and support tools as guidance/aide memoire

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Enabling Activity Specialists• Individual Training

– Incorporate familiarity-level training into career courses through continuum; specific IO training for identified individuals

• Collective Training

– Incorporate IO-related issues/serials into collective training to extend familiarity

– Focus: how their Enabling Activity relates to IRCs and to IO in toto

• Non-Training Solutions

– Incorporate IO into doctrine, processes and support tools as guidance/aide memoire

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IO Specialists• Individual Training

– Specific IO training should be integrated into the training continuum after generalist/IRC/Enabling Activity training and development to Supervisor/Manager level

– Implication: pathways for developing IO professional originate in generalist, specialist IRC and (to some extent) Enabling Activity career continuums

• Collective Training

– Incorporate IO-related issues/serials into collective training to extend familiarity

– Focus: demonstrating worth to others

• Non-Training Solutions

– Incorporate IO into doctrine, processes and support tools as guidance/aide memoire

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Non-Military• Individual Training

– Incorporate familiarity-level training at appropriate lateral levels for specific IRCs/Enabling Activities

– Might be as much about working with the military

• Collective Training

– Incorporate IO-related issues/serials into collective training to extend familiarity

– Focus: demonstrate the intersection between their profession and IRCs/Enabling Activities/IO in toto

• Non-Training Solutions

– Incorporate IO into doctrine, processes and support tools as guidance/aide memoire

– Might need to focus on translating military jargon

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