trancers module 2: trancers at the earth's core

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  • 8/13/2019 Trancers Module 2: Trancers at the Earth's Core


    Trancers RPG Module :Trancers at the Earths Core

    By Ahi Kerp

    ~ Trancers RPG By Oreon Lothamer and Ahi Kerp ~

  • 8/13/2019 Trancers Module 2: Trancers at the Earth's Core


    Trancers RPG Module 2:

    Trancers at the Earth's Core"Ten years, and I thought that at the most it could be scarce more than one!"

    Pellucidar is a land 500 miles below the surface of the earth. A miniature sun suspended

    at the center of the hollow sphere always shines; there is no night on Pellucidar. Theminiature sun never changes in brightness, and never sets; so with no night or seasonal

    progression, the natives have little concept of time. The world is additionally more vast

    than our own. Our oceans and their continents and, correspondingly, our continents aretheir oceans. Time is elastic, and months for one person can seem like a few hours for

    another. Because time flows so differently at the Earth's Core, long-second watches no

    longer function. And because of the permanent noon-high sun, and because of the

    unnatural lack of a horizon, all PC's lost 1d4 Agility and Endurance for 1d4 days uponfirst reaching Pellucidar.

    There is one exception to the rule of perpetual day. There is a region directly under a tinygeostationarymoon of the internal sun; that region as a result is under a perpetualeclipse

    and is known as the Land of Awful Shadow. This moon has its own plant life andanimal

    life,and hence either has its ownatmosphere or shares that of Pellucidar.

    The technology of Pellucidar was, until recently, akin to the Stone Age. The coming of

    David Innes changed that, and now the 20th century has fully arrived. (For reasonsunknown, Pellucidar can only be entered from the late 1920's. Any technology from

    beyond that time will only work 20 percent of the time. As of the date of this writing, noAndroid has ever remained functional upon descending to Pellucidar.

    Though there are many threats on the great plains at the center of the Earth, there is one

    that looms above all others.

    "A race of intelligent but sinister reptiles."

    Mahars can be described briefly as quite hideous, with wings and webbed feet; they live

    in cities built beneath the ground; can fly or swim under water for great distances, and arevery, very wise. They are also telepathic. As Edgar Rice Burroughs tells it:

    The all-powerful Mahars of Pellucidar are great reptiles, some six or eight feet in length,

    with long narrow heads and great round eyes. Their beak-like mouths are lined with

    sharp, white fangs, and the backs of their huge, lizard bodies are serrated into bony

    ridges from their necks to the end of their long tails. Their feet are equipped with three

    webbed toes, while from the fore feet membranous wings, which are attached to their
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    bodies just in front of the hind legs, protrude at an angle of 45 degrees toward the rear,

    ending in sharp points several feet above their bodies.

    The problem is that once David Innes and Abner Perry started a war of humans against

    Mahar, shit got way too real. The Mahars used their sixth sense (Mahars are cognizant of

    the fourth dimension) to begin trancinghumans. These Trancers proved so effective thatthey replaced the Sagoths as the Mahar's primary shock troops and warriors. Of course,

    eventually some Sagoths were tranced by the Mahar as well. These fearsome ape men

    are strong enough to rend stones, and impeccably loyal.

    Combat in Pellucidar

    Combat on Pellucidar is mainly hand-to-hand. Before David Innes returned with anarmory, the most advanced weapons were stone knives and crude axes. Because humans

    are far less dominant, there are many animals, who fight with cruel talons and crueler

    teeth. When fighting the mighty monsters of Pellucidar, all combat checks are one level

    lower for the first 1d6 days.

    Trancing in Pellucidar

    Due to the high natural beauty of the stone age people, Trancers in Pellucidar are

    considered even less attractive. Reduce you Attractiveness feature by an additional 1d4.

    This is compensated by the fact that the animals will not attack you on sight, as even theyare repulsed by the evil that is inside you. They will still attack if very hungry however--

    you have a 50% chance that any animal encountered will wander way, belly already full.

    Androids in Pellucidar

    Androids are the worst of all classes for Pellucidar. They cannot be sent back to the

    1920s. And when crude ones were constructed by scientists sent back, they never

    functioned upon reaching Pellucidar. No, the earth's core is about human bravery andunmitigated spirit, not unending 0s and 1s. If you choose to play an Android, you have a10 percent + 5 percent per luck point of surviving. (At which point, congrats, you will bea god!)

    Normal People in Pellucidar

    There is not the normal range of normal people. Instead, think Stone Age. Most people

    are hunters or fishermen. There aren't enough humans or large enough communities yet

    for specialized roles like carpenters, boatmakers, etc.

    Are you Tuff Enough?

    While it has been said that the Trancers RPG is easily the most realistic role playinggame in the world, the system wasn't designed for a world like Pelludicar. Here are some

    alternate methods for creating characters native to the environment.

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    Method 1: Roll 2d10 for each Attribute

    The Ghak the Hairy method, good for natives of Pellucidar. This method is simple. Just

    roll 2d10 for each Attribute and take the higher of the two. For example, Rob rolls a 3and a 7 for Snar's Strength attribute. Of course Rob chooses the 7 and discards the 3.

    Method 2: Roll 2d4+2 for each Attribute

    The David Innes method. This is the most realistic method for determining the eight

    Attributes. Simply roll 2d4 and add 2 to the total. This will likely generate aScore of 4-10, which means that you will never play a weak and

    Useless character again.

    Method 3: Roll 1d6 and add 4 for each Attribute

    The Abner Perry. This is the preferred method of rolling for players who wish to be able

    to choose whichever Occupation they want. When rolling this

    Method, you know for sure that you will have a minimum score of 5 in any givenattribute.

    Method 4: Roll2d6 for each Attribute

    The Tarzan heroic mold. Of course this method results in scores above ten, but we are

    talking about RPG heroes hereyou know for sure that Tarzan has a Strength of at least

    12, for example. Besides, this method is balancedBy the fact that rolls can be as low as 2 for any Attribute (though we

    Suggest rerolling any twos.)

    Megafauna"Myriad are the huge-bellied carnivora of this primitive world."

    "[T]he snarling visage of a huge, enraged, saber-toothed tiger is one of the most terrible

    sights in the world."

    David Innes could survive half-naked and unarmed in the open because he was a John

    Carter clone and, even more importantly, had plot armor Your PC has neither. And there

    are a host of creatures who want to eat you. Here are a sampling of the fierce animals

    you can encounter, but we encourage to both (re)read the Burroughs books or grab a bookon megafauna and introduce some creatures of your own.

    For stats purposes, consider all the below creatures at levels 5-10, with attacks that cankill in single blow and enough HP to survive a great amount of damage.

  • 8/13/2019 Trancers Module 2: Trancers at the Earth's Core


    Dyrth"Emerging from the forest was a colossal beast which closely resembled a bear. It was

    fully as large as the largest elephant and with great forepaws armed with huge claws. Its

    nose, or snout, depended nearly a foot below its lower jaw, much after the manner of a

    rudimentary trunk. The giant body was covered by a coat of thick, shaggy hair."


    A huge, shaggy, bull-like creature. Capable of defeating even the mightiest of foes.

    Tiger"In contour and markings it was not unlike the noblest of the Bengals of our own world,

    but as its dimensions were exaggerated to colossal proportions so too were its colorings

    exaggerated. Its vivid yellows fairly screamed aloud; its whites were as eider down; its

    blacks glossy as the finest anthracite coal, and its coat long and shaggy as a mountain

    goatIt is not the occasional member of its species that is a man hunterall are man


    Cave Bear

    "He is a mighty animala terrible animal." From the tip of its nose to the end of itsstubby tail it was fully twelve feet in length. The alpha predator of all Pellucidar.

    New SkillsAt GM discretion, you can include post Innes and Perry skills such asGunsmithing and Smelting. If so, it's up to you to flesh them out.

    These are the new skills that exist in Pellucidar:

    Physical Mental/Knowledge General Social Survival

    Tragging Pellucidar CommonLanguage

    N/A InstantDomestication

    Home Sensing




    : Base-AGI. Using any projectile weapon, from spear to knife to bow-

    and-arrow. For every 3 skill levels, increase your result by one when using stoneage technology projectiles. (ie, a "good" becomes "pretty damn good.")

    However, a fumble is always a fumble.

    Pellucidar common language.Base-LC. (The same language that Tarzan speaks tothe great apes, it so happens.) Your skill level in language determines how well

    you can speak the common tongue. The following are what you can do at each

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    skill level. 1. You can grunt and pantomime basic desires. 2. You speak with the

    ability of a 3 year old child. 3. You speak with the ability of a 6 year old child. 4.

    You are an eloquent teenager. 5. You are an eloquent adult. 6. You speak withthe grace of a college professor. 7. You could make a lot of money as a public

    speaker (if money or public speaking actually existed). 8. You are a true orator. 9.

    People line up for miles just to hear you speak. 10. You are a Shakespearianorator, a legendary bard, and you make James Earl Jones sound like Justin



    Instant Domestication


    :Base-SC and Luck. If your will is strong enough and your

    heart true enough, you can convert wile animals to your side. First you haveshow them some kindness, offering food or saving them from death. And then

    you have a 10 percent chance for every level in ID. A Fumble OR Failure

    invariably results in being torn asunder by the wild animal.


    Base-N/A. No check is needed. Any native of Pellucidar alwaysknows exactly where their home is. (Only works only on land, however.)

    Playable RacesPellucidar also harbors enclaves of various nonhuman or semi-human races. These are allat the discretion of the GM and other players, of course, and all can be played straight up

    or Tranced. Among the known races in Pellucidar are:

    The Ape Men- A race ofape-like black creatures with prehensile tail and are arboreal.

    Add +2 to Agility and -1 to LC and Determination.

    The Azarians- A race of primitive man-eatinggiants.Plus 3 to STR and END, -3 to

    Learning Capacity, Social Compatibility, and Attractiveness. (These should largely be


    The Beast-Men- The Beast-Men (also called Brute-Men) are peacefulgorilla-like

    farmers.They are sometimes called "Gorilla-Sheep" for thesheep-like appearance of

    their faces. + 2 to AGI.

    The Coripies- A subterranean race that are also known as the Buried People. The

    Coripies are a race of short eyelesscarrion-eaters. -1 to STR, +1 to DET.

    The Ganaks- A race of hornedbison men. They sometimes capture humans for their

    cruel sacrificial rites. +2 STR, -1 Luck, -1 SC

    The Gorbuses- A subterranean race of cannibalistic albinos who are apparently

    resurrected surface-world murderers. (Another largely villain race. -3 to Luck, ATT, and

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    The Horibs- A race of ferocious dinosaur-riding reptile men. +2 STR, +2 END, +1

    AGI. -2 DET (The Mahars love to capture and Trance these men.)

    The Mahars- The master race of Pellucidar who resemble humanoidRhamphorhynchus.

    No auditory organs but possess 6th sense. Can fly and swim at great lengths. +3 LC. +1Det, -2 Luck, -1 ATT.

    The Sabertooth Men- A race ofape-like black creatures with prehensile tails. They are

    cannibals with dagger-like tusks. +2 STR, +1 END, +1 AGI.

    The Sagoths- Thegorilla-like servants of the Mahars +1 STR, +1 END, -1 ATT, -2


    NPCsSome of the characters you may encounter.

    David Innes: Physical specimen of daring and bravery.Abner Perry: As cowardly as a woman, but an inventor of great skill

    Dian the Beautiful: Her beauty only matched by her courage.

    Ghak the Hairy One: Noble friend. Think Tars Tarkas.Hooja the Sly One: A cunning trickster, responsible for much mischief.

    Ja: brave and noble, leader of a hidden city upon the island of Anoroc

    Tanar: Indigenous cavemanTarzan

    : Surely he needs no introduction.

    Game SeedsThere are a million possible stories for Pellucidar. Or more. Don't forget, most of the

    world is completely unexplored in literature. That said, if you're looking for a quick start,

    here are some ways to jump into the campaign.

    You have been captured by the Mahar and sentenced to death in the arena.Across from you is not a foul beast, but the love of your life--completely Tranced.

    Hooja the sly is building an army of men, allied with the Mahar. Your job is to

    infiltrate the army and stop them, any way possible.

    The Mahar have learned to exist without men, and need a book with the secret oflife to procreate. David Innes stole it once, but it was returned to them. Your

    mission is to steal it once more.

    You must kill a cave bear and mount his head at the tent of the woman you love.

    You are sent on a quest to hunt the most terrible creature of them all--theandrewsarchus.