transdisciplinary approach (tda) for building societal ... · transdisciplinary approach (tda) for...

Transdisciplinary Approach (TDA) for Building Societal Resilience to Disasters Kuniyoshi Takeuchi Co-Chair, ACECC TC21 Transdisciplinary approach (TDA) for building societal resilience to disasters Professor Emeritus, University of Yamanashi, Kofu Founding Director, ICHARM, PWRI, Tsukuba Japan ACECC TC21 Session CECAR8, April 16, 2019

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Transdisciplinary Approach (TDA) for Building Societal Resilience to Disasters

Kuniyoshi TakeuchiCo-Chair, ACECC TC21 Transdisciplinary approach (TDA)

for building societal resilience to disastersProfessor Emeritus, University of Yamanashi, Kofu

Founding Director, ICHARM, PWRI, TsukubaJapan

ACECC TC21 SessionCECAR8, April 16, 2019


TC21 was established in July 2016 at 7th Civil Engineering Conference in the Asian Region (CECAR7)

Co-Chairs Dr. Takeuchi and Usec Momoat the TC21 Kick-off Meeting

TC21 Members from Indonesia, Taiwan, and U.S.A.

• Australia (EA) • Bangladesh (IEB)• India (IEI)Indonesia (HAKI) • Japan (JSCE)• Korea (KSCE)• Mongolia (MACE)

• Nepal (NEA)• Pakistan (IEP)• Philippines (PICE) • Taiwan (CICHE)• USA (ASCE)• Vietnam (VIFCEA)

Transdisciplinary Approach (TDA) for Building Societal Resilience to Disasters – Efforts towards Achieving the Goals of Sendai Framework – World Bosai Forum, Nov 27, 2017, Sendai, Japan

Objectives TC21 aims to promote the transdisciplinary

approach for scientific knowledge-based decision making for building societal resilience to disasters at national and local levels.

Promote TDA in DM process by breaking silos Promote the knowledge flow for scientific

knowledge-based DM Help national platform of each nation to achieve

Sendai Framework for DRR & SDGs



• Understanding the basic concept• Case studies of TDA practices in PH, NP,

IN, VN, JP, …• Compiling case studies for 2019 ACECC

General Assembly in Tokyo

2nd Phase• Comparative analyses• Pilot studies• Make a Policy proposal in each nation

1st Phase

Today’s aim

• Learn about the case studies of transdisciplinary approach (TDA) in various counties

• Report of TC21 activities• Discuss about the necessity and the way

to achieve TDA

PROGRAM14:00-09 Introduction: Kuniyoshi Takeuchi, Co-chair, TC2114:09-18 TDA in Taiwan: Ting-Chi Tsao, Sinotec, Inc.14:18-27 TDA in Indonesia: Harkunti Rahayu, Bandung Inst Tech14:27-36 TDA in the Philippines: Senro Kuraoka, Nippon Koei14:36-45 TDA in Vietnam: Pham Hoang Kien, U Transp & Commc14:45-54 TDA in Bangladesh: Abdul Malek Sikder, Inst Eng Bangl14:54-15:03 TDA in Nepal: Masashi Inoue, Eight-Japan, Inc.15:03-12 TDA in Pakistan: Sarosh H. Lodi, NED U Eng Tech15:12-21 TDA in Japan: Mikio Ishiwatari, JICA15:21-30 TDA in Japan: Masaru Arakida, ADRC15:30-16:00 Coffee Break16:00-10 History of TC21: Yoshihiko Katsuhama, Nippon Koei16:10-20 Round-up of Case Studies: Senro Kuraoka, Nippon Koei16:20-30 TC21 Publications & others: Kenichi Tsukahara, Kyushu U16:30-17:20 Discussion: moderated by K Takeuchi, TC21 Co-chair17:20-30 Closing Address: Romeo S Momo, TC21 Co-chair


How to promote Transdisciplinary Approach for Scientific Knowledge-

Based Decision Making?


Overview Questions

1. What did we learn from case studies?Keys to success and lessons from failure: your

observations on TDA?

2. What can we do to promote TDA for SK-b DM?Pilot study sites? How to support Sendai Framework and achieve SDGs?

Civil Society Public


Private sector


Co-Design, Co-Produce, Co-Deliver, and Co-Implement

Transdisciplinary Approach



Preparedness(Structural and non-structural)

Holistic and Transformative Process of Building Resilient Society


Natural & Social Sciences




TC21 Transdisciplinary Approach for Building Societal Resilience to Disasters

Scientific Knowledge-based

Decision Making

Transparency in decision making

all disciplines (natural, social and

humanity sciences) and sectors (public, private, academic and civil)

work together to go beyond the limit of each

discipl or sector for holistic societal transformation

Trans-disciplinary approach

Scientific knowledge becomes the controlling

factor in DM process

DM process where SK is centrally &

systematically used

SK includes evidence data, advanced tech,

indign-k, lessons learned, wisdom

Scientific-knowledge-based DM

SK-based DM needs institutional basis and reliable knowledge flow

Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-20303rd World Conference on DRR, 18 Mar 2015 (A/CONF.224/CRP.1)

Priorities for Action

• Understanding disaster risk.• Strengthening governance and institutions to

manage disaster risk.• Investing in economic, social, cultural, and

environmental resilience.• Enhancing preparedness for effective

response, and building back better in recovery and reconstruction.


Transdisciplinary DM

Tohoku disaster

UN SDGs17 goals

and 169 targets

Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

18 Sep 2015, A/70/L.1



Keys/Barriers for SK-DM by TDA

• From national level to local level• Role of local universities• Legal framework to institutionalize TDA• Evaluation criteria for young scientists to

engage in practice in academia• Knowledge flow (infrastructure) to insure

right knowledge to right people• Legal responsibility of scientists

Legal framework for DM by TDA- national to local levels

Council Chair:


Consulting firm (Sec)

Private Academic Civil







CompulsoryRISK Impact Assessment (RIA)

for any developmental approval similar to

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)

Action Transdisciplinary approach to stop creating new risk