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A Portfolio of Skin and Makeup By Kirsten Hanson Transforming Beauty

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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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A Portfolio of Skin and Makeup

By Kirsten Hanson

Transforming Beauty

The Look: Romantic

Eyes: Emphasized to create drama with "Dahlia" and "Myrrh" Eye Shadows, powder liner in Obsidian to create drama

Lips: Plumping Lip Gloss in "Loving" to downplay lips

Foundation: Medium #1 applied with full coverage brush

Concealer: Yellow concealer applied in the wells of eyes and blended with an orange hued concealer to match foundation

All makeup used on Annie is from the Being TRUE mineral makeup line from Los Angeles

Budding Seeds: First Makeup Applications

This client has rosacea. The Being TRUE mineral foundation is used with a full coverage brush to even out redness and to create a luminous, flawless finish. Zinc oxide within the makeup provides an anti-inflammatory effect on sensitive skin.

Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder

Before After

Foundation Applied with Sheer Coverage Brush

Flawless Finish with Being TRUE Mineral Makeup

Caitlin is wearing Myrrh and Azurite eye shadows, Blushing Garnet blush, Vivacious lip shine & Being TRUE skin tint and mineral foundation. Individual false lashes were applied for added drama and an evening makeup look.

Homecoming 2009

The Look: Classic Makeup for a Daytime Look

Foundation: Sheer Coverage of Medium #4

Cheeks: Blissful Blush and Blushing Bronze to Create Contour under Cheek Bones

Eyes: Flax and Mesa Eye Shadows to Enhance Her blue Eyes, Ivory as Highlight,Black Forest Mascara – by Aveda

Lips: Vivacious Lip Shine

Being TRUE makeup line was used on Laura, with the exception of the mascara


When I first started seeing you I was sad. I was fighting teenage acne and thought it would never end. I had tried dermatologists and every product out there, then I started seeing you and using the Image products. Within six months of using the product and getting a regular facial from you my skin was clearer than I have ever seen it before. My skin felt healthy and less oily. You were also great. I could see a big improvement after every facial you gave me. You always asked how my skin was and told me what else I could do to make the improvement even greater. My skin and my confidence have both improved greatly since I started seeing you. Thank you so much for all your help and care.


Clear Cell product line by IMAGE Skincare

A Skin Success Story

When I first saw Rachel her mom had brought her in upon my suggestion to start her on our Clear Cell product line by IMAGE Skincare. Every pore on her skin was a blackhead and she complained about feeling extremely oily toward the end of every day. Because blackheads are a sign of excess oil production in the skin I felt that she needed a cosmeceutical level of salicylic acid as well as benzoyl peroxide to kill the bacteria in the white heads that appeared on her chin and jaw line. This is how I came to the conclusion that Clear Cell would be an appropriate line for her skin. I then asked her how much time she was willing to spend on her skincare regimen. Because she was already following a fairly elaborate system using another line, I concluded that she could likely manage using the cleanser, a clarifying mask and an oil free SPF for daily moisture. I didn’t want to add more steps until I saw that she was consistent with using these three products daily. I then suggested that she return for a facial one time every month so that I could help track her progress and tweak her regimen if need be. After using the Clear Cell cleanser and SPF twice a day and the mask 3 times a week, after six weeks her skin showed significant improvement and clarity. I expressed my excitement at the visible results and asked her on a scale of 1 – 10 how much did she feel her skin improved. Her answer was a 7! And this was only after six weeks of using this product line. Each time she returned for a facial I asked what she would like to improve about her skin. During the summer months she expressed still feeling oily in certain areas and complained of periodic white heads, despite using the acne scrub three times a week. I then suggested she purchase our Clear Cell Medicated Acne Lotion, which is an effective spot treatment for reducing oil production and eradicating P. Acne – related lesions. Another mask that we incorporated into her regimen was the Kaolin clay mask which is created for especially oily skin and soothes inflammation associated with acne. Rachel’s skin looks 90% better than it did before and she tends to experience blackheads on her nose sporadically. She does have some pitting associated with her former blackhead/acne condition. However, I suggested that she wait to get Microdermabrasion done until we completely get ahold of her active lesions. As Rachel grows older I also suggested that she would benefit from a Salilcylic/Glycolic peel every other month if she continues to struggle with oil and acne. In conclusion, Rachel is living proof that receiving regular facials and maintaining an excellent home – care regimen can produce excellent results in problem skin!