transforming the profile of the caribbean hrd: building global organizations locally

Transforming The Profile of Caribbean HRD: Building Global Organizations Locally 20 tH Anniversary Conference Mona Visitors Lodge May 27 th – 29 th 2015 Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 1

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Transforming The Profile

of Caribbean HRD: Building

Global Organizations

Locally20tH Anniversary Conference

Mona Visitors Lodge

May 27th – 29th 2015

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 1

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 2

Moving beyond boundaries …

Protocols of


Protocols of Transformation

Human Resource Development

Formal System

Developing Talent

Improving Skill Sets

Growing the knowledge economy

Human Resource Management

Formal System

Managing people

Responsible for staffing, compensation

and benefits, defining/designing


Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 3

Protocols of Transformation

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 4

Protocols of Transformation

Literature suggests that HRD as a practice, does not fit rigid definitional


Weinberger (1998) – 15 definitions were examined.

Found to be from a US perspective.

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 5

Protocols of Transformation

Transformation requires the following:

Re-evaluating current practices

Improving knowledge

Engaging in dialogue

Critiquing theories that don’t quite fit

Creating new solutions.

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 6

Protocols of Transformation

BRAIN DRAIN – Emigration of highly talented productive workforce

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 7

Protocols of Transformation

HRD is part of a system

HRD is itself a system

Systems communicate (inter-connected)

Systems must produce something

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 8

Protocols of Transformation

Questions to consider?

Can your employees distinguish between the functions, HRD and HRM?

What does “the system” produce that reinforces the importance of the


Is the HRD office supported by other executives?

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 9

Protocols of Transformation

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 10

Protocols of Transformation

The human capital is much more informed and resourced than before.

The knowledge worker has eked out some power from rigid structures.

Companies are learning to rely on unique sets of skills.

Skill sets focus on team building, risk assessment, problem solving and


Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 11

Protocols of Transformation

HRDs conversation

Acknowledges that the conversation is needed

Acknowledges that talent needs investment

Acknowledges it is not limited to lower level employees

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 12

Protocols of Transformation

Begins with a conversation about the gaps, objectives and inputs

Identifies the actors (champions/influencers)

Continues with a strategic response

Follows through with constant monitoring and permits feedback

Reinforces best performing initiatives whilst pursuing other creative means.

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 13

Protocols of Transformation

The development of the practice/field begs for inclusion

Stakeholders to the process are:

Customers – Internal & External




Private & Public Entities


Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 14

Protocols of Transformation

HRD - The Facilitator

Leaders gain traction when they build trust

Organize teams around tasks

Ascribe to a belief about empowerment

Create pathways to motivate team

Formalize workable solutions gained from experienced managers

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 15

Protocols of Transformation

The Caribbean Narrative

Academia continues to pay close attention to trends

Transformation is slow unless precipitated by an external force

The worker is considered a commodity- skills sets make them attractive

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 16

Protocols of Transformation

Are we prepared to disrupt archaic practices and help to develop new

standards to meet 21st century challenges?

Are we pursuing the right conversations?

If the CEO began to take note of what HRD could contribute, how would that

reshape your tomorrow?

What would you need to do to create that tomorrow?

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 17

Protocols of Transformation

Building Bridges

The Caribbean’s voice and vision should not be supplanted by an alternative


Increased partnership between scholars and practitioners

Documenting and mapping the results of brainstorming

Improving the design of adult education programs

Embracing the different platforms that can improve learning and


Recognizing that transformation occurs at the individual level

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 18

Protocols of Transformation-Implication

of Mezirow’s Transformation Theory

Mezirow (1981) – “Transformation is the emancipatory process of becoming

critically aware of how and why the structure of the psycho-cultural

assumptions has come to constrain the way we see ourselves and our

relationships, reconstituting this structure to permit a more inclusive and

discriminating integration of experience and acting upon these new


Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 19

Protocols of Transformation

A case for improved delivery of content

There is the need to promote E-learning as an alternative/complement to

classroom engagement

Instruction to be designed to meet the learners needs; what is it that they

need to learn; how to make it efficient and engaging

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 20

Protocols of Transformation

A case for improved delivery of content

Instructional designers focus on content development

Subject matter experts provide support in honing the specifics

Implementation stage sees the learner engaging with the product

Learner provides feedback

Identify the metrics that would show “transformation”

Instructional designers are an integral resource to the HRD process

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 21

Protocols of Transformation


Caribbean boasts talented professionals

Improve awareness of what is happening in the field (local & C’bean data)

Explore what is happening in the global marketplace

Synthesize the information and create opportunities for greater partnerships

Bold support from CEO’s and other influencers necessary for confidence


Cross- cultural exchanges

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 22

Protocols of Transformation


Create clear paths for succession within the organization using performance

measures that bracket biases.

Recognize best practices of internal stakeholders. Seek to incorporate in the

formal structure.

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 23

Protocols of Transformation

What stories are worth telling about HRD

and it’s importance for the future?

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 24

Quote“A man’s instinctive reaction to change is to fear it. This reflects the primeval response to the unknown and is as old as man himself.” – Michael Manley-The Politics of Change

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 25


Beer, M., and Eisenstat (1996). The silent killers. Overcoming the hidden barriers to organizational fitness. Working paper 97-004, Harvard Business School, Division of Research, Boston, MA.

Marquardt, M. J. and Engel, D. W. (1993).‘HRD competencies for shrinking world’, Training and Development 47 (5): 59-65

Manley, M., 1990). The politics of change. Heineman Publishers (Caribbean) Limited.

Mezirow, J. (1981). A critical theory of adult learning and education. Adult Education, 32 (1), 3-24

Weinberger, L. (1998) Commonly held theories of Human Resource Development, Human Resource Development International, 1:1, 75-73, DOI 10.1080/1367886900000009

All images retrieved from Google.

Produced by Suzette Henry-Cambell & Salma Hadeed/Presented by Suzette Henry-Campbell 26