transition policy 2017 · 2017. 4. 25. · ta swap buddy system ... target tracker information on...

Non-Statutory Policy: Transition 2017 Wroughton Primary Federation 1 Transition Policy 2017

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Page 1: Transition Policy 2017 · 2017. 4. 25. · TA swap Buddy system ... Target tracker information on progress and attainment SEN –details ... Year 2 for Book Look and Team Teach 1pm

Non-Statutory Policy: Transition 2017 Wroughton Primary Federation 1

Transition Policy


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Non-Statutory Policy: Transition 2017 Wroughton Primary Federation 2


The Governing Bodies of the Wroughton Primary Federation are fully committed to the welfare of each child. Care and attention is given to each stage of a

child’s transition into Wroughton Junior School, through his or her four years here and beyond into secondary school.

Aims of the Policy

Entering a new situation (particularly a new classroom and new teacher) can be a stressful time, and some points of transition e.g., key Stages, can be

especially so, due to the change of school, more formal classroom approach, larger and unfamiliar environments. Rapid change can lead to insecurity and

stress. Children under stress become withdrawn and unresponsive; they may also demonstrate inappropriate behaviour. Both extremes can inhibit


It is therefore the aim of this policy to:

promote the smooth transition of children

Prevent and alleviate stress

Promote the continuity the teaching and learning

Ensure that there is no lost learning time

For a smooth transition to take place there needs to be a combination of:

1. Communication

2. Parental engagement,

3. Induction

4. Continuity and progression

Key principles on which we operate

The collection of information prior to the children starting in a new setting will be in co-operation and partnership with parents and carers, existing staff,

receiving staff, and if age appropriate, with the child.

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Discussions on collection of information will focus on the whole child and not just on child development or academic achievement .i.e., routines,

interests, family unit.

Relevant medical information alongside any additional needs

Timescales for transition are variable to meet the individual needs of the child

Other relevant information – social care issues, SEND

Safeguarding information (all compliant with data Protection Act) will be shared on a need to know

EYFS to Year One

EYFS to Year 1

Essential Suggested

Visual timetable

Resources clearly labelled

Chance to ask questions to Year 1 pupils

Children and parents meet class teacher, more than once and before Summer term ends

Free flow learning of EYFS to continue in Year 1 – how long depends on the cohort.

All about me activity to be completed in EYFS ready for Year 1 teachers – passed over before the transition day so class teacher knows something about each child.

Vulnerable children to have extra support and visits.

Have you thought about?

Parents pick up from new classroom on transition days

Visit different classrooms and areas around the school.

My friends are… activity.

TA swap

Buddy system

New teacher puts an item in a case and sends to new class for them to open and infer what it might mean…it might relate to their topic in September or about the school or about the teacher?

Teachers to see the children in their own setting.

Parents to have all the information needed, included behaviour systems, rewards, routines.

Parents to have curriculum summary and expectations

Teachers need to know of any tricky parents and the best approach with these.

Teachers need to fill in and read the transition spreadsheet for their class.

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Key Stage 1 – Key Stage 2

Smooth transition from the infant to junior school will be encouraged by:

Transfer of Records

End of year reports

Teacher Assessment KS1 (TA)

Target tracker information on progress and attainment

SEN –details

Safeguarding – addressed to the DSP

Validated Key Stage 1 data

Proud to Belong Folder

RWI level


Programme of events for transition process:

Date Activity

Impact Staff

Term 4,5 & 6

Year 2 to visit Junior School for Computing each week Including tour of the school: 6/6,13/6,20/6

To familiarise the children with the Junior School IT equipment and ensure that all children are confident with logging in and have accounts set up. To ensure all children have high quality teaching and learning experiences in computing and are ready and prepared for the KS2 curriculum.

Term 5 X4 week writing activity across year 2 and three, with all children shared writing. Dates and times needed. Juniors to walk up to Infant school- hall to be

Year 3 children to write for a year 2 audience, sharing their writing with year 2 Children to be paired to write questions on transition and to interview and film.

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Term 5 Year 2 and 3 to mark and moderate KS1 SATs together. 25th and 26th June (JR/LH/RT)

Year 3 teachers to work within the KS1 planning and to become familiar with children’s prior attainment.

Term 6 Transition days and lunch Parent meeting and coffee

To share information and expectations and a chance to tour the school.

Term 6 SENCO details needed Additional, for some children with particular needs: Additional visits on Fridays in the weeks leading up to Move Up Day. Personalised Picture booklet with specific key worker Visits by support staff to meet the child prior to Move Up day in their Year 2 class. Additional meetings by SENCO with parents of Year 2 children on the SEND register

To ensure that the needs of all children are met and that children feel confident and informed at all times.

Term 6 X 2 sessions

Year 3 teachers to spend each time in Year 2 for Book Look and Team Teach 1pm 7th June

For teachers to become familiar with all children that will be in their class, and to strengthen planning and continuity between the two schools.

Term 6 x2 sessions

Year 3 teachers to team teach problem solving in year 2 maths. 2018 start

Year 3 teachers to work within the KS1 planning and to become familiar with children’s prior attainment.

Term 6 Data handover afternoon. Year 2 and 3 teachers looking through FFT and prior attainment and target tracker.

To strengthen planning and continuity between the two schools and to ensure that there is no lost learning time.

Term 6 Year 3 teachers to use FFT information to mark books showing

To strengthen planning and continuity between the two schools and to ensure that there is no lost learning time.

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PP, SEN, more able and Prior Attainment. Complete Appendix 1 7th June 3pm

Term 6 Disco @ Juniors year 2 and Year 3 30th June

Term 6 Target tracker to have year 2 information.

To strengthen planning and continuity between the two schools and to ensure that there is no lost learning time.

Term 6 Junior Newsletters to go home to year 2.

To share information.

Term 1 Previous Year 2 teachers to visit Year 3 for the afternoon.

Chances for Year 3 to show case their learning and their work. Outstanding pieces of extended writing to be completed and a short film on the junior school.

Term 1 (End of)

Survey parents, teachers and pupils in Year 3 to collect their views on transition. Results to inform annual review of this policy by the senior leadership team of the federation.

To inform future planning and make adjustments where needed.

Ongoing throughout the year and across the Federation

Shared characteristics of learning in both schools Shared Behaviour and Behaviour for Learning Policies Shared Marking Policies (differentiated) Shared Learning Policy and CPD Shared specialist teaching in PE and Computing Consistent use of tracking and data

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Year 6 to Year 7

Year 6 to Year 7

Essential Suggested

Chance to ask questions to Year 7 pupils

All about me activity to be completed in Year 6 ready for Year 7 teachers – passed over before the transition day so class teacher knows something about each child. (Appendix 2)

Different routines in school to be explained and modelled and not assumed they know them.

Vulnerable children to have extra support and visits.

Self-assessment against English and Maths objectives that are transferable to be completed I n Year 6

Have you thought about?

Year 6 teachers to go and collect them from their class/school and walk them up for transition day

Have you thought that the vulnerable children may benefit from creating a scrapbook?

Buddy system

Sports tournaments’

Once children know their forms, host a cluster form sports tournament with picnic lunch after

Having the children’s best piece of written work to send up

More visits to secondary e.g. Christmas concerts, school plays, library visits,

Visits during lunchtimes

Orienteering activities

My friends are…

Visit PE changing rooms

Year 6/7 projects

Tracking English and maths grids sent to secondary which will identify gaps

Parents to have all the information needed, included behaviour systems, rewards, routines.

Parents to have curriculum summary and expectations

Teachers need to know of any tricky parents and the best approach with these.

Teachers need to fill in and read the transition spreadsheet for their class.

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In house year group move

Essential Suggested

Chance to ask questions to next year group pupils

All about me activity to be completed previous year ready for next year group teachers – passed over before the transition day so class teacher knows something about each child.

Different routines in classes to be explained and modelled and not assumed they know them.

Vulnerable children to have extra support and visits.

CT to meet the children in their own environment

Have you thought about?

Buddies between classes to share work with

Sharing expectations of the next year group via buddies

Experience other teachers/classrooms during the year through carousel activities in subject specific weeks for example

Open evening in July, child takes parents to next classroom where the class teacher for that year will be – informal visit

Teachers to have details of the last pupil progress meetings and any actions that need to happen immediately in September.

TAs to hand over.

Teachers to observe children in their own environment.

Parents to have all the information needed, included behaviour systems, rewards, routines.

Parents to have curriculum summary and expectations.

Teachers need to know of any tricky parents and the best approach with these.

Teachers need to fill in and read the transition spreadsheet for their class.

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Appendix 1


Child’s Name:


D.O.B. Pupil Premium (please circle): Funding Forces LAC Additional information (indicate any interventions, particular needs, more able / gifted & talented)

Child Protection: Yes No If yes, please enter name of safeguarding lead or deputy:

External Agency Involvement (please circle and date when involvement began): Speech and Language Ed Psych Hearing Support Team Occupational Therapist Visual Impairment TAMHS TAC / CHIN Social Services Behaviour Support ASD Support SPLD Team School Nurse EWO Family Support Police

SEND (please circle and attach documents): Cause for concern Early signposting Early Help Record EHCP / Statement Brief detail of specific need (e.g. SPLD, ASD, hearing, vision, etc).

Pre-Key Stage Data information (ie if child not achieving working towards standard):

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Family Information (please identify any changes in family circumstances which may impact on the child): Please highlight any particular parental responsibility issues (e.g. collection procedures at the end of the day): Please identify any issues with parental involvement (e.g. attendance at parents’ evenings, home support): Is the child on the Young Carer Register?

Behaviour (please describe any particular behaviour issues including triggers and strategies used to support child): Is physical restraint needed?

Peer Relationships (please give details of particular strong positive friendships or children who should be separated):

Other interventions (not related to SEND):

Emotional Needs (please give any details of particular emotional needs, e.g. anxiety, vulnerability, and where known, any triggers):

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Appendix 2

Transition to Secondary School

Name ___________________


My likes

My Dislikes

My Personality eg quiet

What I am looking forward to my new school What worries me about going to my new school

What would I like my teachers to know about me

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What I am good at in lessons What I need to work on in lessons

What I am good at out of lessons

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