transition to a plant based diet the right way

Transition to a Plant Based Diet The Right Way

Upload: vladislav-davidzon

Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Transition to a Plant Based Diet The Right Way

Transition to a Plant Based Diet The Right Way

Page 2: Transition to a Plant Based Diet The Right Way

Slowly Cut Out Meat

Page 3: Transition to a Plant Based Diet The Right Way

Start with meals you love:

Adapt beloved meals into meat free versions

Ex: Omit meat sauces from pasta or order veggies instead of meat w/ your favorite chinese food

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Introduce Meat Subsitutes

Swap portabella mushrooms for burger patties

Soy (aka tofu) comes in handy to create meat-like additions to your food

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Say Goodbye to Dairy

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Remove Milk & Eggs

Soy and almond milk are great animal milk alternatives

Use turmeric w/ silken tofu for breakfast “eggs”

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Cheese is the hardest part

Everyone says getting rid of cheese is the hardest part

There are some okay cheese alternatives out there, though!

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Get Adventurous:

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Explore Cultures w/ Veggie Based Diets

Many regions of India are vegetarian: try veggie curries

Moroccan style whole couscous and South American quinoa are also great a grains to try

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