translate jurnal forensik

Skin, Subcutaneous Fat, Muscle These tissue layers are invaluable for the evaluation of impact location and force. An example is shown in Fig. 11a and 11b (Case 018) in which there had been direct vehicle impact contusion of the gluteal region following a bicycle accident. In order to judge the extent of damage to the layer of subcutaneous fat (hematoma or laceration), we used additional surface coils on the legs in Case 035 (MVA). Imaging allowed distinction between fatty tissue with hematoma only and crushed and lacerated subcutaneous fat. Tissue hematoma after strangulation, even when slight as in Case 032, was successfully revealed using MRI (Fig. 10c and 10d). In cases of strangulation by a third party the lesions are more severe (28), so that we are optimistic about the abilities of MRI to reveal muscular hematoma in particular cases. Internal Organs MSCT or MRI proved very reliable in diagnosing cases of neurotrauma (15–17,29). In our study we had no difficulties in diagnosing epidural, subdural, and larger subarachnoid hemorrhage as well as contusion of the brain (coup-/contre-coup lesion). When taking into account the location and extent of accompanying scalp hematoma (Cases 019 and 028), determination of impact axis and vector—important in forensic reconstruction—posed no problems using radiological methods. The least satisfying results were obtained diagnosing trauma to internal organs (kidney, spleen, liver, heart). As dynamic imaging and the application of contrast agents were not performed in our study cases, lesions were often invisible in imaging, particularly

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Skin, Subcutaneous Fat, MuscleThese tissue layers are invaluable for the evaluation of impactlocation and force. An example is shown in Fig. 11a and 11b (Case018) in which there had been direct vehicle impact contusion of thegluteal region following a bicycle accident. In order to judge theextent of damage to the layer of subcutaneous fat (hematoma orlaceration), we used additional surface coils on the legs in Case 035(MVA). Imaging allowed distinction between fatty tissue withhematoma only and crushed and lacerated subcutaneous fat.Tissue hematoma after strangulation, even when slight as inCase 032, was successfully revealed using MRI (Fig. 10c and 10d).In cases of strangulation by a third party the lesions are more severe(28), so that we are optimistic about the abilities of MRI to revealmuscular hematoma in particular cases.Internal OrgansMSCT or MRI proved very reliable in diagnosing cases of neurotrauma(15–17,29). In our study we had no difficulties in diagnosingepidural, subdural, and larger subarachnoid hemorrhage aswell as contusion of the brain (coup-/contre-coup lesion). Whentaking into account the location and extent of accompanying scalphematoma (Cases 019 and 028), determination of impact axis andvector—important in forensic reconstruction—posed no problemsusing radiological methods.The least satisfying results were obtained diagnosing trauma tointernal organs (kidney, spleen, liver, heart). As dynamic imagingand the application of contrast agents were not performed in ourstudy cases, lesions were often invisible in imaging, particularlywhen death had occurred rapidly, leaving little or no hematoma atthe site of injury. This is the domain in which the difference betweenpostmortem and intravital radiological imaging was moststriking. Nevertheless, in the case of a stab wound to the heart withensuing hemopericardium, imaging provided a good result and diagnosis(Fig. 12a–d), because the stab wound was partly distendedby a blood clot.Further difficulties were encountered while rendering deep abdominaltissue trauma, which is of considerable forensic interest.

Kulit, subkutan lemak, otot

Lapisan jaringan ini tidak bisa dinilai untuk mengevaluasi dari lokasi dan kekuatan benturan. Contoh ditunjukkan pada Gambar. 11a dan 11b (Kasus 018) di mana telah terjadi memar akibat benturan langsung dari kendaraan di regio gluteal pada kecelakaan sepeda. Dalam rangka untuk menilai adanya perluasan dari kerusakan pada lapisan lemak subkutan (hematoma atau laserasi), kami menggunakan tambahan kumparan permukaan kaki di Kasus 035 (MVA). Pencitraan memungkinkan untuk membedakan antara jaringan lemak dengan hematoma saja dan lemak subkutan yg hancur dan sobek. Hematoma jaringan setelah terjadi strangulasi, walaupun ringan seperti dalam Kasus 032,dapat diuangkap menggunakan MRI (Gambar. 10c dan 10d). Dalam kasus pencekikan yang ketiga kalinya lesi

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akan lebih berat (28), sehingga kami lebih optimis atas kemampuan MRI untuk mengungkapkan hematoma otot dalam kasus-kasus tertentu.

Organ dalam

MSCT atau MRI terbukti dapat diandalkan dalam mendiagnosis kasus Neurotrauma(15-17,29). Dalam penelitian kami, kami tidak menemukan kesulitan dalam mendiagnosis epidural, subdural, dan perdarahan subarachnoid yang lebih luas sama mudah nya seperti cedera otak (coup- / contre-coup lesi). Saat menganalisa jumlah lokasi dan luasnya hematom kulit kepala yang menyertai (Kasus 019 dan 028), penentuan dari sudut dan vektor benturan penting dalam rekonstruksi forensic tampak tidak bermasalah bila menggunakan metode radiologi. hasil yang paling tidak memuaskan adalah diagnosis trauma organ interna (ginjal, limpa, hati, jantung). Karena pencitraan dinamis dan penerapan agen kontras tidak dilakukan di studi kami, lesi sering tidak terlihat dalam pencitraan, khususnya ketika kematian terjadi dengan cepat, meninggalkan sedikit atau hamper tidak ada perdarahan dilokasi cedera. Ini adalah ranah di mana perbedaan antara gambaran radiologi post mortem dan intravital sangat ketat. Namun, dalam kasus luka tusuk di jantung dengan hemopericardium, pencitraan memberikan hasil dan diagnosis yang lebih baik(Gambar. 12a-d), karena luka akibat tusukan itu terpisah oleh jendalan darah.Kesulitan lain yang muncul saat melihat trauma jaringan dalam abdomen,dimana dipertimbangkan sebagai ketertarikan forensic

FIG. 4—Blood aspiration after a gunshot wound (Case 001/031): (a) axial CT image showing rounded areas of blood aspiration in the right (thin arrows)and left apical lower lobes. Hypostasia and “inner livores” show as homogenous areas of increased density in the left lower lobe (bold arrow); notethe air embolism in the large mediastinal vessels; (b) blood aspiration (thin arrows) and livores (bold arrow) as seen on autopsy; note the pallor of theparenchyma after massive hemorrhage; (c) blood aspiration as revealed in the autoptic cut.

FIG 4. Aspirasi darah setelah luka tembak (Kasus 001/031): (a) gambaran CT aksial yang menunjukkan daerah melingkar dari aspirasi darah di sebelah kanan (panah tipis) dan sudut lobus kiri bwh. Hypostasia dan "livor dalam" ditunjukkan sebagai daerah homogen dengan peningkatan densitas di lobus kiri bawah (panah tebal); perhatikan emboli udara di pembuluh besar meidastinum; (b) aspirasi darah (panah tipis) dan livores (panah tebal) seperti yang terlihat pada otopsi; perhatikan kepucatan dari parenkim setelah perdarahan masif; (c) aspirasi darah yang akhirnya tampak setelah pemotongan otopsi

FIG 5. Perut terbakar (Kasus 004). Berbagai tingkat karbonisasi seperti yang terlihat dalam gambaran aksial T1-weighted fast SE MR (540/16). Bagian depan menunjukkan hilangnya sebagian lapisan dari lemak subkutan (panah tipis); cedera dari paru-paru kiri (terfragmentasi panah tipis); emboli udara intracardial (panah tebal); sedimentasi 3 lapis dari komponen darah dalam jantung (terfragmentasi panah tebal).

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FIG. 6—Aspiration of gastric acid (Case 009). Axial CT image showing partial lobular digestion of the lung parenchyma and atelectasis of the middleand inferior right lobes with isolated open bronchii. Inset: corresponding findings of lobular digestion at autopsy (arrows).

FIG 6 aspirasi asam lambung (kasus 009). Gambaran aksial CT menunjukkan adanya pencernaan sebagian lobus dari parenkim paru dan atelektasis di lobus media dan inferior paru kanan dengan bronkus yg tertutup. Inset : penemuan tambahan dari pencernaan lobus saat otopsi

Often contusion of the mesenteric root or compression andhematoma of the prevertebral, retroduodenal tissue is the only evidenceleft of blunt trauma to the abdomen (Cases 002, 005, 009,015, 023).

Kadang cedera pada radiks mesenterikus atau kompresi dan hematom dari pre vertebra,jari retro duodenal adalah bukti yang tersisa dari trauma tumpul abdomen