transplant glomerulopathy


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Post on 07-May-2015



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CASE HISTORY• Mr. KM• 25 male , software professional from

Bangalore• Live related ABO compatible kidney transplant

recipient – 2008 • Mother to son, cross match – 4%• Native kidney disease- Vesicoureteric reflex

with secondary Chronic Tubulo Interstitial Disease.

• On MHD since 2007 from left arm AV Fistula

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• Induction agents were –a)Antithymocyte globulinb)Methyl prednisolone

• Maintainance drugs were – a) Tacrolimusb) Mycophenolate mofetilc) Prednisolone

• Peritransplant period was uneventful with normal renal function on follow up till Sept-2011.

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• In Sept 2011, he had worsening renal function with increased creatinine to 4 mg% on follow up in OPD.

• He was treated with iv Methylprednisolone 500 mg 3 doses and hydration on presumption of chronic rejection. Kidney biopsy was not done.

• Following this his creatinine stabilised to 2 mg% on discharge . But he lost to follow up

since then till date.

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This time he presented in Sept 2013

1)Loose motions 4-6 times/ day since 2monthsOn and off Semisolid in consistency, Not associated with blood or mucus.

2) Severe nausea with occasional non bilious vomitting since past one week.

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There was no history of fever, dysuria or oligoanuria.

There was h/o poor compliance for the immunosupressive medications with intermittent self ommission of the drugs.

He had taken treatment for the same froma general practitioner , details not available.

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• Acute kidney injury

• d/t Acute gastroenteritis

• To r/o Chronic allograft failure /nephropathy

• To r/o associated TACROLIMUS toxicity

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On examination

Young male,Pulse- 80/minBP – 170/100 mm Hg right arm supineWell hydrated , no pallor , mild edema feet.Systemic examination – NormalNo graft edema or tenderness

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Investigations • CBC- Hb- 10.4 gm%WBC- 8450/mm3Platelet- 3.26 lacs

• PBS - No fragmented cells

• RFT -BUN- 54.4 mg%Sr. Creat- 4.8 mg%Sodium – 138 mg%Potassium- 3.8 mg%Bicarb- 18.4

Tacrolimus Level – 6.8 on 4 mg, 5 yr post Tx

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Investigations Urinalysis-3+ AlbuminNo RBC, WBC, EC, Cast

Urine spot Protein Creatine Ratio -9.7 gm/mg%

Stool examination-Plenty of pus cells,Ocassional RBCs GNBNo opportunistic Organism

Stool culture, CDTA -Negative

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USG abdomen and transplant kidney with doppler- was within normal limits

C3 – 55 (88-165)C4- 21.4 (10-40)

CMV IgM/IgG – were negative

He was started on i.v ciprofloxacin and Metronidazole with oral and i.v hydration

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What were we dealing with?

Post transplant renal dysfunction + nephrotic range proteinuria + low complements

A)Chronic allograft failure

B)De- Novo graft glomerulopathy

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On Admn

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4

Creat 4.9 5 5 5.7 6.8K 3.8 3.6 3.6 3.5 3.7UO 1400 1320 1250 950 400

Patient underwent kidney biopsy

Started oninj.MPS 500 mg for 3 days


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He was dialysed (Heparin Free) on day 7 with a creatinine of 8.9 mg% from the functional AV fistula.

Tacrolimus dose was reduced to 3 mg/day

Oral prednisolone was increased to 30 mg and tapered gradually.

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Kidney biopsy report

Light microscopy-

a)Glomeruli – • 14 (one sclerosed, 13 viable)• Enlarged, with ill defined lobularity• Marked thickening of GBM

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b) Interstitium – • Edematous ,• Single cluster of subcapsular lymphocytes

c) Tubules –• 10% show atrophy• 60 % reveal foci of necrosis• Rest have hydropic changes

d) Vasculature - • Marked luminal narrowing in small sized vessels due to prominent hyaline change

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• C3 +ve – irregular deposits along capillary loop

• C4d is strongly +ve (++) along the glomeruli and peritubular capillaries

• IgG/M/A, C1q and fibrinogen are negative

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• C4d is strongly +ve (++) along the glomeruli and peritubular capillaries


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• Chronic allograft failure

• Chronic humoral rejection+ Transplant glomerulopathy

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What next ???


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Patient was given 6 cycles of PLEX, single volumestarting from day 9 every alternate day.

Hemodialysis was continued every 3rd day.

HD stopped 5 days before discharge on day 20.

Creatinine stabilised in the range of – 4.5 to 5 mg % with urine output 1800-2000 ml/day

Patient following up in OPD with creatinine – 3.2 mg%

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