treatment of persistent post-concussion syndrome …...perspective treatment of persistent...

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Treatment of persistent post-concussionsyndrome due to mild traumatic brain injury:current status and future directions

Amir Hadanny & Shai Efrati

To cite this article: Amir Hadanny & Shai Efrati (2016): Treatment of persistent post-concussionsyndrome due to mild traumatic brain injury: current status and future directions, ExpertReview of Neurotherapeutics, DOI: 10.1080/14737175.2016.1205487

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Page 2: Treatment of persistent post-concussion syndrome …...PERSPECTIVE Treatment of persistent post-concussion syndrome due to mild traumatic brain injury: current status and future directions


Treatment of persistent post-concussion syndrome due to mild traumatic braininjury: current status and future directionsAmir Hadannya,b and Shai Efratia,b,c,d

aThe Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin, Israel; bSackler School of Medicine, Tel-AvivUniversity, Tel-Aviv, Israel; cResearch and Development Unit, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center, Zerifin, Israel; dSagol School of Neuroscience, Tel-AvivUniversity, Tel-Aviv, Israel

ABSTRACTPersistent post-concussion syndrome caused by mild traumatic brain injury has become a majorcause of morbidity and poor quality of life. Unlike the acute care of concussion, there is no consensusfor treatment of chronic symptoms. Moreover, most of the pharmacologic and non-pharmacologictreatments have failed to demonstrate significant efficacy on both the clinical symptoms as well asthe pathophysiologic cascade responsible for the permanent brain injury. This article reviews thepathophysiology of PCS, the diagnostic tools and criteria, the current available treatments includingpharmacotherapy and different cognitive rehabilitation programs, and promising new treatmentdirections. A most promising new direction is the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which targetsthe basic pathological processes responsible for post-concussion symptoms; it is discussed here indepth.

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 7 February 2016Accepted 21 June 2016Published online 4 July 2016

KEYWORDSPost-concussion; concussion;hyperbaric oxygen; mTBI;traumatic brain injury; HBOT;post-traumatic; blast;treatment; pathophysiology;diagnosis

1. The challenge

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) has become a major public healthconcern worldwide for both civilian and military populations[1]. Although most of these injuries are considered mild, theymay initiate a chain of metabolic reactions which propagate topersistent brain injury/post-concussion syndrome (PCS).Today, there is no agreed-upon effective standard of caretreatment/intervention for PCS. Experts agree that novel neu-rotherapeutic methods to repair brain damage are neededmore than ever before. The purpose of this paper is to discussthe pathophysiology of PCS, the current available treatments,and promising future directions. Although pediatric mild TBI(mTBI) and its consequence, PCS, are an important issue, thedata on children is relatively scarce; thus, this review focuseson adult TBI.

2. Epidemiology

Each year, an estimated 10 million cases of TBI arise globally,1.7–3.8 million occurring in the United States alone, with75–90% of TBI cases defined as mTBI [2,3]. There are severalclassifications of the severity of TBI. The most common classi-fication is that of the American Congress of RehabilitationMedicine (ACRM) and the Centers of Disease Control (CDC),where mTBI is defined as the alteration of brain functioncaused by external forces with one or more of the following:loss of consciousness for a duration of 0–30 minutes, posttrau-matic amnesia for a duration of less than 24 hours, andGlasgow Coma Scale grade of 13–15 [4].

The most common causes for mTBI are motor vehicle acci-dents, falls, sports, and blast injuries in the military setting.Sports-related concussions are traumatic events that affect upto 3.8 million athletes per year [5]. mTBI has been labeled asthe ‘signature injury’ of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. It isestimated that 23% of the military service members who haveserved in Iraq and/or Afghanistan had mTBI [6,7]. Interestingly,77% of soldiers who sustained any type of TBI were wearingtheir helmets at the time of injury. At present, no existinghelmet is able to fully protect against all threats faced onthe battlefield [8].

The cost of care for TBI in the US military population hasrisen exponentially to approximately $646 million in 2010 [9],with mTBI accounting for 30–45% of the costs [10]. Very littleresearch has been published on the economic burden thatmTBI imposes on patients, their families, employers, andsociety as a whole [11].

3. The march of injury

Most mTBI patients develop a set of symptoms that includesheadache, dizziness, fatigue, vertigo, neuropsychiatric symp-toms (including behavioral and mood changes, confusion),difficulty in balancing, changes in sleep patterns, and cogni-tive impairments (including memory, attention, concentration,and executive function disorders) [12]. In most cases of mTBI,80–90%, symptoms are resolved in days (7–10 days) [13](Figure 1). However, in 10–20% of the cases, post-concussionsymptoms may continue for weeks or months due to meta-bolic and structural brain damages. Of those patients, 25–33%

CONTACT Shai Efrati [email protected] Sagol center for hyperbaric medicine and research, Research & Development unit, Assaf Harofeh Medical Center,Zerifin 70300, Israel


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develop permanent brain injury and experience persistent PCS(formerly referred to as prolonged PCS – PPCS), in which thesymptoms become chronic and last for over 6 months [14–18](Figure 1). Once symptoms after mTBI become persistent,prognosis for full resolution is guarded. Although patientsmay improve or fluctuate in the level of complaints, if symp-toms are present at 3 months, symptoms are also likely to bepresent at 12 months post-injury [19]. Patients with PCS havebeen referred to as ‘the walking wounded’ and ‘the miserableminority’, because many of them struggle with lasting neu-ropsychiatric sequelae that last for years or even a lifetime[20]. Some of PPCS patients develop chronic traumatic ence-phalopathy (CTE), which is a progressive neurodegenerativesyndrome including mood disorders, behavioral andcognitive impairment, with or without sensorimotor impair-ment [21].

4. Risk factors

Several factors increase the risk for development of PCS afterbrain injury. Meares et al. [22] found that pre-injury mentaldisorders such as depression or anxiety and acute posttrau-matic stress (at ∼5 days post-injury) were predictive of post-concussive symptoms at 3 months. Ponsford et al. added thatpremorbid psychiatric and physical history, concurrent anxietyand trauma-related symptoms, life stressors, and pain werepredictive of post-concussive symptoms at follow-up [23].Moreover, stress exacerbates PCS. Other studies found thatage over 40 [24,25], being female [25,26], sustaining previoushead injuries [25], and substance misuse [27] also increase therisk for PCS.

Other potential factors may include pituitary dysfunctionand decreased release of growth hormone [28], vestibulardysfunction [29], sleep disturbances [30], and chronic painsyndrome [31].

In addition, it is important to appreciate the fact that eachpatient enters the mTBI insult with a diverse range of indivi-dualized genetic, developmental, social, psychological, andbiological resilience and vulnerability factors that contributeto both good and poor outcome [32].

5. The pathophysiologic cascade

Concussion is the result of rapid acceleration and decelerationof the brain within the skull, leading to rotational and shear-strain forces. Due to different viscosities and densities, the graymatter–white matter junctions in the frontal and temporallobes are the most vulnerable sites [33–35]. The shearing ofaxons, usually referred to as diffuse axonal injury (DAI), is thepredominant injury in mTBI leading to cognitive dysfunction[36,37]. As will be discussed below, new advances in noninva-sive neuroimaging have provided the evidence in humans forwhite matter damage [38]. The following pathophysiology cas-cade suggested by the authors is mainly based on years ofanimal studies. Most of the studies did not undertake helmetwearing into consideration. The sudden stretching of the neu-ronal and axonal membranes initiates an indiscriminate flux ofions through previously regulated ion channels and transientphysical membrane defects [39,40]. This process is followed bya widespread release of a multitude of neurotransmitters, parti-cularly excitatory amino acids (EAAs) such as glutamate andaspartate [40,41], resulting in further changes of neuronal ionichomeostasis. This posttraumatic ionic cellular derangementleads to mitochondrial calcium overloading [41,42], which isresponsible for inducing changes of inner membrane perme-ability with consequent malfunctioning, uncoupling of oxida-tive phosphorylation, overproduction of reactive oxygenspecies (ROS), and, finally, mitochondrial swelling and dysfunc-tion [43] (Figure 2).

EAAs released in the process activate microglia, the first lineof active immune defense in the central nervous system (CNS).When activated, microglia release a series of immune factors,including ROS, reactive nitrogen species, inflammatory cyto-kines, and additional excitatory neurotransmitters [44]. This‘immunoexcitotoxicity’ response further disrupts mitochon-drial function. The overall function is to remove the incitingpathogens and damaged brain tissue, yet if the excitatoryenvironment persists, a chronic low-grade inflammation maycontinue [45].

In addition to the axons, vascular elements in the gray–white matter junctions are sheared and damaged [46]. As themicrovascular injury propagates, the regional cerebral bloodflow (CBF)/perfusion decreases and the injured brain suffers

Figure 1. mTBI marching injury.





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from hypoxia. In turn, mitochondrial function, which is directlydependent on the partial pressure of oxygen, is further sig-nificantly decreased [47,48] (Figure 2).

Even though further data from human clinical trials areneeded, the diffuse neuronal injury may damage the primaryautonomic nervous system, which has been shown to bedistributed in high cortical regions in addition to the brain-stem [49]. Thus, autoregulation, the maintenance of CBF atappropriate levels during changes in systemic blood pressure,and global CBF can be disturbed [46,50–54]. Impairment of theCBF sensitizes the brain to secondary insults, such as hypoten-sion, intracranial hypertension, and dehydration [52,55]. The

reduced CBF further increases the brain tissue hypoxiadescribed above (Figure 2).

In the case of blast injury, there are complex and multi-factorial mechanisms involved due to the blast wave transmis-sion to the brain. Light, acoustic, thermal, and electromagneticenergy is also released, some of which damages the CNS inaddition to the effects of the pressure wave [56]. Each tissuetype has a characteristic acoustic impedance when ultrasoundwaves pass through. An acoustic impedance mismatch devel-ops when shock waves pass through tissues of different den-sity, resulting in mechanical disruption (spallation) of axonsand microvasculature [57] (Figure 2). The blast wave induces

Figure 2. The theoretical pathophysiology of PCS.





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sudden changes in intracranial pressure that result in bubbleformation, particularly at the interfaces between the cere-brospinal fluid (CSF) and the brain. The bubbles formed cancause cavitation of brain tissue, disruption of axonal pathways,damage to capillaries as well as lodging in blood vessels, andreduction of regional blood flow [57]. In addition, animalstudies showed that air embolism after blast-related lunginjury and a blood surge from the torso via the blood vesselsto the head, caused by the blast wave, can transmit highpressure to the vasculature in the brain, damaging smallblood vessels and the blood–brain barrier [58].

At a standard healthy condition, the brain utilizes almost allthe oxygen/energy delivered. As oxygen supply decreases byany of the above mechanisms, the mitochondria fail, oxidativephosphorylation is halted, and the amount of energy in theform of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is dramatically reduced.In order to initiate the repair processes of the damaged braintissue, there is increased energy demand. For example, toreestablish ionic hemostasis, Na/K ATP-dependent pumpsmust work at their maximal capacities. Under normal aerobicconditions and correct mitochondrial functioning, glucoseconsumption is coupled to oxygen consumption, thus opti-mizing ATP generation [59]. However, due to mitochondrialdysfunction described above, during the time of maximumenergy request, the neurons need to work overtime via themore rapid, but less efficient, oxygen-independent glycolysis,which is unable to fulfill the energy requirements [59,60].These suggest that even mTBI may cause biochemical changeswhich lead to depressed brain energy generation and accord-ingly decreased brain metabolism [61]. Hypometabolism islikely to influence brain activation [62,63], reduce long-termpotentiation and learning, and decrease neural plasticity [64].Since neurotrophins, such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor(BDNF), are regulated by neural activity, reduced metabolismdecreases the synaptic facilitation and neurotransmitterrelease enhancement [65,66]. Changes in brain activation canalso have an effect on the regulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, culminating in profound effects onsynaptic plasticity as well as cognitive and affective well-being [67].

Several magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies con-ducted in humans support the evidence of decreased brainmetabolism in TBI [68–70]. Functional magnetic resonanceimaging (fMRI) study of individuals with mild to moderatebrain injury found neural activity alterations even a year afterthe acute injury [71].

When the microenvironment of the injury is intact, includ-ing restored global and regional CBF and collateral flow, brainmetabolism recovers and initiates tissue repair processes. Thiswill culminate in the recovery of the neurological dysfunctionwithin days to weeks. However, when the microvasculature isinjured, the hypoxic environment of the damaged tissuewould persist and can culminate in either cell death or chronicneuroinflammation, persistent mitochondrial dysfunction, anddecreased brain metabolism. Chronic malfunctioning brainmetabolism leads to decreased neuronal activity, loss ofsynapses, and hampered neuronal connectivity [72],theoretically resulting in permanent brain injury and persistentPCS.

Moreover, mTBI-induced pathophysiologic cascade makesthe brain more susceptible to severe and irreversible cellularinjury by a second impact of even a very modest injury [73]. If,after a first mild injury, a second concussion finds the cells inthe condition of recovering from the initial one and still inperfectly reversible energetic failure, it may lead to furthermitochondrial malfunctioning, culminating in the same irrever-sible energetic failure described above. In addition, the secondimpact causes a much higher level of neuroinflammatoryresponse due to the activated microglia [45]. Thus, a secondmTBI occurring proximately to the first event may have syner-getic deleterious effects resulting in persistent brain damage.Brain damage is progressive and often accelerated by thenumber of brain injuries that occur in an individual [74].

6. Diagnosis

Currently, the clinical diagnosis is based on self-reportedsymptoms and questionnaire evaluations. PCS is a broadterm used to describe a complex disorder with a variablecombination of post-concussion symptoms. The InternationalClassification of Diseases (10th edition) [75] requires the pre-sence of three symptoms for 4 weeks following a head injury.The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders –4th edition (DSM-IV) [76] requires neuropsychological evalua-tion or quantified cognitive assessment in addition to threesymptoms for at least 3 months, which interfere with social/occupational functioning. Due to controversy regarding theterm ‘syndrome’, post-concussional disorder in the DSM-5 wasreplaced by ‘Neurocognitive symptoms associated with trau-matic brain injury’ [77].

PCS symptoms include three clinical domains: cognitivecomplaints (decreased memory, attention, and concentration),somatic complaints (headache, fatigue, insomnia, dizziness,tinnitus, sensitivity to noise or light), and affective complaints(depression, irritability, and anxiety). Posttraumatic vertigoand/or dizziness after concussion may be attributable to avariety of conditions. It may result from any combination oflabyrinthopathy or vestibular migraine dysfunction, chronicsubjective dizziness or anxiety, or the direct neurological effectof mTBI [78]. Different patients may have symptoms primarilyfrom one or another domain, although in general thesedomains are not mutually exclusive and can interact andfeed on each other [79].

In most cases, classic anatomical brain imaging, such ascomputed tomography (CT) and MRI, has poor sensitivity forthe pathophysiologic effects of mTBI. Novel techniques havebeen developed and are increasingly used for objective eva-luation of the brain damage: Diffuse tensor imaging candemonstrate the combination of axonal injury and secondarygliosis with local microvascular injury [80]. Perfusion/dynamicsusceptibility contrast MRI can demonstrate reduced globaland regional CBF as well as cerebral blood volume (CBV)[81].fMRI can demonstrate abnormalities in the activation andallocation of working memory resources with increased activa-tion of working memory networks and recruitment of areasoutside the working memory network [71,82] as well asdecreased functional connectivity in specific networks [83].Quantitative electroencephalogram can identify physiological





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dysfunction and persisting neuronal dysfunction [84]. Positronemission tomography (PET) can measure regional brain meta-bolism [85], demonstrating both hypo- and hypermetabolismareas. Single photon emission CT (SPECT) can grossly evaluateregional CBF and demonstrate hypoperfusion areas in mTBIpatients. In addition to brain imaging, biomarkers in theblood, saliva, urine, and CSF are under investigation for mTBIdiagnosis. The most widely studied blood biomarkers are glialfibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and ubiquitin C-terminal hydro-lase-L1 (UCH-L1).

7. Current management of PCS

7.1. Pharmacotherapy

Patients treated for PCS receive various off-label pharmacolo-gic and psychotherapeutic interventions to address comorbid-ities or PCS-related symptoms such as depression, but nomedication has been approved by the US FDA for the treat-ment of any neuropsychiatric consequences of TBI (Table 1)[86]. The proposed mechanism of action of the medicationsinvolves inhibiting the EAA glutamate and aspartate releaseand/or interfering with their attachment to receptors, blockingtheir excitoxic effects. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs) may affect chronic neuroinflammation and haveshown efficacy in reducing headaches (Figure 3) [45,87].

The most common medications prescribed are antidepres-sants [88]. Several small, non-randomized, uncontrolled stu-dies and case reports suggest that selective serotoninreuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are efficacious in reducing depres-sion and cognitive impairments [89,90]. The new antidepres-sants that affect norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopaminehave not been evaluated scientifically.

Anticholinergic drugs may have shown short-term effectson cognitive function (mainly memory) in several open-labelcontrolled trials on TBI patients. However, significant adverseevents limit their use [91–93].

One randomized controlled trial (RCT) on desmopressinshowed minimal improvement in cognitive functions.Methylphenidate has shown beneficial effects on attention, espe-cially processing speed, and on general cognitive functioning in

non-randomized small studies on patients with more severe TBI.However, in mTBI its use has not been evaluated properly [94].

Antimigraine medications have shown some benefit onheadaches as well as memory dysfunction and dizziness [95].

7.2. Vestibular physical therapy

Vestibular physical therapy (VPT) is a sub-specialization withinphysical therapy that requires patients with dizziness andbalance disorders to perform challenging postural, gait, andgaze stability tasks [96]. Most VPT programs prescribe exer-cises needed to be done multiple times at home, presumingthe patient is compliant and can do the exercises safely. In aretrospective analysis, it showed some efficacy in reducingdizziness and imbalance symptoms mainly when initiated sev-eral days after injury [97] . Unfortunately, VPT was not evalu-ated in the delayed phase in PPCS patients.

7.3. Cognitive rehabilitation

In principle, cognitive rehabilitation aims at direct remediationof specific processes such as attention, memory, or executivefunctioning and focuses on strategies that compensate forimpaired function in these areas. Cognitive rehabilitation canbe performed in the context of real-world activities or usingcognitive exercises with workbooks or computers. Themechanism of action is unknown – it may be symptomaticalone or may assist in generating new neurons (neuroplasti-city) and synapses (synaptogenesis).

The evidence to support the benefit of formal cognitiverehabilitation in this population is lacking. Research hasdemonstrated limited effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitationon cognitive functioning – mainly on attention and activitiesof daily living using single-group design studies [98,99]. In arecent small RCT, cognitive rehabilitation had small improve-ment in memory and some PCS symptoms without any sig-nificant change in other cognitive domains [100].

In two large RCTs, individual interventions by a qualified reha-bilitation team did not appear to impact the long-term outcomeand no improvements were seen after 1–10 years [101,102].

Table 1. PCS treatment efficacy and evidence level.

Evidence level Physical symptoms Emotional Symptoms Cognitive Symptoms

Cognitive behavioral therapy(in acute setting)

Moderate Mild improvement Improvement None

Cognitive rehabilitation Weak None None Mild improvement in memory andattention

Education Moderate-strong Mild improvement None NoneExercise Weak Improvement None NoneHyperbaric oxygen therapy Moderate-strong Improvement Improvement ImprovementMindful-based stress reduction Moderate None None NonePharmacotherapy Weak Improvement with

antimigraine drugsMild improvement in

depression with SSRIMild benefit with SSRI,desmopressin, and amantadine

Rehabilitation program Moderate None None NoneRepetitive transcranial magneticstimulation

Weak Mild improvement None None

Rest Strong None None None

Weak = non-RCTs, flawed methodology, Moderate = RCTs, flawed methodology, Strong = RCTs with acceptable methodology.RCT = randomized controlled trial.





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7.4. Cognitive behavioral therapy

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a mode of therapythat focuses on examining the relationship betweenthoughts, feelings, and behaviors. By helping to challengecertain patterns of thoughts that tend to lead to maladap-tive behaviors, patients begin to develop new ways ofapproaching how they relate to themselves, others, andthe environment. A recent review of 42 studies, including17 RCTs, on CBT for post-concussive symptoms providedevidence that when applied early, it may have some efficacyin reducing PCS somatic symptoms, anxiety, and depression

but no cognitive improvement [103]. A small pilot RCT ofCBT early after mTBI (within 6 weeks post-injury) found thatCBT seemed to facilitate recovery and prevent longer-termsymptoms [104]. The mechanism of intervention on PCSpathology is unknown.

7.5. Education

Generally, this involves the early provision of informationabout diagnosis and possible PCS symptoms, reassuranceabout prognosis, education on ways of coping and

Figure 3. Treatments’ theoretical mechanism of action.





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resumption of activities. One RCT reported benefit of educa-tion when provided immediately after injury – improved sleepand anxiety, reduced distress but with no difference in neu-ropsychological measures [105]. There were six RCTs withvaried qualities in this category that concluded no benefit orreported inconclusive findings [103]. The most recent meta-analysis of the best evidence studies concluded that applyingeducation intervention early for an unselected group ofpatients with mTBI is not effective. However, patients withposttraumatic amnesia of 1 hour or longer do benefit fromroutine follow-up contact to receive information and advice[106,107]. Accordingly, based on the data available today,education may be effective in preventing PPCS; however,there are no data that demonstrate their efficacy in PPCSpatients. The possible mechanism of intervention on PCSpathology is unknown.

7.6. Rehabilitation programs

Rehabilitation includes a multidisciplinary approach that mayinclude psychotherapy, physiotherapy, speech and languagetherapy, cognitive rehabilitation therapy, medications, andothers [106,107]. However, several systematic reviews foundlimited evidence to support the efficacy of rehabilitation pro-grams. There were four RCTs that examined the efficacy ofrehabilitation programs that included psychotherapy. Threeconcluded no difference between groups following the addi-tion of a problem-solving intervention [101,108,109]. Thefourth one reported mixed findings following the addition ofindividual and group support [110]. Thirteen uncontrolled,non-randomized, small sample sized studies with differentpsychological interventions on the entire spectrum of TBI(severe TBI included) reported different results [103]; func-tional improvements in family interactions and daily living[111], self-awareness [111] and prodcutivity [103,112].

7.7. Mindfulness-based interventions and relaxations(MSBR)

The practice of mindfulness involves learning attention controland cultivating moment-to-moment awareness of thoughts,feelings, and bodily sensations. The focus is to enhance self-efficacy and reduce the self-perception of helplessness in theface of residual symptoms. Two controlled studies usingrelaxation found no difference or even increased PCS[113,114].

In a small sample with dropouts as controls, no follow-up,and high attrition rates, a 10-week MSBR program improvedperformance on measures associated with improved quality oflife and self-efficacy [115]. The possible mechanism of inter-vention on PCS pathology is unknown.

7.8. Rest

Current guidelines recommend a period of cognitive and phy-sical rest in the early post-injury period, because symptomscan increase with cognitive and physical exertion [116,117].However, prolonged rest can lead to physical deconditioning,metabolic disturbances, and secondary symptoms such as

fatigue and reactive depression [118,119]. There is no scientificevidence that prolonged rest for more than several weeks inconcussed patients is beneficial [120].

Due to the decreased metabolism state, rest in the earlystate could reduce the demand for energy and reduce symp-toms (Figure 3). However, in later phases, rest would notincrease the supply of energy needed for repair processes.

8. Promising new directions

The above-mentioned interventions have been used for sev-eral decades with limited success. The reason may lie in thefact that none of those treatments is targeting the baselinepathophysiology cascade described above, which is responsi-ble for the syndrome. We present three new future directionsfor PCS treatment.

8.1. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) includes the inhalation of100% oxygen at pressures exceeding 1 atmosphere absolute(ATA) in order to enhance the amount of oxygen dissolved inthe body tissues. During HBOT treatment, the arterial O2 ten-sion typically exceeds 2000 mmHg, and levels of200–400 mmHg occur in tissues [121]. The most commonclinical uses of HBOT are for nonhealing wounds and radia-tion-related injuries.

There are many preclinical, basic science studies evaluatingthe different pathophysiological effects of HBOT on TBI-induced damage. There are also several clinical trials butonly one prospective RCT [122] was performed on a popula-tion without any potential secondary gain (such as obtainingfinancial compensation, avoiding work/army duty. . .), whichevaluated both PCS symptoms (subjective clinical measure)and brain SPECT (objective measure of brain pathology). Inthis trial, HBOT induced significant improvements in cognitivefunctions compared to the control group. Moreover, using acrossover design, patients in the control group were switchedto HBOT after the control period. After the cross to HBOT,there was comparable significant cognitive improvement, asin the treated group. The cognitive function improvementsincluded memory, executive functions, information processingspeed, and attention. In addition to the objective change inbrain perfusion/metabolism, HBOT induced significantimprovement in the quality of life and cognitive functions.The significant improvement in brain metabolism, noticeablein brain SPECT after HBOT, correlated with the improvement inthe cognitive functions.

Four other RCTs [123–127] had significant methodologicalflaws, including an invalid control group, meaning a popula-tion with potential secondary gain from reporting sick withoutany objective evaluation of brain functions, and a controlgroup that was treated with ‘low dose’ of pressure. Fromthese studies, one can conclude that even a low dosage ofpressure (1.3 ATA) may have significant beneficial effects.

Three other prospective studies [128–130] as well as severalcohort studies [81,131–133] reported improvement in PCS andcognitive functions, including memory, attention, and executive





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functions. In one of these studies, perfusion MRI was used aspart of the evaluation of post-TBI patients treated with HBOT10.3 ± 3.2 years after their injury: Whole-brain perfusion analysisshowed significantly increased CBF and CBV, correlating withthe significant improvement in the cognitive scores [81].

In addition to the previous limitations mentioned above, themain limitation of any HBOT clinical study is related to properhandling of the control groups. The only way to administerappropriate ‘placebo’ of HBOT is to bring the patients to thehyperbaric chamber and to increase the environmental pressureto an extent that the patients will feel it in their ears. Theminimalpressure needed to gain such a feeling should be 1.3 ATA.However, compressed air at 1.3 ATA (significant by means ofCNS environment), in addition to the pressure effect, increasesthe plasma oxygen tension by more than 50%, which makes it alow-dose treatment rather than sham/placebo intervention[134]. This limitation can be overcome by cross-over designwith clear objective end points (such as brain imaging).

HBOT has several mechanisms of action (Figure 3):

● Oxygenation of hypoxic tissue – HBOT can significantlyincrease brain tissue oxygenation. The effect lasts for at least6 hours after the HBOT session. Moreover, the tissue oxyge-nation results in a higher cerebral metabolism rate [135].

● Neuroplasticity – The elevated oxygen concentration inthe blood and injured tissue during treatment [136–138]can supply the energy needed for neuroplasticity (regen-eration of the damaged brain tissue). HBOT inducesneuroplasticity by stimulating cell proliferation [139],promotes neurogenesis of endogenous neural stemcells [140], regenerates axonal white matter [141],improves maturation and myelination of injured periph-eral and cranial neural fibers [142,143], and stimulatesaxonal growth, thus increasing the ability of the neuronsto function and communicate with each other [144,145].The common denominator to all repair and regenerationmechanisms is that they are all oxygen-dependent.

● Restoration of mitochondrial function – At the cellularlevel, HBOT can improve cellular metabolism, reduceapoptosis, alleviate oxidative stress, and increase levels ofneurotrophins and nitric oxide through enhancement ofmitochondrial function (in both neurons and glial cells)[138,140,146]. HBOT can restore normal mitochondrialfunction, which is a critical pillar of recovery after TBI [147].

● Angiogenesis – HBOT was also found to have a signifi-cant role in the initiation and facilitation of angiogenesis,which is required for axonal regeneration [148–151]. Byinducing angiogenesis, HBOT improves the regional cer-ebral vascular flow necessary for neurogenesis andsynaptogenesis [81,152,153].

● Improves global and regional CBF – In addition toincreased regional CBF by angiogenesis, HBOT improvesthe global cerebral vascular flow [154–157].

● Anti-inflammatory – HBOT can reduce inflammatory reac-tions [158], reduce both microgliosis and astrogliosis reac-tions [159,160], and promote blood–brain barrier integrity.

● Increased brain metabolism – Due to increased bloodflow and oxygenation, brain metabolism increases sig-nificantly, as seen in PET and SPECT scans [122].

● Bubble recompression (blast injury) – HBOT has beenused for decades in recompression of bubbles formedduring diving or iatrogenic air embolism. HBOT reducesbubble volume by its pressure effect and hastens inertgas elimination by tissue oxygenation [161].

As explained in detail by [134], the diverse and powerfulinnate repair mechanisms activated by HBOT are associatedboth with the elevated level of dissolved oxygen and with theelevated pressure.

HBOT targets the baseline pathophysiology responsible forpersistent PCS (Figure 3). Currently, there is not sufficient datato specify the patients who can benefit the most from HBOT inregards to clinical characteristics such as age, time from injury,and type of injury. However, the correlation between meta-bolic brain imaging and the cognitive/symptom improvementholds the promise for an objective evaluation for patients whoare candidates for HBOT. Therefore, patients should have brainmetabolic imaging performed, in addition to anatomical ima-ging as part of the evaluation. Patients should be selected fortreatment only if they demonstrate considerable metabolismdefects. Further research is needed and should be performedin order to evaluate the efficacy and the optimal candidatesand protocol (duration and pressure) of HBOT.

The disadvantages of HBOT include the time consumptionof daily sessions for 2–3 months, the cost of the sessions, andthe mild side effects that may occur during the sessions.Although the treatment cost may sum to $5000–$20,000, itis still cost-effective compared to the standard yearly cost of aPPCS patient, estimated at $32,000 (without taking intoaccount the loss of work) [162]. HBOT is considered a safeintervention with a complication rate of 2–3%, which is mainlymild and reversible middle ear barotrauma [163].

8.2. Exercise

As previously mentioned, uncontrolled activity too soon afterconcussion is detrimental to recovery [164]. In a small study,controlled aerobic exercise rehabilitation, after first establishingsymptom-free exercise capacity via treadmill testing, has helpedathletes and nonathletes in PCS recovery [165]. The role ofphysical exercise in promoting neurocognitive recovery andsymptom reduction has been shown in other brain injuries [166].

There are two suggested mechanisms of action: In a smallsample, controlled aerobic exercise rehabilitation restored nor-mal CBF regulation, as indicated by fMRI activation, in PCSpatients [167].

Recent studies have shown that exercise can induce cogni-tive improvements in the elderly [168] and poststroke patients[169]. Aerobic exercise upregulated BDNF, which can increaseneurogenesis and neuroplasticity [170]. Thus, exercise mayhave a much more significant effect on PCS, which shouldbe further evaluated.

8.3. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS)

rTMS is a well-established, validated technique to quantifyexcitation and inhibition of the primary motor cortex, thespinal nerve roots, and the peripheral motor pathway





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(corticospinal) [171,172]. In a single uncontrolled small study,4-week treatments with rTMS showed mild improvement inPCS but no change in cognitive function [173]. The exactmechanisms behind rTMS-induced plasticity are still unknown.Some have suggested that rTMS may increase neural stem cellproliferation and differentiation or synaptic plasticity [174].

9. Expert commentary

PCS has become a growing cause of morbidity, and most oftoday’s treatments have little effect on PCS when challengedscientifically. The main reason is that most interventions aretargeting the symptoms and not the actual pathophysiologyof PCS. Exercise-based rehabilitation and rTMS provide newdirections, but yet again may offer only a partial solution tothe basic pathology. Unlike other interventions, HBOT cantarget the basic pathologic processes responsible for persis-tent PCS, has solid strong preclinical evidence and growingclinical evidence for its beneficial neuroplasticity effects, andcan be considered as a safe new therapeutic option for thosepatients.

10. Five-year view

The number of mTBI victims is expected to grow considerablydue to military and terror actions around the globe. In addi-tion, due to higher awareness, the number of reports ofcivilian accidents and sports-related brain injuries is alsoexpected to grow.

In the authors’ perspective, HBOT has the potential tobecome part of the standard of care for PCS.

Key issues

● Although most of traumatic brain injuries are consideredmild, 10–20% of the patients suffer from post-concussionsymptoms for weeks-months and 3–5% of those patientsmay have persistent post-concussion symptoms for years.

● The pathophysiology of post-concussion syndrome mayinclude axonal injury, microvascular injury, bubbles forma-tion, cerebral blood flow disruption, neuroinflammationand tissue hypoxia which lead to mitochondrial dysfunctionand decreased brain metabolism.

● Current treatments include pharmacotherapy, cognitiverehabilitation, mindfulness-based stress reduction and rest.However, these treatment modalities failed to show suffi-cient efficacy, most probably because they are not target-ing the pathophysiological processes responsible forpersistent PCS.

● Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, repetitive transcranial magneticstimulation and exercise are new, future treatmentdirections.

● Hyperbaric oxygen therapy may offer a solution for thebasic pathological processes responsible for post-concus-sion symptoms.


Mr. Raz Tuval is thanked for editorial assistance.


This paper was not funded.

Declaration of interest

The authors have no relevant affiliations or financial involvement with anyorganization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict withthe subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript. This includesemployment, consultancies, honoraria, stock ownership or options, experttestimony, grants or patents received or pending, or royalties.


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127. Figueroa XA, Wright JK. Clinical results in brain injury trials usingHBO2 therapy: another perspective. Undersea Hyperbaric Med.2015;42(4):333–351.

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131. Harch PG, Andrews SR, Fogarty EF, et al. A phase I study of low-pressure hyperbaric oxygen therapy for blast-induced post-concus-sion syndrome and post-traumatic stress disorder. J Neurotrauma.2012;29(1):168–185.

132. Wright JK, Zant E, Groom K, et al. Case report: treatment of mildtraumatic brain injury with hyperbaric oxygen. UnderseaHyperbaric Med. 2009;36(6):391–399.

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•• Review of the mechanisms and possible treatment of HBOT inneurological disorders.

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HBOT RESEARCH AND SCIENCE MOST RECENT RESEARCH [a] Amir Hadanny & Shai Efrati (2016): Treatment of persistent post-concussion syndrome due to mild traumatic brain injury: current status and future directions, Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, DOI: 10.1080/14737175.2016.1205487. Persistent post-concussion syndrome caused by mild traumatic brain injury has become a major cause of morbidity and poor quality of life. Unlike the acute care of concussion, there is no consensus for treatment of chronic symptoms. Moreover, most of the pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic treatments have failed to demonstrate significant efficacy on both the clinical symptoms as well as the pathophysiologic cascade responsible for the permanent brain injury. This article reviews the pathophysiology of PCS, the diagnostic tools and criteria, the current available treatments including pharmacotherapy and different cognitive rehabilitation programs, and promising new treatment directions. A most promising new direction is the use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy, which targets the basic pathological processes responsible for post-concussion symptoms; it is discussed here in depth. [b] Baughman Shively, S., Iren Horkayne-Szakaly, Robert V Jones, James P Kelly, Regina C Armstrong, Daniel P Perl. Characterisation of interface astroglial scarring in the human brain after blast exposure: a post-mortem case series. The Lancet, Neurology, June 2016. DOI: In what is being called a breakthrough study, Dr. Daniel P. Perl and his team at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences in Bethesda, Md., [the medical school run by the Department of Defense], have found evidence of tissue damage caused by blasts alone, not by concussions or other injuries. The New York Times calls it the medical explanation for shell shock: preliminary proof of what medicine has been saying without proof for nearly 100 years -- blasts cause physical damage, and this physical damage leads to psychological problems, i.e., PTSD. The importance of this admission cannot be overstated: this is a DOD discovery with documented evidence that blast injury [IEDs, breeching, whether in training or combat, enemy and/or friendly fire] can lead directly to physical brain damage and the accompanying effects, many of which have been heretofore diagnosed as "only PTSD." [Commentary on above: Robert F. Worth."What if PTSD is More Physical Than Psychological?," The New York Times Magazine, June 10, 2016. A new study supports what a small group of military researchers has suspected for decades: that modern warfare destroys the brain. [Additional commentary on above]: Alexander, Caroline. "Mystery of How Battlefield Blasts Injure the Brain May Be Solved. A landmark study sheds new light on the damage caused by “blast shock”—the signature injury of wars for more than a century." National Geographic. JUNE 9, 2016 [c] Xavier A. Figueroa, PhD and James K. Wright, MD (Col Ret), USAF Hyperbaric Oxygen: B-Level Evidence in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Clinical Trials. (IN PRE-PUBLICATION). NEUROLOGY/701565 2016. "There is sufficient evidence for the safety and preliminary efficacy data from clinical studies to support the use of HBOT in mild traumatic brain injury/ persistent post concussive syndrome (mTBI/PPCS). The reported positive outcomes and the durability of those outcomes has been demonstrated at 6 months post HBOT treatment. Given the current policy by Tricare and the VA to allow physicians to prescribe drugs or therapies in an off-label manner for mTBI/PPCS management and reimburse for the treatment, it is past time that HBOT be given the same opportunity. This is now

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an issue of policy modification and reimbursement, not an issue of scientific proof or preliminary clinical efficacy." [d] Wang F, et al. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment of traumatic brain injury: a meta-analysis. Neurol Sci. 2016 Jan 8. PubMed PMID: 26746238. "Compelling evidence suggests the advantage of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in traumatic brain injury. ...Patients undergoing hyperbaric therapy achieved significant improvement....with a lower overall mortality, suggesting its utility as a standard intensive care regimen in traumatic brain injury." [e] E.G. Wolf, L.M. Baugh, C.M.S. Kabban, et al. Cognitive function in a traumatic brain injury hyperbaric oxygen randomized trial. UHM 2015, Vol. 42, No. 4, 2015. Dr. Wolf is a principle co-author of the first Army study. This recent USAF paper reanalyzing the data in the cornerstone DOD/VA/Army study concludes: " This pilot study demonstrated no obvious harm [and] both groups showed improvement in scores and thus a benefit. Subgroup analysis of cognitive changes and PCL-M results regarding PTSD demonstrated a relative risk of improvement . . . . There is a potential gain and no potential loss. The VA/Clinical Practice Guidelines define a “B evidence rating” as “a recommendation that clinicians provide (the service) to eligible patients. At least fair evidence was found that the intervention improves health outcomes and concludes that benefits outweigh harm. . . .[emphasis added] Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for mild traumatic brain injury and PTSD should be considered a legitimate adjunct therapy if future studies demonstrate similar findings or show comparable improvement to standard-of-care or research-related treatment modalities." [NOTE: subsequent worldwide studies already published and those underway show comparable improvements.] 1. Peer-reviewed published articles [b] Shi XY, Tang ZQ, Sun D, He XJ. Evaluation of hyperbaric oxygen treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders following traumatic brain injury. Chin Med J (Engl). 2006;119(23):1978-82. [c] Hardy P, Johnston KM, De Beaumont L, Montgomery DL, Lecomte JM, Soucy JP, et al. Pilot case study of the therapeutic potential of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on chronic brain injury. J Neurol Sci. 2007;253(1-2):94-105. [d] Lin JW, Tsai JT, Lee LM, Lin CM, Hung CC, Hung KS, et al. Effect of hyperbaric oxygen on patients with traumatic brain injury. Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2008;101:145-9. [e] Wright JK, Zant E, Groom K, Schlegel RE, Gilliland K. Case report: Treatment of mild traumatic brain injury with hyperbaric oxygen. Undersea Hyperb Med. 2009; 36(6):391-9. [f] Harch PG, Fogarty EF, Staab PK, Van Meter K. Low pressure hyperbaric oxygen therapy and SPECT brain imaging in the treatment of blast-induced chronic traumatic brain injury (post-concussion syndrome) and post traumatic stress disorder: a case report. Cases J. 2009;2:6538. http://www.ncbi.nlm.

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[g] Sahni T, Jain M, Prasad R, Sogani SK, Singh VP. Use of hyperbaric oxygen in traumatic brain injury: Retrospective analysis of data of 20 patients treated at a tertiary care centre. Br J Neurosurg. 2011. [h] Stoller KP. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (1.5 ATA) in treating sports related TBI/CTE: two case reports. Med Gas Res. 2011;1(1):17. PMCID: 3231948. [i] Paul G. Harch, Susan R. Andrews, Edward F. Fogarty, Daniel Amen, John C. Pezzullo, Juliette Lucarini, Claire Aubrey, Derek V. Taylor, Paul K. Staab, and Keith W. Van Meter. A phase I study of low-pressure hyperbaric oxygen therapy for blast-induced post-concussion syndrome and post-traumatic stress disorder. J Neurotrauma. 2012 Jan 1;29(1):168-85. [j] Rockswold, Rockswold, Zaun and Liu. A prospective, randomized Phase II clinical trial to evaluate the effect of combined hyperbaric and normobaric hyperoxia on cerebral metabolism, intracranial pressure, oxygen toxicity, and clinical outcome in severe traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurosurgery, Jun 2013 / Vol. 118 / No. 6 / Pages 1317-1328

2. Data from NBIRR-01 observational study The International Hyperbaric Medical Foundation. Summary report from, “The National Brain Injury Rescue and Rehabilitation Trial – a multicenter study of hyperbaric oxygen for mild traumatic brain injury." 32 subjects improved significantly. May 2015. In pre-publication. 3. Peer-reviewed Israeli research on stroke and TBI, neurogenesis and angiogenesis [a] Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Can Improve Post Concussion Syndrome Years after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury - Randomized Prospective Trial [b] Hyperbaric Oxygen Induces Late Neuroplasticity in Post Stroke Patients - Randomized, Prospective Trial [c] Hyperbaric oxygen may induce angiogenesis in patients suffering from prolonged post-concussion syndrome due to traumatic brain injury. Restor Neurol Neurosci. 2015 Oct 7. [d] Hyperbaric oxygen can induce neuroplasticity and improve cognitive functions of patients suffering from anoxic brain damage. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 33 (2015) 471–486 [e] Reflections on the neurotherapeutic effects of hyperbaric oxygen 4. Animal studies showing positive effects of HBOT on brain injury

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[a] Blast Exposure Induces Post Traumatic Stress Disorder-Related Traits in a Rat Model of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Gregory A. Elder, Nathan P. Dorr, Rita De Gasperi, Miguel A. Gama Sosa, Michael C. Shaughness, Eric Maudlin-Jeronimo, Aaron A. Hall, Richard M. McCarron, and Stephen T. Ahlers. Journal of Neurotrauma. [b] Research Report: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves spatial learning and memory in a rat model of chronic traumatic brain injury. Paul G. Harch, Christopher Kriedt, Keith W. Van Meter, Robert James Sutherland, BRAIN RESEARCH 1174 (2007) 120-129. [c] The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on intracephalic angiogenesis in rats with intracerebral hemorrhage. Peng ZR, Yang AL, Yang QD. J Neurol Sci. 2014 May2. [d] Kraitsy K, Uecal M, Grossauer S, Bruckmann L, Pfleger F, et al. (2014) Repetitive Long-Term Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment (HBOT) Administered after Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats Induces Significant Remyelination and a Recovery of Sensorimotor Function. PLoS ONE 9(5): e97750. 5. Expert Opinion "What the *Bleep* is going on with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy? Brain Health and Healing Foundation. Xavier Figueroa. PhD has been performing neurological clinical research since 1995 in the field of Alzheimer’s research, as well as basic research in neuron biology, cancer research, bioengineering and the biophysics of water in cells. He has a long history of involvement with research using hyperbaric oxygen therapy for brain injury. ** ** ** UHM 2012, Vol. 39, No. 4 – How many deaths will it take? AN EDITORIAL PERSPECTIVE. Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc. How many deaths will it take till they know? Monkeys, madmen and the standard of evidence. George Mychaskiw II, DO, FAAP, FACOP, Editor-in-Chief Chair, Department of Anesthesiology, Nemours Children’s Hospital, Orlando, Florida USA. The Journal of Hyperbaric Medicine is the most prestigious journal on Hyperbaric Medicine in the world. . . . . . ."Hyperbaric oxygen is a safe, easily used treatment that, in many cases, has resulted in a dramatic improvement in the symptoms of patients with [TBI]. Every day we are…. gathering more data validating its efficacy.… I feel , as do many of my colleagues, that there is sufficient clinical and research evidence to justify the use of [HBOT] as a standard-of-care treatment for [TBI] that should be reimbursed by CMS and Tricare…. I have no doubt that, over the next several years, [HBOT] will be proven beyond a reasonable doubt to be one of the most effective treatments for [TBI]…. There is a preponderance of evidence now to justify the use and funding for the treatment….” Chamber of Hopes for Brain Repair. Eshel Ben-Jacob , PhD. January, 27, 2013. 6. Data from DoD/Army studies, with responses

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Summary of positive findings in Army Studies: Army medicine has run trials investigating the use of Hyperbaric Oxygen to treat and help heal Traumatic Brain Injury. They have shown that HBOT is both safe and effective: "Randomization to the chamber . . . . offered statistical and in some measures clinically significant improvement over local routine TBI care." Also: ".... total scores for [both] groups revealed significant improvement over the course of the study for both the sham-control group .... and the HBO2 group....." Expert outside consultants to DOD declared that "[HBOT] is a healing environment." [a] Wolf G, Cifu D, Baugh L, Carne W, Profenna L. The effect of hyperbaric oxygen on symptoms after mild traumatic brain injury. J Neurotrauma. 2012;29(17):2606-12. (DoD) (USA) [b] Paul G. Harch, MD. Letters to the Editor. Journal of Neurotrauma. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Post-Concussion Syndrome: Contradictory Conclusions From a Study Mischaracterized as Sham-Controlled. 2014 [c] Cifu DX, Hart BB, West SL, Walker W, Carne W. The Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms. J Head Trauma Rehabil. 2013. (DoD) (USA) [d] Weaver LK, Cifu D, Hart B, Wolf G, Miller RS. Hyperbaric oxygen for post-concussion syndrome: Design of Department of defense clinical trials. Undersea Hyperb Med 2012; 39(4); 807-814. [e] Paul G. Harch, MD. Letters to the editors, UHM 2013, Vol. 40, No. 5 – LETTERS. Department of Defense trials for hyperbaric oxygen and TBI: Issues of study design and questionable conclusions. [f] Walker WC, Franke LM, Cifu DX, Hart BB. Randomized, Sham-Controlled, Feasibility Trial of Hyperbaric Oxygen for Service Members With Postconcussion Syndrome: Cognitive and Psychomotor Outcomes 1 Week Postintervention. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2013. DoD/USA [g] Cifu DX, Walker WC, West SL, Hart BB, Franke LM, Sima A, et al. Hyperbaric oxygen for blast-related postconcussion syndrome: Three-month outcomes. Ann Neurol. 2014;75(2):277-86. (DoD) (USA). Available upon request. [h] Army Trials Report from UHMS Conference, June 2013. Press Release: " DoD announces results of first three DoD-Sponsored trials using hyperbaric oxygen for mild traumatic brain injury." Available upon request. [i] R. Scott Miller, M.D., COL, US Army, Director, Hyperbaric Oxygen Research Program, US Army Medical Materiel Development Activity, Ft. Detrick, MD. Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Symptoms and Quality of Life Among Service Members With Persistent Postconcussion Symptoms. JAMA Intern Med. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.5479. Published online November 17, 2014. 7. Validating SPECT Scans to diagnose HBOT treatment before-and-after brain states

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Raji CA, Tarzwell R, Pavel D, Schneider H, Uszler M, et al. (2014) Clinical Utility of SPECT Neuroimaging in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury: A Systematic Review. PLoS ONE 9(3): e91088. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0091088 8. BLAST INJURY BIBLIOGRAPHY

Alexander, Caroline. "The Invisible War on the Brain,” National Geographic, February 2015 Alexander, Caroline. "Mystery of How Battlefield Blasts Injure the Brain May Be Solved. A landmark study sheds new light on the damage caused by “blast shock”—the signature injury of wars for more than a century." National Geographic. JUNE 9, 2016 Baughman Shively, S., Iren Horkayne-Szakaly, Robert V Jones, James P Kelly, Regina C Armstrong, Daniel P Perl. Characterisation of interface astroglial scarring in the human brain after blast exposure: a post-mortem case series. The Lancet, Neurology, June 2016. DOI:

Elder, G.A., Nathan P. Dorr, Rita De Gasperi, Miguel A. Gama Sosa, Michael C. Shaughness, Eric Maudlin-Jeronimo, Aaron A. Hall, Richard M. McCarron, and Stephen T. Ahlers. Blast Exposure Induces Post Traumatic Stress Disorder-Related Traits in a Rat Model of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. Journal of Neurotrauma. (doi: 10.1089/neu.2012.2510) Fox, TM. Reflections on Blast Incident, September 2014. Correspondence. Hooker, D.H. Physiological Effects of Air Concussion. The American Journal of Physiology, Vol 67, No. 2. From the Physiological Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD, January 1, 1924. Jasmeet P. Hayesa, Danielle R. Millerd, Ginette Lafleche, David H. Salat, Mieke Verfaelliee, The nature of white matter abnormalities in blast-related mild traumatic brain injury. NeuroImage: Clinical 8 (9 April 2015) 148–156. Mac Donald CL, Johnson AM, Cooper D, Nelson EC, Werner NJ, Shimony JS, Snyder AZ, Raichle ME, Witherow JR, Fang R, Flaherty SF, Brody DL (2011) Detection of blast-related traumatic brain injury in U.S. military personnel. N Engl J Med 364:2091–2100, doi:10.1056/NEJMoa1008069 Mac Donald, CL; Ann M. Johnson; Linda Wierzechowski; Elizabeth Kassner, Theresa Stewart, Elliot C. Nelson,Nicole J. Werner, David Zonies, John Oh, Raymond Fang, David L. Brody. Prospectively Assessed Clinical Outcomes in Concussive Blast vs. Nonblast Traumatic Brain Injury Among Evacuated US Military Personnel. JAMA Neurol. Published online June 16, 2014. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2014.1114

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Miller KJ, Ivins BJ, Schwab KA (2013) Self-Reported Mild TBI and Postconcussive Symptoms in a Peacetime Active Duty Military Population: Effect of Multiple TBI History Versus Single Mild TBI. J Head Trauma Rehabil 28:31–38, doi:10.1097/HTR.0b013e318255ceae Omalu B, Hammers JL, Bailes J, Hamilton RL, Kamboh MI, Webster G, Fitzsimmons RP (2011) Chronic traumatic encephalopathy in an Iraqi war veteran with posttraumatic stress disorder who committed suicide. Neurosurg Focus 31:E3, doi:10.3171/2011.9.FOCUS11178 Reimers, SD and Slade, JB. The Case for Transient Air Embolism from Lung Injury as a Mechanism for Blast–Related Brain Injury and Its Implications. May 2015. Correspondence. Rosenfeld, JV Alexander C McFarlane, Peter Bragge, Rocco A Armonda, Jamie B Grimes, Geoffrey S Ling. Blast-related traumatic brain injury. Lancet Neurol 2013; 12: 882–93. July 22, 2013. Ryu , Jiwon, Iren Horkayne-Szakaly, Leyan Xu, Olga Pletnikova, Francesco Leri, Charles Eberhart, Juan C Troncoso and Vassilis E Koliatsos . The problem of axonal injury in the brains of veterans with histories of blast exposure. Acta Neuropathologica Communications 2014, 2:153 Trotter,BB, Meghan E. Robinson, William P. Milberg, Regina E. McGlinchey and David H. Salat. Military blast exposure, ageing and white matter integrity. BRAIN, June 1, 2015. doi:10.1093/brain/awv139 Worth, RF, What if PTSD Is More Physical Than Psychological? A new study supports what a small group of military researchers has suspected for decades: that modern warfare destroys the brain. New York Times, JUNE 10, 2016.

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Blast injury, and the accompanying role of air embolism in invisible wounds to the brain, is still not widely studied and thus seldom treated. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is recognized worldwide as the definitive treatment for air embolism. Air/gas embolism is already an on-label, approved indication for HBOT.

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Blast-related traumatic brain injury. Jeffrey V Rosenfeld, et al Lancet Neurol 2013; 12: 882–93 July 22, 2013

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July 2016

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14 on-label indications for HBOT are already approved and insured 1. Air or Gas Embolism** 2. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning** Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Complicated By Cyanide Poisoning 3. Crush Injury, Compartment Syndrome and Other Acute Traumatic Ischemias** 4. Decompression Sickness** 5. Arterial Insufficiencies: Central Retinal Artery Occlusion** Enhancement of Healing In Selected Problem Wounds 6. Clostridial Myositis and Myonecrosis (Gas Gangrene) 7. Severe Anemia 8. Intracranial Abscess 9. Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections 10. Osteomyelitis (Refractory) 11. Delayed Radiation Injury (Soft Tissue and Bony Necrosis) 12. Compromised Grafts and Flaps 13. Acute Thermal Burn Injury 14. Idiopathic Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (Approved on October 8, 2011 by the UHMS Board of Directors)

** These indications are similar to conditions found in brain injury