tree trimming palo alto

How To Hire The Right Tree Service In Palo Alto As a homeowner, there might come a time in your life as a property owner that you might need professional tree service in Palo Alto. There are a variety of different types of companies providing this service, but not all are equal. If you choose the wrong company, you could be out of money or you could have damage to your tree or your property or even the property of your neighbors. The industry is one of the highest with con artists, fly by night crooks and other companies that are less than honorable. The Better Business Bureau reports that one of the categories where they receive the highest amount of complaints is from companies providing tree service. While there may be many dishonorable companies out just for your money, there are also many reputable professional tree services in Palo Alto companies that take pride in the work they do and strive for customer satisfaction. The challenge sometimes can be finding these companies to do the work for you. Red Flags To Watch Out For Scams are abundant in this industry. Sometimes even the most vigilant person can be conned. While it may be difficult to avoid all types of scams, a few precautions on your end can reduce the chance of you accidentally hiring a scam artist. Like everything, price matters. Too often people try to get the most work for the cheapest dollar which means they end up trying to cut corners to save a few dollars. In the long run, those cut dollars could cost them money. You want to avoid companies that promise to provide services for surprisingly low rates. While there’s nothing wrong with looking for a bargain, especially in tough economic times, you need to be realistic. A tree service in Palo Alto service that offers unusually low prices does so for reasons that are usually not very good. Some companies new to the industry will offer low introductory rates. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but you need to be careful. Low prices could mean you’re hiring someone with no to little experience which means the job may not be done as well as you’d prefer. Sometimes companies cut corners with insurance and necessary certificates in order to offer lower rates. If anything goes wrong on the job, you’ll end up paying for that in the long run. Some fly by night companies will take your money, promise to do the work and then disappear with the job only partially finished. Unusually low prices are something to watch out for. The same holds true for prices that are too high. Some companies will charge unusually high rates for basic work. This is also something to watch out for, although people are generally already watching out for higher prices more so than they are for concerns associated with too low prices.

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Post on 21-Jul-2016




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Bay Area Tree Specialists 490 S. California Ave Palo Alto, CA 94036 (650) 353-5671 We specialize in comprehensive quality tree services in Palo Alto Bay Area. As an experienced arborist, we offer residential and commercial tree services such as tree trimming, tree pruning, tree removal and more.


Page 1: Tree Trimming Palo Alto

How To Hire The Right Tree Service In Palo Alto

As a homeowner, there might come a time in your life as a property owner that you might

need professional tree service in Palo Alto. There are a variety of different types of

companies providing this service, but not all are equal. If you choose the wrong company,

you could be out of money or you could have damage to your tree or your property or even

the property of your neighbors.

The industry is one of the highest with con artists, fly by night crooks and other companies

that are less than honorable. The Better Business Bureau reports that one of the categories

where they receive the highest amount of complaints is from companies providing tree

service. While there may be many dishonorable companies out just for your money, there

are also many reputable professional tree services in Palo Alto companies that take pride

in the work they do and strive for customer satisfaction. The challenge sometimes can be

finding these companies to do the work for you.

Red Flags To Watch Out For

Scams are abundant in this industry. Sometimes even the most vigilant person can be

conned. While it may be difficult to avoid all types of scams, a few precautions on your end

can reduce the chance of you accidentally hiring a scam artist.

Like everything, price matters. Too often people try to get the most work for the cheapest

dollar which means they end up trying to cut corners to save a few dollars. In the long run,

those cut dollars could cost them money. You want to avoid companies that promise to

provide services for surprisingly low rates. While there’s nothing wrong with looking for a

bargain, especially in tough economic times, you need to be realistic.

A tree service in Palo Alto service that offers unusually low prices does so for reasons that

are usually not very good. Some companies new to the industry will offer low introductory

rates. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but you need to be careful. Low prices could mean

you’re hiring someone with no to little experience which means the job may not be done as

well as you’d prefer. Sometimes companies cut corners with insurance and necessary

certificates in order to offer lower rates. If anything goes wrong on the job, you’ll end up

paying for that in the long run. Some fly by night companies will take your money, promise

to do the work and then disappear with the job only partially finished.

Unusually low prices are something to watch out for. The same holds true for prices that are

too high. Some companies will charge unusually high rates for basic work. This is also

something to watch out for, although people are generally already watching out for higher

prices more so than they are for concerns associated with too low prices.

Page 2: Tree Trimming Palo Alto

What Does A Tree Service In San Jose Do?

Choosing the right tree service in San Jose can mean the difference between a pleasant tree

removal or tree maintenance experience or one that destroys your trees and costs you a lot

of money.

The sad reality is that the industry of tree removal is full of con artists, companies that are

less than honorable and even fly by night crooks. This is why it’s so important to protect

yourself by taking the steps to hire a legitimate tree service in San Jose provider. While it

may be difficult to avoid all scams, taking a few precautions will greatly reduce the chance

that you’ll be taken advantage of. You might have been doing it all on your own but if you

need to hire a service, pick the best in the city.

The Better Business Bureau is an excellent resource to find qualified and reliable tree

service companies in San Jose. Most of the larger companies will have taken the effort to

become registered. Look for a company that’s registered with the Better Business Bureau.

The BBB accreditation is not given out to just any tree service in San Jose service. Most that

are accredited are reputable. You can also check the company’s rating with the Better

Business Bureau. It will ensure that you can check if there are complaints lodged against it.

There’s always the risk of injury when working with large trees, saws, knives and other

sharp instruments. Professional companies hire professionals who have been trained in how

to use these tools properly. But even the best trained professional can have an accident.

Make sure that the tree service you’re considering hiring has the appropriate workers

compensation insurance and the right amount of liability insurance.

If someone from the tree service in San Jose gets injured on your property while doing a job

you hired them to do, you could be liable for the costs if the company doesn’t have proper

insurance. Certificates of insurance should be sent to you directly by the insurer and not the

company. This avoids getting fraudulent certificates. If the company doesn’t have proper

insurance, you could also be responsible for repairs to your property caused by an accident

by one of the company’s employees.

Price matters. You need to find that delicate balance between too cheap and overly

expensive. If you’re shopping for a discount, that’s fine. Many people do during tough

economic times. But be wary of any tree service in San Jose that offers you services for

unbelievable low prices. They may be new, which in itself isn’t bad. You’ll just be paying for

someone with little or no experience. Other downfalls of prices that are too low could mean

the company doesn’t have the right insurances and certificates or the company doesn’t plan

on completing the job.

Prices that are too high are also red flags. Thus, ensure that you get references from people

you know. Read the online reviews about those services and ensure that the company you

pick is experienced, insured and licensed.

Page 3: Tree Trimming Palo Alto

Why Call In Tree Trimming Company In Palo Alto?

It’s common for people in the area to do tree trimming in Palo Alto themselves. There are a

variety of reasons why someone may do this. Perhaps they’re an outdoors type person who

likes to do things like that on their own. Maybe they want to learn a new skill. But, more

likely, the people who choose to do their own tree maintenance are trying to save money by

doing the work themselves instead of hiring a professional.

Professional arborists and tree trimming in Palo Alto companies will generally encourage

people to seek the help of a professional, especially for many of the more major tasks that

require more skill and pose a higher risk for individuals to do. More basic tasks, however,

can generally be done by even the non-handy person.

If you plan to try your hand at tree trimming in Palo Alto, you need to do so with a little bit

of background information and research. It’s never recommended that you try your hand at

tree maintenance by going in blind with no clue about what you’re doing other than you saw

a picture on a magazine once or you saw someone cut a tree down in a television

commercial. You could end up hurting yourself, damaging your property or damaging your

neighbor’s property. There’s also the risk that you could permanently harm the tree you’re

trying to make healthier.

tree trimming in Palo Alto doesn’t need to be complicated, but it needs to be done with

some though. You can’t simply go about cutting off branches from a tree and expect the

tree to thrive. Many people make the mistake of doing what has been commonly called

flattop bush pruning. It’s the easiest type of pruning for an amateur to do since all it

involves is grabbing a pair of hedge shears and cutting the branch tips of the entire tree to

cut it down to size and shape. The tree may look good after you’re finished. It might even

look okay after a year or two.

But you’ve actually done more damage to the tree than you realize and have effectively

stunted the tree’s growth. When you cut all the top tips off the tree, the tree doesn’t know

what to do with itself. It ends up stunting the growth of the inner branches and the outer

branches start to flourish. The tree begins to grow into a wild and unnatural shape as the

outer branches take over and the inner branches start to fade and whither. Once this

happens, it can be extremely difficult to trim the tree back into a manageable size without

ruining it or to get it back into good and healthy shape. That is why it is so important to hire

a professional tree trimming in Palo Alto that has a team of experts on board, especially an


Page 4: Tree Trimming Palo Alto

Is It Easy DIY To Do Tree Trimming In San Jose?

It’s completely possible to do tree trimming in San Jose yourself. While many professional

arborists will encourage you to seek the help of a professional, for some of the more basic

tasks, there’s no reason why you can’t do the work yourself.

If you plan to tree trim yourself, you need to complete a little bit of background work and

research first. Don’t go in trimming a tree completely blind with no idea of what to do or

when to do it. This will only result in you killing the tree which is not what you want to do.

First year pruning can sometimes be the simplest to do. The tree is small enough that you

generally don’t require a ladder and the branches are thin enough that you can use a simple

pair of pruning pliers. When first year tree trimming in San Jose, follow a technique called

heading off. This is where you cut the branch tip just beyond the bud. The cut is small at

about a quarter of an inch. The goal of heading off is to channel more of the trees food and

resources to the smaller side branches allowing them to fill out and create a vibrant, healthy

tree. It’s important to be selective and don’t get too zealous for cutting the branches. This

technique works best on trees and bushes with a single stalk or just a few stocks. Trees,

like lilac trees that grow new shoots frequently don’t respond well to this type of tree


Too many Do-It-Yourself tree trimmers do what’s called flattop bush pruning. This is where

the person uses the hedge shears and basically cuts off the branch tips of the entire bush or

tree. This creates what’s comparable to a flattop haircut on people. While this type of trim

might look good on a lot of people, it doesn’t work well for most trees. Sure, they’ll look

nice for a year or two. But cutting off the top tips of a tree will stimulate the growth of the

outer branches. This causes the bush to grow wild and in an unnatural shape. It can cause

the tree to grow larger making it more difficult to trim back to a manageable size without

ruining the tree. The only exception to the greenery flattop haircut is hedge type bushes.

When removing branches, choose larger branches as that should be the first ones to

remove. This allows more light to reach the interior of the tree which is better for the tree’s

healthy growth. If you need advice and tips, talk with a tree trimming service in San Jose.

They will be able to assist you with the major tasks. Additionally, you ca hire the services of

an arborist to get the basics straight. Though tree trimming isn’t difficult it is important to

do it right.