trek to vasota, nageshwar, sajjangad, thoseghar, kaas


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Page 1: Trek to Vasota, Nageshwar, Sajjangad, Thoseghar, Kaas

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Page 2: Trek to Vasota, Nageshwar, Sajjangad, Thoseghar, Kaas

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It has been dream to trek Vasota and Nageshwar for years! After Harishchandragad, we

 were planning this trek but could never materialize his time "# dare devils targeted

Vasota! $ut by the end of week, only % withstood firmly for this gutsy trek! &o here are

the Fearless Four'

" (ahaveer )ain *+" -.. /.-/"0

1 &oumik &wain *+" "23 1# /".0

. Atish )ain *+" 3./# /-3 2#%0

% Nitesh 4eshmane *+" 33# #33 #%30

Plan of the Trek

3 (ar "%

• &tarting at night on by our car *5 ./#km0 and reaching base village $amnoli

- (ar "%

• After sleep of .6% hours, going to Vasota $ase via boat *"/ Hrs 7ourney0

• rekking to Vasota

• rekking to Nageshwar and return

• Halt in 7ungle at tent provided by forest department

(ar "%'

• 8eturn to $amnoli via boat

• &a77angad and hoseghar visit *near &atara0

7 March 14:

Journe! to"ar#s $a%nol ' $ase Vlla(e

9e planned to start early but as usual, important work at the last moment! 9e could

start from my home at 4ombivali by -'.#pm after good supper! :or the first time,

&oumik had taste of ;<itale= a dish of gram flour, similar to ;>unka=!

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After erratic traffic 7am at 4ombivali, we could manage to reach <une by "1'## am

Nitesh was waiting for us on road I vacated the driver=s seat to Nitesh for onward

 7ourney! As I know, he is fantastic driver whom I can rely blindly!

?ood thing we noticed about &oumik is he can sleep any time anywhere in any

@ondition! (e, Atish and Nitesh were en7oying songs and the road 7ourney whereas&oumik was in his sweet dreams!

9e had a break near &atara oll *Anewadi0! Atmosphere was chilled and warm cup of

tea was pleasant refreshment!

Very soon, (r ?oogle (aps warned us that we have crossed the turn! &o by taking 6

urn, we could re67oin the road towards $amnoli village! hanks to ?oogle ! Btherwise

at this midnight, we couldn=t have got any help!

Bnce we crossed &atara city C reached

Hill top, we couldn=t resist halting and

starting our "st <hoto session at around

.'1#am! 9e could wake up &oumik for

the photo session!

Immediately after few minutes, we could

see Porcupine! nfortunately, before

 we could make ourselves ready for

photo shoot, it disappeared!

9hile heading towards $amnoli, we

need to cross Daas <lateau! 4riving

batten again came to me as Nitesh and

Atish both were feeling sleepy! Now it

 was &oumik =s turn to be awake and

give me company!

As we crossed Daas <lateau, we

entered in forest! (e and &oumik were

very keen to see something wild! $ut


9e reached $amnoli by %'## am Even though we did not carry winter protection wears,

 we could use waste newspapers as bed sheet on bare floor of ;$hairavnath emple=!

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9ithin few minutes Atish and Nitesh started snoring competition! Even with this

background music, &oumik could sweetly sleep! I had to curse myself for not able to

sleep! &omehow I too slept thinking of the neFt day plans!

8 March 14:

Saln( throu(h Sh)sa(ar *ake

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I woke up early in the morning by 3 am!

hanks to a cock6a6doodle6do! I took

camera and started for a village round! I

could locate a public toilet and hand pump

to enable to complete morning chorus


I had to forcefully wake up .

Dumbhkarnas! Very soon all got ready and

reached a hotel ;$hairavnath= nearby!

After having small breakfast *% <oha, %

Bmlet and % (issal <av !0, we headed

toward $oat club!

:irst shock! $oat club informed us as we

are going to stay in 7ungle, they need to

drop us and again pick us neFt day

Hence, they will charge us double! *8s


 9e tried to resist, influence, reGuest,

threat, but failed! ltimately accepted the


It was first time for all of us that we sailed

for "/ hours through a boat! &hivsagar

ake surrounded by &ahyadri peaks! It

 was mesmerizing beauty of the Nature!

9e could see a herd of ;$isons= *?aurs0 at

edge of the ake

9e landed around ""'.#am at Vasota


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Trek to Vasota Fort

Bur boatman was guide for us! 9e reached forest office 9e clubbed the luggage

reGuired for trek and kept remaining at forest office!

Here we began ascending towards Vasota :ort!


At around "/ minutes= walk, we filled up our bottles with natural water source! Very soon

 we reached our first landmark ;Hanuman emple=!

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9e reached at a spot where one way goes to Vasota and other to Nageshwar! ?uide

told us that while going 7ust follow the pugdandee *foot path trail0 and while returning

 7ust follow a stream which will lead you towards Hanuman emple!

Bur guide was in tremendous hurry and had no courtesy to entertain us! sually,

boatman brings the trekkers guide them throughout the day and takes back to $amnoli!

However, as we were supposed to stay back in 7ungle, he could 7ust drop us and en7oy

the whole day!

9e decided to allow him return to $amnoli and trek ourselves!

At around 1'## pm, we reached Vasota!

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After sight6seeing of $eautiful $abu Dada which reminds you ;Donkan Dada= of

Harishchandragad, Hanuman emple and two ponds we started descending!

Trek to Na(esh"ar Peak

$y 1'.# pm, we were at the diversion of Nageshwar <eak! I once again checked the

 willingness and energy of all to continue! nanimously we decided to reach to

Nageshwar <eak!

his was the real )ungle rek! 4ense forest! 4ifferent kinds of voices of insects, birds,

crushing of dried leaves! &lowly the 7ungle became denser and everyone was eager to

see ;9hat NeFt=!


After a walk of "/ hours, we reached at top of a mountain! )ust to notice deep valley in

front of us! Around .### to %### ft deep! 8ight6side was the Nageshwar peak

approFimately "/ to 1 km away with narrowest path 7ust at the edge of valley!

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&cene was so horrific, we were in dilemma! 9e had discussion regarding to continue orto return! As return would have been more cumbersome as well as time taking, similarly

an unusual feeling run through us! Jes ! 9e decided to proceed and conGuer the peak!

9e started slowly! :low of adrenaline was increasing with every step! 9e four were

together! alking to each other! Inspiring each other! @autioning each other! Inch by

inch, we were proceeding!

o add our thrill, on the same path, we could see fresh pugmarks as well as dung of

$ison *?aur0 and wild boar! Everything was coming in our mind! :amily, ?od, Nature,

&ahyadri, Valley, everything! 9e took 1 minutes break at a safer place!

9e decided that plan6$! In case of any mishap, remaining team will keep on moving,

reach base and then inform others for necessary action! his was must so that in panic

state, remaining crew should not do any mistake! hanks to Atish for initiating this topic!

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9e made up our minds and kept walking! $y this time, we eFhausted last drop of water

also! 9ith this miFed feeling of fear, thirst, will to conGuer and supportive approach, we

reached Nageshwar peak!

It was the feeling of great pleasure! ?reat Achievement! Bur faces were glowing like

 warrior who won a big war!

After photo session, Atish spotted source of water in rock! It was " full glass of water

accumulated through seepage! &o we instantly operated pen to make it straw had at

least one seep of water each!

Des+en# to $ase a%- n Forest

Now the issue was to descend! As per guide=s instruction, should we go through stream

or return on same dangerous way! 4ecision was very simple! ?o through stream! If we

find higher difficulty, we planned to stay there till the dawn!

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:ortunately we got a well! 9e filled6up our bottles by making some ;)ugad= and filtering

 water without handkerchief!

9e could spot rabbit at this location!

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4escend through rubbles of stream was troublesome! It was darkening and after a walk

of "/ hours we were unable to 7udge whether we are on the right pathK

As the darkness was increasing, we could hear various sounds of insects, birds and

animals! Again another tension! 9hat if we missed the pathK 9hat if we encounter wild

animalK 9hat if we could not get the base campK All sorts of ;ifs=!

ltimately around 2'.# pm, we could see flag of Hanuman emple! Everybody re7oiced

and shouted!

?anapati $appa (orya!!!

$a7arangbali ki )ai!!!

Sta! at Tent House n Forest

o our pleasant surprise, tent was fully eGuipped with all basic amenities! Atish and

&oumik showed great interest in bathing with cold 9ater! (e and Nitesh reluctantly

bathed with closed water! I specially, warmed up my body by doing eFercise and then

only could dare to ice6cold water bath! he source of water was from )ungle <ond piped

here through gravity flow!


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After having huge dinner and long chat, we went to sleep!

.th /ar+h 01

Wa! to Kaas Plateau

After sailing of "/ hours on return, we reached $amnoli his time, it was Atish=s turn to

drive down! 9e reached the great <lateau of Daas! In winter season, heaven comes to

this place! $ut we could able to see few flora and fauna

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Sa22an(a# an# Those(har

After Daas, we rushed towards &a77angad Had darshan of &ant 8amdas &wamy=s

&amadhi $ought kitchens of &hiva7i (ahara7 and ;@handrakor= ilak!

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9ithin 1# minutes, dishes started flowing


:riends, everything *especially mutton items0 were too delicious that we 7ust can=t

eFplain in words! Bn top of it, the owner was showing such a great hospitality that we were overwhelmed! He himself was serving and insisting on typical methods to eat


Another item called ;Alani (utton= was too delicious to describe!

It is life6time moment for all four of us!

Anyone who goes to &atara 7ust taste this food! Jou can never dare to miss in future!

he End of trek was so happy with our stomachs fully filled, mind fully satisfied and

overflowed with memories and lots of stories to tell!

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