trifusion newsletter - may.'08

[1] May 2008 SWIM LIKE THE SHARK, NOT THE GUPPY ADAPTED FROM NICK WHITE, PRO COACH Pack swimming is a relatively rare occurrence for any athlete, and it’s difficult to replicate in a pool. Sure, you can swim laps right on someone’s feet or even with their hip, but there’s little that compares to being smack in the middle of a few hundred swimmers out in open water. So, without much ability to practice, here are some tips for staying out of trouble: Don’t get pushed around at the start: Where you stage for the swim has a lot to do with how crowded you’ll be in the water. Everyone wants to start in the middle of the shoreline to get the shortest distance to the first buoy, but remember that all those athletes on the sides are going to be converging in towards the middle as soon as the gun goes off. If you’re not fast enough to get out ahead of them, you’ll end up in the most congested swimming environment you can imagine. For my medium-speed swimmers – the ones who are in the first half of the pack coming out of the water, I actually recommend lining up more toward the ends of the shoreline. You’ll be able to catch a draft from the pack, but you’ll have fewer swimmers to one side of you, meaning you’ll have room to move around slow people. Yes, you’ll have a little bit farther to swim, but swimming in better conditions often leads to faster swim times. Protect your face: Getting kicked in the face is one of the biggest risks – and the greatest fears – for triathletes. To reduce the risk try swimming “catch-up” style when you’re in the pack. Catch-up is normally a stroke drill where you leave one hand extended in front of you while the other pulls through a complete stroke. When that hand gets back in front of you, you stroke with the other one. In a tight pack environment, it means that one hand is always in front of your head – like an antenna that will intercept a swimmer’s foot before your head does. When you’re in clearer water, you can go back to a conventional stroke. Think before you surge: Accelerating in the water to pass another athlete takes a lot of energy, so make sure you’re doing it for the right reason. In the middle of the pack, passing one person isn’t going to take you out of the draft. But, if you’re in a long line of swimmers you run the risk of pulling out to the side, slowing down because of the drag, and then losing positions as you fight to get back in line. The most important time to work hard is right at the beginning of the swim. You’ll burn a lot of energy, but getting into a good position in the pack - near the outside and with a group that swims as fast or a little faster than you can. Of course, to get yourself into the sweet spot within your pack of swimmers, you need the ability to surge in the water, sometimes several times, and then recover while maintaining a strong pace. The final few weeks leading up to your event are a good time to work on this because the workouts are relatively short and fit well into most athletes’ tapering programs. I like to have my athletes perform the following workout twice a week in the 3-4 weeks before a goal event. Nick White’s Surge Power Workout: Warmup (500 Yards) Drills (400 Yards total) 3x50 yards Catch Up 3x50 yards Kick on side arm out w/fins 100 yards Sighting Drill Power Interval Set (1600 Yards) 8x200 yards (intervals 1-4: Pull w/ paddles; intervals 5-8 Swim (focus on high elbows and catch)) Sprint Interval Set (900 Yards) 9x100 rotating a 50-yard sprint through the set Interval #1: 50 sprint, 50 race pace Interval #2: 25 race pace, 50 sprint, 25 race pace Interval #3: 50 race pace, 50 sprint Repeat 3 times Cool Down (150 Yards) Total Yardage: 3550 Registration is OPEN! Sign your kids up for the first annual Tri Fusion Kids’ Triathlon at www.tri- Lean Eating, pages 4 & 5 Flying Fat, pages 2 & 3 RR: Wildflower, page 6 BoD, Sponsors, Calendar, page 8 Enchilada Recipe & Congrats, page 7

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Page 1: TriFusion Newsletter - May.'08


May 2008


Pack swimming is a relatively rare occurrence for any athlete, and it’s difficult to replicate in a pool. Sure, you can swim laps right on someone’s feet or even with their hip, but there’s little that compares to being smack in the middle of a few hundred swimmers out in open water. So, without much ability to practice, here are some tips for staying out of trouble:

• Don’t get pushed around at the start: Where you stage for the swim has a lot to do with how crowded you’ll be in the water. Everyone wants to start in the middle of the shoreline to get the shortest distance to the first buoy, but remember that all those athletes on the sides are going to be converging in towards the middle as soon as the gun goes off. If you’re not fast enough to get out ahead of them, you’ll end up in the most congested swimming environment you can imagine. For my medium-speed swimmers – the ones who are in the first half of the pack coming out of the water, I actually recommend lining up more toward the ends of the shoreline. You’ll be able to catch a draft from the pack, but you’ll have fewer swimmers to one side of you, meaning you’ll have room to move around slow people. Yes, you’ll have a little bit farther to swim, but swimming in better conditions often leads to faster swim times.

• Protect your face: Getting kicked in the face is one of the biggest risks – and the greatest fears – for triathletes. To reduce the risk try swimming “catch-up” style when you’re in the pack. Catch-up is normally a stroke drill where you leave one hand extended in front of you while the other pulls through a complete stroke. When that hand gets back in front of you, you stroke with the other one. In a tight pack environment, it means that one hand is always in front of your head – like an antenna that will intercept a swimmer’s foot before your head does. When you’re in clearer water, you can go back to a conventional stroke.

• Think before you surge: Accelerating in the water to pass another athlete takes a lot of energy, so make sure you’re doing it for the

right reason. In the middle of the pack, passing one person isn’t going to take you out of the draft. But, if you’re in a long line of swimmers you run the risk of pulling out to the side, slowing down because of the drag, and then losing positions as you fight to get back in line. The most important time to work hard is right at the beginning of the swim. You’ll burn a lot of energy, but getting into a good position in the pack - near the outside and with a group that swims as fast or a little faster than you can.

• Of course, to get yourself into the sweet spot within your pack of swimmers, you need the ability to surge in the water, sometimes several times, and then recover while maintaining a strong pace. The final few weeks leading up to your event are a good time to work on this because the workouts are relatively short and fit well into most athletes’ tapering programs. I like to have my athletes perform the following workout twice a week in the 3-4 weeks before a goal event.

Nick White’s Surge Power Workout:Warmup (500 Yards)

Drills (400 Yards total)3x50 yards Catch Up

3x50 yards Kick on side arm out w/fins100 yards Sighting Drill

Power Interval Set (1600 Yards)8x200 yards (intervals 1-4: Pull w/ paddles; intervals 5-8 Swim

(focus on high elbows and catch))Sprint Interval Set (900 Yards)

9x100 rotating a 50-yard sprint through the setInterval #1: 50 sprint, 50 race pace

Interval #2: 25 race pace, 50 sprint, 25 race paceInterval #3: 50 race pace, 50 sprint

Repeat 3 timesCool Down (150 Yards)Total Yardage: 3550

Registration is OPEN! Sign your kids up for the

first annual Tri Fusion Kids’ Triathlon at www.tri-

Lean Eating,

pages 4 & 5

Flying Fat,

pages 2 & 3

RR: Wildflower,

page 6

BoD, Sponsors, Calendar,

page 8Enchilada

Recipe & Congrats,

page 7

Page 2: TriFusion Newsletter - May.'08


How to Get Fat When You Flyby Ben Greenfield

Sabotaging your power to weight ratio is a great way to slow yourself down in a triathlon. Since many triathletes travel via airplane during race season, this is a perfect time to inhibit performance. It is very easy to get fat when you fly. Traveling, especially via airplane, may be one of the best possible methods for you to pack a few extra pounds on your waistline.

Think about it. Not only are you sedentary for long periods of time in the car, shuttle van, airport terminal, airplane and taxi, but you're also dehydrated (water is completely necessary for the fat burning process), living off packaged food products (the body takes any unmetabolized preservatives in those packages and stores them as fat cells), and slightly stressed (cortisol, the body's stress release hormone, triggers fat storage).

Wow, what a great 1-2-3 combo for individuals with lofty fat gain goals!

As a case study on the success of a person trying to get fat while flying, let's follow Laura (a real coached athlete of mine) from her home to her final destination. Laura's name has been changed to protect her identity, but these travel tidbits were gleaned from Laura's online nutrition log and our e-mail discussion afterwards.

Laura's flight leaves at 10 am. She is very careful from the time she wakes to the time she drives to the airport to avoid any purposeful physical activity, as this will enhance her body's natural metabolic rate for up to 24 hours and cause her to burn more calories every hour she sits on the airplane. Although she could go for a brief 20 minute walk or jog, perform 5 sets of 20 jumping jacks while she listens to the morning news, or do a brief 15 minute body weight exercise circuit, she instead checks her e-mail, checks in online for her flight, and makes two phone

calls. These are activities she could have done at the airport, but she was able to avoid exercise by performing them at home.

Laura did not eat breakfast. This was an especially good idea, because she shut down the body's natural calorie burning process and sent a message to her brain that caloric restriction was present and fat storage may be a necessary mode of action. This way, everything she eats the rest of the day is more likely to be stored as fat, and she will have a good appetite once beginning travel.

Before leaving for the airport, Laura double checks her bag to make sure she hasn't packed any food from home. Although she could have put some sugar snap peas in a Ziplock bag, wrapped an apple in a paper towel to keep in her purse, grabbed another small baggie of almonds for long term energy, and included some mint gum to keep her from mindless snacking on the plane, she instead departs with calorie-free luggage.

At the airport, while waiting for her flight to leave, Laura is very carefulto continue avoiding engagement in physical activity. She does make sure to purchase a latte, which will give her 200 calories of nutritionally devoid fuel and help to further dehydrate her body, and she does sit and read the paper. Although she could have had a cup of green tea with a tea bag from home and free cup of hot water from the coffee-shop, with far less caffeine than coffee, and although she could have read the paper on the plane, whereshe would be forced to sit, and although she could have performed some light stretching or calisthenics in the empty gate at C9, she is trying to successfully gain fat, and cannot make these choices without risking a metabolism boost.

Finally, Laura is on the plane for the first 3 hour flight to Denver, where she has a 1 hour layover, followed by a 1.5 hour flight to Phoenix. While on the plane, Laura asks for cranberry juice. This was a mistake in her fat-gain plan.

She thought cranberry juice was healthy and was making an attempt not to gain fat too quickly with this choice. However, as it turnsouts, the cranberry juice was a perfect decision because it will rapidly boost her blood sugar, causing an immediate insulin release, and sending her body directly into fat storage mode. Success!

Laura is very hungry now. She doesn't realize that the large spike in insulin caused a quick drop in blood sugar and sent her appetite through the roof. Whatever has happened, she knows she is in a perfect situation to gain fat by making a dietary decision based on appetite cravings rather than rational choice. She takes one extra bag of pretzels. The pretzels say low-calorie and fat-free, but the body responds to pretzels the same way as cranberry juice. Laura is glad she did not pack food for the plane, because otherwise, she would have been equipped to avoid these fat-gain decisions, and might have instead simply opted for a glass of sparkling water with a lemon wedge, to drink with her apple and almonds.

Laura is very careful to avoid the "Rule of 1 Hour-1 Minute" on theairplane. This rule clearly dictates that you cannot sit for more than 1hour on an airplane without standing for at least 1 minute and performing some form of a simple stretch or exercise, such as an 20 shoulder shrugs, 10 toe raises, or 15 body weight squats in the lavatory. This is a very good way to keep the metabolism elevated while traveling,

Page 3: TriFusion Newsletter - May.'08


“Flying Fat” (cont’d)

In the Denver airport, Laura goes to the Chinese food vendor. She orders a vegetable-chicken bowl on whole wheat noodles. This bowl begins with whole wheat noodles that have been given a chance to absorb 200 extra calories of vegetable oil, high in free radicals and fats. The noodles, while appearing to be healthy with the "whole-wheat" label, actually have the same glycemic index as white bread, meaning that there is no difference in consuming the noodles vs. consuming 10 spoonfuls of table sugar. Many whole wheat products are like this, but Laura still feels slightly guilty about the whole wheat noodles, because it sounds healthy.

Over the whole wheat noodles are piled a 1/4 cup of vegetables (also drenched in the vegetable oil and seasoned with MSG), as well as a 1/4 cup of hormone-infused chicken breast (which will help infuse synthetic fat-gaining estrogens into her body). Laura lightly seasons this meal with high-sodium soy sauce (which will help to raise her blood pressure, a good side objective while gaining fat). This was an easy choice for Laura's fat gain goals.

Such an easy choice, in fact, that she didn't even notice the dangerous alternative - the small bag of almonds and raisins for sale at the Starbuck's across the airport aisle, which would have been paired nicely with a cup of white tea sprinkled with cinnamon and perhaps a banana or apple from the basket of fresh fruit besides the cashier machine. Has she made these observations, she would have severely hampered her fat gain goals.

She made sure to take the walking belt and the escalators to her next gate, avoiding stairs and long periods of physical activity, although this would have been a perfect time to walk and make the phone calls that she madewhile skipping exercise earlier that morning.

The next flight offered a small meal. Laura had completely avoid logging onto the Internet and requesting a "diabetic" meal on her flight. Although she isn't technically a diabetic, she would have been likely to receive a meal with low-glycemic index food and healthier vegetable based alternatives, and this would have disrupted her fat gain while flying. The actual food was nasty. It would clearly have helped her gain fat, but she couldn't stomach the taste. She had a diet Coke instead, which was full of artificial sweeteners to help boost her insulin levels and cause appetite cravings.

Finally, Laura arrived in Phoenix, still full of these convenient appetite cravings from the diet Coke. She didn't want to spend money on expensive food at the airport, and waited to eat until catching the shuttle to the rental car terminal, filling out the rental car paperwork, driving 10 miles, and finally stopping at a shopping mall complex.

Here she went to TCBY's frozen yogurt for her favorite treat and a reward for a long day of travel. During the course of this time, she might have been able to eat those sugar snap peas to fill her with fiber and keep her appetite satiated, so it was a good thing she didn't bring those along! She ordered the "fat-free" cappucino flavor, which was the equivalent of eight additional tablespoons of insulin-boosted sugar.

She had peanuts for a topping, which is a legume known for containing large amounts of afflatoxin, another great way to gain fat cells. She made sure to avoid drinking water with this snack, as she knew her dehydration would severely inhibit fat burning.

With the quick drop in blood sugar from the huge insulin release, she finally arrived at her hotel 45 minutes later starved and ready for a late night snack at the hotel restaurant. She ordered a 1400 calorie chicken-caesar salad and sat back contented to have successfully gotten very fat while flying. She was very sure not to order her dressing on the side, not to ask for the chicken grilled instead of fried, and not to ask the waiter to leave off the Parmesan cheese, as this would have cut the salad calories by 60%.

Good job Laura! A successful day of getting fat while you fly and a few miles per hour removed from your next bike split. For these and other tips on getting fat, you can sign up for a month of nutrition coaching with Ben Greenfield.

Page 4: TriFusion Newsletter - May.'08


Lean and HealthyMatt Fitzgerald offers smart substitutions for bad snacks

During heavy training for a marathon or triathlon, you, like many athletes, may feel hungry from the moment you wake up until your head hits the pillow at night. Worse, with a jam-packed schedule, those pesky hunger pangs can lure you to stray from your carefully thought-out nutrition plan and toward huge meals and unhealthy snacks. So how do you reconcile the needs of your highly charged metabolism with your commitment to a healthy diet? The answer, it seems, may lie within one word: satiety.

Doctors and health scientists use the term satiety to refer to that feeling of satisfaction, or lack of hunger, which every person needs to sustain healthy eating habits. Let's face it: "If you're not craving food and feeling deprived, it's a heck of a lot easier to stay with your eating plan," says nutrition expert Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. The concept of satiety has received a lot of attention lately, thanks to research demonstrating that very few people have the willpower to sustain a diet that leaves them feeling hungry most of the time. Barbara Rolls, Ph.D., a nutritionist at Penn State University, has even called satiety "the missing ingredient in weight management." Fortunately, there are simple eating strategies that--despite your heavy training volume--allow you to keep your hunger in check, get the calories you need and perhaps shed a few extra pounds along the way. How Satiety Works You might say it's all in your head. The feeling of satiety involves a number of natural physiological actions that start in the stomach and ultimately affect the hypothalamus, the appetite center in the brain. The presence of food in the stomach stimulates the release of special proteins in the digestive tract. "Scientists call them appetite-regulatory peptides, but you can think of them as feel-full proteins," says Bowden. The most important of these is cholecystokinin (CCK), which Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Michael Roizen, authors of You: The Owner's Manual, have nicknamed "the craving killer" due to its powerful hunger-squashing effect. The presence of CCK and other feel-full proteins in the stomach initiates a number of actions. First, they close the valve leading from the stomach into the intestine, slowing the digestion of food. Then they travel to the brain, where they attach to specialized receptors. This action tells us to stop eating, and more importantly, causes the extended feeling of fullness. Flip Your Hunger Switch It takes about 20 minutes for the feel-full proteins to become fully active after you begin eating. If you wish to control your appetite and reduce the number of calories you eat, you can make this lag time work to your advantage. The best way, according to experts such as Bowden, is to effectively spoil your appetite by consuming a small appetizer 10 to 20 minutes prior to your main meal. "Eating an appropriate appetizer will cause the CCK level in your gut to spike just as you sit down to eat your meal, so you will feel full faster and eat less," Bowden explains. Your appetizers should contain just enough calories (50 to 100) to stimulate your feel-full proteins. They should also contain the nutrients known to be the most powerful satiety activators. "Research has shown that certain key nutrients are especially potent CCK activators," says Steven Peikin, M.D., professor of medicine at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in Camden, New Jersey. High concentrations of the most effective craving killers are found in olive oil, macadamia nut oil, flaxseed oil, almond oil, peanut oil and other healthy cold-pressed oils. Consuming a small amount of foods rich in these oils will activate your appetite-control switch before you begin eating a meal. Other effective hunger squashers include soy and dairy proteins. Soups work especially well as light, filling appetizers. Thanks to the liquid form, broth takes up a lot of space in the stomach, acting as a feel-full protein activator. In one study by Rolls, participants who ate a bowl of soup before a lunch entrée consumed 20 percent fewer total calories than participants who skipped the soup and just had the entrée. Try consuming any of these healthy appetizers before a meal, and take advantage of the resulting fullness by serving yourself smaller portions than you normally do. Don't worry, you won't go hungry! Hunger-Busting Appetizers Three whole-wheat crackers with low-fat cheddar cheese Small spinach salad with olive-oil dressing Three celery or carrot sticks dipped in peanut butter Small bowl of miso soup 8 ounces of nonfat yogurt 1/3 cup edamame (steamed soybeans)

Page 5: TriFusion Newsletter - May.'08


“Lean” (cont’d)

Smart Substitutions Research has shown that satiety depends on the volume of food you eat, not the number of calories. So you can make food substitutions that trim calories from your meals and still feel satisfied. Plus, by replacing high-calorie foods with fruits, vegetables and whole grains, you'll maintain a healthier diet. Try these 10 good-for-you substitutions from my book, The Lean Look, co-authored by Paul Goldberg, R.D. Replace a non-vegetable food with a vegetable, or increase a vegetable portion. Example: Substitute a grilled chicken sandwich with a chicken-salad wrap (less bread and meat, more lettuce) and save about 60 calories. Replace a non-fruit food with a fruit, or increase a fruit portion. Example: Substitute an 8-ounce serving of yogurt with a bowl of berries (1⁄2 cup) drizzled with vanilla yogurt and save about 140 calories. Replace a high-calorie beverage with a low-calorie beverage. Example: Replace a Starbuck’s Venti latte with a mug of coffee with half-and-half and sugar and save 250 calories. Replace a fried food with a non-fried food. Example: Substitute breaded, fried chicken strips with grilled chicken strips and save about 140 calories. Replace a high-fat meat with a lean meat. Example: Substitute an 85 percent lean ground-beef hamburger patty with a 95 percent lean ground-beef hamburger patty and save about 60 calories. Replace a high-calorie sauce, condiment or topping with a low-calorie alternative. Example: Substitute a tablespoon of regular mayonnaise with a tablespoon of reduced-fat mayonnaise and save 70 calories. Replace a refined grain with a whole grain. Example: Substitute a cup of cooked regular spaghetti with a cup of cooked whole-wheat pasta and save about 45 calories. Replace a whole-milk dairy food with a reduced-fat dairy food. Example: Substitute a half-cup of whole milk with a half-cup of skim milk in your breakfast cereal and save about 30 calories. Replace a high-calorie dessert with a low-calorie dessert. Example: Substitute a small bowl (1⁄2 cup) of ice cream with a large serving (1 cup) of mixed berries with a heaping tablespoon of low-fat vanilla yogurt drizzled on top and save about 70 calories. Replace a non-organic food with an organic food. Example: Substitute a serving of non-organic Stagg Vegetable Garden Four-Bean Chili with a serving of Walnut Acres Organic Chili and save 60 calories.

Page 6: TriFusion Newsletter - May.'08


Race Review: The Wildflower Triathlonsby Kurt Niven

The Wildflower Triathlon Festival was held May 3-4, 2008 at Lake San Antonio, California and hosted over 4,000 competitors in Long Course (1/2 Ironman), Olympic Distance, and Mountain Bike Triathlons. Wildflower is one of the premier triathlons in the country with a reputation as being one of the toughest courses around. This notoriety regularly draws some of the biggest names in the sport, and this year was no exception with Chris McCormack (Ironman Hawaii Champion) and Samantha McGlone (Ironman Hawaii runner-up) competing in the Long Course race. The race is one of the biggest in California so it also an “A” race for clubs such as the LA Tri Club (1500 members) and the San Diego Tri Club.

Considering the travel distance, Tri-Fusion made a strong showing with nine members competing that weekend. Racing the long course on Saturday were Ben Greenfield, Sam Picicci, Jeff Blackwell, Steve Rupe, Kurt Niven, Phaedra Cote, and Jennifer Shepherd, while Roger Thompson and Laura Ketchum-Duchow did the Olympic race on Sunday. Five of these members achieved top 10 results in their age groups and two were within the top five overall (see the Tri-forum for results).

The weekend’s racing kicked off Saturday morning with the long course. The transition area was the biggest I’d ever seen (besides maybe Ironman) with 1,681 long course competitors and many more mountain course competitors laying out their gear. Walking around the transition area we saw Haley Cooper from Spokane who was racing as a new pro for the Zoot team. We also saw Samantha McGlone working her dry-land swim stroke with some stretch cords just before the start. It was pretty cool to be racing the same course as some of the best athletes in the sport. Since the pros started an hour before my start time, we were able to watch the pros start the swim. The swim course was one loop of a long rectangle with a short dog-leg at the start. Weather was good with calm conditions and a 65 degree water temperature.

The lake sits in a bowl, so coming out of T1 you had to climb Beech Hill which is a steep switch-back climb that was a bit of a shock to my sea-legs. I was amazed at how much dropped gear I saw lying in the road in the beginning 5 miles. The road was littered with folded tubular tires, CO2 cartridges, water bottles, gel packets, and the yellow sponge stoppers from Profile aero drink bottles. You really had to pay attention to avoid running over this stuff. One nice thing about the bike course that I had not seen at any other race was the course organizers marked every pothole and crack in the road with pink fluorescent paint so they were easy for riders to avoid.

After that the course leveled off to flat and rolling for the next 36 miles. At mile 41 you start the two-mile climb called “Nasty Grade.” As the name implies, it is a steep climb, especially at this point in the race. Some folks were even reduced to walking their bikes up this climb. You climb for about a mile and a half and then the road levels

off and there is a guy in an Energizer Bunny costume beating his drum. You think the climb is over at this point but then you make a right turn and start climbing again for another half mile. Then there is a big downhill and then rolling terrain to the lake followed by a steep descent to the transition area.

The run course is 40% paved and 60% trail and winds around the lake and through the campground where many participants camp for the weekend. The course is best

described as being hilly. You climb a set of stairs exiting T2 and then the course is either up or down until the first main hill at mile 4. It was during this first stretch that I encountered another obstacle that you don’t see on many other triathlon courses: a 3-foot long snake crawled across the dirt trail right in front of me! Not really knowing what else to do in that situation I jumped over the snake and called out “snake” to the runner behind me. When he saw the snake he called out “rattlesnake” to the runner behind him. I’m not a snake expert but it looked like a gopher snake to me. But a rattlesnake makes a better story so I’ll stick with that!

Not long after I hopped over the “rattlesnake,” I came to the steepest hill of the day which was on a trail through some trees. This hill was so steep and long that it reduced almost everyone to a walk. This was also the case for most of the hills on the course, so if you could keep running, however slowly, you could pass a lot of people. The big hill was followed by a very steep downhill and many more climbs until finally it leveled off going through the campground. Then there was a big downhill to a turnaround which of course you had to go back up before reaching a level stretch and then finally a big downhill finish to the lake. The temperature during the run was in the mid-70’s I think, but to my still-frozen Spokane body it felt really hot.

The race was well-organized and the other competitors were very friendly. The spectators were very enthusiastic and supportive of racers of all abilities. Due to an injury, my wife, Jennifer was on the course a lot longer than most and was amazed at the level of support given to slower competitors all the way to the finish line (although this might be because she was wearing LA Tri Club gear from her six month sabbatical at UCLA over the winter). I recommend this race to anyone looking for a good fitness test early in the season. Just be sure to do your hill training and keep an eye out for snakes!

Page 7: TriFusion Newsletter - May.'08


Kim's Kick Butt Enchiladas

SPECIFICS: 8 tortillas

1 casserole dish 1 bag mozzarella cheese

Oven 350 Serves 4


Cook 3 cups cubed chicken or turkey ½ cup Salsa

1 can cream of chicken soup1 big handful fresh spinach

1 cup plain yogurt1 cup low-fat ricotta cheese

1 tsp chili powder (add more if you want some kick)1 tsp onion powder1 tsp garlic powder

Mix together, put 2 -3 spoonfuls in each tortilla, top with a fair sprinkling of cheese, roll and place in casserole dish. Repeat until tortillas are gone. You really can't go wrong here except if you add too much mix your tortilla will not roll up nicely. (If you're doing smaller portions, this mix freezes great, then just thaw and put in your tortillas to bake.)

Bake @ 350 degrees for 30 minutes, covered with foil. Uncover for last five minutes for a crunchier tortilla.

Kudos to Ben Greenfield

Press release=> Local physiologist awarded as national Personal Trainer of the Year

SPOKANE, WA—APRIL 30, 2008— Ben Greenfield, an exercise physiologist, nutritionist and personal trainer at Champions Sports Medicine in Spokane, WA, has been awarded the distinct honor of 2008 Personal Trainer of the Year by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA). The NSCA is an international nonprofit educational association founded in 1978 for the purpose of developing and presenting information regarding strength training, conditioning, injury prevention, and research findings. A personal training certification by the NSCA is nationally recognized as one of the highest attainable credentials among fitness professionals.

Candidates for Personal Trainer of the Year are judged based upon continuing education, credentials, publications, volunteer service, clinic and committee involvement. Greenfield will be honored at the National Conference Awards Reception in Las Vegas, NV, on Friday, July 11, 2008.

Page 8: TriFusion Newsletter - May.'08


Board of Directors

• Kathi Best - Social Director• Kevin Best - Vice President• Kim Ellis - Treasurer• Greg Gallagher - Pool Supervisor• Natalie Gallagher - Newsletter Director• Ben Greenfield - Website Director• Mark Hodgson - Team Event Director• Sam Picicci - Uniform Director• Jim Powers - Membership Director• Jessi Thompson - Secretary• Roger Thompson - President• Scott Ward - Marketing Director• Kirk Wood-Gaines - Mentor


We would like to extend a

generous thank you to our

truly amazing sponsors!

The Board of Directors, Sponsorsand The Calendar of Upcoming Events...

May/June CalendarTraining Opportunities:

North Spokane --

Monday - Friday @ 5:30-7 am: Masters Swim at Whitworth College $75/month

Tuesday evenings: BLTs @ 5 & 6 @ rotating places around 7-Mile. Watch the Tri Forum for details!

Saturdays @ time TBA: Probable outside bike ride meeting location & time posted weekly on the Tri-Forum.

Sundays @ 8 am: Mornings with Martin, Planned group swim workout @ Oz North. Starbucks afterwards!


• May 24: Onion Man Triathlon, in Walla Walla, WA

• Spring Festival of Races in Moses Lake, WA

• May 31: Hawaii Half IM, in Honu, HI

• June 1: Boise Half IM, in B oise, ID

• Iron Eagle Sprint at EWU, Cheney, WA

• June 7: Moses Lake Family Triathlons, in Moses Lake, WA

• June 8: ITU World Championships in Vancouver, BC

• June 15: Blue Lake sprint triathlon

• June 16: Blue Lake Olympic triathlon, team championships in Fairview, OR

Upcoming Events:

Clinics: Saturday, May 31: Open water swim

clinic with Ben Greenfield @ 5 p.m. at Liberty Lake

Next Membership Meeting:June 18th, 2008 @ 6:30 p.m.: General membership meeting at location TBA.

Next Tri Fusion Kids Club Meeting: Wednesday, July 9th @ Brentwood Elementary from 6:15-7:45 p.m.