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Triggers Document


Trigger :

Extension of workflow is called as Trigger.

Triggers are apex code working in concert with the database engine. It is invoked when perform any operation on database records.

Note : In work flow we cant peform all operations like DML operations.

The following scenarios commonly implemented with triggers :

A validation rule is required that is too complex to define on the database object using formula expression.

Two objects must be kept synchronized, when a record in one object is updated , a trigger updates the corresponding record in the other.

Records of an object must be argumented with values from another object, a complex caliculation or external data via web service call.

Syntax :

Trigger trigger_Name on Object_Name(Before or After ,DML operation){

// Apex code


Trigger can take two keywords


1. Before or After

2. DML operation .

Trigger is to be executed before or after the data base operation is saved.

Before :

Before keyword is used in trigger, update or validate records before they are saved in database.

After :

After keyword is used in trigger to access field values that are set by database and to affect changes other records.

DML operation : the DML operations of database are

Insert2. Update3. Delete4. Merge5. Upsert6. Undelete

EX of before insert Tr igger :







For INSERT and UPDATE triggers the list of records in the transcation is assigned the

variable Trigger.New.

For UPDATE ,DELETE ,UNDELETE triggers the read only original list of records assigned the variable Trigger.Old.

After executing UPDATE trigger it can display on read-only records.

If we can display the earror message in a page we can use following syntax.

Object.addError(write the error message);

If we can display the earror message in the particular field we can using following syntax.

Object.fieldName.addError(write the error message);

EX of before Update Trigger :

(if we can use before update , first ofall wecan open particular record that record can be assigned to Trigger.New here simply we can modified fields and save it, if we click the save button before Trigger is fired and update the fields with current values)








And second scenario we can write before update trigger here also we can open particular record,in this case we can use Trigger.old ,the opend record assigned to Trigger.old but it is already saved in data base it cant assigned to Trigger.New,thatsway we cant perform any operation in that particular record.(it is readable format).









NOTE : 1. In the before update trigger if we can use Trigger.old ,then the record is opend only read mode.

2. and also after update trigger if we can use , then the record is opend only read mode.

see the following table :

here 1 = contains 0 = not contains

new old

Before Insert 1 0

Before Update 1 1

Before Delete 0 1

After Insert 1 0

After Update 1 1

After Delete 0 1

After UnDelete 0 1

If the Trigger is defined multiple events like insert ,update , delete..etc. at that time we will use following Boolean variables.

i.e 1. Trigger.isBefore

2. Trigger.isAfter

3. Trigger.isInsert

4. Trigger.isUpdate

5. Trigger.isDelete

6. Trigger.isUndelete

EX :

trigger CheapPrice on Book__c (before insert,before delete,before update){



list li=new List();



b.price__c.addError('you cant insert');





for(Book__c b:Trigger.old){


b.addError('you cant delete this record');




if(Trigger.isUpdate) {

for(Book__c b:Trigger.old){


b.addError('you cant update this record');






Bulkifying Apex code refers to the concept of making sure the code properlyhandles more than one record at a time. When a batch of records initiates Apex, a single instance of that Apex code is executed, but it needs to handle all of the records in that given batch. For example, a trigger could be invoked by an SOAP API call that inserted a batch of records. So if a batch of records invokes the same Apex code, all of those records need to be processed as a bulk, in order to write scalable code and avoid hitting governor limits.

Here is an example of poorly written code that only handles one record:

Trigger accountTestTrggr on Account (before insert, before update) {

//This only handles the first record in the collection

//But if more than one Account initiated this trigger, those additional records

//will not be processed

Account acct =[0];

List contacts = [select id, salutation, firstname, lastname, email

from Contact where accountId =:acct.Id];


following code is sample how to handle all incoming records

Trigger accountTestTrggr on Account (before insert, before update) {

List accountNames = new List();

//Loop through all records in the collection

for(Account a:{

//Concatenate the Name and billingState into the Description field

a.Description = a.Name + ':' + a.BillingState



Avoid SOQL Queries inside FOR Loops :

The previous Best Practice talked about the importance of handling all incoming records in a bulk manner. The example was to use a for loop to iterate over all of the records in the collection. A common mistake is that queries are placed inside a for loop. There is a governor limit that enforces a maximum number of SOQL queries. When queries are placed inside a for loop, a query is executed on each iteration and the governor limit is easily reached. Instead, move the SOQL query outside of the for loop and retrieve all the necessary data in a single query.

Here is an example of a having a query inside a for loop:

trigger accountTestTrggr on Account (before insert, before update) {

//For loop to iterate through all the incoming Account records

for(Account a: {


//Since the SOQL Query for related Contacts is within the FOR loop, if this trigger is initiated

//with more than 100 records, the trigger will exceed the trigger governor limit

//of maximum 100 SOQL Queries.

List contacts = [select id, salutation, firstname, lastname, email

from Contact where accountId =:a.Id];

for(Contact c: contacts) {

System.debug('Contact Id[' + c.Id + '], FirstName[' + c.firstname + '],

LastName[' + c.lastname +']');

c.Description=c.salutation + ' ' + c.firstName + ' ' + c.lastname;


//Since the UPDATE dml operation is within the FOR loop, if this trigger is initiated

//with more than 150 records, the trigger will exceed the trigger governor limit

//of 150 DML Operations maximum.

update c;




Since there is a SOQL query within the for loop that iterates across all the Account objects that initiated this trigger, a query will be executed for each Account. An individual Apex request gets a maximum of 100 SOQL queries before exceeding that governor limit. So if this trigger is invoked by a batch of more than 100 Account records, the governor limit will throw a runtime exception.

Keep in mind that the same is true for DML operations as well. Meaning, avoid having DML operations (insert, update, delete) inside a for loop since that will also unnecessarily exceed the governor limit pertaining to DML operations. In this example, because there is a limit of 150 DML operations per request, a governor limit will be exceeded after the 150th contact is updated.

Here is the optimal way to 'bulkify' the code to efficiently query the contacts in a single query and only perform a single update DML operation.

EX of using DML operations out side of for loop :

Trigger accountTestTrggr on Account (before insert, before update) {

//This queries all Contacts related to the incoming Account records in a single SOQL query.

//This is also an example of how to use child relationships in SOQL

List accountsWithContacts = [select id, name, (select id, salutation, description, firstname, lastname, email from Contact) from Account where Id IN :Trigger.newMap.keySet()];

List contactsToUpdate = new List{};

// For loop to iterate through all the queried Account records

for(Account a: accountsWithContacts){

// Use the child relationships dot syntax to access the related Contacts

for(Contact c: a.Contacts){

System.debug('Contact Id[' + c.Id + '], FirstName[' + c.firstname + '], LastName[' + c.lastname +']');

c.Description=c.salutation + ' ' + c.firstName + ' ' + c.lastname;




//Now outside the FOR Loop, perform a single Update DML statement.

update contactsToUpdate;


Bulkify your Helper Methods :

Executing Queries or DML operations with in iterations adds risks that the governer limits will be exceeded, this is also true for any helper or utility methods. governer limits are caliculated at run time,after request is initiated,any apex code executes in that transcation and share the governer limits. if atrigger uses some apex methods written in helper classes,its important that those apex methods are properly designed to handle bulk records. these methods should be written set of records,especially if the methods has SOQL or DML operations.

For example if the apex method perform SOQL query,that method should receive collection of records,so when it perform the query,it can perform the query for all the records in the apex transcation, otherwise if the apex method is called individually for each record being processed the apex transcation will run inefficiently run quries and possibly exceed the number queries allowed in that transcation , the same is true for DML operations also.

Here is a sample that uses collections inefficiently:

EX :

trigger accountTrigger on Account (before delete, before insert, before update) {

//This code inefficiently queries the Opportunity object in two seperate queries

List opptysClosedLost = [select id, name, closedate, stagename

from Opportunity where

accountId IN:Trigger.newMap.keySet() and StageName='Closed - Lost'];

List opptysClosedWon = [select id, name, closedate, stagename

from Opportunity where

accountId IN:Trigger.newMap.keySet() and StageName='Closed - Won'];

for(Account a:{

//This code inefficiently has two inner FOR loops

//Redundantly processes the List of Opportunity Lost

for(Opportunity o: opptysClosedLost){

if(o.accountid ==

System.debug('Do more logic here...');


//Redundantly processes the List of Opportunity Won

for(Opportunity o: opptysClosedWon){

if(o.accountid ==

System.debug('Do more logic here...');




the main issue of the previous snippet is unnessary quering of the opertunity records in two separate queries. over come this issue to write following code

trigger accountTrigger on Account (before delete, before insert, before update) {

//This code efficiently queries all related Closed Lost and

//Closed Won opportunities in a single query.

List accountWithOpptys = [select id, name, (select id, name, closedate,

stagename from Opportunities where accountId IN:Trigger.newMap.keySet()

and (StageName='Closed - Lost' or StageName = 'Closed - Won'))

from Account where Id IN:Trigger.newMap.keySet()];

//Loop through Accounts only once

for(Account a: accountWithOpptys){

//Loop through related Opportunities only once

for(Opportunity o: a.Opportunities){

if(o.StageName == 'Closed - Won'){

System.debug('Opportunity Closed some more logic here...');

}else if(o.StageName =='Closed - Lost'){

System.debug('Opportunity Closed some more logic here...');





Querying Large Data Sets :

The total number of records that can be executes by SOQL is 50000, if returning a bulk of records causes to exceed our heap size, then SOQL query for loop used to instead.

if the number of records size exceeds heap size The following code arise runtime exception.

Account[]=[select id from Account];

instead use a SOQL for loop as in one of the following example

EX :

for(List a: [select id,name from Account where name LIKE 'ashok']){

update a;


Use @future Appropriately

As articulated throughout this article, it is critical to write your Apex code to efficiently handle bulk or many records at a time. This is also true for asynchronous Apex methods (those annotated with the @future keyword).

Even though Apex written within an asynchronous method gets its own independent set of higher governor limits, it still has governor limits. Additionally, no more than ten @future methods can be invoked within a single Apex transaction.

Here is a list of governor limits specific to the @future annotation:No more than 10 method calls per Apex invocationNo more than 200 method calls per Salesforce license per 24 hours.The parameters specified must be primitive dataypes, arrays of primitive datatypes, or collections of primitive datatypes.Methods with the future annotation cannot take sObjects or objects as arguments.Methods with the future annotation cannot be used in Visualforce controllers in either getMethodName or setMethodName methods, nor in the constructor.

the Apex trigger inefficiently invokes an asynchronous method for each Account record it wants to process:

EX :

trigger accountAsyncTrigger on Account (after insert, after update) {

for(Account a:{

// Invoke the @future method for each Account

// This is inefficient and will easily exceed the governor limit of

// at most 10 @future invocation per Apex transaction




Here is the Apex class that defines the @future method:

EX :

global class asyncApex {


public static void processAccount(Id accountId) {

List contacts = [select id, salutation, firstname, lastname, email

from Contact where accountId =:accountId];

for(Contact c: contacts){

System.debug('Contact Id[' + c.Id + '], FirstName[' + c.firstname + '], LastName[' + c.lastname +']');

c.Description=c.salutation + ' ' + c.firstName + ' ' + c.lastname;


update contacts;



Since the @future method is invoked within the for loop, it will be called N-times (depending on the number of accounts being processed). So if there are more than ten accounts, this code will throw an exception for exceeding a governor limit of only ten @future invocations per Apex transaction.

Instead, the @future method should be invoked with a batch of records so that it is only invoked once for all records it needs to process:


trigger accountAsyncTrigger on Account (after insert, after update) {

//By passing the @future method a set of Ids, it only needs to be

//invoked once to handle all of the data.



And now the @future method is designed to receive a set of records:

EX :

global class asyncApex {


public static void processAccount(Set accountIds) {

List contacts = [select id, salutation, firstname, lastname, email from Contact where accountId IN:accountIds];

for(Contact c: contacts){

System.debug('Contact Id[' + c.Id + '], FirstName[' + c.firstname + '], LastName[' + c.lastname +']');

c.Description=c.salutation + ' ' + c.firstName + ' ' + c.lastname;


update contacts;



Writing Test Methods to Verify Large Datasets :

Here is the poorly written contact trigger. For each contact, the trigger performs a SOQL query to retrieve the related account. The invalid part of this trigger is that the SOQL query is within the for loop and therefore will throw a governor limit exception if more than 100 contacts are inserted/updated.

EX :

trigger contactTest on Contact (before insert, before update) {

for(Contact ct:{

Account acct = [select id, name from Account where Id=:ct.AccountId];


System.debug('found a contact related to an account in california...'); = '[email protected]';

//Apply more logic here....




Here is the test method that tests if this trigger properly handles volume datasets:

EX :

public class sampleTestMethodCls {

static testMethod void testAccountTrigger(){

//First, prepare 200 contacts for the test data

Account acct = new Account(name='test account');

insert acct;

Contact[] contactsToCreate = new Contact[]{};

for(Integer x=0; x