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    European military alliances prior to World War


    Triple EntenteFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Triple Entente(from French entente[ t t]"friendship, understanding, agreement")was thealliance linking the Russian Empire, the French ThirdRepublic, and the United Kingdom of Great Britainand Ireland after the signing of the Anglo-RussianEntente on August 31, 1907. The alliance of the threepowers, supplemented by agreements with Portugaland Japan, constituted a powerful counterweight to theTriple Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary and theKingdom of Italy.

    Historians continue to debate the importance of thealliance systemin igniting the Great War. At the startof World War Iin 1914, all three of the Triple Entente entered it as Allies against the Central Powers

    Germany and Austria-Hungary.[1]


    1 Origins

    1.1 French Isolation

    1.2 Franco-Russian Alliance

    1.3 Entente cordiale

    1.4 Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907

    2 Participating nations

    2.1 Britain

    2.2 French Third Republic

    2.3 Russian Empire

    3 See also

    4 Notes5 References


    French Isolation

    Russia had previously been a member of the League of the Three Emperors with Austria-Hungary andGermany, an alliance established in 1873 between Tsar Alexander II, Emperor Franz Joseph I andKaiser Wilhelm I. The alliance was part of the German Chancellor Otto von Bismarcks plan to isolate,_German_Emperor
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    France diplomatically; he feared France had revanchist aspirations and might try to regain her 1871

    losses,[2]and to fight against progressive sentiments the conservative rulers found unsettling, such as the

    First International.[3]

    However, the League faced great difficulty with the growing tensions between the Russian Empire andAustria-Hungary. These tensions revolved mainly over the Balkans where, with the rise of nationalismand the continued decline of the Ottoman Empire, many former Ottoman provinces struggled for


    The situation in the Balkans (especially in the wake of the Serbo-Bulgarian War) and the 1878 Treaty ofBerlin, which left Russia feeling cheated of her gains made in the Russo-Turkish War led to the League

    not being renewed in 1887.[5]

    In an attempt to stop Russia from allying with France, Bismarck signed the secret Reinsurance Treatywith Russia in 1887, assuring both parties would remain neutral toward each other should war break


    Due to the alliance between Russia and France, and Bismarcks exclusion of Russia from the Germanfinancial market in 1887, the treaty was not renewed, ending the alliance between Germany and


    Franco-Russian Alliance

    Despite the Reinsurance Treaty, the Russian leadership was alarmed at the countrys diplomatic isolation

    and entered the Franco-Russian Alliance in 1894.[7]

    Entente cordiale

    In 1904, Britain and France signed a series of agreements called the Entente cordiale. These agreementsdirectly concerned colonies.

    The Entente heralded the end of British neutrality in Europe. It was partly a response to growing Germanantagonism, as expressed in the expansion of theKaiserliche Marine(Imperial Navy) into a battle fleetthat could threaten the supremacy of the Royal Navy.

    Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907

    In 1907 Britain and Russia signed an agreement called the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907. Itstopped their rivalry in Central Asia (The Great Game).

    Participating nations


    In the last decade of the 19th century, Britain continued its policy of "splendid isolation", with its

    primary focus on defending its massive overseas empire. However, by the early 1900s the German threatincreased dramatically. Some in Britain thought it was in need of allies. For most of the 19th century,Britain had regarded France and Russia as its two most dangerous rivals, but with the growing threat ofGermany, British policy began to change.
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    The three main reasons were:

    1. France and Britain had signed five separate agreements regarding spheres of influence in North

    Africa in 1904. This came to be known as the Entente Cordiale. The Tangier Crisis which

    followed encouraged co-operation between the two countries, given their mutual fear of apparent

    German expansionism.

    2. Russia was defeated in the Russo-Japanese War. This display of weakness resulted in less concernover Russian imperialism and encouraged Russia to secure its position elsewhere. France was

    already allied to Russia in the Dual Alliance.

    3. Britain was extremely concerned about the rising threat of German imperialism. Kaiser Wilhelm II

    had announced to the world his intentions to create a global German empire and to develop a

    strong navy. Britaintraditionally having control of the seassaw this as a serious threat to its

    own empire and navy.

    In 1907, the Anglo-Russian Entente was agreed, which attempted to resolve a series of long-runningdisputes over Persia, Afghanistan and Tibet, as well as helping to address British fears about Germanexpansion in the Near East.

    French Third Republic

    During the Franco-Prussian War of 18701871, Prussia defeated the Second French Empire, resulting inthe establishment of the Third Republic. In the Treaty of Frankfurt, Prussia forced France to cedeAlsace-Lorraine to the new German Empire. Ever since, relations had been at an all time low. Franceworried about the escalating military development of Germanybegan building up its own warindustries and army as a deterrent to German aggression. As another measure, France developed a strongbond with Russia by ratifying the Franco-Russian Alliance, which was designed to create a strongcounter to the Triple Alliance. Frances main concerns were to protect against an attack from Germany,and to regain Alsace-Lorraine.

    Russian Empire

    Russia possessed, by far, the largest manpower reserves of all the six European powers, but was also themost backward economically. Russia shared Frances worries about Germany. After the Germans started

    to reorganize the Turkish army, Russia feared that they would come to control the Dardanelles, a vitaltrade artery which accounted for two fifths of Russia's exports.[8]

    This was also coupled with Russia's long history of rivalry with Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary hadrecently annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina, angering Russia immensely. Russia had considered itself theleader of the Slavic world (Pan-Slavism) and viewed the invasion as another step towards annexingSerbia and Montenegro. To counteract Austria-Hungarys aggression into the Balkans, Russia pledged toaid Serbia militarily if invaded.

    Russia had also recently lost the humiliating Russo-Japanese War in 1905, resulting in a revolutionary

    uprising and apparent transformation into a constitutional monarchy. To counter its enemies militarilyand politically, Russia sought to revive the Franco-Russian Alliance. Although it was perceived asuseless during the war with Japan, in the European theatre it was invaluable. Russia signed the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907 with Britain to counteract the threat of the Triple Alliance.
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    1914 Russian poster. The upper

    inscription reads "agreement".

    The uncertain Britannia (right)and Marianne (left) look to the

    determined Mother Russia

    (centre) to lead them in the

    coming war.

    The alignment of the autocratic Russian Empire with Europe's twolargest democracies was not without controversy on both sides.Many Russian conservatives mistrusted the secular FrenchRepublic, and recalled British diplomatic manuvers to block Russianinfluencei nthe Near East; in turn, prominent French and Britishournalists, academics, and parliamentarians found the reactionary

    tsarist regime distasteful. The mistrust persisted even during

    wartime, with British and French politicians expressing relief whenTsar Nicholas II abdicated in favor of a Provisional Government in1917. Ani nitial offer of political asylum for the Romanovs wassubsequently withdrawn by the British government due to fears of apublic backlash; for the same reason, the French Republic neverbroached the subject of asylum with the deposed tsar.

    See also

    Allies of World War I

    Central Powers (allies of Germany in World War I)



    Albrecht-Carri, Ren. (1958)A Diplomatic History of Europe Since the Congress of Vienna

    Feuchtwanger, E. J. (2002).Bismarck(Routledge. ISBN 0-415-21614-1)

    Gildea, Robert (2003).Barricades and Borders: Europe 1800-1914(Oxford University Press.


    Henig, Ruth Beatrice (2002). The origins of the First World War(Routledge. ISBN 0-415-26185-


    Holborn, Hajo (1982).A History of Modern Germany: 1840-1945(Princeton University Press.


    Schmitt, Bernadotte. Triple Alliance and Triple Entente (1971)

    1. R obert Gildea,Barricades and Borders: Europe 1800-1914(3rd

    ed. 2003) ch 15

    2. F euchtwanger 2002, p. 216.

    3. G ildea 2003, p. 237.4. H enig 2002, p.3.

    5. H olborn 1982, p. 247.

    6. H olborn 1982, p. 249.

    7. ^ a b Holborn 1982, pp. 304-305.

    8. F iona K. Tomaszewski,A Great Russia: Russia and the Triple

    Entente, 1905 to 1914(2002)
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    Sontag, Raymond.European Diplomatic History: 1871-1932(1933), basic short summary

    Taylor, A.J.P. The Struggle for Mastery in Europe 18481918(1954) advanced coverage

    Tomaszewski, Fiona K.A Great Russia: Russia and the Triple Entente, 1905 to 1914(2002)

    excerpt and text search (


    Retrieved from ""

    Categories: Causes of World War I France in World War I British Empire in World War I

    Russian Empire in World War I History of international relations World War I by country

    FranceUnited Kingdom relations RussiaUnited Kingdom relations

    20th-century military alliances Military alliances involving France

    Military alliances involving Russia Military alliances involving the United KingdomTreaties of the United Kingdom (18011922)

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