triumphal march

TRIUMPHAL MARCH By T.S Eliot 1888-1965 Masuma Ahmed

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Triumphal March by T.S Eliot


Page 1: Triumphal march


By T.S Eliot


Masuma Ahmed

Page 2: Triumphal march

PAGE 211 in The Oxford Book Of War Poetry!

Page 3: Triumphal march

Triumphal March


An adjective; Made, carried out, or used in celebration of a great victory or achievement


Verb; Walk in a military manner with a regular measured tread.


Great Parade

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Page 5: Triumphal march

In Ancient Rome, when there was a triumph, there wouldbe a march through Rome with all the things they capturedfrom the enemy.

T.S Eliot used this idea but in a modern context

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Stone, bronze, stone, steel, stone, oakleaves, horses' heels

Over the paving.

And the flags. And the trumpets. And so many eagles.

How many? Count them. And such a press of people.

We hardly knew ourselves that day, or knew the City

This is the way to the temple, and we so many crowding the way.

So many waiting, how many waiting? What did it matter on such a day

Are they coming? No, not yet. You can see some eagles.

Cold, flat toneHarsh material

The general would wear a wreath which had oakleaves around it.

Speech within poem Images of objects, flags, and trumpets are seen in most marches

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Julius Ceaser always used towear a laurel wreath.

He only started wearing itbecause of the onset of hisbaldness

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And hear the trumpets.

Here they come. Is he coming?

The natural wakeful life of our Ego is a perceiving.

We can wait with our stools and our sausages.

What comes first? Can you see? Tell us. It is

Sense of soundReference to Ancient Rome

Sense of sight

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5,800,000 rifles and carbines,

102,000 machine guns,

28,000 trench mortars,

53,000 field and heavy guns,

I cannot tell how many projectiles, mines and fuses,

13,000 aeroplanes,

24,000 aeroplane engines,

50,000 ammunition waggons,

now 55,000 army waggons,

11,000 field kitchens

1,150 field bakeries

Absurd collectionExaggeration—Statistics of weapons used in modern warfare

You can’t really march with 11,000 field kitchens, but it shows the statistics of the warfare

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The poem mainly focuses on quantitativefeatures, although there is one qualitative featurewhich is the leader. And can also be the templehowever there is little attention paid to this.

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What a time that took. Will it be he now? No

Those are the golfclub Captains, these the Scouts,

And now the société gymnastique de Poissy

And now come the Mayor and the Liverymen, Look

There is he now, look:

There is no interrogation is his eyes

Or in the hands, quiet over the horse's neck

And the eyes watchful, waiting, perceiving, indifferent.

O hidden under the dove's wing, hidden in the turtle's breast,

Under the palmtree at noon, under the running water

After the still point of the running world.

O hidden

Still waiting for the general to come

Funny French group

Something dead about him

Dove- symbol of peace – Ref. to Nature Images of Nature (ref.)

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Now they go to the temple. Then the sacrifice.

Now come the virgins bearing urns, urns containing



Dust of dust, and now

Stone, bronze, stone, steel, stone, oakleaves, horse’ heels

Over the paving


Big vases

Ashes of dead people


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The continuity of the temple and triumphal marches in Rome was in the temple of Vesta, the temple of eternal light. After the sacrifice, the Vesta “virgins” come bearing the ashes of the dead referring back to “dust of dust”. After this the march continues and the parade is over.

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That is all we could see. But how many eagles! And how

many trumpets!

(And Easter Day, we didn't get to the country,

So we took young Cyril to church. And they rang a bell

And he said right out loud, crumpets.)

Don't throw away that sausage,

It'll come in handy. He's artful. Please, will you

Give us a light?



Et les soldats faisaient la haie? ILS LA FAISAIENT

Ref. to Ancient Rome



n T







Hope ?

Refers back to the quantitative detail of the war

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(And Easter Day, we didn't get to the country,

So we took young Cyril to church. And they rang a bell

And he said right out loud, crumpets.)

The ending of the finale is concluded with an ironic

substitute “Easter” spent in the country.

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As the small light flares in to “Light Light” the poem closes on a question

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Et les soldats faisaient la haie? ILS LA FAISAIENT

The soldiers created hatred. They created it.

Translation:French to English

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The poem conceals hope in the form of light (symbol) which is not perceived by the onlookers in the parade.

We can infer that the poet is trying to say, there is always hope no matter what, even if you cannot

visibly see it.


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Page 23: Triumphal march

The poem tells us about a march into a city celebrating victory in

war. T.S. Eliot tells the reader the cost of war, both in terms

of economics and human waste. He also tells us how it is human

nature to enjoy a type of entertainment; in this context the

march, and power while ignoring the disgusting details of what

is left behind. In the triumphal march an extraordinary array of

humankind's destructive weapons is on display (quantitative

detail). However in the meantime the citizens are in awe of the

objects on display (flags and trumpets). He also shows that men

and women die in war and become ash under the feet of those

who remain living.

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The tone is quite cheery in the beginning, and is a bit like a conversation, it also has a humour tone where the poet exaggerates on the quantity of the weapons and materials used in war.

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There is no definite rhyme scheme, however there are the odd rhymes such as; “ eagles”

“people”, “way” “day”

Stanza’s also have no definite number of lines, this could mean that there is no definite

answer to war

Enjambment is used throughout the whole poem, can suggest there is no stopping in

war, you just have to continue no matter where you are

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• Reality of war

• Nature

• Death