trivandrum quizzing league. set 7

Trivandrum Quizzing League Presents Set 7 Starting an Auto 2

Post on 11-Sep-2014




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Trivandrum Quizzing League Presents

Set 7

Starting an Auto 2

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Research and Compilation

Arunkumar B

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1. After the Iranian Revolution of 1979, the Shah of Iran fled the country and leaving behind most of his possessions. Mohammad Reza Shah was famous for his love of sports cars, and he was known for taking out one of his many cars late at night and racing through the highways of Tehran. After he fled the

country, many of his cars were put into hiding: either stored in garages, hidden underground, or even pushed into water. Following the revolution, these cars have been recovered, restored, and put into the X. On rare occasions, these cars are actually driven.

Identify the Famous X

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2. Connect

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3.Connect to a company with Full Funda

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4. What in the world of Automobiles are named after this ?Though the Etymological background is disputed.

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5. Connect to an event

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6. Connect the Road Route to the monument near what is popularly known as the world’s First filling station.

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7. The city has been described as one suffering from crime and corruption, with the presence of organized crime, feuding street gangs, petty criminals, and rampant misconduct and corruption among city officials and law enforcement. Parts of This City have also suffered major damage and loss from bombings, which are depicted as being orchestrated by local criminals. Some of these damages, however, have been repaired or resulted in complete

redevelopment of an entire area. Which City are We Talking About ?

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8. The Music band Z comes from the city X famous for its auto works. the name of the record label (the logo of which is shown) is adopted from one of the nick names of the town X under which the music band Z made

their Debut. Give me X,Y and Z.

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9 What is blanked in RED

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10. Connect to a Legend.

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11. Specifically Connect to a movie

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12. Id The Car Brand

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13. An X was a ship operating under charter or license to any of the East India Companies of the major European trading powers

of the 17th through the 19th centuries. Gimme X.

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14. Connect to a Brand of Cars and Give funda

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15. Connect them specifically to a race event.

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