true love 10

The deepest problems in the world e not political r economical but related to Love

Upload: nikolaus8

Post on 11-Apr-2017




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Page 1: True love 10

The deepest problems in the world are not political or economical

but related to Love

Page 2: True love 10

Therefore our main emphasis in contributing to a better future should definitely lie in the area

of developing our ability to

love in a

s e l f l e s s way

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Rather than just

knowing other


True Love strives

to care for


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TrueLovetries tofind the original holiness in others

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Let us love one another


without any conditions


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Only on the foundation of True Love

is real forgiveness possible

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To love and to

like are


Essentially speaking

the former

is to give while

the latter is to take

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A man or woman of True Love is able to be a

loving brother or sister

for any person

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True Love is dedicated to others with the readiness

to forget myself

for the sake of being able to give more

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Living for the sake of others is at the core of True Love

and at the centre of the

purpose of our life

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The cosmos and humankind

exist for the sake of True Love

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Every human being is destined

to walk the way of

True Love in order to find

unending happiness

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Complete resonance of a person’s

mind and body can only

be accomplished based on the practice

of True Love

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True life does not exist separated from

True Love

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If we want to

c R E A T E

something beautiful

Love and

truth must

be harmoniously connected

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Real art is based on the desire to convey

True Love as core motivation

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Learning to truly

love is the greatest art in which every person is called to excel

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Let us perfect the a r t of l o v i n g

with an

unconditional Heart

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As life on earth is a preparation

for our eternal existence in a world of Love

our main focus should naturally be concentrated

on developing our ability to practice True Love

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The strongest force in creation

is the power of True Love

as it represents its root cause and centre

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Heaven can only be entered

through the gate

of True Love