trust in friendship

8/14/2019 Trust in Friendship 1/28 Trust in friendship By Jennifer Truxton

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Trust in friendship

By Jennifer Truxton

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The outcast- Cari Berkett

The white goddess-Orla Berkett

The friendly beast- Mysteria

The friendly beast 3- Laila

The mother of orla and cari- Lady Belinda Berkett

The father of orla and cari- Lord Magnus Berkett

The devil figure-Zion

The evil figure with the

Ultimately good heart – Edon

The friendly beast 2 -madness

The mentor – Stephon Cils

The temptress-Aislinn


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Poor Edon was only 14 and he didn’t know much about his mother or father

for he had been sent to four different private schools because his father wanted him

to be a strong intelligent man who can run his own country some day. But what

Lord Zion didn’t know is that Edon didn’t want to be like him Edon wanted to

wander from kingdom to kingdom learning about the life of a commoner. Lord Zion

thought that if Edon were to go to a private school he wouldn’t get in as much

trouble as he did when he was in school but like father like son Edon though a good

caring man could never manage to stay out of trouble. Edon woke up one day

feeling that life at the palace of Inbri wasn’t for him. He packed a bag and made his

way down the grand staircase of the palace and over to the palace doors. Knowing

that the night guards would still be at their posts he walked to one of the big

planters and hid his bag and then opened the palace doors, walked up to the guards

and said “ good evening men I think you guys have deserved your selves a nice

break why don’t you both go get the guards that are assigned for the next shift and

then go get a good nights sleep” both of the guards looked at each other shrugged

their shoulders and then went off to go wake the guards assigned for the next shift.

Edon quickly grabbed his bag and ran out the door to the stables where he had

hidden a horse that he had bought a while back so he could learn to ride like the

guards for if and when he would need to go to war (the stables were only used to

house the guards horses for when Lord Zion would have a parade through Inbri so

no one ever went in there). Edon grabbed his horse Madness out of the stables and

rode off towards the gates. Edon forgot that the guards at the gates never got breaks

so the gate guards would stop him if he tried to get out. So he had to figure out a


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way that he could get out of the palace grounds with out being caught. Edon thought

to himself for a while until he remembered that there was a way he used to sneak 

out to get to town when he was little. Edon rushed to the garden and into the

gardeners shed which he used to play in as a child. Edon searched the walls for the

loose board that he used as a door to the other side of the palace wall. Edon

continued to search trying to remember which boards were real and which one was

false but Edon suddenly heard a noise from out side of the shed he jumped and

stood their planted to the spot hoping it wasn’t one of the servants or guards. When

Edon thought that what ever had made the noise had left he continued to search

hoping he would find the one board that he could remove to sneak him and Madness

out of the palace. Finally Edon found the one loose board pushed it away and then

pulled him and Madness through and placing the board back in place. Now that

Edon and Madness were on the other side of the palace wall he hopped on to

Madness and rode off towards town in search of what Edon hoped would be the

start of a new life.


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Cari Berkett has always been the outcast of her family no matter how much

she tried to prove to her parents that she could be just as well mannered as her twin

sister Orla who was gorgeous in every way and worshiped by her parents. Cari

always felt that she was a bad seed, the evil twin, the child her parents wished they

never had. So one day when Cari was walking through the garden outside the

manor she noticed that Orla’s pet panther Laila had been hiding a litter of baby

panther cubs in the hollowed out trunk of a tree. Knowing that if her sister knew

that Laila had given birth she would kill the cubs and then kill Laila so Cari kept

the cubs a secret to protect Laila and her babies. Cari had become fond of one of the

cubs the runt which was so small Cari could hold it in the palm of her hand. This

one cub was different than the others not only because it was the runt but also its fur

was darker than the others and its eyes were a deep sea blue the kind of blue that

you would see on the oceans at night. Cari decided that when the cubs were old

enough she would keep this cub as her own this cub would be her companion, her

only friend. Cari continued to keep a close eye on the cubs making sure that Orla

never found out about where she had hidden them. One day when Cari went to take

her daily walk in the garden she heard Orla scream. Cari realizing that Orla might

have found the cubs she ran to Orla to see what had caused her to scream. Cari

found Orla standing in front of the hollowed trunk staring down at the cubs being

fed by Laila. Cari sat down next to the tree and tried to explain to her sister that she

was only trying to save the lives of Laila and her babies and that if Orla hurt any of 

the babies or Laila that she would be cursed for hurting an innocent creature of 

nature. Orla being furious went to her parents and told them that cari had been


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hiding Laila and Laila’s cubs and had threatened to kill them if Orla tried to save

them. Cari knowing that Orla was lying so that cari would get in trouble and

probably be cast out of the manor Cari begged for her parents to believe her. To

believe that she was only hiding the cubs to protect them from what Orla would do

to them but Cari’s parents never believed Cari they only believed Orla because Orla

was there golden princess. Cari was locked in her chambers till she would admit to

what Orla had told her parents that she had supposedly done. Cari knew that if she

admitted to what she was accused of doing she would be cast out of her family and

sent to live as a commoner and never see her family again. As much as Cari loved

her parents and sister she couldn’t handle being falsely accused. So she decided she

was going to tell the guards that where told to keep her in her room that she wanted

to confess to her parents and to have them brought to her chambers. As Cari waited

for her parents to come to her chambers where she would explain to her parents

what really happened she paced trying to think of what to say to them so that they

wouldn’t think she was lying. Lord and Lady Berkett entered Cari’s room followed

by Cari’s twin sister Orla “leave us orla leave us to talk alone” Cari said as they

entered. Orla shot Cari a evil smile and then sat down on one of the chairs

surrounding the fire place “yes orla leave us” Orla’s mother said as she walked over

to the chamber doors to close them behind orla “don’t let her enter” lady Berkett

said to the guards as orla left the room. Cari explained to her parents that orla had

threatened to kill Laila and her cubs if she ever gave birth and that orla was just

twisting the story so that it would look as if she were the one who had been trying to

save the cubs. Now that Cari’s parents knew the truth she had hoped that they


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would understand. Cari’s parents left her chambers to go and decided what they

were going to do to cari for hiding the truth about Laila giving birth to cubs and not

telling anyone. Orla was furious at her sister and parents for not allowing her to be

in the room as cari explained the truth. After Orla’s parents had left Cari’s room

she stormed in hoping to find cari crying on her bed but she entered seeing cari

standing on the balcony looking out at to the kingdom “how could you keep me out

of your chambers as you talked to our parents about something that included me”

orla yelled as she walked toward cari “well it is my chambers not yours and even

though the conversation included you I was trying to clear my name not make yours

look better; at least I’m not the one lying to my parents just so I could continue

looking like an angel” orla screamed and then ran towards cari pushing her over the

balcony and down into the garden where she lay unconscious. (Lord and lady

Berkett rush to Cari’s chambers to see orla standing on the balcony looking over the

railing down into the garden and laughing evilly) “What happened we heard a

scream” the lord and lady both said in unison “oh its nothing I saw a spider but it’s

alright now” orla said as she walked passed her parents out of the room, and down

the hall toward her chambers. Lord and lady Berkett walked to the balcony and

gazed downward to the garden to see cari lying on the ground unconscious (Lady

Berkett screamed as she ran off toward to stairs and out to the garden where Cari

lay unconscious). Lady Berkett rushed to the side of Cari and held her in her arms

“oh my dear how did you hurt yourself” she said (Meanwhile Orla was in her

chambers laughing hysterically hoping she had finally gotten rid of her sister) Lord

Berkett walked out to the garden to see his wife crying as she held his daughter in


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her arms. Hoping Cari wasn’t dead he rushed to his wife and daughters side and

then yelled for the guards to bring a doctor. Lord Berkett stood and began to pace

while he and his wife waited for the guards to bring the doctor. Mean while Orla

was in Cari’s chambers looking through Cari’s clothes and other personal things

when she came upon a picture taken when they were young. In the picture Cari and

Orla were hugging and holding hands as if they were the best of friends. Orla smiled

as she looked at this picture then she threw it to the ground and continued looking

through Cari’s thing and setting a side things she liked because for all orla knew

Cari was dead and every thing that belonged to Cari now belonged to her. Once the

doctor arrived the guards carried Cari into the sitting room and laid her on the

couch. The doctor began to check if Cari was still alive. As the doctor helped Cari

Lord and Lady Berkett went upstairs to Orla’s chambers but when they didn’t find

her in her room they started to head back downstairs until they heard singing

coming from Cari’s room. Lord Berkett stopped and listened to the singing and

noticed it was Orla who was doing the singing. Lord and Lady Berkett walked down

the hall to cari’s chambers. As they enter they notice a lot of Cari’s things scattered

throughout the room. Lady Berkett began to pick up the things lying on the floor in

piles. Lord Berkett just stood in the doorway watching, looking at his daughter and

his wife and began to cry silently to himself. Lord Berkett turned and made his way

to his chambers where he sat at his desk writing on parchment. Lady Berkett not

noticing that her husband had left the room continued to clean up Cari’s chambers

until she came upon Orla who was digging in Cari’s closet pulling out articles of 

clothing and tossing them onto Cari’s bed. “Orla what are you doing?” she asked in


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a strict tone. Orla stopped suddenly and looked up at her mother and smiled

innocently “Well…um…uh…”Orla couldn’t come up with a good reason for why

she was in her sister’s room and digging through her things. “Answer me young

lady” Lady Berkett said as she snatched and the articles of clothing out of Orla’s

hands and threw them on the bed. “Oh just some spring cleaning I thought I might

be nice and help Cari clean out some of her room” Orla said as she smiled

innocently and continued digging through Cari’s closet “Orla what are you doing in

Cari’s room digging through her things” Lady Berkett said as she began to get

furious with what her daughter was actually doing. “Alright I lied Cari was trying

to protect Laila and her cubs yes I threatened that I would kill Laila and her cubs if 

she ever gave birth and yes I pushed her over the balcony and then hoping she had

died from the fall I came in here and started to go through her things taking out

stuff that I liked and would keep” Orla said as she fell to her knees and cried “Why

would you do such a thing to your sister? What has she ever done to you to deserve

this?” Lady Berkett asked Orla as she sat down next to her and held her hand. Orla

stood and started to clean up the mess she had made while she answered her

mother’s questions “I pushed her because I didn’t want you guys to know that I was

lying, I didn’t want for her to become your little princess because then I would be

the one left in the shadows, and I am the gorgeous one, I’m the one your supposed to

love, I’m the one that when you die will take your place, I’m supposed to be that

person not her!!” Lady Berkett stood and walked toward the door “ you’re always

going to be our little princess but that doesn’t give you the right to try to kill your

sister” she said as she left the room before Orla could give a response. Cari still


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unconscious began to dream about her life outside of the manor, her life as a

commoner. Meanwhile down stairs, in the sitting room the doctor bandaged up

Cari’s arm and leg that had broken during her fall from the balcony. (As the doctor

finished bandaging Cari Lady Berkett entered the room) “How is she doctor is she

alive?’ Lady Berkett asked as she pulled a chair close to the couch where Cari lay.

“Yes she’s alive she will be fine. She just has a broken arm and leg and a slight

concussion. I do strongly encourage that she not be bothered for a while till she

comes to. She might have some memory loss, so take it easy with her and I’ll come

back and check on her in a couple of days” the doctor said as he gathered his things

and left the manor. Lady Berkett sat next to her daughter for several hours she fell

asleep in the chair she was sitting in. As Lady Berkett slept, Lord Berkett came into

the room and picked up Cari and carried her off toward the entrance of the manor

where there was a carriage waiting to take Cari off towards town where she would

live with Stephon Cils as his daughter till she was sixteen (Stephon Cils was Lord

Magnus Berkett’s best friend in school and they were always there for each other

when one or the other needed help) and that is when Stephon would explain to Cari

who she really was and why she had been sent to live with him when she was nine.


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Eight years after Cari had been sent to live Stephon Cari had finally been happy.

Cari had been under the impression that she was Stephon’s daughter and that her

mother had died just shortly after her 9 th birthday when she and Cari were

swimming in the lake behind the house and her mother drowned.

Today was Cari’s 16th birthday the day that would change Cari’s life forever.

Cari awoke to the sound of Stephon talking with a few of the neighbors. Cari

knowing that today was a special day her birthday she rushed to get dressed in the

purple and black sundress she had sewn a few days before. (Cari entered the living

room of the small house where her and Stephon lived seeing several of the neighbors


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and a few of her friends) Just as Cari entered the living room everyone in the room

shouted, “Surprise!!” Cari jumped with excitement as she ran to Stephon and

hugged him and kissed him on the cheek “Thank you for the surprise party papa”

she said as she sat down in one of the chairs surrounding the fire place “only the

best for my little girl” Stephon said as he brought out a present wrapped in blue

paper with a gold bow and handed it to her “ I’m not little any more papa” she said

as she stared at the present with anticipation “ You will always be my little girl” he

said as he took a seat next to her. Cari began to remove the wrapping off of the

present Stephon had given her as she unwrapped it her curiosity grew she began to

get really excited. As she opened the box she smelt the sent of lilac her favorite

flower the smell of lilac always made her go weak at the knees. She uncovered the

top of the box and as she looked in she could see a beautiful sapphire necklace with

matching earrings and lying next to the necklace and earrings was a crystal bottle of 

perfume. When she sprayed the perfume and the room was filled with the sent of 

rosemary and lilac this gift truly made her feel like a queen, a princess, a goddess,

she felt so beautiful wearing the perfume and necklace that when it came time for

Stephon to tell her the truth she had only thought that Stephon was pulling her

away from the party to give her another present. “Cari my dear you are the best

daughter any man would be happy to have” he said as he lead her out back to a log

that faced the lake behind the house where Stephon said that her mother had drown

“Really?” she said as she sat down on the log and stared out upon the lake “Cari I

have to tell you something and it will change how you feel about me and this place

forever” he said taking her hand “What is it papa your acting as if I’m dying” she


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said looking in to his eyes “Well Cari the truth is I’m not your father “ he said as he

slowly looked away “What of course you’re my father you’re the person I’ve known

my whole life. You’re the person I first saw when I opened my eyes when I was

born” she said turning his head to where they were looking face to face “ No I’m

not. Your father’s name is Magnus Berkett he is the Lord of this village and your

mothers name is….” “My mother is dead!!!” she said interrupting him “No you

mother is alive her name is Belinda Berkett and you have a twin sister named Orla”

Cari became frightened and stood up and tried to walk away “No what kind of sick 

 joke are you trying to play on me “she said as she pulled and pulled trying to get

away. Cari suddenly lost her balance fell and hit her head on a rock Stephon rushed

to her side picked her up and carried her to her room where he laid her down on her

bed and screamed for some one to ruin and get the doctor. Stephon hoped that Cari

would be all right and when the doctor came out of Cari’s room and said that she

was a sleep and just needed to rest Stephon was relieved. (Stephon entered Cari’s

room and noticed that Cari was awake and standing at her window looking out at

the lake) “Oh your awake the doctor said you were sleeping” Stephon said as he

walked toward Cari “Don’t come near me. I hope you know I’m leaving” she said as

she continued to stare out at the lake “But don’t you think that you should go home

to your real parents” Stephon said as he continued to walk toward her “No not after

Orla trying to kill me” Stephon suddenly stopped dead in his tracks “What how do

you know about what Orla did?” he asked “I remember everything now. That hit to

the head jolted my memory I remember her pushing me over the balcony I

remember waking up as my father put me in the carriage and I remember waking


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up seeing you and thinking that you were my father and you explaining that I had

 jumped off of one of the high rocks surrounding the lake fell and hit my head and

breaking my arm and leg and that my mother had died trying to save me” Cari said

as she turned and started walking toward Stephon “so where are you going to go?”

Stephon asked as he stood and walked toward Cari “I’m going to go to Inbri and try

to start a new life there hopefully there I will find what I’m supposed to do with my

life” she said as she walked up to Stephon and kissed him on the cheek “Oh do you

know if my parents still have Laila and her cubs?” she asked as she started to gather

all of her clothes and other personal belongings. Stephon smiled and said, “I do

believe that after Orla threatened to kill them and then almost killed you they kept

them hoping that you would return to them “. Cari finished packing all of her

belongings and headed toward the door of the house “Will you take me there

please? I need to pick up a few things” she said as she walked out the door toward

the barn and pulled out the carriage and hitched the horses to it and then got in the

carriage “ yeah sure it’s the least I can do for you after ruining your birthday,”

Stephon said as he climbed into the carriage they rode off towards the manor. Cari

remembered her life in the manor; she remembered her life up until Orla pushed

her over the balcony railing into the garden when she was 9. After that the only

memories she remembered were of her and Stephon and there life as father and

daughter. As they neared the manor Cari started to become nervous and started

shaking and breathing hard since she hadn’t seen her parents since she was 9, she

didn’t know if they even remembered her or if they just moved on with their lives.

When Cari arrived at the manor Stephon helped her out of the carriage and to the


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doors. When they walked up to the doors the doors suddenly opened and Lady

Berkett came running at Cari and hugged her. Lord Berkett slowly walked down

the steps toward the front doors and then when he saw Stephon and Cari he ran up

and hugged her, and kissed her forehead and said” Thank god you’re alright. Look 

at you you’ve grown so much” he withdrew and stood there smiling and then yelled

up the stairs “Orla your sisters home why don’t you come down and say hello!”

Lady Berkett began crying tears of joy that now her missing daughter was home

and her family was complete once again. As Lord and Lady Berkett, Stephon and

Cari all reminisced down stairs in the foyer Orla made her way down stairs

watching as they all awed over Cari’s return “ Hello sister welcome home” Orla said

in a harsh tone “ now now Orla be nice your sister has been gone for 8 years surely

your grudge against her is gone” Lady Berkett said as she pulled Cari towards the

stairs where Orla stood at the bottom “ Hello Orla nice to see you again” Cari said

as she stepped toward Orla to give her a hug. Suddenly Orla took a step backward

“Oh my grudge will never be completely gone while she still resides in this house”

Orla said as she glared at Cari “Orla! How dare you be mean to her she hasn’t been

back for 8 years. Stop your drama get over it, she’s your sister and she’s part of this

family deal with it! ” Lord Berkett said as he slapped Orla across the face. Orla

began to cry as he ran back up the stairs to her chambers and locked the door.

“Sorry she deserved to be taught a lesson she had no right to be mean to you Cari”

Lord Berkett said as he rubbed Cari’s cheek. Cari smiled and then asked, “Do you

still have Laila and the cubs?” as she started to walk up the stairs. “Yes we do. We

kept them up stairs in your room seeing as you’re the one who watched over them


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and cared for them when they were born.” Lady Berkett said as she walked over to

the stairs to join Cari. As Cari opened the door to her chambers she noticed all 6 of 

Laila’s cubs running about the room “Aww look at them play there so big now” Cari

said as she entered the room. Cari walked over to her bed to see her favorite of the

cubs the runt curled up sleeping on the bed. “My baby has gotten so big” Cari said

as she sat down on the bed and gently stroked the sleeping cub’s fur. “This one is

mine. Her name will be Mysteria” she said as she went to lay next to the cub

“Sounds like a beautiful name” Lady Berkett said as she bent down to pick up one

of the cubs. As the cubs ran around the room Cari and her mother talked about

what Cari missed while she was gone “So what are your plans now that you have

come home” Lady Berkett asked while sitting in one of the chairs surrounding the

fire place. “Well I plan to take Mysteria and go to Inbri and explore and maybe go

to school,” Cari said in response as she picked up Mysteria and kissed her on the

head and then set her on the floor to play with the other cubs. “So does that mean

you’re not going to come back?” Lady Berkett asked as she started to gather some

of Cari’s clothes to put in a bag “Well I will come back now and then but I’m not

staying here for good, but I will be gone for a while” she said as she also started to

gather clothes to pack in a bag for her to take with her on her exploration. “Well

please be careful it’s a harsh world out there” Lady Berkett said as she left the

room. Cari finished gathering clothes and then grabbed Mysteria and headed down

stairs to the sitting room where her mother, father, Stephon, and Orla were talking.

“Well I’m leaving. Stephon, do you think you can give me a ride to Inbri?” she said

as she walked into the room. “Why yes of course it would be my pleasure” Stephon


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said as he took her bags and put them in the carriage and they rode off toward


As Edon wandered Inbri he noticed that life out side his walls were more

different than he had thought. There were people who actually lived on the street

because they didn’t have jobs or money for houses and food. There were whole

families living on the street. This sight made Edon sad and made him feel bad that

he had more than they did. Edon felt so bad he went to one of the children and gave

them 100 gold coins in a small leather bag. When the child looked in the bag he

started to cry and then said thank you and gave Edon a hug then ran to his mother

and showed her. The Child’s mother was so happy she ran up and kissed Edon on

the cheek and then went back to her children. Edon continued looking through the

town. As Edon walked down the streets of Inbri he noticed a young pretty girl with


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a pet panther at her side. He started noticing things about this girl that would be

hard to notice by other people. He noticed that she was just like him from a higher

class and that she was new in Inbri as if she had come from somewhere else. She

dressed as if she made her clothes herself, like she was of a lower class, but she acted

like higher class, like royalty. Edon started to walk faster with Madness by his side.

As Edon walked he suddenly bumped into the girl “Oh I’m so sorry it was my fault

I wasn’t watching where I was going”Edon said as he helped her to her feet “Oh it’s

alright I need to pay more attention to where I’m going as well. It’s just I’m new

here and so I don’t know where I’m going “she said brushing the dirt off her clothes

“Really where are you from?” Edon asked as he patted Madness on the side and

then gave him a carrot from his pouch. “I’m from Syia I came to Inbri to explore

and learn about the nature and creatures in it.” She said petting her panther “my

names Edon and I’m the lords son I’ve lived in Inbri my whole life but I’ve never

been out side the palace walls until today. See I ran away so I to could explore, but I

want to know about the life of a commoner and so far its not too bright” Edon said

as he kneeled down to pet her panther “I’m Cari and this here is Mysteria” Cari

said as she pet Mysteria and gave her a small bit of jerky “Oh how rude of me this is

my horse Madness “he said as he started walking. “So why did you leave the

palace?” Cari asked as she followed Edon “Well my dad wanted me to be a great

lord like him and I didn’t want to follow in his footsteps so I decided to sneak out

early in the morning and, well, here I am living a new life but if he were to find out

why I left he would lock me in my chambers for good” Edon said as he tied Madness

to a horse tie and entered the inn to get a room for the night. “So where you


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staying?” he said as he took a seat at one of the tables in the dinning room of the inn.

“Nowhere I guess, I just got here “Cari said taking a seat next to Edon. “Well you

can join me I’ll get a two bedroom room my treat” Edon said as he smiled at Cari

and put his hand on top of hers. “Oh why thank you, that would be nice,” she said

as she smiled and then leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Cari awoke instantly when she heard movement coming from the next room

“Edon is everything alright over there?” she said getting out of bed and started to

dig into her bag for something to wear. “Yes everything’s fine.” Edon said from the

other side of the door that combined the two rooms. Cari knew she would need to

either make more clothes or find a job so she could buy more clothes since the

clothes that she had at the manor were to small seeing as she had been gone for 8

years and had never been able to wear the clothes she had. “So Edon what do you

plan to do today?” she said brushing her long black hair. “Well I plan on exploring

town and then maybe exploring the forest some want to come?” Edon said as he

entered the door. “Oh well sure that would be nice thank you for inviting me” she

said as she grabbed a small pouch with gold coins in it then woke Mysteria and


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headed out the door and down the stairs to the dinning room of the inn. Edon locked

the doors to both rooms and headed down the stairs after Cari. “So what would you

like to eat?” Edon asked as he took a seat at one of the tables. “Hmm I’m hungry for

eggs, bacon, and toast.” Cari said taking a seat next to Edon at the table. “Ok two

plates of eggs, bacon, and toast coming right up and of course some milk for

Mysteria” Edon said as he stood up and walked over to the buffet and started to

make two plates of food. “He’s so nice and handsome don’t you think Mysteria?”

Cari said as she put Mysteria in her lap and started to stroke her fur. “Here we go

some milk for Mysteria and eggs, bacon, and toast for Cari” Edon said as he set the

bowl of milk on the floor for Mysteria. “Oh thank you I could have got it myself,”

Cari said as she took one of the plates of food out of his hands and set it on the table.

“Oh don’t worry about it, it’s my pleasure” Edon said taking his seat at the table

and began to eat. As both Cari and Edon eat Cari was having warm thought s about

Edon Cari was remembering the dream she’d had the night before and began to

daydream. “So tell me about your self? I mean all I truly know is your name.” Edon

said as he picked at his food. Cari continuing to daydream didn’t hear what Edon

said of even the fact that he had said something. “Cari?” Edon said as he leaned

forward and gentle laid his hand on her. Edon continued to try getting Cari’s

attention but she still didn’t realize that he was trying to get her attention. “She

must be off in space huh Mysteria, does she do that a lot?” he asked looking down at

the panther enjoying her bowl of warm milk. Mysteria just looked up at Edon licked

her lips and went back to her milk. “Oh well” Edon said as he finished his food and

then took the empty bowl off of the floor in front of Mysteria and headed off toward


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the kitchen. When Edon finally returned to the table Cari had finished her food

taken the plate to the kitchen and left the inn to go off and explore. “ Where did she

go?” he said aloud as he rushed upstairs to their room and searched it to see if she

had gone back up but when he didn’t find her he began to panic and left the inn to

go off in search of her. Edon searched the different shops in town until he came upon

one shop that had dresses and suits in the windows and he saw her through the

window looking at one of the dresses. Edon entered the store walked up behind Cari

and put his hands over her eyes and said “guess who” Edon could feel Cari smiling

as she responded “hmmm big uncle bob?” she said as she pulled his hands away and

smiled. “Why did you leave?” Edon said as he rubbed Cari’s cheek “Oh I just

thought you had gone off to explore with out me so I thought I would do some

exploring of my own” Cari said taking one of the dresses off the wall and headed off 

towards the dressing rooms “oh well I’m just happy that your ok” Edon said in

relief “aww you were worried that I had been taken? How sweet” Cari said in a

teasing voice as Edon began to blush. “Um well no I just had hoped you hadn’t

gotten lost” Edon Said as Cari came out of the dressing room Edon just stood there

in awe staring at Cari “so what do you think?” Cari said as she looked at Edon and

noticed he was blushing “whoa!” He said not realizing he had said it aloud Cari just

smiled and giggled as she looked at the dress in the mirror “I like it I think im going

to get this one and that one” Cari said pointing at one of the other dresses on the

wall. “Shhh sure” Edon said walking over to the wall and taking the dress “is that

all?” Edon asked as he gathered all of Cari’s things and headed toward the cashier

“um yeah I think that’s all” Cari said handing the clerk the money and heading out


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the door toward the park. “So why did you buy these dresses?” Edon asked as he

run up behind Cari to catch up. “Well I am girl and dresses are what girls do wear

from time to time,” Cari said giggling at the look on Edon’s face. “I bought them so

I would have some more clothes since I only have a few pairs “ Cari said giving

Edon a hug. “Why if you don’t mind me asking do you only have a few pairs of 

clothes” Edon asked pulling away from Cari “Well I was taken from my home when

I was nine because my sister tried to kill me by pushing me over the railing of the

balcony of the manor I used to live at” Cari said as she started to walk away “wait

that was what eight years ago?” Edon asked as he pulled Cari back to him “ Yes

eight years ago I’m 16 now I don’t live with my family anymore now can we drop it”

Cari said in a serious tone pulling away from Edon and sitting down under the

shady grass patch under a near by tree. “But Cari why don’t you live with them

anymore?” Edon asked taking a seat on the grass next to her. Cari just sat there and

tried to ignore Edon’s please for and explanation. “Cari? Please tell me I mean I

told you why I’m in Inbri but you haven’t told me anything about you” Edon said

taking Cari’s hands in his and holding them tight “ Fine but it’s just hard for me to

talk about it “ Cari said looking up into Edon’s eyes and realized that there lye a

man in side him that wanted to break free that wanted to be different than who his

family wanted him to be. “ Well we have plenty of time and I’m patient and eager to

hear about your life” Edon said as he smiled and continued to hold on to Cari’s

hands “Well Once I returned back to the manor where my family is still currently



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Cari continued to tell Edon about her life back at the manor and also when

she lived with Stephon. Both Edon and Cari told each other more about there lives

and what they wanted to do with them as they wandered through the park and

around the city until they came to the inn where Madness had been tied down to a

horse tie. “Oh Poor Madness he’s been tied here all day he must be hungry. Edon

why don’t you run to the kitchen and get him some oats and carrots”Cari said as

she ran her fingers across Madness’ face. “Here we go. I’m sorry Madness I didn’t

mean to forget about you its just I forgot” Edon said as he handed a small bag and a

plate to Cari “Thank you Edon. Here you are sweetie” Cari said handing Madness a

carrot to eat “He sure seems to like you” Edon said smiling and staring into Cari’s

eyes as she continued to feed Madness carrots and oats “he he your so cute” Cari


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said petting madness and then giving Mysteria a carrot “Really you think I mean

not most do” Edon said thinking that Cari was talking about him “ Well I mean

your cute to but I was talking about your horse” Cari said as she smiled and giggled

at Edon’ red face as he blushed “Oh um yeah he is cute” Edon said suddenly as he

began to become redder “ Your cute you know and its funny when you mess up on

your sentences” Cari said as she kissed his cheek and then walked off with both

Mysteria and Madness following “Wait where are you going?” Edon asked as he ran

after Cari “Oh we are just going for another walk in the park to give madness a

little exercise since he’s been tied up all day” Cari said as she stopped and then

turned around to look at Edon “Oh ok well I’m going to go back to the inn and read

if that’s alright with you?” Edon said turning around to walk back to the inn

“Yeah sure just meet you in the dinning room at 9:00” Cari said as she started

toward the park again. Meanwhile while Cari walked with madness and Mysteria

Edon wrote a letter to his Father explaining why he left and that he would come

home soon. He would tell him all that he had experienced while away and that he

would write home again soon just to let him know that he’s all right. Edon finished

his letter and put it in the mailbox on outside the inn and then went back to his

room and changed clothes for dinner. Cari had been gone for a while but Edon knew

not to worry about her because she had the protection of Mysteria and Madness as

well as it was only 7:00 at night and it was just starting to get dark out side which

told him she would be back soon. Edon waited in his room for along time he read his

favorite book and he organized his bag and clean up the room as well as took a

shower and yet Cari still hadn’t come back yet and it was already 10:00 past the


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time he had arranged to meet her for dinner but she wasn’t in the dinning hall and

wasn’t in her room. Edon checked the shops around town and still no sign of her so

he headed off toward the park in search of her hoping she had just fallen asleep

under a tree or had just lost track of time but still no sign of her. Edon shook of 

nervousness hoping his friend was all right but as he searched he began to get tired

and he chose to sit down on a rock near a pond so he could gain his strength and

catch his breath. While Edon sat there on that rock he looked at his reflection in the

water hoping she would appear and be all right but all he continued to see was his

reflection. This person he stared back at in the water was not a person he felt would

make a great leader of anything this person he saw wasn’t even ready to take on

such a powerful position. Edon continued to stare into the water hoping to see this

person that his father says will make a great leader but he still couldn’t see it and

suddenly Edon looked up and saw Cari laying on a rock across the way of the pond.

Edon jumped up and ran over to her Cari was laying there with a bleeding gash on

her fore head “Cari are you alright” Edon said pulling her into his arms Cari didn’t

respond she was unconscious and both Mysteria and Madness were no where to be

found. Edon picked Cari up carefully and carried her back to town and over to the

hospital where he had a doctor look at her. Seeing as Edon would have to wait a

while to find out Cari’s condition he went back to the park to look for Mysteria and

Madness. “Mysteria!! Madness!! Where are you?” Edon shouted hoping they would

come running but there was still no sight of them Edon finally found Mysteria

hiding herself behind a group of bushes. Mysteria growled when Edon walked up

she lay there shaking as if someone had scared her immensely. Edon then took a


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rope tied it around her neck as a leash to take her back to the inn and then go back 

and look for Madness. Now back at the park Edon had a few other people in the

town searching for Madness “Madness! Come her Madness everything’s alright now

you can come out,” Edon continued to shout as he walked about the park. When

they finally found him he was laying down by some trees sleeping. When Edon

walked up toward Madness he jumped and was just as scared, as Mysteria was as if 

some one spooked the three of them during their walk and Edon was determined on

finding out what had happened after Cari was well again. Back at the hospital Edon

waited out side Cari’s room as the doctor finished his tests. Te doctor came out of 

Cari’s room and said that she looked as if she had been beaten, raped and tossed

aside but she would be fine in a few days. Edon entered Cari’s room quietly trying

not to wake her. Edon sat down on a chair that sat next to her bed “ Cari I’m so

sorry I should have come with you maybe if I had you wouldn’t have gotten hurt”

Edon said to Cari as she slept “please forgive me Cari” Edon said as he took her

hand in his and held it tight. As Edon sat by Cari’s side all night he began to thing

about what would happen if he hadn’t found Cari is he were to lose her and he

began to cry hoping he hadn’t lost her already. Edon fell asleep leaning over Cari’s

bed holding on to her hand and when Cari awoke she looked around and saw Edon

asleep so she quietly got out of the bed and lifted Edon on to the bed and laid the

covers over him and then laid back down and fell back asleep next to Edon.


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The next morning As Edon woke up he noticed that he was lying in the bed

next to Cari. “Wait I seem to remember that I fell asleep in the chair not in the

bed?” Edon said questioning himself “Yes you did fall asleep in the chair but I lifted

you in to the bed where you would be more comfortable” Cari said as she sat up and

got out of the bed and stood up and wrapping the bed sheet around her and walking

toward the washroom door “wait where are you going?” Edon said jumping off the

bed and running toward her “I’m going to the bathroom don’t worry I’m not going

to fall in I promise” Cari said giggling as she closed the door behind her. Edon

walked over to the window in the room and looked out, he could see his home, he

could see his father’s men training in the corals next to the manor, and he could see

his father standing at the window of his old room staring out upon his land.

Edon continued to stare out the window as Cari reentered the room and sat on the

bed still wearing the bed sheet “so what actually happened to you in the park 

yesterday?” Edon asked as he looked out the window. Cari looked over at Edon “all

I know is I was walking with Mysteria and Madness over by the pond and we

decided to sit down on one of the rocks so we could rest for a bit and then I felt a

sharp pain in the back of my head and that’s all I remember” Cari said walking to

the bed and sitting on its edge. “ I realized after you were already gone that I should

have gone with you but it was to late to catch up to you but when you didn’t come

back by the time you had set for us to have dinner I got really worried and went

looking for you and when I saw you laying there on that rock I felt as if an arrow

had been shot through my heart and that I had lost you and it was all my fault”

Edon said whipping the tears out of his eyes “oh Edon it wasn’t your fault and it


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wasn’t mine I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time” Cari said standing up

and walking toward Edon where she wiped a single tear out of his eye and then

rubbed his cheek “you are the best friend I’ve ever had and I wont let anything

happen that would separate you and me” she said as she leaned forward and kissed

his cheek