truths of simply selling

Indisputable Truths of Simply Selling

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Post on 12-Nov-2014




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Indisputable Truths of

Simply Selling

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’Hold the phone right now, there are so many articles out there that tell us we should be doing some new style of

selling or attempting a new data backed tactic that we’ve forgotten about the fundamentals.

The fundamentals of sales that have worked no matter what new idea of style of selling has become popular in

the startup world.

Let’s go old school.

Indisputable Truths of Simply Selling

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This part is more about tonality and emotion - if everyone that you speak with today, be it cold calling or in person, with a happy tone and in an

energetic style you’ll find that it’ll attract people towards to.

Why does it work?

On a daily basis people fall into the “grind” mode where everything is a routine and generally monotonous, if you happen to speak with this person with a cheerful tone and energized manner it’ll shake up what they’ve got

used to. However if you happen to communicate with them in a robotic fashion like you hate your job then expect a negative response each and

every time.

Indisputable Truths of Simply Selling

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So your happy tone and energetic personality has got the prospect to listen to what else you have to say - perfect start! - but how do you turn this into a

meaningful conversation that doesn’t waste anybodies time?

Have 2 to 4 qualification questions ready, nothing complex and nothing to determine the deeper needs but a simple “do you like to do X?”, “what style of X do you like?” and so on. If they happen to go through this qualification

process fluidly then you’ve got yourself a lead.

The thing to remember here is that you just wanted to align the needs and desires to your offer, if the prospect doesn’t have any interest from your

questions then guide them in the right direction as you can still offer them some value.

Indisputable Truths of Simply Selling

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Qualified prospects are now leads, it’s as simple as that and it should always be thought of as that. We still like to complicate things especially with the temperature of the lead even though they been qualified with the simple


You have to now produce your pitch or demonstrate the product, but you need to remember that the pitch shouldn’t be overly long or difficult to understand. Keep it short, interesting and most importantly show your

enthusiasm to the lead. Enthusiasm sells your product far easier than any script could so tap into that.

There’s nothing more to it, keep it simple and exciting, slide decks shouldn’t be 50 pages long with graphs and charts they should just be to the point and


Indisputable Truths of Simply Selling

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The lead is qualified and they’ve just witnessed your pitch, they haven’t walked away or given any reason as to not buy. This is a clear signal to ask for

the sale.

Again sales has become such a complex art now that most people assume that you just have to keep drowning leads in facts and figures to ensure that

they’ve been sold.

There’s always a time in the pitch where you can see what the lead will be thinking, pay attention to the emotional aspect of the sales cycle when

offering a pitch, this way you’ll be able to cut the pitch short and ask for the sale if it all happens to be pointing in the right direction.

Indisputable Truths of Simply Selling

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Firstly give the lead or prospect a reason to refer you to their friends and family or at least make it an super easy process. A lot of people are willing to

refer you but mostly if it’s easy for them.

Referrals play a huge part in repeat and new business, the cost of customer acquisition is minimal and the long term benefit if huge. Think of it as a

domino effect to the point where you would be able to cut back on spending on getting new customers.

Always ask for referrals, 9 times out of 10 a sales professional will forget to ask for one and would have probably missed a few great opportunities

because of it. Just ask.

Indisputable Truths of Simply Selling

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Consumers will only ever buy a product or service if its going to suit them and their needs.

People don’t buy from you because you’re great at sales, that comes in the reward of accolades from management and bonuses, they buy from you because you absolutely undeniably believe that your product is going to

benefit the consumer perfectly.

If you can accept that consumers buy on the basis that they believe a product or service is going to benefit it them then you’re already a head of

the pack. Focusing your efforts on understanding the consumer and ensuring your offer is of huge value is what does make you a great salesperson.

Indisputable Truths of Simply Selling

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When you’re creating your product or business have a supply and demand mindset in place, if you do it’ll be easy for you to evaluate and create huge

value in the product or service you release to the consumer.

It’s a super simple aspect of business to remember so ensure you check how much value it really does have for the consumer. Also if you happen to start

working for a business that sells something you’re not happy with and there’s no desire to change, just leave.

You’ll never be able to come across as enthusiastic or a believer in your own offer so don’t waste your time.

Indisputable Truths of Simply Selling

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One way that consumers decide if they want to buy from you is if they believe that you’re genuine and trustworthy person.

There are only a few ways to be able to carry this level of expertise forward and that is through either growing yourself as a visible expert through blogging, media publications, books etc or through approaching your

interactions with consumers in a consultative way.

When the consumer has a problem or comes to you with a question it’s wise to give them a lot of attention and time. Whilst for some it sounds like a free

service in reality its a trust and rapport builder because you get to; spend more time with the consumer and offer yourself as an expert.

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If you’re in B2B sales then offering your time as a consultant of sorts allows for the champion or advocate to put your knowledge forward when a

problem arises, this generally sways the multiple decision makers in your favour over time.

If you happen to be in B2C sales then being a consultant style salesperson gives you the chance to build a rapport that few sales people get the chance

to do in the consumer side of selling.

There’s much debate as to how effective this style of selling is however you’ve got to look beyond the sales cycle and look at it from a consumers emotional point of view. People like knowledge and people like familiarity,

both of these can be accomplished by giving your time.

Indisputable Truths of Simply Selling

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Once the sale is closed a lot of salespeople walk away or leave it to the marketing team to add the customers details into an automated email

system that provides generic “value”. The deal is never closed, you should always be treating every single one of your customers as they’ve just got into

the sales cycle.

Repeat customers are far cheaper than new customers and a lot of salespeople try to ignore this so it opens up a new angle for you to take when you do end up dealing with new customers - if they’ve had a bad

experience before it means you can alter it for the better.

Indisputable Truths of Simply Selling

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Try out these “old school” aka fundamental aspects of selling and see how well it works for you. Chances are that all of these new tactics are just

reworded styles of selling that’ll be no different to how you approach a sale normally.

Indisputable Truths of Simply Selling

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